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>/vrpg/ says Fallout 4 is bad
>Is actually fun
What gives?
Fallout was only good as a crpg
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Good action game with RPG elements.

Bad for filling whatever criteria any specific anons have for RPGs. Limited to those who actually like to argue about these things.
>hide thread
>Is actually fun
Roleplayers make their own fun, unsupervised. Then there's people who put the responsibility on the game, and think number autism is roleplaying.
>why should i roleplay when the game doesn't force me into it and reward me for it?
after dumping 35 mods it got less shitty. Can't fix the completely broken core.
its only good as a modding sandbox and even then its pretty piss poor

wait for F4NV
>wait for F4NV
I found the fps mechanics to be top tier for any kind of rpg and the weapon customization to be similarly entertaining but the actual “rpg mechanics” (basically means combat abstracted with numbers) to be lacking enough to not really enjoy leveling and so I don’t usually go past level 10 or so, out of boredom. Voiced protagonist as well as having a totally defined adult life was retarded. Survival mode is also pretty fun. Overall it’s less fun than 3 and the 3 spin off game.
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I see what you're doing... you're trying to start an argument!
I was reluctant to play it for a long time after a friend bought it for me, but I tried and was positively surprised. After 20 hours the boredom kicked in and I don't think I'll ever play it again
Why do people think this game is fun? The "fun" aspects are honestly not even good at all. The shooting is complete trash and it's not even better than New Vegas, the guns look mostly terrible, it does everything worse
>The shooting is not even better than New Vegas
the novelty of exploration and the combat encounters can be enjoyable but as was stated when youre comfortable with the systems and realise theres nothing else to them eventually the lack of depth becomes painfully apparent and youre just going through the motions if you really wanted an RPG OR a sandbox game.

if the plot revolved around your settlement of choice and actually had a game focused on wasteland survival it might been above average but as it stands it was too diluted and at the same time too up itself to let the player have much freedom. they wrote a linear action game with a preset character background and added RPG mechanics

fallout is generally about some guy who does some shit he feels like doing at the time on the way to his important main objective, not Nate, 35, Wisconsin, former Marine looking for his son who also has time to go to an island and play blade runner
You're the kinda guy who would be happy roleplaying in an empty sandbox. Why aren't you on gm_construct right now?
>What gives?
You have terrible taste.
The game is a skinner box; there is nothing to think about. The entire game is markers to follow and buttons to press.
Despite playing over 100 hours I never finished the main story, just realized I was tired of the repetitive shoot/loot gameplay loop with almost 0 role-playing and quit.
Hope Fallout London is good cause it's probably the only way I'll give this game another shot after so many years.
there's your problem, you played an rpg as if it were a shooter.
not an RPG
>hides thread
>install game
>mod the shit out of it
>enjoy it forever
Bethesda games are god-tier.
But it's a terrible RPG
All Bethshit games past Morrowind are totally puke vomit.
Morrowind/Daggerfall/Arena weren't that good too but at least they had some semblance of an idea and vision.
Oblivion, FO3, Skyrim, FO3 and 76 are all putrid shit.
Bethesda died as a company the moment the disgusting Kike Altman became head.
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it works on my machine. sounds like a (you) problem.
Bethesda's games past Morrowind are mods of Morrowind.
Its a fps hack and slash loot collecter like 3 but with more rushed content. Most of the dungeons and quests were a rushed job just places to kill ghouls for loot.
It also works on my machine, the fact that you installed mods like that is basically admission that the actual game is a terrible RPG and you might as well install Japanese Mecha musume coom shit
>plays a bethesda game
>willingly chooses to not install mods
like i said, it's a you problem, mainly being that you're an autistic dumbass.
Because /vrpg/ is a board for fans of roleplaying games. If you were to ask a physicist to write a philosophy paper, it probably wouldn't be a very good philosophy paper
But worse.
Not lore friendly ones dumbass. FNV is good without mods and even better with them
>What gives?
You are fucking normalfag scum and should go back.
>If you were to ask a physicist to write a philosophy paper, it probably wouldn't be a very good philosophy paper
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
I fully accknowledge New Vegas is the far superior ga,e. I however enjoy FO4 even if it isnt as good. Mostly because I love the Minutemen and protecting the commonwealth from all potential threats and wish I had gotten to do things like this in a NV post-game as we are fixing up the Mojave. So ill patrol around fand do some trading and come running whenever my settlements need me even if its just to watch my meticulously developed town defenses absolutely fuckrape anything that dares try
>Roleplayers make their own fun, unsupervised
So every game is a roleplaying game then. Fucking Team Fortress 2 could be an RPG with this criteria as long as you're autistic enough.
it's a fun sandbox for about 10-20 hours and then the novelty wears off and you realize just how shallow every aspect of the game is and it cant be fixed by simple mods. i liked fallout 3 enough to nearly 100% it but i wasnt able to stomach fallout 4 for more than 20 hours.
it's only fun if you mod it into a CoD/horror survival game and try to fix the countless mistakes in the game. Which is near impossible and absolutely folly as you should just play a better game.
>Bethesda shill makes braindead thread with coomer OP pic
Reminder that Saging a thread in the options field is a thing retards

