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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
How's Coromon? I want something to play on my android handheld.
Replaying monster rancher 2-4 to get ideas for my mon raising game.
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I pretty much stopped caring about Pokemon after gen 8, but still decided to check out Pokerogue after seeing it on Youtube.
And holy fuck is it addicting. Team building and the sense of progression are great.
It's a shame that I don't think this is possible with anything else. This game basically is able to have 1000+ monsters and a very flexible combat system for basically free, without all the hassle of making new designs or mechanics for something original. I don't even think any other pre-existing mon franchise would fit into this format, even if I wish they could.
I got Nexomon Extinction a while ago and I hate it.
>I don't even think any other pre-existing mon franchise would fit into this format, even if I wish they could.
What about siralim?
I was mainly thinking about non-indie games when saying that. Stuff like Digimon, Yo-Kai Watch, SMT, etc.
Siralim already has randomized elements, from dungeon layout to letting wild stuff be randomized after a certain point. Siralim probably could work, but I also think it has a lot of mechanical bloat and I just wouldn't find randomizing that even further to be unappealing, personally.
I should have listened to the anons that said not to play the Yokai Watch games in order... I'm up to 3 now and apparently it's the best one but I don't want to play the exact same game for a third time.
The new battle system and new town bring some new spice to it but I would recommend playing something else and starting 3 in the summer. Also if you care about Pandanoko download netpass off the universal updater.
Its a really good pokeclone
It needs to be hammered into people's heads that Breaking The Fourth Wall is not cruise control for comedy.
That, infact, it's the least funny thing you can do.
Actually, that's wrong. It's not the least funny, because that implies there's a vestige, the least, last, littlest bit of humour.
It's the most unfunny thing you can do.
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I liked Monster Sanctuary a lot.
Towards the 3/4 to endish though I got kinda tired of the battles and just curbstomped the rest of the game and the bonus battles with a broken all slime team.
Barely ever even lost one of my 3 starters, but if my backups came in they were fucked even more.
love the game and it only gets better on replays. I just wish I liked more of the designs, a lot of them are way too plain. I loved almost all the DLC ones though so I'm hopeful for Aethermancer. Who's your favorite monster? Mine is Tanuki.
Just started Monster Hunters Stories 2 to learn some Japanese. Is this kind of crap or is it just my lack of knowing what the fuck I'm doing?
It's very pretty but the game is kind of shit yeah. The battle system is famously ass and I hate how long you have to play before you get to unlock the cooler monsters.
I don't remember most of them. Haven't played it in a while.
I did use the starter fire lion most of the game, liked it a lot.
I liked the design of the simple spooky skeleton, but didn't use it. Didn't like its abilities.
I like the Mad Eye. He's a cool dude.
Oh and the ice dragon. I do agree the designs are on the simple side, but to me that's ok.
Playing Anode Heart right now.
Beelzebomb is basically "Break the Game" the monster.
I was considering buying it. How does the "semi open world" work, is it a non linear mon game?
This is my favorite monster game to date. The team building felt very good most of the game. The only thing I wish it had was the ability to search your monster's skill trees for a specific skill or effect and let it filter your monsters for you. Would make team building more fluid through different playthroughs.
is this the trans rights & negroes version of pokemon?
No that's TemTem.
Nah, its normal all things considered. You can choose a boy or a girl and that's it.
A blast from the past for everyone
Awesome, I recognized myself in some posts there
>Capcom is posting a lo of monster hunter stories content in their sites
Its probably because of the ports and not because of an announcement coming soon right? I shouldn't get my hopes up.
I'm surprised disney never thought to do a lilo and stitch mongger, I'm not even much of a disney guy and I think that was a big missed opportunity
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It would encroach on the actual disney monger
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Man, those games had some good designs but they kinda sucked when you aren't cleaning fossils.
Such a shame no one made a cryptozoology mon game yet
omg. This image just triggered some old memories inside my head.
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Lately I started playing Cassette Beasts.
It's cool. I like it.
I at least found Origins pretty fun
That's the one I hate. The cube fossil cleaning was impressive and great. But the waggle fighting and the new evolution system just blew.
If I read thru this thread and there's not 1 mention of siralim ultimate and the siralim series im going to be disapointed in you guys.
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Nobody made shit, the genre is carried by big franchises delivering more of the same.
Those that can make games are trend chasers, those with good ideas are useless.
Such is the nature of Monggers.
I meant it because the anon in the thread wanted to make a concept about cryptomons but didn't make a game. Anyway at least nowadays we have a bit more indie pressence. The big franchises are still selling but they are low quality slop.
Anyone here play Monster Breeder?
Sell it to me
Are mascots a must in mongers?
Are mongers with mascots better?
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I think having a recognizable face for a series is generally a priority for most devs. This extends far past Mon games, hence why you get mascots all the way up to representatives for entire consoles.
As for Mons though, mascots are generally fine, though can be handled poorly. I'd say I prefer how SMT, Fossil Fighters, or Monster Rancher handles it. They both have their mascots, but none of them ever really force it upon you, or even give it too much special treatment over non-mascot mons.
I'd say Pokemon's insistence of hyper-focusing on Pikachu to the point of completely gimping Raichu, and MHStories forcing Rathalos onto your team until post-game, are both less ideal mascots because they warp gameplay around them too heavily.
>I'd say I prefer how SMT, Fossil Fighters, or Monster Rancher handles it. They both have their mascots, but none of them ever really force it upon you, or even give it too much special treatment over non-mascot mons.
Yeah I think its a better take overall. But are starters really mascots? Like in MHS you have navirou which isn't really a usable mon but its a mascot in itself, like in a more traditional sense.
trying to force a mascot is always a bad idea, one will naturally come about. pikachu wasn't designed to be the mascot of pokemon. tyranomon was made to be the mascot of digimon, not agumon. a lot on /mon/ games try to make a mascot instead of just seeing what sticks after they make a game.
>tyranomon was made to be the mascot of digimon, not agumon
Interesting, I did like tyranomon a lot as a kid, thats sad.
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I've been playing through Pal World but I'm getting bored with it. I'm starting a new run of Pokemon Red.
Nexomon, Coromon, and Temtem have the problem that they're derivative of Pokemon. Instead of understanding the kind of emotion that the Pokemon games were trying to convey they instead focus on its game mechanics.
>Instead of understanding the kind of emotion that the Pokemon games were trying to convey they instead focus on its game mechanics.
I couldn't have said it better anon.
>Are mascots a must in mongers?
You need a face for your series, be it a human character or a monster or something else. A monster is obviously better.
>Are mongers with mascots better?
Probably. Successfully crafting a face for your Mongger most likely means there's a competent master mind behind it and that could ensure quality. Maybe.
Probably not the case of Robopon and its mascots.
Been playing Monster Girl and Mysterious Adventure 2 lately. I always get sucked into building and skill customization and then stop for a month after passing another 100 or so floors in the title dungeon.

