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I am currently growing tobacco and poppies. What are some other narcotic plants one can easily (or not so easily) grow at home, inside or outside?
Senna hebecarpa
Morning Glories or Hawaiian Rose. Both have beutiful flowers and contain LSA. Syrian rue is another good one which you can combine with other psychedelics to amplify effects. Other than that you can look into mushrooms or cacti for something different.
Never heard of this one, checking it out.
Morning glory is a good idea, they have it in my local store. Thanks anon!
Forgot to mention I also have a San Pedro, very easy to grow. Might also get a Peyote simply because they are beautiful.
Salvia divinorum.
Why do you give people such bad advice?
Keep in mind those take years before they are psychoactive. It is why old specimens are so expensive.
Yeah, hence simply because they are beautiful.
Kratom aand Angel's Trumpet.
No, horrible psychic visions with death to follow.
That is beautiful. Can it grow in zone 5a?
I'm growing opium poppy too, not to harvest just for show... I grew Iceland poppy last year and really loved it so I'm trying the "official poppy" this year along with more Iceland and some California.
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Psilocybin mushrooms.
Looks more like chemistry than gardening.
How the hell has nobody mentioned the obvious?
I grow hemp by accident because the seeds are in my birdfeed. I'm a little surprised they haven't been heat treated or something to kill them but they grow just fine.
I don't smoke the stuff but I think the plants are pretty and smell nice. I can't get myself to remove them.
What bird seed has hemp? I haven't seen it. Mostly I get lots of sunflowers popping up everywhere, and some millet that just looks like grass.

And lots of birds shit out this plant (pic) and it grows in the stones at the end of my driveway every year. Lady's thumb. It's invasive but looks pretty nice and they like to eat it so I just let a few grow.
My man, he is just collecting spores and growing them in water.
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This, but for the love of god don't do what that guy in the webm did. Its shitty technique and methodology despite how fancy and technical his setup may look like.

You put spores in substrate as you would seeds in water. Then it grows mycelium as a plant would grow roots and then sprout a mushroom to spread spores as a flower would grow to spread pollen.

I got morning glory seeds today, as well as ordering a small peyote. Thanks anons!
why is it bad advice?
I tried HBWR and I can say LSA isn't as fun as shrooms, first time was okay just kind of made the colours more vivid and made me feel peacefu, but when I upped the dose the next time I got cramps, felt nauseous and felt depersonalised for days after
One of the worst experiences in my life desu
Just a warning for those who want to grow them
t. pachanoi is a great active cactus that's very easy to grow
disregard I didn't read far enough
we have bird food made entirely of hemp seeds. sold in 1-5kg bags. a couple of those sprouted in my garden as well.
t. Austria
> This, but for the love of god don't do what that guy in the webm did. Its shitty technique and methodology despite how fancy and technical his setup may look like.
Why? As it seems, it works well.
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Comparing LSA to other psychedelics is where most people get caught out and have a bad time. The cramps and nausea is not from the LSA but is instead entirely the seed, it is why these symptoms are eliminated with taking pure LSA after extracting it. Couple this with people being unaware that most HBWR seeds on the open market are coated in pesticides and that LSA as a chemical causes vasoconstriction at high doses its easy to find horror stories. The first bad trip I ever had was on a low dose of HBWR because I was unaware of all of these factors and was awake all night until the following morning with the 12 hour trip length. But after recovering from that expereince I learned my lesson and did my research to properly prepare for my second dose and did so at 13 seeds. The second time was miles better and the only reason I havent gone back is the 12 hour trip length as Shrooms 6 hour length is more manageable for my routine. The after glow from LSA is trully incredible and I had it for roughly 2 days before losing that relaxed sensation. At low doses you can see distortions in low light or dark rooms and at high doses closed eye visuals, but the calm emotional high is the most pronounced feature of LSA. I dont meditate but assuming the Buddha postion and slowly rocking back and forth on a moderate dose puts you into a completely content trance like state which I have yet to experience from another psychedelic.

