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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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Let's settle this once and for all.
Is it worth playing?
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Imo deadfire was mediocre but to their credit, at least they added a turn based mode to deadfire as an option. I never tried it, prefer TB > RTWP but supposedly it fucks up the balance and makes the game take 6,000,000 hours to finish.
Tim Cain design the monk
based and correct, poe 2 writing is so bad
Get your story straight brainlet
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do you guys even know what ivory tower design means
nothing you say is coherent

New Thread for shit talking NWN RP Servers and it's players like POTM, Arelith, TDN.

I feed off of the gossip and hatred.
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>be bernd
>there used to be some amazing german shards around
>some of the best roleplaying I have ever seen
>slowly die out
>what shards still were around get absoluty gutted by the release of the Enhanced Edition
>all german servers are now dead or only have like 3 people on them once week
>instead of logging in and just having fun you have to join some gay-ass-discords and set up a meeting when someone will be around
>some of the best roleplaying I have ever seen
What is this like, exactly? What makes it so good?
The people who play on these servers are already maladjusted weirdos. The people who play on these servers and post on 4chan are a worse breed.
The type of person who plays on these servers, posts on 4chan, and then gets into fucking roleplaying server drama and then posts about it on 4chan is basically sitting at the peak of autistic retard and inherently adds an unspoken detail to any drama they're a part of. No matter how much they'll try and smear other people involved or act like they did nothing wrong, they're the kind of person who cries about roleplaying server drama on 4chan. Any testimony they can give can be safely thrown out on account.

This poster has been run off several PWs for being a dysgenoid
the dragon's neck just released, anyone get in yet?

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How are you enjoying Arcana Invoker, lads?

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Sisters, you ARE reading the story, right?
I am, yes. I just take week breaks between every AQW session.
of course xister
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You now remember Carri

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It's up
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Yeah I noticed you're hiding your argument behind those women. But you still failed to notice each of their clothes have small variations to them.

>What? I like video games,
But you're failing to admit you're wasting your life away while your aryan race needs you at the frontline. Maybe it's just a nuance that requires more IQ than the unfortunate amount you have?
>Yeah I noticed you're hiding your argument behind those women.
lol, I got to you with that earlier. See how cutting it is when you use your brain to mock someone and not just use canned memes or insults?
>each of their clothes have small variations to them.
>your aryan race needs you at the frontline
Sorry, man, this is gibberish to me. Do you mean Twitter or something? Is this all based on some ongoing /pol/shit meme?

This is too stupid, lol.
It's okay, I know you're seething because that fake laugh.
You're one of those losers who have lost everything, and now you're seething everytime you see brown people on your computer monitor.
Anon, a kid like you shouldn't be posting here. It's obviously bad for your mental health.
This has been nothing but loss after loss for you. /pol/ isn't sending their best.

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I recently replayed Morrowind for the first time in a decade, and then finished Oblivion for the first time. I'm now going to finish Skyrim for the first time, and see how it stacks up, to contrast the strengths and weaknesses of all three, and consider how the series has progressed and regressed, without the cloud of nostalgia.
Few houserules:
>no potions or alchemy
>no enchanting
>no exploits or cheese
>vendors sell at 4x and buy at 0.25x, unaffected by speech skill
>fast travel only to towns I've already walked to, 50 gold a pop
>light, minimalist modding, made a few small ones myself
Gonna split up the game into three characters that do different factions, quests, and dungeons, to stay within the archetypes I want to play as, and avoid overleveling the game.
>Breton cleric, atronach sign
Mace, shield, and crossbow. Heavy armor and restoration/alteration. College and Dawnguard. Even split magicka/health/stamina.
>Imperial paladin, lord sign.
Greatsword, bow. Heavy armor and restoration. Main quest and Imperial Legion. Even split health/stamina.
>Nord barbarian, lady sign.
Battleaxe, light armor. Companions, Stormcloaks, then main quest and the Solstheim content. Pure health. No magic allowed, just facetanking with a giant pool of HP. Only healing available will be natural regen and eating buckets of stew. Going to be pretty metal.

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It does make your character feel a bit helpless for a moment, but it's a daedra lord, so kinda makes sense. At least for me it was easy to roll with it. Iirc you can defy him later.
>I also recommend NOT taking the slow down block perk
This was good advice, undid it with the console and feels better already
Yeah it is better. Enemies have attack animations that you can respond to, which already makes the combat better than Oblivion, where dodging strikes was often impossible. The slow down perk only slows you down if you know how to play. It's good for the skyrim grandmas out there.
Magic in Skyrim is so fucking shit because of the retarded two holster mechanic and causing a ratrace of metagaming to get zero mana costs on all of your spells.