The gameplay is fun but the story is poorly written. At various times, it contradicts itself or else doesn't make important lore points clear (eg: at times synths have free will and at times they don't, at times they know they're synths and at times they don't, the faction that wants you to protect the synths also wants you to destroy the only organisation with the capacity for creating synths, the Institute is kidnapping, murdering and replacing wastelanders as part of some grand scheme...that's never explained or explored further)

The gunplay is fun though
How about the idea of making Synths almost completely human to the point its basically cloning a human around a couple artificial parts programing them to feel fear and pain on purpose then saying they totally dont because they arent human so they dont feel it.
Interesting point. Perhaps this is why synths were added to the game, generating discussion and differing opinions for the players and their characters.
synths are the smoking gun evidence bethesda didnt give a shit about the game.
They are literally just human npcs. Even in Skyrim they made vampires different.
Vampires are different
cope, synths and vampires essentially are the same narrative device
Action games can't be RPGs and it is bad compromise between action FPS and RPG
glad nv isnt an rpg
..Appearance is different
because bethesda put no effort into synths
They really needed to make synths distinguishable from real people, but instead they just lazily copied people and called them synths.
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Probably the case of "good game, bad Fallout". It was my first fallout game and loved it. Then went back to 3, it was like a worse version of 4, then checked Nev Vegas, it was full of great ideas but ugly as hell, literally looked like shit. I refuse to play older garbage.
Emil here, Caesar is actually a synth.
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but... the whole point is that they're indistinguishable from humans. If they wanted them to make sparks when you shot them that's literally something that can be changed in a drop down in the G.E.C.K.

Otherwise there's the older generations of synths.

What were you hoping for exactly?
Synths are supposed to be super human, yet theres nothing to indicate this.
They could have done literally anything
>synths have their own animations, can throw the player like a terminator, jump off buildings or jump great heights
>their skin can change into hardened liquid metal when in combat
>their appearance could be more glaringly unusual or attractive compared to other npcs
>their arms could transform into a weapon (actual concept art thing)
It doesn't make sense. They're synths, not real people, they shouldn't be the same. Emil just thought "wouldn't it be cool to have people who are robots but you don't know it" and then wrote this dog shit story
It would be cool if they had rocket fists
feels worse than that, feels like they just made them human npcs as a short cut then wrote around it. Thats why the synths bizarrely have almost zero characteristics to distinguish them as synths. Even the Institute can't keep track of them
They could have a texture of a barcode on their forehead or at least something, but no, too much work for Todd
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I mean, Super Mutants are meant to be super human but they didn't really do anything to indicate that in the classic Fallouts either. They just have slightly more HP (can still be 2 shot by the 25 damage BB Gun so assuming only 50HP) and usually carry bigger guns.