All in all I agree that LSA shouldn't be a first choice for most people, but it can be a rewarding experience and is by far the easiest legal psychedelic to get hold of.
To quickly summarise their fruting chamber is shit with condensation dripping onto their substrate which is not fully colonised before fruiting can even begin, liquid spore solutions are unreliable and prone to contamination when compared to other techniques such as agar but beginners do it because its cheap and easy. Mushroom harvesting is shit too as there were several caps growing too big and turning upwards which means they have left them to grow for too long (psilocybin content is decreased by allowing that to happen and the cap releases spores when it does that)
how does one correctly consume those seeds? are they simply eaten? I've never taken any drugs and I don't smoke but I'd like to try it out at some point with something that isn't life threatening
I will write up a mini safety guide later on in my time zone. But they can be fairly safe but like any other psychedelic you need to make sure that you are in a place where you feel safe and secure. Especially when HBWR lasts 12 hours.
>Khat contains the alkaloid cathinone, a stimulant which causes greater sociability, excitement, mild loss of appetite and mild euphoria. Among communities from the areas where the plant is native, khat-chewing has historical relevance (as a social custom, especially among men) dating back thousands of years, analogous—but slightly different—to the use of coca leaves in South America's Andes Mountains or the betel nut preparations in South Asia.
I wish meth grew on threes bros.
Some species of hemp can grow quite tall and beautiful. They aren’t psychoactive, though.
Isn’t that the plant that 80% of somalia is addicted to?
Can you even grow that outside the middle east?
From where dis you get the opium poppy seeds and the tobacco seeds? The Jasmine tobacco looks beautiful when blooming
Part 1/2
First things first I will say that HBWR is not the best psychoactive substance to do for the first time. If you are looking for something to start out with mushrooms have the least amount of caveats with the only catch that you will have to wait maybe a month for them to be ready for harvesting. Mushroom spores are legal to buy in the US and most of Europe as the spores are not regulated and reputable self contained grow kits are common place to also be legally purchased online.

But if you are dead set on HBWR then what you will need is UNTREATED seeds. These are seeds which are free of pesticides and you can only obtain these online as almost every store will have pre-treated seeds to last longer in stock (and they are not expecting anyone to eat them to care enough in the first place). Thankfully these seeds are easy to find untreated and you can even buy them cheaply in bulk on sites like ebay. The reason you will find it in bulk is because these sellers know that HBWR is commonly used in LSD production and that people who work in LSD labs require a metric fuckton of seed. The reason HBWR is required is because LSA is a component of LSD and a lot of people even equate LSA's effects as a hallucination-free form of LSD. Honestly though both of them are still entirely different beasts, but it illustrates what you are dealing with here.

When you have the untreated seeds I would then recommend extracting the LSA and you can find a handful of guides online that talk through the progress. Minor chemistry is involved but nothing more complicated than mixing A with B in this beaker with some open heat. But if you don't want to do that and use them straight away you can put 3-5 seeds in your mouth and ***lightly*** chew to crack the seed shells a little bit before downing with water to swallow. You should only be able to taste the slightly bitter seed shell and nothing else. For the next 12 hours if you have done it right you should have a mild dose.
Part 2/2
Over the course of these 12 hours make sure you have water to keep hydrated and as always you are safe and secure. Have some music of relaxing videos to watch and try to aim for something like 9 in the morning when you first take them because the trip will end by 21:00 in the late evening. If you take these after work at around 18:00 you are going to be awake until 06:00 in the morning because you cannot fall asleep while under the effects of psychedelics. On top of this once you are tripping you cannot simply stop the trip and you have to commit. If you don't your trip will go bad and you can get stressed and have something like an anxiety or panic attack. As long as you are aware of this and you are willing to ride the trip out you will be fine and make it out in one piece and hopefully have an interesting experience to look back on.

But earlier you might have noticed I talked about how to have a mild dose. This is because for your first time it should below so you can get an idea of what the trip will be like. But it is also because of nausea. A full dose of HBWR will make you sick and it is not a nice experience to have, but you will receive the full effects in their intensity. To do that you will need to chew the seeds to mush in your mouth and let them sit for as long as you can before swallowing. Turning the seed to mulch allows for a release of the LSA that is contained within them and letting it sit in your mouth will allow some of the LSA to enter your system early as it follows the same philosophy as LSD tabs that rest on the tongue. The nausea will last anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours before it disappears and the trip kicks in. I recommend sitting upright as comfortably as you can with a bin next to you and when you start to trip to rest on you bed or couch. Nausea will return on the last 1 to 2 hours of the trip so be ready by then and make sure you are not on your back so you don't choke on your vomit.
Part 2/2 +1
Last bit of advice is don't drink or smoke. LSA shrinks your veins temporarily and it is best compared to the feeling of stepping out of a hot bath and feeling tender. It can feel nice and relaxing but this pressure on your veins can be dangerous blood pressure wise when combined with other things that affect it such as drink and cigarettes as I just mentioned. It is also why you shouldn't take HBWR regularly and you should allow for a week or two of time in-between doses to make sure that the first amount of LSA is out of your system fully so you don't compound the pre-existing amount in your system even more. But as long as you are sensible, this shouldn't be a concern to be worried about.
Greatly appreciate all the information, anon. I'll do some additional research before I decide on anything.
this the drug lord thread?
I'd avoid anything that's not a psychedelic. Opioids are meh, dissociatives and stimulants can be interesting. Deliriants should be avoided at all cost.
which stims did you try?
Sugar cane.
Don't mind him, he's one of the vision demons. He hates when you make an incursion into "his" world.
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Salvia. Easy to grow, legal and a very good time.
depends on country
Heads up not any kind of morning goory will do, you have to buy the blue variety to get the LSA :)
I got some opium poppies in my garden too, just for show, but now i'm curious what it's like to smoke it. I have been warned it's extremely addictive by people who i can't imagine know a lot about it. Is it really that bad?
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Its pure fucking opium anon. It is what all other pharmaceutical pain killers that have led to the heroin (and by extension fent) crisis in america is derived from.
That's like saying 80% of Europe is addicted to alcohol
smoking opium as opposed to injecting it is relattively harmless

