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/wsg/ - Worksafe GIF

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In this thread we post soundless webms that we want sound to, in the hopes that some brave anon posts the sound version.
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super tits, just jiggle noises
Instant erection, she knows her shit.
you need help
Yeah, needs help to find a mommy gf.
When you wrote “Mommy GF,” you meant, “A whore who got screwed by her ex-husband. In a place with her little, smelly, shit-eater who constantly shits in his pants”????
What the hell is that thing on the right? I've never seen something so hideous.
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A classic.
nta but obviously it refers to a big titted bitch who's into giving handjobs while you suck on her nips
lighten up, you joyless cunt
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>push up bra, still would

what is that haircut
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fuck, why isn't there more like this? How have we not sexualized getting yelled at by now? everything else is..
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I don't get it. I don't understand fetishes
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It looks so angry at her
the carpenter that built that floor deserves a medal
it's called douche cut.
it's concrete.
tile isn't concrete my dude
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Imagine the smell
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Perfect pair wasted on a leftist
A walking yeast infection
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her dad unironically worked for Halliburton or something similar
holy shit
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>one race the human race
retarded bitch
funny monkey
retarded people live happier life
I never get how these people put together their beliefs. It's a big mix of buddhism, fake crystal shit, hippy shit, and then she's talking about pyramids and conspiracy theory stuff. On top of that it's all surface level and they never seen to get very deep into any of it. Awful drug fucked people.
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I don't have audio but I do have subtitles
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Oc dubbing
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oc dubbing
We're witnessing greatness here
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redub 4 u
just looking up airsoftfatty bong
I can smell her through the screen
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her name is shanin blake and it's called peru song
can find it by searching chilling in the mountains of peru
the noise hes making is very accurate
She should really just do onlyfans already
Sad many such cases
they just go full intuition, which is why they do stumble upon these things but they lack the logic to actually understand. druggies are not the only people who fall in this trap, the heavily religious/dogmatic do too. it's important to maintain balance between thinking and feeling.
She does
Old mcdonald had a farm is the only thing that should be overlaid on these visuals.
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Unironically hot
She's not an actual hippie, she's a musician who writes music and performs under a persona. That's like asking why rowan atkinson sleeps with his teddy bear and drives a mini
whoville citizen
Why would you ever get that granny ass hair style? Dumb ugly bitch.
Saved this 8 years ago, the audio was originally uploaded to vocaroo but it's missing.
fucking kek
thats the last video of alantutorial on youtube
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this gay ass nigga looking at her hair lmao
see this >>5538602 she is the same girl
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the people saying theres only one race are not saying genetic variations don't exist dumbshit
How can you possible put such a beautiful nubian queen, unironically the peak of negroid beauty. Next to such an average to below average white girl?
To juxtapose the zenith of subsaharan african aesthetics, next to a white girl that falls at maybe a 4.0-4.5 on the 10 point beauty scale
>You really should have posted a 9, which happen maybe 1:10,000 whites, or a 10 which in your lifetime you'll come across the photos/vids of maybe once per year if you're lucky. To juxtapose, compare and contrast the aesthetics of the best that each race has to offer. While with this, you're unironically comparing apples and oranges, or chipmunks to gorillas.