Otherwise, sure, synths don't fight like Sentry Bots or Assaultrons. Might have been neat if they did.

Though since they can take the roles of normal people in roles that would see combat, those boosts would have to be hidden most of the time.
I dunno, wouldn't you call Bethesda stupid if they put such an obvious clue as a forehead barcode onto synths?

I'm sure you already think Beth is stupid but throwing more bad ideas into the pot wouldn't help anything.
Maybe laser eyes that glow?
the game missed the perfect narrative opportunity of a town that is overrun by synth infiltrators.
The player wouldn't be aware of this until a certain point in the town, when half the town starts attacking. This could be revealed by the synths suddenly stop acting human and move around in super human ways or their appearance changes.
their eyes could change colour when they are revealed
They could start flying and shooting missiles like iron man, and you would need to get the power armor to fly and battle them in the air
People play Fallout for the story. If they cared about RPG mechanics more than story and atmosphere, then the series would've died with FO1. Therefore, Fallout 4 having a bad story means it's bad.
They could be impervious to small arms fire and can smash through concrete walls. They'd be fast enough to catch missiles fired at them and throw them back at you.

They could also take over any lesser robots nearby to join them in their fight and even super charge and upgrade them and change their voice lines to be more intimidating.
And when they're almost dead after a long battle, they say "Heh, you almost got us, human. Almost." and all the synths get together to form one giant Super Synth
funnily enough the early draft of Fo4 had flying jetpack enemies
They should have replaced that first Deathclaw in Concord with a Synth as well. Really show the player early on the real enemy of the game as it disintegrates raiders left and right.

The raider boss comes in wearing power armor and acting super confident but the synth just blasts a hole straight through him.

Objective: Survive.

Fallout 4 really wasted so much potential they had for synths by just making them indistinguishable from normal humans.
one feature that works in Bethesdas engine really well is enemies can reform themselves after being blown apart.
That would be really funny to see in the gorey Fallout world
Then dogmeat turns to the player
>"I'm sure glad those synths don't walk among us"
Then the player says
>"You can talk?"
>after you help Preston with the raiders in the museum
>preston shoots one of the survivors
>people scream lookout hes a synth
>after you kill him your character says holy cow that was a robot? what year is it?
Fallout 4 is only good for playing a strongfat bandit warlord lady with a shota sex slave.
It's fun if you just want to build settlements and explore dungeons but the quests are awful and the factions are shit
Pitch black oil for blood, small microdot barcode somewhere on the body that could be mistaken for a birthmark, sparks when a limb is broken
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Reminder that this full remake of New Vegas inside Fallout 4 is still in development

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Fallout4NewVegas/videos

Dev discord where they post news and updates: https://discord.com/invite/jaCkBFz
just remember to never make any posts and mute every channel that isn't an announcement channel
Fallout 4 was literally the first Fallout game I ever played after hearing about the games through faction discussions on /v/.
And honestly, it is the quintessential 6/10 for me - not quite mediocre since I did not want to drop this game whatsoever while playing but far from being anything praiseworthy not to mention replayable.
With how New Vegas modding is going nowadays it'll reach gameplay parity with Fallout 4 before this project is anywhere near complete.
>want to replay Fallout 4
>dropped the game last time at the reveal that your son is le bad guy leader
>remember the settlement-building shit
>urge to play Fallout 4 goes away

The settlements are such a chore. I wish there was a mod the remove that whole part of the game.
Everything related to the synths or the institute is easily the worst part of the game.
Right after the settlement-mechanics that are forced on you.
there's a way to get around that kind of. before you go visit preston go to all the locations in the game with settlements and take over them. if that means the people currently living there die under msyterious circumstances so be it. than you have all of the settlements getting your help and you dont gotta go on preston missions. I think I ended up with only like 7 settlers in the main settlement (your home town) and my def system kept it safe. also who said you need to play thru the main story at all. be a scav who has a base or 2 and dont do settlements.
>remember the settlement-building shit
you only need to make 500 wall-mounted shelves at the start of the game and the teleporter setup at the end, you can completely ignore crafting in between
Vault girls don't look like this because Bethesda has godawful character artists
>I wish there was a mod the remove that whole part of the game.

