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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Do women actually enjoy shooting, or do they just do it to get attention from men?
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She also climaxes from penetration
Cope. You are not Norwegian. You are red white and blue Coca Cola, apple pie, and corn syrup
idk about this whole e-celeb thing but thats an topkek picture.
He's a literal who grifter who's sole success is making the rest of us (the right) look like shit.
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He's right though. America is a collection of cultural groupings and those cultural groupings are largely based on the groups who settled in those regions.

>ukie drones hit the oil refinery in vyborg (right outside of leningrad) 970 kilometers from ukraine

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So there is no problem if it doesnt stop right? Russia is not hurt, we have nice footages, everyone wins!
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Make Vyborg Swedish again and then handed over to the US.
I wish that was true and russia was retarded enough to shell a nato country about it
>Russian engineering teams efficiently repairing the damage
Terror bombing civilian infrastructure is a war crime

Have you ever regretted purchasing a firearm?
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>be me
>french anon
>got all loicences for guns
>"only buying, never selling" policy
>does not regret any purchase
>buy an Uzi by FN one day
>regret the purchase
>still not selling
>5 years later
>receive mail from local chief police department
>"your Uzi is no longer complying <stupid EU directive thats France apply>, you need to go to a gun shop to sell it under 6 months"
>forced to sell the gun, legally
>go to gun shop, negociate 1/3 of the original price

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Spotted the weakling, maybe when you grow up, it’ll be fun to shoot G3s, my 5’3 girlfriend certainly does.
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This thing sucks ass. It's a 9mm blowback that weighs nothing, meaning after every shot the muzzle is pointed straight up and you have to find the target again. Only bought it because my grandpa who was a Nam vet came over at like 7 in the morning and asked me to buy it off of him.
Looks like a CP2077 gun, which is kinda neat.
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Same with my Hellcat. Thing is so snappy. Luckily it has a nice snug grip that agrees with my hands. It was also my first purchase so I didn’t know better. It’s just a backpack gun now. Comes with me to work and back.
>Weak wrists wrote this post

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Thoughts on this guy ? He tends to have some pretty good content on PLA/Russia programs. And his submarine/carrier class discussions videos are pretty good too - wondering if anyone on here watches him.

My understanding is that he was a sonar tech senior chief that served on LA class boats and has a really interesting perspective.
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he gives decent info, until he comments on naval procurement or politics where he then shows he's a virulent shitlib
>shows he's a virulent shitlib

I haven't noticed that yet , that's pretty cringe and a terrible take considering he was onboard our navy's submarines. Im teetering back and forth with buying his patreon because i like his content
Also he is a lovable type of fat - i think he was probably not a terrible sonar tech in all honesty. For sure one of the best ASW/Sub operations youtuber out there. Infact i cant even think of others besides him
on the naval procurement side he's more or less a generic reformer with the addition that the Navy's budget should be greatly expanded, so he'll sometimes posit these kinda contradictory ideas of needing needing cheaper more cost effective equipment, but it should also have the latest and greatest stuff in it that's a generation ahead of the cutting edge.
> he's more or less a generic reformer
Oh. So every opinion he’s ever had goes in the trash. Sounds good

New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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How is it innovative...i see a ticking time bomb of a sight.
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Good news for those of you who can't own guns due to being diagnosed with depression but still want to shoot them!

>heavy metal poisoning doesn't exist
>bioaccumulation doesn't exist
>bro just poison the waters to own the libs!
Fuck you. Conservation is a right wing ideal.
are olight not the company that had their batteries exploding? That doesn't mean the products are bad necessarily, but if they cheap out on batteries who knows what else they cheap out on.
Because it has an industry first charging cover, large window, and intuitive battery indicator!
I've been bathing and drinking out of a river that's had hundreds of pounds of lead ingots dropped in it for 50 years and I'm healthy as a horse.

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>post limit reached
>last bread >>61643218
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What kind of muzzle velocity are you working with though? That FX rifle she uses should be 900-1000fps depending on what grain she is using, more likely the low end if its ~8.4gr hunting pellets.
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i agree
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>rifle she uses should be 900-1000fps
Mine is thrice that
>~8.4gr hunting pellets
Mine are 6.5 times heavier
Exactly. So you have way way less POI shift.
The chart above at 800fps shows a 2" difference between 50m and 40m for air rifles. If her rifle is a bit over 900fps it won't be quite that bad. She gave it a 1 mil dot hold under which seems about right.
I think i married a doggirl. She unironically barks at people in the car. I'm taking her to shoot for the first time tomorrow wish me luck bros

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This. The hostages are a complete liability for hamas, nothing more.