look at it like this: it's a plant, it's natural. Would you rather eat a tomato or ketchup? would you rather drink coca cola with coca leaves or snort straight cocaine? the natural version is way better basically always.

have you tried it or are you just being a lil bitch cause of what you read online?
mushrooms are really easy. hops aren't interesting but they will knock you out if brewed into a strong tea.

LSA is shit
mushrooms are really easy. hops aren't interesting but they will knock you out if brewed into a strong tea.

LSA is the shit
Just be sure to chew it up, don't smoke it
why not? nigga
>look at it like this: it's a plant, it's natural. Would you rather eat a tomato or ketchup? would you rather drink coca cola with coca leaves or snort straight cocaine? the natural version is way better basically always.
I had to double check i wasn't on /ck/, that's the exact kind of retardation that gets spewed on there semi-oftenly
name one counter example
i smoked a glob of it over a decade ago in college and the buzz only lasted for like 15 minutes. very underwhelming. snorting oxys was far more enjoyable.
m8, raw opium is like 10% morphine. no different than pharmaceuticals
>look at it like this: it's a plant, it's natural.
It being natural or not is beside the point. I would not do it and would heavily advise anyone who gets the idea to do opioids recreationaly to reconsider.
>raw opium is like 10% morphine
The amounts of morphine, codeine etc vary.
>I would not do it and would heavily advise anyone who gets the idea to do opioids recreationaly to reconsider.
>I have not had Pepsi even once in my entire life but, I 100% guarantee you will like it.
point being it's literally the same stuff that is in the pills
Let's say you grew the mushrooms like this (But did it better like >4795012 said) and you had some psilobycin mushrooms. What then? Can you just chew on them raw?
>Can you just chew on them raw?
yup. they taste godawful though, like eating dirt. i think i swigged mine with orange juice. also you get an immense stomachache an hour later. some people vomit.
Ephedra sinca
Camellia sinensis, not narcotic but easy to grow in the right climate, camforest is a good us vendor
Valerian also not narcotic
Interesting, I had a completely different expereince with mine. I ate them fresh (17g) and the taste was slightly bitter but nothing egregious. I downed them with water and got no cramps or nausea despite eating a ton of them and I normally get nauseous with other stuff like HBWR.
It gets worse every time you do it. First time I didn't mind the taste, then it got progressively worse and at this point the taste would make me insta-vomit.
Ah. Is there a way of doing it that doesn't cause chunder, and makes it more palatable? Like drying it or making a tea?
Tea with lemon works alright for me. Easier to down it, the lemon converts psilocybin into psilocin which makes it hit faster, and the lemon also masks the taste to some degree. Make the tea strong so you can chug it easily. Should be plenty of guides online.
Also, just accept it may make you feel a lil queasy. You may vomit once it hits you, that's fine and normally you'll feel a lot better once you do and then you're off.
Mushrooms and salvia divinorum are super easy to grow.
Same for mescaline cactus.
>lemon converts psilocybin into psilocin
Thats mostly theory and psychedelic lore. It hasn't really been proven if it has a tangible impact if at all negligible.
Huh, interesting.

I have heard some people dry it and then coat it in icing to make it more palatable. You can also grind it into a fine powder and mix it into food or even make tablets.
yeah i've heard of people making it a tea. probably tastes just as bad, at least you don't have to chew
Huh, cool. Makes it easier to drink either way, so can't hurt.
The chewing is really the worst part. Chugging a decilitre or two of (strained) sour, kinda nasty tea is over in a second. The doughy, earthy sludge is really awful. But I'm also squeamish, I can see some people doing it easily.

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