Sim Settlements automates it for you, anon.
>Sim Settlements
That mod is a fucking mess.

It replaces one terrible mechanic with another terrible mechanic except its even more buggy and chugs your systems resources harder than Denuvo.
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Which doesnt solve the general problem how retarded everything about the Institute and the Synths is.

Compare the Institute with BigMT and the technological advances.
Both kinda have a similar backstory where they started planing after the ZAX-Supercomputers declared that Nuclear Annihilation is an inevitability 20-30 years before the great war.
But with BigMT the technology is clunky and weird and fits with the overall tone of the game, even with the whole theme of how the scientists hit a wall when it came to computers which is why the Robo-Brains were a thing.

BigMT comes up with bunch of geniuses that have limited resources but unlimited time on their hands and so they spent it on improving certain technologies like the PowerArmor-Idea into the life preservation suits.

The Institute somehow miniaturized robots in 200 years to such a degree to go from these clunky big and limited machines into being indistinguishable from humans while not having any infrastructure to really support these technological leaps with said leaps handwaved away with the whole "oh they are just different generations of synths"
They try to do the whole Bladerunner-shit but its like it was written by a retarded child who skimmed over the Fallout-Bible and fell asleep while watching Bladerunner.

They never even make clear what Synths really are which just shows a general lack of vision and throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.
Are they Meatrobots like Replicants in Bladerunner or they Androids like Data from Star Trek?
Why are they trying to do both at the same time?
Why the whole thing about self-awareness?
Why try to replace the population when synths cannot pro-create yet the Institute declares the FEV-Program a failure when they notice how Supermutants are sterile?
Why not just make them clones you could still have the "themes" you want without the constant narrative dissonance?
I swear to god I have no idea what these retards are on about. Imagine complaining about a Bethesda game? Like really!?
Is there a bigger outting?

I have 461 mods installed, I played 500 hours into the game, and I couldn't stop fucking playing.

Imagine complaining you don't like Skyrim. WHICH FUCKING SKYRIM!

Bro, you are complaining that you don't like the game you chose.
mine look like that. sounds like a (you) problem.
Literally me.
Unironically have no idea how these retards don't take time as a factor and only rely on nostalgia for their "rates"
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Why are you bragging about being mentally retarded?
Did you tie your whole identity to LIKING POPULAR THING? Is that the issue here?
Because it's trying too hard to both
a) showcase the world of Fallout (which is an interesting setting) to normies
b) still pretend to be an RPG

They're good at making an open world exploration game.
No, need to add an urgent plotline of chasing down my son/father that makes absolutely no sense in an open world game
No, need to add a 30 minute unskippable intro with no actual impact on the game and pre-define the character
No, need to add randomly generated fetch quests
No, need to add base building in a shitty engine and make zero effort to even pretend it has any impact on the world
New Vegas and even FO3 are markedly better as rpgs and in general game design. FO4 is skyrim levels of shallow.
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I also have about 500 hours in Skyrim, but over that time I grew to hate it. It's the writing. All the quests are trash.
I realized that the only decent story in the game was the one I was imagining in my head, and at that point I might as well be playing Dwarf Fortress.
>500 hours
In that time you could've played ten different games or do 50 playthroughs of Fallout 1. No wonder you got bored.
If Jrpgs are rpgs, than Fallout 4 is an rpg too.
>It was my first fallout game and loved it.
I'm so tired of the gigachad meme. Contrarians ruined it like they ruin everything.
I mean BigMT already had insane levels of tech on the scale of Star Trek. They have teleportation, advance transplants (apparently you can keep someone alive by replacing their central nervous system?), cloning, advanced metallurgy and laser optics and holo technology and shit.
And irl people are already discussing if AI can develop consciousness, there's impressive humanlike robots being developed, but we don't have Mr. Handy.