I always enjoy pure melee/archers more
>two holster mechanic
It's a neat way to balance playstyles. Being able to equip anything on two hands, use shouts, and on top of that cast spells off-hand like in Oblivion would be too much, allowing more of that jack-of-all trades gameplay. Now there's more of a downside to juggling shit in your hands.

I feel like this phenomenon happens in rpgs way more than in TV or film. Why? Anyone else noticed this?
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Jesus what a retarded post
>oh, I was wrong? it's the game's fault for not shoving it down my throat like my boyfriend's cock
It is hot. It's also very dusty so people wrap up the bottom of their pants sometimes like Caius has
>oh, I was wrong? it's the game's fault
Many people lack the maturity to simply admit being wrong, and it's hard to let go of the misconceptions.
>the game wasn't as boring as i thought? well i didn't know that because i thought the game is boring!
>This is part of the reason I can't take it serious when people get mad at BG3 for fucking the lore
I certainly think people are right to be upset about it. It not being a new problem doesn't mean it's not a problem. Every new thing has a chance to correct where stuff went to far. Instead they always double down.

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What are the best JRPGS for both of Sony's handhelds?
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Okay but which of these games are actually worth playing? I never wanted to buy a PSP tho my brother loved his. What would be worth emulating now? A Peacewalker remaster on console was a bit of a let down for me, and thats my only experience playing a psp game.
If you need to ask such retarded question after being spoonfed then you aren't going to play anything
Play some fotm instead and fuck off
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Play Brandish
You can play them all on a laptop tho
7th dragon is pretty fun and the art is great
Shame it never managed to get any traction and basically died after VFD

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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The problem with Nowa though is that he has even less personality and emotion than those mutes he was downplaying. And that goes double for the emotions and personality they instilled in the player. McDohl had more pathos in one extra sprite animation than Nowa did in all his dialogue combined. Having a voice doesn't make you a better character when you don't have anything interesting to say.
The dungeon design towards the second half of the game is honestly awe inspiringly awful. For all kinds of reasons. But realistically it'd be more accurate to say that the opening 3rd of the game was better designed than the 2/3rds that succeed it. Even things such as stat growths are relatively tame for the first 10ish levels of progress.
And I kept having brain poison when entering a new dungeon and thinking of games that did those dungeons better even outside of Suikoden. Like getting to Hishan Old Town and comparing that to Hexed Chandra.
I wish Nowa was half as passionate in main plot interactions as he was about integrity of spinning top matches
I fucking hate Leene. Not just the character, not just how she was presented throughout the game (the rare times she showed-up she comes as being as obnoxious as fucking Lian, if not more) and, since we are speaking about hilariously bad balancing, how badly broken she can be with the runes you could slap on her. I guess the devs wanted to make a point about her being the 'SUPER DUPER LUCKY GIRL xD' but I wish she would've stayed a non-character by the time I recruited her (like a good passive character or something, but you got people like Perielle and ) and then the moment she joins us and you train her to some extent, she immediately outclasses the likes of Iugo, Mio, CJ and Reyna became not so useful anymore since her main rune is hitting everyone with little to absolutely no damage mitigation nor scattering. Now granted, I could've ignored her completely but by that time I wanted to be done with the game so I can go to other things and it wasn't like that the game was challenging to begin with.
She feels like a character that should've died at some point of the game because of that particular design but making making her the last recruitable character, insanely OP and one of the two true S-tier right off the bat just feels wrong.
I always felt that the last recruit in a Suikoden should be impactful in some way to the story but Leene making her third appearance and saving the day doesn't come as close to Gremio being resurrected or Euram (if you didn't chose to get Eresh instead) having his redemption. I also usually don't mind OP characters, but she can't hold a candle to Georg or Zerase.
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Seriously they made such a deal about her acting like she was going to be some amazing important character but she shows up twice, says I'M LUCKY! before fucking off and she doesn't actually contribute anything. She offers no information, she has no connection to any mystery (not that there any) and instead of having a connection to her brother or her town or anything she just.... I can't even put into words how awful this shit is. She and so many characters like her are just WACKY but barely existing outside that. Like I'm not sure how to really fix this, but maybe if they just combined her and Lian into one character. Have Lian be Nowa's sister who's slightly older which is why she has that I'M YOUR SENIOR shtick. Then something bad can happen to her and your full recruit reward is to undo the bad thing. This shit just made me angry in ways I don't think I've ever felt towards a story.