Sure not a single straight white man will touch the girl on the right, but powerful and smart Mr. Biden tells us that anyone who isn't dying to fuck her is xenophobic and racist. Let alone his even smarter and more powerful father, Mr Joseph Biden da POTUSINO (It's yet to be revealed whom is the actual POTUS, although theories have been postulated by democrat insiders)
>And sure, 97% of white males would fuck her once she turns 18, even with 8% being gay. And 100% of men of the groidal varieties, as well as hispanics and asians, including the gays, trannies and celibate
Despite 0% of straight white males being willing to fuck the pinnacle of nubian beauty, but this is only due to being xenophobic, racist and other adjectives too
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Miss Water Shower 1942
> I know the audio vidrel exists, as I've seen it before. I just can't find if it saved properly or not
What's the appeal of fat bitches?
Is it because you can unironically turn any spot on her body, into a penis fucker? A pseudo vagina, so that you don't ever dare risk putting your man juice up in that baby brewery?
> If the bitch is fat enough, even her elbows, crelbows and kankles will be fuckable. If not, she's not fat enough for you
Is it like how some hot chicks date ugly fat guys, since they know that the guy will never cheat on her, will treat her like a goddess, and allow her to have a 1 sided relationship, as long as he gets to hit that ass and call her his gf in public
Yes they are
Do you sincerely believe that the Nazis did not gas anybody to death?
I feel so bad for Terence McKenna. Imagine being in the 90s where this shit was exclusive to intellectuals because the internet wasn't blasted into every normie's minds 24/7 and you spend your entire career campaigning for a better future centred around nature, and deeper psychological and entheogenic study only for some faggot millenials online to turn it all into one of the most superficial and obnoxious personalities in history.
This shit is getting out of hand. Why don't we have god damn laws yet telling grown knowledgeable adults not to dress like sluts around children in a fucking school setting?
I'd go further than that anon. We're not different races. We're different sub-species entirely.
because pedophilia is okay as long as it's the woman who is sexually attracted to children
>source: reddit
Nutcases have existed in every generation. If it wasn't the shrooms, she would have gone down some other path. You can't take it personally or let it get to you.
And even though she's nuts, and I'm not really into that music genre, I have to admit that the song is catchy and well-produced. I'd unironically rather hang out with her than one of the generic normie cashmaxxers in my city.
it's almost like psychedelics attract faggot millennials because psychedelics are gay
Age of consent in Germany is 14. In Mexico it's 12. Keep your normie view to yourself
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pedophilia is the attraction to children under the age of 12, being attracted to anything higher is "hebephilia"
crazy how normies try to accuse other people of being normies
You're a hebophile
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Henlo Frens,
Do any frens have the audio vidrel of this honest jew, exposing the holohoax as a fraud?
> Hitler died during the war, so the head of USA propaganda for the war admitted that they then simply continued the wartime propaganda demonizing him
> Russia did everything possible to demonize germany, after they turned from ally to enemy of Russia, and slaughtered 2/3 of their men.
>> Installing holes in the "gas chamber" ceilings after the war, to claim the zyklon B was administered via this route
>> Installing a chimney for the crematorium at Auschwitz, which isn't connected to the building and was installed after the war
>> Making up most of the propaganda that we hear till this day, and posting it in newspapers as fact, in books as fact, putting out false witnesses to lie and claim it was true. To initiate the victimization card, and get financial benefits, laws passed in the west, special status, untouchables status, etc.
The truth usually lies between the two extreme claims. So, just based on that I have to believe that Nazis did at least some of the evil shit they are accused of.
Have you seen Tantura? An israeli documentary about the 1948
It happened exactly as the innocent Palestinian civilians claim, with ex-IDF and israeli's admitting the truth
> Admit all the genocidal war crimes
> Admit forcing Palestinians to flee their homes and land, or die. So that israel could steal the land
> Used Hollywood (Goldwyn Mayer) to film a fake propaganda film to present to the world as a newsreel, to hide all the genocidal war crimes, and to claim that Palestinians willingly left their homes and land. It was filmed 3 days after the war had ended.
>>The "war" entailed IDF going from town to town, and just slaughtering civilians the whole time. They weren't fighting an army, they were "fighting" unarmed civilians.

Tantura Documentary About the 1948 Nabka
>Here's the full documentary video link:

>>5550281 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2
>>5550457 Part 3
>>5550569 Part 4
>>5550569 Part 5
>>5550573 Part 6
>>5550592 Part 7
>>5550593 Part 8
>>5550595 Part 9
>>5550602 Part 10
>>5550607 Part 11
>>5550637 Part 12
>>5550642 Part 13
>>5550647 Part 14
>>5550653 Part 15
>>5550718 Part 16
>>5550723 Part 17
>>5550771 Part 18
>>5550792 Part 19
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Here's a clip from Tantura, so you understand just how intense the countless redpills are in this documentary. To a level of redpilling, that's even beyond most on /pol/
>“Biological variability exists but this variability does not conform to the discrete packages labeled races”
>Percent of respondents in agreement from our 2013 data


>We're different sub-species entirely
claims made without evidence can be refuted, without evidence
>refuses to study eugenics (a proven science)
>"hmph, then it's not real"
>related to the pseudoscience of race
lol. lmao even
we're already full speed ahead on doing it anyway with c-sections and terminations of trisomy 21. but we both know you're too lazy to google any of it