Now that all the ball busting challenge dungeons are behind me it's been pretty relaxing.
>Monster Girl
Ain't that basically the same thing as Shota x Monsters but with tits?
Pretty much. Though it's all wholesome PG stuff Not even so much as a double entendre

Plays like a Chunsoft mystery dungeon. With the customization you can do, once you beat the elongated tutorial called the main story, cranked up to 11. Has all the staples too;
Trap dungeon
Crafting dungeon
Dungeon where you can't bring in monsters, items, or/and money.

It's a pretty fun time. Held back by it's terrible terrible MTL translation. Not enough to hamper the gameplay, but enough that some aspects of the story might as well be incomprehensible.
Which mon best encapsulates the spirit of Puroresu?
What are the basic principles of puroresu?
Yeah. Dragon warrior uses the slime as a mascot and you always get one first. it's fun.
Of course a mascot is a must for any mon game. They make the game more attractive to a possible audience. Most of the time they use something you can recruit early into the game. Are there mon games without a mascot?
Yeah I think they are a must, its mostly a good marketing strategy and brand recognition.
>Are there mon games without a mascot?
I guess most recent indies I've seen don't have a mascot per se. Monster rancher apparently wanted suezo to be the mascot but the anime shilled mochi.
Is jack frost SMT's mascot or is that a fan perceived thing?

Do non playable mascots count? like navirou fr instance
Jack Frost is very much the official Megaten mascot. Shitloads of variants, appearances in basically all the related media, merch, he's all over the series. Even in Tokyo Mirage Sessions where he doesn't appear directly the game's main store, Hee-Ho Mart, is run by Anna (FE's mascot) wearing a Jack Frost mask.
Jack Frost is absolutely the mascot. Along with what the other anon said, there's even Jack Bros, a Virtual Boy game centered around the Jacks.
You're right. No wonder they're not catching on. Pal World at least uses Grizzbolt as its main mascot. The other ripoffs on have nothing. Really does prove the point how important a mascot is.
>The other ripoffs on have nothing
I mean I think its because they don't have the desire (or investment) of becoming a multimedia franchise. YW and MHS appeared well after pokemon and they do use a mascot but they have animes too.
Oh good for the data, I've never been much of a SMT fan but I do like that their mascot breaks a bit from the mold of cutsey cat/mouse that all other franchises use.
i just finished YW4, why did level 5 just turn the series into digimon frontier?
I played that one when I was a kid and don't think I ever beat it. The enemies scaling to you + healing items being scarce pretty much soft locked me at some point because my spectrobes were shit and I couldn't even get back to town
As far as I remember at least. That save's stuck on my Wii and I'm too lazy to dig it out of storage and do the WiiU transfer
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Jack Frost is Atlus' mascot. Also he has the gift of prophecy.
Pretty cool
Because Level 5 is as Level 5 does
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Sort of. You can take the occasional detours, and you can go to places where you'll get slapped down by the monsters because of their levels, but plenty of places are locked behind progression.
However, those places either open up in batches, so you get two or three new areas to go to. Not a completely linear path except for the ice area, honestly.