Personally I'm not interested in getting autistic about technology in an alternate post-apo universe. It's entertainment.
>Personally I'm not interested in getting autistic about technology in an alternate post-apo universe. It's entertainment.

Sure I was just saying insane tech already exists in the FO universe, synths aren't THAT far out (nevermind that they already existed in FO3).
I can make my own fun, but the game needs to be dynamic and allow that. In some ways fallout 4 does. But fallout 4 massively lacks NPC's. There's just nothing going in the game. Diamond City is the worst main city of any Bethesda game. And there's really no second city. There's a settlement here and there with a shop in it. But there's no actual city full of quests and interesting things. People often want "more", More guns, more clothes, etc. Mods can do this. But mods can't easily make whole new cities and breathe life into the game. That's the issue with Fallout 4. They removed NPC's, replaced it with generic npc's who don't say or mean anything, and placed settlements that are pointless all over. And on console you can't even build settlements anyway. So this massive feature isn't even available.
Fallout 4 has better gameplay and a lot to explore. But whats the point of looting in a world with nobody in it? What's the point of role playing in an empty world? Like who am I even being evil to? Raiders and super mutants? Who cares. It's not a bad game, it's a good game overall. It just signaled that Bethesda lost their way. Which Fallout 76 and Starfield showed to be true. They have a bunch of soulless people who don't understand past Bethesda games. Like a cargo cult trying to make a plane out of banana trees and wondering what's going wrong.
Have you considered that you're an npc?
>But there's no actual city full of quests and interesting thin

Far Harbor.
Yeah I agree, it was my intention to add to your point. Besides, the synth criticism stems partially from the desire to oppose bethesda, so whatever. It's not like anything added by them would receive praise.
>And on console you can't even build settlements anyway

What? Then how do you finish the main quest or progress with the Minute Men?
Reminds me of Diablo 3. I play the game, beat it, put time in grinding, sell gear for $80 on the market, basically making the game free. Realize the game is fucking stupid. Stop playing. People say "No the game is actually good you just have rose colored glasses!" Nope, game is shit. 10 years later "Hey the game WAS actually shit, but it is good now! Trust me! Paragon!" Nope, game is still shit and you're all stupid. As seen in D4 being a giant turd.

Maybe this Fallout expansion was good, I highly doubt it. Also, the game shouldn't be so shit it relies on an expansion. Shivering Iles was a loved expansion and absolutely not needed for Oblivion to be great.
Yes you can build a water purifier. Try building more than 1 building. It prevents you from building essentially anything in it. It's stupid.
Oh, build limit.

Lol consoles.
Grats, you're not banned.
I have mixed feelings about Far Harbor. Bethesda really hates adding new guns or armours to their expansions. Would it kill them to gives us more than 4 new weapobs and 3 new armours? Other than that, when I think about Far Harbor I immediately think about low visibility. I get that foggy weather is part of it but something about the ground textures, bushworks and colour filters really make me feel sick after a while.
Actually this reminds me, Bethesda is really fantastic at atmosphere. Idk why they don't push this more. I mean in your case you didn't like that fog, that's fair. But there were times the air was so crisp looking, it just looked like it was cold. Imo some of the best atmosphere of any game. The storms looked/felt great too. But then they ruined them by making the storm give you rads. Which is fine, cute, I get it, muh fallout radiation. But I WANT to be out in a storm. They made you look for shelter. It's a creative difference, I don't hate them for it. They just seem to have this super power and aren't aware of it, it seems like.