Holy gigakek anon, that shit is fucking pure evil. You baited me into starting the full documentary after seeing that clip you posted. Got through the first 3 virels, and that first 15min def doesn't disappoint. Saved the link links for later, when I have time to watch it after work. They truly are the most evil psychopaths like everyone keeps saying about this movie
> who's into giving handjobs while you suck on her nips
how's that?
You literal fucking Jew. You stupid rat-faced kike. Even niggers know they aren't white. Nothing you fake third world science says can change that. Even diseases understand that our biology is completely different. That's why sickle cell is mostly a nigger problem. This isn't fucking 2015 anymore. Nobody believes in that "onlt one race" shit.
if you just want to come here to type like a ten year old, relocate to reddit please.
who is this? I do not know and would like to know thanks.
hylics; people with no light of divinity within them
looks like you mind broke him
Yeah, I'm sure that's why he stopped responding. Definitely.
Doesn't negate the existence of races. Lazy effort anon
That has nothing to do with the Holocaust, you just pivoted
Lots of the documentary, the israeli's say that what they had done to the innocent Palestinian civilians was like the holocaust. They kept saying things like how the mass graves were like what the nazi's did to jews. They kept comparing their actions to the Nazi's, and saying that they were no better than the Nazi's, and should have known better because they had just gone through the holocaust
That what they had done to Palestinians was like a holoocaust. They kept making those references throughout the whole thing

Thanks for confirming that you never watched it, and that you don't know what you're talking about. But instead, trying to deflect from the documentary because it makes you jews look so bad and proves that jews are psychopathically genocidal

ACTUAL Archival footage of Auschwitz
> It's amazing how it's absolutely nothing like the false propaganda against germany to make them look bad
I know that her big tits are supposed to be the hottest thing in the video. But not for me, I won't fix this.
Concentration Camp Amenities Given To The Jews.... in a "death" camp
The famous jewish Hollywood director Wilder, claims that he wasn't even there at the fake concentration camp propaganda movie shoots...and yet, videos show that he was not only there, but he was the one that was directing it

> Jews always film fake propaganda to sway the world opinion to make jews look good, and goyim look bad.
>> Not unlike how they had jews in Hollywood, film fake propaganda movies and pics of the concentration camp liberation, with actors dressed up in costumes, etc
>> Not unlike how they had jews in Hollywood, film fake propaganda movies in the 1948 Nakba in which IDF and jews genocided innocent Palestinian civilians & caused the rest to flee their homes and land or be brutally murdered . They did this by filming a fake version of the war, 3 days after the war had ended in 1948, to make jews look ethical and moral. To hide their genocidal war crimes, and make it look like the Palestinians left the land out of free will, doing it willingly. They destroyed all evidence showing the truth, and didn't allow any film or pictures to leave with the Palestinians. They then showed this fake newsreel to the world, to lie and convince the world that jews were great ethical and moral people...rather than the psychopathic genocidal war criminals that they really are... SEE THIS DOCUMENTARY >>5552602 ABOUT THE 1948 NAKBA, WHICH EXPLAINS HOW THE FAKE PROPAGANDA MOVIE WAS FILMED AND USED HOLLYWOOD

Brother Nathaniel Foundation:
He says that he never heard about gas chambers, holocaust or 6M as a child, no one ever uttered those words ever. What he actually did always hear though, was simply about 'work camps' only. That it's all lies put out by communist jews, since they hated having to work, since work is only for goyim to do while serving the jew. He says that they never worked people to death, since they were too efficient for that, and it defeated the purpose of having free labor if you're killing them for no reason. It's to the benefit of the nazi's to keep the jew workers alive for as long as possible, since it was free labor and food didn't cost much vs the labor the jews provided

That it wasn't until the 1960's when jews took over the media in the USA, which was formerly German controlled. They then started playing the victimization card. Elie Wiesel changed his German book that only mentioned crematoriums, to an English book and started replacing crematorium with gas chambers. Elie Weisel has admitted that he lied in the book, without saying the word lies
He changed things in the book when translating it from German to English, to play the victimization card as a jewish activist. To make millions of dollars on a book that sold gorillions of copies, and is mandated in many schools around the county. Thereby making millions in royalty payments alone from school children being forced to buy his book, and have the high school English teachers pushing fake fictional jewish propaganda. He also wrote all the lies in the book, to push the victimization card for jews as a people, and help force laws, funding, donations, etc to help the jews. This is a man WITHOUT AN ARM SERIAL NUMBER TATTOO, so it's almost impossible for him to even have been in the nazi work camps, as EVERY jew & goyim had tattoo's in the work camps

