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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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Welcome to the thread for the one and only MMO that let us explore and play in J.R.R. Tolkien's world.

I've been replaying it for a few weeks on Landroval with a friend now. We got to Evendim the other day. I've also been grinding professions like a madman to keep up with our level since quest gear seems to be mostly trash compared to crafted one. We're playing on Fearless for landscape dificulty but even then as a party it really feels easy to crush anything except for zones that are explicitly made for fellowships like Garth Agarwen.
Any /vm/bros playing the game? What were your recent adventures? Or maybe some of you are abc wizards that like to play music in-game?
I want to play this so much, too bad the UI literally hurts and strains my eyes, everything is too small and blurry and unorganized
Yeah, the UI doesn't scale well past 1080p. There's a rework to make it scaleable up to 4k that has been on the backburner for a while now, but who knows when it's getting a release date, especially when you see that easier stuff like decoupling crafting professions took more time than they anticipated due to old spaghetti code.
Recently, a band of us decided to get on Arkenstone. The game itself is amazing. I'm coming from WoW and it's nice to play an MMO that's pleasant to the eyes and has quest dialogue worth reading.

The player base on the other hand is awful. They're all insufferable redditor millenials. If anyone is looking to join our under the rug kinship send a letter to Agilfride with something to convince us you're the type of person we're looking for.
I love this game. I play it on-and-off and play DDO as well. I couldn't really get into this until they added the difficulty options, and even then similar to you OP I feel the difficulty is still too easy because of the self-healing, and the fact that most mobs don't really do much other than hit you. You say you're playing on Fearless, do you mean just Fearless or did you bump it up to +3 or whatever, I think the Heroic difficulty(?) is meant more for group play so I would recommend that.

At any rate it might be worth waiting for Echoes of Angmar to release. I thought it was supposed to release earlier this year, but I guess not. My only woe with EoA is the fact that it won't have the entirety of Middle-earth. You'll only be restricted to Eriador. Which is fine, but I kind of like some of the new stuff in the later expansions.

Thanks for reading my blog.
I have a lifetime account and I mostly just play during events because they are maximum comfy
There is just too much "QoL" being shoved into this game. Thank the senile forum boomers who beg SSG to add more things that they can buy. The new LI reward track is some mobile game shlock. The trait trees suck. To aggro any enemy you have to walk like 5 inches in front of it. The new maps are shit. They make features obsolete all the time (look at the old LIs, there is shit related to those in the game that has no purpose now.) The combat feels spammy and weirdly fast. Crafting is streamlined. Zones are streamlined. I could go on and on but I think I'm just autistic.
>You say you're playing on Fearless, do you mean just Fearless or did you bump it up to +3 or whatever, I think the Heroic difficulty(?) is meant more for group play so I would recommend that.

Yeah, just Fearless, since that's the minimum for the title, been thinking we should maybe bump it to +3 at the very least, there's only two of us so I feel heroic might be a bit much, especially since he caught up to my main character, I switched back to my blue guardian instead of playing red minstrel. Fearless +3 should strike a good balance between difficulty and making the game a slog.
Sounds good, this game can be really fun when you crank up the difficulty and have some friends to play through it with. It's a shame the difficulty modifier doesn't apply to story instances though. Have you done any instances, or ran through any of the barrows public dungeons? Those are really fun with other people. The Eye is a bit annoying, I wish it was replaced instead with some more interesting mechanics. I thought I saw something like that mentioned on the roadmap.
Did a few public barrow downs dungeons on my own, should probably run them again for the deeds, there's a deed for killing all the rares in them and I'd like to complete it. We ran the Great Barrow as a two man team the other day, besides the first boss and his swarm of poison worms we didn't have too much trouble.

