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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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Has any jrpg bothered to explain why there are treasure chests littered randomly all over the world?
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It already has an explanation. They're put there by the devs for players to collect them
Don't be autistic. God this whole generation.
a thread died for this. touch grass. talk about stuff you enjoy instead of shit that triggers your autism
Prepper stashes.
The only grass I touch is your mom's pubes.
They were left there so the main character can find them. Dont be retarded.
treasures are just a visual representation of stuff you found, they are not really treasure chests. I mean, some are, but not all.
they are the banks of the time. people would deposit their wages or withdraw money when needed. it was an honest time, a better time.
>The enemies are stronger outside of the starting town for no discernible reason other than that I started in the starting town.
It's almost like you're playing a video game.
That said, I could imagine an RPG trying to explain it so the thread has validity. But I don't know of this happening.
Some rpgs used to put them in special places, like you know dungeons. Then the trope got bastardized.

Because it's fun game design. Just like shops selling better weapons as the game progress is fun game design. JRPGs aren't meant for modern western cynics.
A lot of crpgs explain the equipment getting better by you starting up in some rural shithole and moving towards a big city or by some faction hoarding good shit (brotherhood of steel essentially fuses mechanics and worldbuilding in fallout 1). Random loot will have a skeleton next to it implying someone just died in the wilderness with it. Chest in the middle of nothing might have a note or some environmental clues as to why its here.
I like the way it's handled in BG1
>jrpg are deep and say things about LIFE!
>they hace the greatest stories and writing in any game!
>can't be bothered to explain why treasure chests sprout out of the ground like shrooms
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yeah when did everything have to become about some sort of faux realism or immersion? I only care about gameplay loop and graphic style. Literally the job / class system in DW3 and FF2 remake on GBA are among the most peak of experiences in gaming.
my headcanon is that bandits would store their stolen stiff there
yeah I mean what's the difference between finding a chest or just loot on the ground? In general the loot works like that because the item will often match the area.

>Go to fire world for the fire resist armor
>Go to ice world for the ice staff
Mine is that most of them are dead Mimics who gathered their treasure before dying. Some are real chests like in treasure rooms of dungeons. But random ones off trail under a tree or something, dead mimics :(
>say nothing about it being deep or greatest story ever
>yet you make up some shadow to yell about
Is this actual schizophrenia or are some of you faggots are so addicted to arguing that you just make up stuff to argue and get angry about?
Why not? There are loads of treasure chests around irl. Have you never found one?
In my country if you find them the government gets them all.
I think one of the ar tonelico games has a dialogue scene about that where the administrator of one of the towers explains that she always makes sure to fill up the chests so that people come visit or something like that.
I dunno.
A lot of WRPGs have areas close, or relatively close, to the starting point that are deadly to new players/characters. JRPGs don't do that, because Nips can't be asked to think more than 10 minutes about the world building and internal consistency of the setting they're creating.
came here to post this. zoomers have no imagination lol
also op posted a tranny game.
>A lot of WRPGs have areas close, or relatively close, to the starting point that are deadly to new players/characters
A couple of decades ago
I think it's time to stop calling Western games jrpgs because Westoids are too dumb to get the mood or gameplay right.
>Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are decades old. As is Underrail. As is Gothic: Chronicles of Myrtana. As is Wasteland 2 and Wasteland 3. As is Pillars of Eternity 2.

You're retarded.
We could also stop calling jrpg, rpg.

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