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New Pecharunt movie announced for 2025
I fucking wish, anon
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It's not going to be a Pecharunt movie you retard.
We already know who's getting the movie.
Jesus, those pokémon look atrocious and way too damn spherical.
they look good

what the heck is dat?
>what the heck is dat?
The Paldean Mythical from Area Zero, will likely be added into SV this year or next year
another gorilla? Lol
So its a paradox of wat?
It's Gorillaimo, a true paradox. Nobody knows if it's a real Pokémon or not.
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Opee, if you want a Pecharunt thread, you can just ask. No need to spread misinfo.
It's time to let go
genuinely kill yourself
>It's time to let go
Only until Gen 10 is announced.
What's wrong with you?
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You did eat your daily mochi, right???
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With how kino the Loyal Three illustration rares are, I have big hopes for Pecha's full art. Fingers crossed for Arita or Egawa
Still irked they localized Chaining Mochi as Binding Mochi.
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Unfortunately Fezandipiti has the weakest one, I feel
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May as well also post the new cards revealed today
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Hoping for Liko hypno porn to be inspired by this.
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My FUARKING heroes (of Kitakami)
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>but he's evil
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
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>Mythicals after gen 6
But it was Unova that started the trend of introducing way too many mythicals and not knowing what to do with them afterwards
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This but unironically.
The anime has been good even with the netflix distribution fuckup. TPC will probably want to capitalize on that and do an Horizons movie. You could have a self-contained story based on the rising volt tacklers going to Kitakami, or Liko and roy reading a book on Heather's expedition, cue one hour of Heather being presented in details, including the vision he had and his enounter with Terapagos
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Feature length comfy slice of life starring the peach and his gang getting up to hijinks. The ogre can make a guest appearance too, but only if she behaves.
Kitakami movie seems like the most obvious course of action, you got a beloved cast of protagonists and antagonists on top of a plot that's extremely easy to adapt into the screen, throw the siblings into the mix and you have a guaranteed money printer.
This sounds good too, Pecharunt story being a momotaro parody would pretty much guarantee its success at home, and depending on how its done be also successful overseas.
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Hey, I'd be first in line. Too bad it'll never happen and Kitakino is but another wet dream, we have corona-chan and the monkey to thank for that. And of course that means TPC will fail to capitalise on the popularity of its associated characters in any other way.
It's been almost 5 years, I have no doubts that the prospect of earning more money will push TPC to fund another movie. Especially givin the movie industry has recovered from corona-chan
Here's hoping, anon
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Ogerpon's partner will be the Faller in ZA, trust the plan
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Pecharunt belongs in Ogerpon's belly
SV is on life support and even the anime is setting up for Legends Z-A with the shiny Zydog
If they do a movie at all it's going to be another Kalos tie-in
is a psycho, just ignore him.
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they're so cool
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He's in! Pokemon Sleep
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Band of criminals that end up being worshipped because historical revisionism is a genius concept. They're the perfect antithesis of proper Legendary groups and I love them for it.
And they got away with everything.
they kinda died for it, though
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They got better.
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Go back, this is uglier than sin
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>peaches are spherical
ground-breaking discoveries being made in a basket weaving forum, really should publish this research somewhere relevant
What is this from? Its not in the game
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I doubt he's aware the stuff he feeds people is actually poison. For all he knows it's the stuff of dreams that makes people love him and listen to him and can even unlock their hidden potential. Plus it's canonically sweet and delicious that they eat it out of their own volition (most of the time, anyway).
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can't wait for the shiny distributions!
What were they thinking
>We're gonna lock them so let's make them as ugly as humanly possible
It's so bad it's good. The others are unsalvageable though.
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Team Did Nothing Wrong on the prowl...
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>Gen 9 all but confirmed to end with Legends Kalos
It's not fair, they deserved to star in spin offs
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Here's the million dollar question for you.
Does Pecharunt's main body have a fuzzy texture or is it all wrinkly like an actual peach pit?
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Considering the fact he has actual hair, I'd lean on the former. Then again we must not forget he's a Ghost, and if that's reflected somewhere then it would be cold and ethereal. Maybe it all depends.
Fate had him debut in a game without Amie, so I'm afraid your question will remain unanswered, anon.
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>paradox plushies ft. chien pao
Anytime now peachbros...
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what came first, the pecha or the pecharunt?
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Is this another million dollar question?
A, final answer
They are taylor-made for a mystery dungeon game
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Fucking this, recurring antagonists ala Team Skull/Meanies showing up all throughout the early-mid game, being assholes and causing trouble while periodically making ominous statements about the boss. Appearing all daunting and menacing and scary, right until the climatic fight in which you give them their comeuppance and they show their true colors as three bumbling idiots and a sniveling little coward.
Then they get their redemption at the climax of the story, of course.
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Slither Wing a cute
But enough about Zarude, Volcanion, Hoopa, Latios & Latias and Diancie, in that order
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Heroes flopped?
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My son is so talented
if pecharunt eats a pecha berry, is it considered cannibalism?
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Of course ___. It's an evolutionary adaptation, if he eats a Pecha berry, it means you don't get to eat that Pecha berry, and have one less resource to deal with poison. Naturally Pecharunt has no idea what any of this means and just favors them because they're sweet and remind him of his parents.
Such a masterpiece. Put it on the fridge.