They are too dumb to see that though.
Its hilarious. They keep losing land every time they try to kill some jews. They are playing right into isreals hands.

All because they wont take the L and accept current borders, and now even that is off the table.
To be quite frank by this point I will follow granpa advise if I were the israelis, he said one thing which has always always worked, which is, well, do whatever looks like it's working, that was on regards of China, CCP probably took a lot of notes from the palestinian and arab conflict as well as their own purse when dealing with the uyghurs and other minorities.
Israel is going to need a lot of reeducation camps and yes this will probably mean tightening relationships with China at the expense of US and Europe, not that something like this hasn't happened before, but it's obvious the model of "give them cash in exchange of peace" has lost since Crimea.
Yes, this is correct. The international pressure on israel would be immense because right now the hostages are literally the only justification they have for keeping the war going in the eyes of the western nations, with the hostages all returned there would be endless screeching about israel killing innocent poor brown chungus people for “no reason”
Yep. But hamas clings to them thinking they are a liferaft when they are just a rock.

Hamas has always been bottom of the barrel retards though. At all levels.

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Siggers tongue my anus
Previous thread:>>61652934
join our discord https://discord.gg/justkiddingretard
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trips of truth
I just like blood diamond. especially when leonardo davinci said “its blood diamond time”. i figured others would like it too :(
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That's an interesting wear point. Does it wind up affecting anything? Or is it negligible?
? I probably paid $70 more for the GBRS expanded modularity. front placards and pouches all range within about $20 from each other. not sure you're up to speed

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Rate the shooting
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My favorite one from Brazil.
He's fine tho
Well, at least he was wearing a mask.
Holy shit was that a cop or army guy? Thats some incredible moves and the way he uses his flashlight ooof

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>fails exams three times
>"The East has farren, mirrions must die!"
It was basically just the world's largest school-shooting.
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Asiatics are already a repulsive slave-like race, but Chinks are the absolute lowest of them.
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how the fuck is a 14 year old boy king of a terrorist cult was smarter about modernising/westernising than the entire Qing government?


NTA but memorising the works of Confucius is literally pointless and Confucian teachings are half the reason China became such a beurocratically crippled ghetto since forever until this very day.
>and I'll consider it

Qin shi huang was right burying them alive. He was like the only chink emperor with ambitions beyond chink borders.
The exam system is what allowed China to jump ahead in the ancient era, and I suspect it was more practical and secular back then. It also allowed theoretically any man to advance, thus potentially expanding the pool of available talent. Yeah, it did outlive its usefulness and got bogged down in Confuscian philosophy to the point of insanity.

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get up boys, it's your weekly Perun thread
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>Perun video triggers incoherent seethe
Every time. Thanks OP
not a problem fren
My bitching isn't incoherent, I just think he offers no actual insights you couldn't get faster by reading any random article on the issue. And I hate moralist argumentation. You know you can hate more than one side of a retard slap fight right?
This belongs on /v/ with all the other gaming content
Get ready for the “le both sides” script

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Why did so many people start falling for this “citizen soldier” bullshit? Advertisements now routinely feature models dressed up as soldiers/SWAT officers to market a handgun to private buyers, and it appears to be working. A great example is when STI rebranded themselves as Staccato. A company that made high end 1911s for competition decided to paint them black and sell them as duty pistols, and they’ve never been more popular. Other manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon and now competition gun features like flared mag wells, tuned SA triggers, gas pedals, and compensators are being pushed as things that you need for a self defense gun.

Some of the worst examples are from Sig, but Walther is catching up, and I wonder when things got this way. Did it come from people who grew up on video games, people who panic bought their first gun and never got past the panic, or what?
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Come to America and set yourself free, anon.
>1 day and 150+ posts later
>OP still can't explain why this is bad
Hang all war tourists
>Entire nation's economy hijacked by the state to constantly work as its propaganda arm and get everyone to worship its jackbooted thugs
>Everyone's too busy tripping over themselves to suck soldier/cop dick to pay attention to the fact that all their rights are being taken away by soldiers and cops
>Everybody desperately wants to be the guy their pavlovian training tells them is the coolest, goodest boy
>Advertisers can easily sell the identity that everyone has been conditioned to envy.
Not OP, but I consider all the /gq/ and /arg/ larpers to be reddıt tourists that have have stayed far too long.
am reserve
want gun shoot target
also want gun to shoot russian
(also fun)

AK General /akg/
Literary Edition
>Thread #2026

Old thread here >>61597372
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You fucked up
rifle is fine
You could have saved $500 if you had shopped around. Go shoot the shit out of it and enjoy it now.
Fuckin sexy and rare rifle nonetheless. I wish I had that kind of cash to blow on a rifle.

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