"Holocaust" survivor explained that Nazi camp showers were actually soap and water, explaining that the gas chambers were actually delousing rooms. Due to all the lice causing typhus which caused diarrhea, malnutrition and extreme weight loss (which looked like starvation).

She explains that the "gas chamber" hoax was made up by Russian propaganda to demonize Germans, due to Germans killing off 2/3 of their males in the war, after betraying them by switching from an ally to an enemy. She explains that everyone saying the gas chamber hoax is a liar.
Holohoax survivor proven to be a liar in court
Cherry picking
False, amenities were for guards
Work camps are still evil
Anecdotal evidence
Also anecdotal

Is this the best you have?
Also, this is not the topic of the thread. Why are you bringing your shit politics into a fun thread?
Keep lying moishe, nobody believes you anymore
I do have many more, but as another anon pointed out, baiting me to prove that jews are evil psychopathic liars and genocidal war criminals, is not the topic of this thread.

Just like your loopholes for god, don't trick god. He doesn't believe that a chicken ran your global pedophile ring. It simply means that all you trick god kikes are going to hell. Deep down you know it, Just like on the surface you even know everything you just said were lies. It's extensibly proven to anyone with access to yandex or google
You're as boring as you are stupid

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have you thought of becoming a foley artist ?
That's Burke from aliens
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>That's why sickle cell is mostly a nigger problem
'mostly' lmao
it follows the malaria heat map, not your 'races' thats why you had to qualify it with mostly. You can't even keep your own racial purity arguments intact when talking about real genetic diseases
Welcome to the mutt world, boy
>posts zero(0) sources
>calls others lazy
wew fucking lad
I think you should reverse that on yourself

why the fuck would anyone use gas chambers and cremation which is a retardedly excessive means to exterminate people when their goal all along before the war was simply to expel these fucking people

they had the internment camps, they needed to delouse people with gas in the camps because of typhus outbreaks (hence shaving their fucking heads which is inexplicable otherwise) after the war the Soviets and brits went along with the Jew atrocity porn because it served their own political justifications for the war as well (when in reality it was a complete banker war and totally inexcusable, Hitler even begged the Brits to not be so irrational after the shit with Poland)

it isn't any more complicated than this, if you still don't get it you have my sympathies
>Under a persona
Just pretending to be retarded?
You own statement disproves itself:

Why would you intern people who you only intend to expel?
I dunno maybe those same people lead a communist revolution against the German state from 1918-1919? why don't they teach that in school? How do you not end up interning these people from that point? It was the exact same procedure for the americans.
did they too put their prisoners into masturbation death machines, a cage with a bear and an eagle, turn them into lampshades and soap, and of course.. exterminate them by the millions to which there are no mass graves or remains as proof, just "trust me bro" witness testimony from the slimiest people imaginable who clearly hated the german state and had reasons for lying, in addition to confessions extracted through torture in a highly politicized show trial that was necessary to frame Germany as the villain in the war to maintain the global status quo of power

I dunno, is it just me or is there some room for skepticism here? we know as an historic fact that Germany did not want WW2, they pleaded with Britain not to escalate as well as wanting to deport the Jews to Madagascar even going as far as cooperating with Zionists to make it happen (who were surely cheering that Jews would get killed in Germany so they could play victim and justify the unpopular creation of Israel, which Germany was also against... HMMMM)

Gee this is a tough one guy. Oh and best of all the people who came upon the """"death camps"""" was not the allies, it was the Soviets. The same people who literally cannot even tell the difference between a truth and a necessary lie from their own fucking government.
>historic fact that Germany did not want WW2
"Our terms are: we want the German borders expanded to cover 20% of all Europe. If you say no, we'll have to fight for it... but if it comes to that, know that it's YOUR fault, not ours!"
as opposed to England who had only colonized half the world up to that point and still saw it fit to decree what Germany could do in negotiations with their neighbors over a formerly German territory
then yes Hitler tried to spite Britain by having Russia become his complicit in getting his way
then Britain went full tard mode and said 'this is outrageous' and declared war... exclusively on Germany, and started bombing German cities and civilians (not a peep about the much larger country to the east Hitler was concerned about..)

