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He did nothing wrong
Yes he did, you absolute fucking waste of life. He is a fucking faggot & anyone who supports him is too. Guarantee his retarded fucking ass is regretting his decisions as he continously gets rekt by russians who make him look like the little try hard poser piece of dog shit he is. Anyone who pulls this shit deserves to get curbstomped in a shit filled favela gutter while being raped by the most rancid Portuguese tranny to ever exis
Not only is he a fucking faggot, he sucks, and always fucking has. His ONLY claim to fame is being a rule breaking punk. Eat shit & die.
QRD on this guy, i don't even know him
Literal retard-savant who specializes in leglocks and has no idea what "tapping" means. He has injured several opponents.
Is that why he's lost his last five fights in a row
>Following his loss to Lombard, Palhares stated that he would be moving down one weight class to the welterweight division. He made his debut in the new division against Mike Pierce on October 9, 2013, at UFC Fight Night 29.[29] He won the fight via heel hook submission just 31 seconds into the first round. This was the only successful submission throughout the event. However, Palhares was denied a Submission of the Night bonus because he continued cranking the heel hook after the referee stepped in, an act UFC deemed "unsportsmanlike conduct." It was also noted that Pierce tapped a total of eight times to no response from Palhares.[30] The next day, while conducting an interview with ESPN's Jeremy Schaap, UFC president Dana White announced that the UFC was releasing Palhares effective immediately due to not letting go of the submission.[31] Hours later, UFC and Zuffa released a statement saying that Palhares was already in trouble for his failure to release his heel hook on Drwal in 2010 and his drug suspension in 2012, and his actions the night before were the last straw.[32]
TL;DR don't bother tapping, he'll explode your knee whether you like it or not
Leglocking specialist that gets criticized by retards who don't know how hard it is to hold a leglock against a roided professional fighter
He had no problems holding the leglock, it was letting go that seemed to be the problem
>implying Palhares wasn't a walking pharmacy
I didn't think Palhares' could afford a publicist, much less one who finds an obscure thread on 4chan.
Nice shilling, hope you're getting paid
He was absolutely bottom of the rung dirt poor in Brazil (as a child he ate out of the trough like an animal at times).

He turned out to be pretty good at BJJ except he had some sort of mental problem where he wouldn't let go of locks and would just cripple people. Which - you can't have in professional sports. Also he was never the best of the best so he got booted out till he was fighting in bottom rung promotions and then fell off badly
Paul Harris is a walking big pharma ad, anon.
>He did nothing wrong
Not true,he was brazilian
I wish someone had kept pummeling him after he got knocked out.
The age when MMA fighters were violent brutes with a lot of issues was gone since UFC 10, now everything it's business and no need for violence

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