Here's a tip for the next Elder Scrolls if any Bethesda employee is here. Here's how to take the game from being a 7 to an 8 INSTANTLY. Add weather conditions. I'm not just talking rain, but the way the Hot looks, the way cold looks, Bethesda for whatever reasons excels at this. And 2, add in diving and crouching like Helldivers has. I should not have more movement role play ability in HELLDIVERS than an RPG. Being able to move correctly, and having weather, instantly makes this game more immersive with minimal effort. And then yes, some snow and rain and a thunder storm would be cool too. And don't punish the player for enjoying it.
>trusting in nu-Blizz
It's an LGBTQ cancer factory. It's as hollow corpo as you can get, but that doesn't stop them from pretending to be "edgy and metal" - aslong as you don't /spit or heavens forbid use a slur. Then the fun's over.
Right, I don't trust blizzard at all and didn't buy D4. I bought D3 out of respect for D2, but then ya, it became apparent in Act 1 that everyone at Blizzard is an un-educated retard.
I wonder how many at Blizzard, if any at all, even realize the entire lore is just a ripoff of Paradise Lost. Which I'm fine with. It's a great story. A great game setting. I'm just curious, I never see anyone mention it.

As an unapologetic tourist that´s only playing Fallout 4 because the show sold it to me i agree with you. The game is fun. It´s not much of an RPG though since you can eventually acquire all perks but i enjoy building settlements, weapons and all that.
Fallout 4 is good in the way modern USA is good. Yes it is good compared to everything else. But it is supposed to be, and was, much better. Don’t feel bad for enjoying it. Your sensing the warmth of the after glow of something great. Similar to the USA feeling the afterglow of a Christianity. Before we are totally plunged into darkness (Starfield).
Americans really need to get off their high horse.
christcuckery is the reason the west is in such a shit state lol.
Do you know why we called the the Dark Ages, Cleetus?
"America is about to be plunged into darkness"

*Americans need to get of their high horse!

Sigh. And actually, you want to know who defends America the most? The ones who look down on you when you say America has major fundamental issues that can't be solved? Immigrants. Immigrants look at you like you're retarded for saying there is anything wrong with America. But they are un-educated retards and don't know history. They don't know American currency used to be backed by gold. That income tax didn't exist. That standard of living used to go up. It wasn't about grinding forever to maybe get lucky. You just had to work hard and you had a good life. Only the man had to work, not the woman. Non Americans just don't get it.
Alright Rabbi.
They abandoned their gameplay to be a trend follower. It felt like call of duty:fallout with base building.
Actually i cant help but notice a corelation between the state of our nation and the decline of christianity. Its visible.
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Saying that Christianity is responsible for the dark ages is the most retarded take anyone can make when talking about history. It's literally a fedora argument.
It’s fun but it’s also kind of boring.
There are some games that I enjoy playing, but they can make me fall asleep sometimes if I’m tired after work or something. Fallout 4 is one of those kinds of games. Still was a good game.
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Fucking Piper like the stupid whore she is! <3
How long until people start saying F76 is good?
They've said it for years already, anon.
It's a total grindfest and you can't even mod the game
I've heard it has a great world to explore with friends.
you can't even progress your quests if you aren't the group leader but yeah the game is nice and have some fun areas
must suck to be a tranny zoomer loser with low IQ
theres mods like bodyslide and shit since it just replaces files but the game just sucks ass and even if you settle and treat it like FO4 you get your immersion ruined by the terrible daily/weekly system that forces you to do the most ass shit chores constantly
I don't like sims in my fallout game. Settlements are just pure laziness. Map areas that they occupy could be used for actual content instead, but nope just play sims in fallout instead.
It's not a good RPG, and Bethesda is jank.
But I've sunk hundreds of hours into it because mods are fun.
Until Starfield I was perfectly fine with Bethesda's lack of quality because all I wanted from them is a moddable sandpit. Starfield couldn't even deliver that.