It was a good game, I enjoyed it.
Though the end of the story is very shit. But then, I play this genre for the monster collecting, not the story.
>you'll get slapped down by the monsters because of their levels,
Sounds like a good take
>but plenty of places are locked behind progression.
Oh sad
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Some of the progression is sidequest progression, because some places are locked behind having a certain amount of recruits to your little home town, but the only places I can think of that are completely blocked until story progression are the three key dungeons, the ice area, the end of game mountain dungeon, and the island dungeon in the post game.
The only major roadblock is opening the rainlands which I'm not quite sure you can do before you beat the first boss. But once you open the rainlands you've got access to the manor dungeon, the marshes, the city if you go through the sewers beyond the marshes, and the meadow. And you open the deep woods at the same time you open the rainlands.
I think you can go to the cliffs and dino plateu whenever, or that might be a recruit-lock. Can't remember.
And the key dungeons open at the same time.

So yeah, semi open world, semi non linear.
Which mongers have the most unique recruitment and progression mechanics?
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Trading mons always felt like part of that feeling the series wanted to convey. It's like trading stories of where you had gone to.
Are there any other mon games that straight up have trading?
Trading is actually a fairly big part of of Yo-Kai Watch. Along with the fact that they started doing separate versions with version exclusives like Pokemon did, the series' more RNG-dependant befriending mechanics made it so on average yo-kai were more valuable because there was less of a gurantee in getting them. Along with how crank-a-kai worked, lucky people with dupes of really rare rewards from it can share them with others. Also things like temp-trading yo-kai in order to let the recipient unlock Legendary yo-kai, which require specific yo-kai to be befriend in order to unlock it, which traded yo-kai count for.
So all in all it's probably the closest anything else got to Pokemon's emphasis on trading, is not moreso in some ways.

I know Fossil Fighters has trading and I believe some Dragon Quest Monsters games have trading, but I'm not too sure.
If I remember right Tajiri (being a turbo autist) explained that his original intention with trading was for kids to have something that would help them break the ice and form new friendships. So it makes sense that that feeling is kind of baked into the series.
Off the top of my head I guess SMTs talking. Fossil Fighters and Spectrobes has you clean fossils to get new monsters.
Niggas that reflect physical
The closest kinnikuman thing related to /mon/ are the Kinkeshi/M.U.S.C.L.E. minifigures from the 80s
The most cursed title you can use for a mon game
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Monster Hunter Frontier used to have a more negative reputation thanks to people only knowing the videos of the crazy end-game stuff. But actually playing it and seeing the earlier stuff, it definitely avoided the 'Frontier Curse' more than other things have.
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Is this a monger?
The fuck
Is it hard to make a montame game with card based combat ?
There's this Slay the Spire mod based off Pokemon, where the starters you pick dictate the cards you start with and what you get. Monster Train is also mon-adjacent.
I think it's possible, with the idea of capturing new monsters adding new cards to the deck that reflect what that monster can do, and card options being available depending on the monsters you have.
I mean, that's basically what the Pokemon or Digimon TCGs are.
I meant something in the likes like moonstone island.
Ill check it out thanks
I thought Chillet was the mascot. She's my favorite pal by far.
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Cassette Beasts released the free multiplayer update a few days ago, complete with trading and raid battles. Anyone try it? I have no friends so I don't know if it's any good
wtf? I thought it was Relaxasaurus because that's what the company uses as Xiiter's avatar
I realized Monster Rancher is in an odd spot. Barely any player cares about it but it's being treated well in comparison to old series like it.
I mean its getting a tournament in a big fighting game event soon and not that long ago it got to crossover with Ultraman and a port that's the definitive way to play. Yet it's still a oh yeah that game of the mongers
I recently went and downloaded a bunch of monster rancher games off some rom sites. I remember the psx versions and how you could pop a cd in and get a monster from it and so I thought i'd check out later games on ps2 and other systems. from what I can tell that series and digimon fell off hard while pokemon still has everyone autistically obsessed with it still in 2024
Which do you like more, Monster Rancher Advance 1 or 2?
Apparently, some people at Tecmo didn't like how people meta'd 2 so they changed the sequels and ruined them. But it looks like that view isn't around anymore as both the gatcha and the Ultraman crossover are based on 2.
2, some sprites in 1 look too wonky
Anytime I find out a game got nerfed because people found ways to enjoy it I get annoyed. like why ruin the fun? but thats probably why the series fell off so hard was they nerfed it and people didnt care for that. well mostly irrelevant now since I have 3 and 4 on ps2 and the other games in my collection to play and enjoy even if they are watered down. shame 1&2 are annoying to play with the cd stuff in 2024 thru emulators.
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Just get the DX version on Steam or switch. It has a number of improvements like like arrowhead being accidentally buffed and being able to raise those boss monsters in the entries.
I'll look into it. atm im mostly going thru roms and dont plan to buy anything but if it looks decent enough i'll add it to my wishlist.
I just found out that MH Stories HD port is not going to be sold physically in the US. Do any of you have a recommendation for a good website to buy the UK version for PlayStation? The only one I can think of is GAME's website, but I do not know if they ship to the US.
Is Vengeance actually gonna fix the base game or is Fatlus blowing smoke up my ass?
how well did monster rancer fans take to the ds installment?
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Jap jank game someone else posted on here. Not too far into it but really enjoying the aesthetic and music

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