Are there any satanic-panic/death cult RPGs? Fear and Hunger kind comes to mind, but i was thinking about something more modern.
First season of True Detective or Mandy would make great isometric RPGs
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Yeah, I agree, jesus, but that isn't the point here. OP wants a demon RPG, and probably not one made by 2 CS dropouts.
There's been demon RPGs forever. Censorship and pearl clutching has nothing to do with it being rare. It's just a very specific fetish.
>It's difficult to play these days though for sure
Maybe the SNES original due to its not stellar translation, but the game itself is totally fine and the translations on GBA and PS1 are better. Hell I started with SMT1 and found it to be a great introduction to first person dungeon crawling.
>It's just a very specific fetish.
I think wanting to play a game about demons and not "the power of friendship" or "the power of homosex" is actually a very common desire.
Yeah, Diablo is p. popular.

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>dedicated healer spam aoe heal every turn
>others just use strongest attack available every turn
how do we fix 4 niggas in a row?
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? Play better turn-based games desu
None of the games with stagger makes an entire mechanic meaningless unless enemies are staggered, which is my point of contention. If you want to make it so that enemies are more susceptible to ailments when staggered, then that's fine by me.
Bar systems generally work better for ARPGs because those games are fundamentally different to that of a turn based system.
Unless the target has some sort of negative response when statused, you're going to want to apply any viable status ailments that can cripple it as soon as possible. For the very obvious reason of, the less actions that the boss can take, the less time you need to spend healing and can focus on getting rid of the boss.
Either don't allow the player to heal and force him to actually defend or interrupt enemy attacks, or allow the boss to also heal himself to punish the player if he's being too passive and force him to take risks to win.

Either way, the key is forcing the player to use limited resources the best he can.
DCSS : make healing fucking expensive (piety system from gods), healing consumable is very rare
Triangle Strategy : Instead of mana bar, skills use TP that accumulate every turn, capped at 3 TP max. This limits healing / skill spam.
Other games I don't remember : Just remove healing spells and items.

I like Triangle Strategy's system the best.
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Let each character take multiple actions each turn, and give actions cooldowns, both "every X turns" and "X times per turn".
This gives more depth and makes setting up buffs/debuffs more valuable when they don't cost you a whole turn.

Limit healing by either reducing part of max HP by a percentage of damage taken (with skills that can increase this), or reducing healing received every time you heal.

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When will gamers get on Todd's level?
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>How did the culture change happen in the first place? Happens to a lot of companies. Seems like it's so easy to change to that bad culture but so difficult to change away from it.
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.
the space ship building and fighting is great, but there isn't enough of it to justify the work. i really want to build a star destroyer with a bunch of auto turrets and fly into the kryx system to blow everything up, but I just tried it in a small ship with only a couple of turrets and it worked, and then you can't blow up the station itself. I enjoyed this base building way more than fallout 4 because there's an actual point to it, generating resources so you can build more. the problem is there isn't enough of a reason to build, because the point is to start over anyways.

when BCI's and AI reach video games, this is going to be everyone's favorite one.
Starfield would be better if instead of Skyrim in Space it was just a game where you build heavily customizeable ships and lead space pirate raids...
The worst part is that with the death of Mass Effect a decade ago a Space based RPG would be perfect for the market. Starfield SHOULD have been a gigantic hit because even if it was just a flawed but playable game like FO4 it would have fit a niche people desperately wanted
>Starfield SHOULD have been a gigantic hit
I disagree, scifi doesn't seem popular at all right now. I also believe ME's popularity came from the choices and companions, the social aspects, kinda like BG3. Less to do with the setting, really.

So a space sandbox without the space opera shit.. no wonder it didn't light fires.

Has any jrpg bothered to explain why there are treasure chests littered randomly all over the world?
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The only grass I touch is your mom's pubes.
They were left there so the main character can find them. Dont be retarded.
treasures are just a visual representation of stuff you found, they are not really treasure chests. I mean, some are, but not all.
they are the banks of the time. people would deposit their wages or withdraw money when needed. it was an honest time, a better time.
>The enemies are stronger outside of the starting town for no discernible reason other than that I started in the starting town.
It's almost like you're playing a video game.
That said, I could imagine an RPG trying to explain it so the thread has validity. But I don't know of this happening.

This software isn't the best, but are you making an RPG, anon?
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How many successful rpg indie games are out there?
Yes yes yes. But it must be in an attractive artstyle.
Do you consider the artstyles in Andy & Leyley or Helltaker to be anime?
Yes the style and expressions are very anime-like

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New Mad Max movie if coming out, do you think todd gonna shit out another nu-fallout game for chrap bucks?
Off-topic, frogfaggot, kill yourself
Fallout is RPG related
No, they take 8 years to make games now

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