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Zoomers are fucked in the head to
even tolerate this ugly trash
I remember watching that movie as a kid and crying
>it's da galaaaaaaaaaaaaar
>it's the kalooooooooosss
>it's da hoeeeeeeeeeennn
Kekaroo, maybe if you mention ALL the generations you don't like, you might actually hit a spot
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>Best movie is amongst the lowest grossing
Figures, but still disappointing.
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Look at what he made just for you. Come on anon, take a bite, those shinies aren't gonna hunt themselves!
Aren't we due for another mythical anyway
Slaking? Why would he get his own movie?
>what the heck is dat?
Something Heath claims to have seen during his exploration of Area Zero; it's one of the illustrations in the Scarlet/Violet book, and it wasn't a big enough deal for Heath to really elaborate on it.
Either saving it for ZA or this is another single mythical generation like 8
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What's so bad about having a fewer number of them? They're supposed to be special, having 4-5 Mythicals per Gen defeats the purpose.
Anyone still expecting a content update for ScarVio is out of his fucking mind
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Happy Mother's Day, /vp/
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My son deserves to be spoiled
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Please TCG do the needful and reveal the SIR already
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grabbed this from fakemon collage anon, always great to see more people drawing parallels between Pecharunt and pokemon trainers
Oh I love this
That is THE Gad you're looking at, master of all Gorilla-Armed Dragons.
where's the dragon?
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Loyalty is the best quality a Pokemon can have.
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I tried
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> "leave the box office to me"
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Guilty of nothing, free from sin, pure as freshly fallen snow...
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Neat, the Loyal Three got new Dreamworld art
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Where'd you get these from?
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A paper hat.
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Dogi if he dogi
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And there's the regular card
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>official site spreading ogre propaganda
At least the artwork is cool
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Funny how the design improves when it is no longer a cereal mascot. It's sort of cute.
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Silly anon, Okidogi is cute no matter what!
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I am of the opinion that Malignant Chain should be distributed to the rest of the Loyal gang while Pecharunt gets another mochi-based signature
>that's favoritism
And deserved, too
>10 ultra rare cards, including Pokémon ex, Tera Pokémon ex and Supporter cards
Alright who's getting MOCHI'D
Not to sound like I'm not enjoying all the attention they're getting, but I still wish they got more art together rather than being by themselves all the time. They're a team, depict them as such.
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Carmine getting another Rare, lucky girl.
Never going to happen but I'd love it if the elderly couple got a card.
Mons interacting with eachother probably the only thing the tcg's lacking with its art (alongside good 3d alts)
Can't help it too much with how the game works though they could do more connected stuff like the SWSH promos 70,71 and 73
There were the tag teams but they'd need to be implemented better gameplay wise
Tag Teams were so cool in concept albeit iffy in execution, which of course means GF will just shitcan and forget about them rather than trying to make something work.
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I like how you can basically make a timeline of Pecharunt by what the art is
>le evil mastermind
>not a mastermind but still le evil
>uwu did nothin' wrong
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Isn't it great? That's what you call character development
>Slither Wing card in Night Wanderer
Nice, pulling for two favorites in one pack
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Never-Rotting Thread
Trying to make it last until they reveal the rest of the cards, but seeing how dangerously close we are to image limit, I'm not sure it's going to be possible. Especially if they decide to wait until the 7th.
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Quite possibly the least evil Pokemon to ever exist.
Yes this please Kitakami was kino
it is
Unova may have started the trend of not knowing what to do with them afterwards
but Sinnoh started the trend of introducing way too many mythicals/legendaries
I don't disagree, but Sinnoh mythicals were at least tangentially related to the story with Arceus being god and Manaphy getting a big role in Ranger and then transferring the egg into the games. What do Keldeo, Meloetta and Victini even get? A 15 second cutscene? Well it's better than Gen6-8, I'll give you that.
I think the right to bear arms should include people who make fake leaks as acceptable targets
SV hit perfect balance when it comes to legendaries/mythicals. not one feels out of place.
OP is from the alternative timeline where they get their own movie, Mystery Dungeon game, get into Masters, Unite, and Cafe Mix. And Smash.
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Pokemon Amie/Refresh would not let you pet most ghost types for no actual reason
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TCG. The rares. NOW. I'm no longer asking.
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Looks pretty snug in there
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Keldeo, Victini and Genesect make sense consider the lore of BW. Keldeo being an adopted child for the Sword of Justice after losing it's parents due to the war. Victini being hidden away because of it's ability to win every fight no matter the disadvantage. Genesect being a cyborg for the purpose of using a powerful weapon to rule the world but was abandon the moment N found out about it. Those three actually have lore and connect to the story, one way or another. The only one that doesn't make sense is Meloetta unless you say that she represent the lost art of music and dance and how war destroy culture considering you had to help her remember.
DLC3 is coming
Kitakami favoritism has to stop
Wasn't Heatran supposed to be a 2nd pseudo? Something about a special-oriented Metagross
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Contender for worst post ITT
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I just don't get why they didn't just make it a rare Pokemon like Rotom, you had literal randoms in the anime with one to begin with.
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Bring back contests and accessories NOW!!!!!!
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Oh well, may as well wrap this up since they aren't revealing anything else until TWM releases in the west
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Why is this thread up for so fucking long? I had to scroll it all through and there wasn't even a funny screen cap worthy post at all. Fuck you all.
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And a quick edit to end the thread with as I likely won't be checking in on /vp/ for a while
Pecha board etc

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