>The Eye is a bit annoying, I wish it was replaced instead with some more interesting mechanics. I thought I saw something like that mentioned on the roadmap.
We jokingly refer to that mechanic as Sauron's orbital strikes/mortar strikes, but it's true that its not very inspired. You just have to dodge out of it and that's it, the modifiers applied to the enemies are a bit more interesting but not by much.
/vm/ has maybe three threads a year about LOTRO although it has been a few years since we had a solid long-running most of the year thread.
Quest content up to 95 was made f2p a couple years back (from its relative ~30 cap) and quest coupons for content to around 110/120(?) is normally handed out on a yearly basis.
The netcode has, is, and always has been complete and utter shit because the game is ran on spaghetti code from devs who no longer work there.
SSG as devs are notorious for ignoring their userbase and engaging in little-to-no correspondence/communication. Absolute shit.
That said, the game is free and cool to run around in, checking out the environments.
is this the last remaining hideout for trueblooded hardcore internet racists like I'm expecting?
theres some but you'll most likely get reported and maybe banned for saying anything like that in public chat
I love this MMO its so comfy but I hate how neglected and left to rot its getting, the servers are falling apart.
no. generally tried to avoid global chat but still spied a couple of fags looking for 'LGBT friendly' guilds. most people were roleplaying though and talking about F1. I got to level 20 and dropped it because I couldn't find anyone to do instances with once you get to Rivendell. the game is extremely slow, the amount of travelling between quest givers is insane. the world is absolutely huge though and pretty comfy. combat is as basic as it gets.
The reason everything is so slow is because the best part of the game is traversing
I MOSTLY agree but I remember multiple times I would complete a quest and have to walk back the exact same path to the exact same spot to complete another quest from the exact same person. it's bullshit and LOTRO is one of the worst examples of it.
and it's even more egregious because f2p cucks you out of travel options. 95% of players will stop playing instead of paying money for it.
does anyone know how to get this game to work through steam? tried playing this game 2 years ago, it seemed right up my alley, but i couldnt get it to work. i was able to load in once, but once i had put my graphics up to the max the game just bugged out and wouldnt let me open it up again.
why are you using steam to play lotro?
Had this issue the other day.
From top of my head you have to allow some version of direct x, either 9 or 11. If you use nvidia card you also have to manually allow it on nvidia app. If it still doesn't work you have to open text file - userpreferences.ini in the LOTRO file and if Displayadaptor= 0 then change it to 1. More info at 7 min mark.
Has anyone ever seen ERP happen in Lotro? Is it even allowed? I know there are tons of older women playing the game and I would love to have one degenerate play session
hey nerds might join up. if i am looking correctly, seems the anniversary is coming up on the 18th and history says they tend to give some nice freebies out
I've only played for a few months on Laurelin (EU RP server) and haven't really seen any lewd stuff going on. I play a female high elf too and I've never been approached for ERP either.
I'm sure there has to be a handful of people doing it in private.
you can ERP in real life too anon
Love how comfy this game is, I prefer that its low stakes low action.
Any game with RP in it has ERP, these days ERP is the dominant form of RP
What 7 min mark?
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>LOTRO thread
play on Landroval
I'm on a 4K monitor and I do 2560x1600 and it's tolerable. That scaling update can't come soon enough though.
There is holiday music festivals on some of the bigger servers. You can usually find 'flyers' and ads on server forums. People make bands and get on stage to play songs, etc.
gonna play for the first time today :3
happy 17th LOTRO! wow!
Goddamn ssg is stingy this year on anniversary rewards
yeah i wanted all the free DLC and whatnot which happened some previous year :/ fug i missed out. anyways it's kinda comfy. definitely an older feeling MMO. for comparison i am trying Black Desert and Elder Scrolls Online at the same time and LOTRO is the one that feels most like a LOTR-skinned original WoW
the stuttering as assets load in when walking around the world bothers the fuck out of me and prevents me from enjoying it, I keep reinstalling every couple years to see if they've fixed it yet but every time I'm disappointed
Yep they really need it fix this if they want to keep new players
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which outfit should I use on my newly created dwarf warden adventurer
based schizoid Christian helping out new players

full message:
"For I delivered to you as of first importance what
I also received: that Christ died for our s1ns
in accordance with the Scriptures,

that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures,

and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.

Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive,
though some have fallen asleep.

Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles.

Last of all, as to one untimely born,
he appeared also to me."

1 Corinthians 15:3-8 (ESV)

Yeshua replied to His disciples:
"I am the way, the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me." - John 14:6
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my honest reply
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who /EoA/ here?
EoA is kinda lame desu senpai
why would you want less content? muh black hobbits?
I tried this 2 years ago and quit because I was struggling on a busted laptop playing with fucking touchpad.
Now I have a decent computer and thinking about getting in.
I've been playing FFXIV for the past 3 months and while I like the core game, the surrounding climate of aggressive gayness and in your face leftism is really putting me off.

both look bussin bro nice dwarf. my humanoid white n00b looks so autistic with the shit gear and helmet i have
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>>1271966 (Me)
absolutely autistic
Just started playing this, I can't stick to one character long enough to level up very far though, I just want to see the maps. Are hunters useful at all in groups?
>Are hunters useful at all in groups?
They're the main viable DPS since it doesn't require you to be in melee range, and the travel skills are universally useful to a group. That and one of the simplest rotations is why 20% of the game is played by Hunters.
Haha yeah 90% of the gear from level 1-60 looks retarded, especially if you aren't mix-matching them in the cosmetic outfit tab
My favorite thing about this game was all the small towns and settlements it adds to the map. Really makes Middle Earth feel alive, and the big locations stand out much more because of it.
I started playing today. Didn't get very far since I had other appointments to do. How does the game compare to DDO, their other game? How F2P friendly is this game? Since I keep hearing that the game has a dwindling player base how difficult is it to do group content and how easy is it to solo?
>How F2P friendly is this game?
My info is about a decade out of date but when you leave the F2P areas, the game isn't subtle about it. You're ONLY allowed to do main story stuff and the world suddenly looks a lot more lifeless. But the F2P area is huge so it's cool for a while.
Everything up to level 95(?) is f2p.
i hear this is the best lord of the rings game so im thinking ill download it today. i had no idea the game was still online
It's still actively being updated regularly, the last expansion released a few months ago with a new class even.
i hear it is very p2w though
They made several of the expansions free a couple years ago. Moria, Mirkwood, Isengard and Rohan and all the associated quest packs are all f2p now
Been playing for a couple of days. The game is extremely laggy. And I mean things like skills not working, rubberbanding, literally being unable to move unless it's turning.
I love the slow paced gameplay. But the lag has seriously killed my desire to play. Apparently this has been an on going issue for years now and they haven't done anything to fix it saying it's impossible to fix.
Maybe I'll go try DDO next. I really want an MMO I cant take my time in.
yeah i was a new player who tried it out, also encountered the lag and rubberbanding. it's not my style of game and a bit too old school and slow. SWTOR plays pretty similar in my brief initial impressions
Their netcode has been hot garbage for pretty much the entirety of its existence, worse now without the original devs to tinker with their spaghetti code. It's a fucking mess. Same devs as DDO so good luck ;-)
Update: Our kinship is called Farmer Maggot's Militia. Send mail if you want a good kinship on Arkenstone!
>They're all insufferable redditor millenials.
checks out t. Gladden
Game looks really cool and I'm looking for something for me and my gf to play but I'm having financial issues right now, can I enjoy it without having to sink in muh shekels?
Only flaw is not having LFG with scalable dungeons like SWTOR. Most people are spread through 150 levels and unless your are part of a very active kinship you won't find anyone to group with.
Not as much as it was but still noticable at times

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