I don't think I could ever play Fallout 4 without stuff like Sim Settlements and Mutant Menagerie, let alone the QoL improvements. But with them I'll sink another chunk of my life into another playthrough.
Bad rpg.
Bad story.
Good shooting.
Great mechanics with mods that undo some of the retarded design decisions.
You can't really fix the fact that the story was written by a braindead man who thinks 'keep it simple stupid' was a statement about made narrative design. It was a statement about making machines: the more complicated a machine is, the harder it is to fix, so the simplest mechanical solution is best.
Don't forget: No design document.
Reminder that even a twine project with two paths needs a design document.
>who thinks 'keep it simple stupid' was a statement about made narrative design. It was a statement about making machines: the more complicated a machine is, the harder it is to fix, so the simplest mechanical solution is best.
It applies to both. Especially to a RPG. Or does exposition dump movie games sound good to you?
So you watched a youtube video.
>he thinks lore dumps are complicated
You do realize that lore dumps are the simplest way to give information to people, which is why they're so attractive to rookie writers, right?
If you need to hold the player hostage as a NPC exposition dumps at them to make the story work, you probably failed at writing a story for a goddamn video game.
Fallout 4 and bethesda in general are more frustrating than bad, at least until spacefeld

Like, they don't need to have retarded writing, it wouldn't cost them anything to have 15 more IQ points. That's what far harbor is. Children and retards could still just follow the quest compass
Emil has a genetic condition called "Irishness" which means hes incapable of writing only badly plagiarising.
its funny because obsidian fags literally cry if games dont exposition dump on them
Most of the seething over the show was obsidian fags literally over "exposition"in the show
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>Dogshit exploration
>Dogshit combat
>Dogshit rpg mechanics
>Dogshit settlement system
>Dogshit story
>Dogshit quests
>Dogshit graphics
No, this garbage isn't a good action game, loot shooter, or anything else you try to pass this turd off as. It's shit on every front.
The lack of the multiplayer being like Rust x GmodDarkRP, makes me wish for stronger Nazi Germany

Someone sabotaged utmost-potential
The true fallout 4 is evading the liminal-space “collective” and helping Philistina & Slavs migrate
psst, should I grab my copy of FO4 from gog-games? if not, what's your lead bros? I wanna mod a fuckton with it
wtf since when is gog-games alive? last time i checked they were cucking me with a paywall
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Fucking this kek
I can download stuff there but the ones for FO4 has that shitty HD texture pack that makes the DL go from 35gb to 90gb. Why do they keep including that shit
how did he get lakitu skip on the right even though he didn't perform it like the dude on the left did

>Strolling around as lvl7, always in hidden mode
>Take the high ground to the top of an abandoned buss
>A band of super mutants passing through the road
>Remain hidden until they leave
>Change direction to not run into them away
>Find some bodies on the way and inside a car some items
>Take the items
>Behemoth appears
>No fooling that one
>Start running for dear life

This game is stressing me out... Where am i even supposed to be going?! Making it to the Emerald City seems kind of impossible.
I started the new download 'When Pigs Fly' and now if I go near the merchant shop my PS4 freezes up solid. Tried everything, can't fix it. New patch being released today better fix it or I'm done with this game.
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So by this definition, every game is good because you just make your own fun in it?