then Hitler pleaded with them and basically said, "do you not realize that Russia are the greater threat here?". And in truth, he was only trying to amass formerly German territory or other flashpoints back into the German empire, like Danzig which Poland refused to give back. Austria, basically just Germany-lite, Czechoslovakia, large German population and a bloodless conflict for it, and so forth.

then after the war millions of Germans were starved to death and ethnically cleansed from all across Europe. Russia invaded all of eastern Europe and tried to institute communism worldwide which lead to the Korean war and Vietnam war, the Jews received Palestine to oppress the Palestinians for the next 100 years and created endless wars in the middle east

Because Britain couldn't give up on, let's see here... a little doomed country named Poland?
so yes you could say the British played a very large hand in manufacturing the crisis that lead to WW2, and Hitler's concerns about Russia were entirely irrational in today's world right?
oh well.
So... you do agree that Germany was willing to start a war to recover territory it felt belonged to it?
yeah because they were unconvinced that Britain would do something so stupid and unproductive as to go to all out war over it, and Britain said "watch me". that's basically what happened
I don't claim both sides didn't make mistakes I'm saying the narrative is one-sided from necessity
The narrative is one-sided because Britain didn't invade anyone in Europe. Germany did.
yes because it was about Germany, not Poland
Dude, it's a light-hearted song...
You didn't answer the question, you slippery snake
America didn't intend to exterminate the Japanese
Interning for deportation, especially when the people in question are considered traitors to the homeland is perfectly logical

interning for ""extermination"" is what's nonsensical as well as execution by "gaschamber"
Germany wanted to deport the Jews without controversy and maintain good international relationships. the whole narrative makes zero sense.
what sort of government hates a group of people so intensely they go out of their way to make policy decisions that are cartoonishly evil when they could just deport those same people?
oh right this is what was concluded after the country had been bombed into the ground and blamed for it too
Race is "made up" in the sense that it not discrete but spectral. So that there isn't a line on the map where a race ends and another begins. Racial proximity is very real however.
NTA, but execution wasn't the original plan, and they started with deportation. They would have loved to have deported them all, but it didn't work out. For one, you can't just push people over your border. It turns out that many other countries were not interested in receiving these refugees. They couldn't really say "hey, you better take all these people or we're going to kill them en masse" either. Most of the interned Jews were "obtained" during the pushes east, at which point the war was already in full swing and they initially thought they could use them for labor.
This video made her turn into a dyke and start larping as a pacific islander
Fuck you guys
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not a webm but ive seen a webm of this with sound
There were SIGNIFICANTLY more effective pesticides available for killing people than Zyklon. It's a basic bitch cyanide derivative, it's very unstable and takes quite a lot to actually kill someone with, which is why it was sold as a delousing agent or for general pest control.

Here's the facts mate. Gas chambers were real, but they were delousing chambers to reduce lice infestations in the slave camps. Did the Nazis care if the pesticide was safely applied at the correct rates for lice? Not really. Did people die either from allergic reaction, weak constitution, or accidental overdose? Probably. The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of deaths in the slave camps were from disease and starvation, and the deaths in the camps were a minority of deaths from the Holocaust. The majority of deaths were from people being murdered within a mile of their home, either killed in their residence or rounded up and mass executed with their neighbors. Entire villages in Poland, Russia and Ukraine just bombed to oblivion or slaughtered wholesale. That's what actually happened. Not the nightmare amusement park bullshit with the "death" camps.

Hahaha damn


Taking a moment to look past the weird fetishizing of a children's cartoon...

Not a convincing argument
I fucking hate this nigger shit.
Lmao you should see what she looks like now. What a train wreck.
I unironically jerked off to this. What do you guys think that says about me?
You might be heterosexual, anon.
I want to breed the fuck out of this sow. I'm sure she's a lot shitter looking while naked, but this heifer can get it.
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retarded peopel make a lot of other peoples lives worse off
like you, wasting my time having me tell you this obvious fact
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Will he die?

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