What kind of a bullshit retarded cop-out excuse of a take is this?
>every game is good because you just make your own fun in it?
“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.”
>verification not required
Might as well play Kenshi at that point.
>every game is good because you just make your own fun in it?
Every game where you can make your own fun is good.
Kenshi is a great game, though
i want to rescue her (mayb she rescues me instead) and fall in love with her and her with me and then i want us to start sleeping together and cuddling and then one night i suck on her boobs and she giggles and pats my head and then i say that she is the woman who may very well ahve been a mother to me
This post accurately summarizes why I never gave fuck one about "Fallout Lore" and just enjoyed stupid 50s boomers dying memery and spooky Glowing Ones in the ashes of civilization. This is why I can enjoy the TV show also, and Fallout 4, which I got for 5? 10? dollars with a ton of DLC.
not an rpg
F4 definitely can be fun but not like previous Fallout games and not like an RPG
I recently started playing it semi for the first time last time I left the starting vault and got bored and I'm enjoying it much more. Playing on survival, and the gameplay loop of "quest -> trade -> go back home, drop off all the junk and use it to upgarde myself and muh settlements" is rather fun.
Sadly on survival the game is still easily broken, by lvl 20-ish I can 4shot a deathclaw with a custom made .50 cal sniper rifle, that being without most of the perk upgrades
Because youre low-IQ?
This right here
the debate wasnt even long and it was settled years ago, back at launch
the only decent point of FO4 is the gunplay, and that is already a stretch
everything else is dogshit of the worst tier, not even funny enough to mock
this is a horrible fallout game and the only way to avoid hating the series because of it, is if you pretend it is not fallout while playing it
the only good thing coming from its "resurgence" recently, is that it made easy to identify tourists and newfags in the board
all you have to do is watch who defends this or has mods and shows screenshots while saying "its good bro"
>Bethesdas dev doc for Fo4.jpg
Fallout 4 is a very fun game, but it's not a traditional rpg. Just like how skyrim is fun, but not a traditional rpg. It's a Bethesda rpg. Doesn't mean it's not fun, it just runs on a different formula.
I like it. It's fun just to wander around and shoot things, and I find the Perk Cards to be my favorite level up system in the franchise. Granted, it does mean dialogue checks are just SPECIAL instead of individual skills, but when I play RPGs, I ultimately care more about builds and gameplay than dialogue choices.
Cuz everyone shills for FNV because muh politics and dialectics, and yeah FO4 has some retarted writing in a lot of places, but it's generally a pretty fun game.
I started playing it again recently on survival. With a few tweaks, it can be fairly entertaining.
I thought it was funny though when we were running to the vault before the bomb explodes, you get on the elevator and you see the boom, but if you turn around and look at all the guards, they're just standing there motionless and unaware of what just happened - they aren't doing shit... I think that perfectly encapsulates what people are talking about when they say Bethesda is shit. The games can be fun, but they are/were the epitome of low effort.

This is getting ridiculous. I´ve played for at least 30 hours now and my main quest is still to reach diamond city. Haven´t even found any factions beside the minutemen either.

I enjoy wandering through the wasteland discovering places with my dog and all but since the city is so far away i expected to bump into at least a few events by now. In all fairness i don´t rush it you know, i explore while on the way (mostly to avoid any potential traps or replenish my resources but at this point i´m starting to feel like i´ll restore civilization altogether before even reaching the city.

I´ve Found a lot of junk in my travels and helped build quite a few settlements already. Kind of makes me wonder what the fuck have people been doing the past 200 years.
>I´ve played for at least 30 hours now and my main quest is still to reach diamond city.
>i explore while on the way
Wait what, you've been making your way towards the city for 30 hours?

Yes, while clearing everything on the way. Corvega, Lexington, Covenant, some gohul infested railroad, a supermarket and so on... i figured i shouldn´t deviate that much because when i´ve done so i´ve run into mutants, giant lobsters, a rock throwing troll like thing.

But yeah, if it´s on the path i check it out.
Taking it slow, enjoying the journey. I respect that.
As soon as it gets the inevtiable offline port.
Do you think this will actually happen? God I hope it does, I've heard it has one of the best worlds BGS has done but I can't stomach the live service model so I've never played it, I just want to explore west Virginia by myself
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most likely tranny vegas seething.
its not an RPG, but its a very good Far Cry sequel, better than anyhing ubisoft could make for sure.
>both men covered their faces so they wouldn't be recognised
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This isn't real
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It's story is bad it also isn't a rpg just a action game with rpg elements. But faggots like you will go around gaslighting people into thinking its a rpg.
Of course it's an RPG. You play the ROLE of a man looking for his son. Like how in the popular RPG, Stardew Valley, you play the ROLE of a farmer.
>>Is actually fun
>What gives?

You are on your first playthrough. It's kinda okay the first time around.
She has radiated genes. She is a mutt.

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