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now that the dust has settled, was the XM7 a good idea?
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If every grunt suddenly became an expert marksman capable of engaging targets hiding in cover out to 1000m from a cold bore, sure.
Whatever war america participates will be total domination due to these new rifles from sig
Realistically it's just a DMR. Maybe it's an improved DMR compared to an AR10 but as a individual weapon for infantry soldiers, DMRs ain't it.
>with body armor penetration
>Less effective against modern body armor
In reality they're both equally ineffective against modern body armor since neither can pen level 4 or equivalents. 5.56 is the clear winner.
we haven't seen the whole picture with computer aided sighting functions and soldier integration systems
the whole idea is computer aided firing at long ranges with armor penetration

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Do you have pepper spray in your car? Seems to always be used to defend against road rage incidents. Can a little capsicum really stop a psychopath from doing you harm or is it only effective against your garden variety motorists who are having a bad day?
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I saw the end of the video. Portashitter is untouched. It's okay to shit on company time.
no but I need to get some because of this hysterical spastic bitch I fuck occasionally
>not any dodge, but a lifted dodge with extra wide tires
literally why
it doesn’t even help with offroading after a certain point
which brand has the highest requirements?
Heavily modified pickups tend to attract a specific type of owner.

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>Ablative armor that has to be slowly chipped away piece by piece and is powerful enough to shrug off an Abram's cannon with no damage
>Myomer muscle legs that allow it to move at up to 80 mph
>Jump jets that let it temporarily fly
>Micro missiles that allow a single missile tube to hold dozens of missiles per tube
>360 degree vision connected to a hyper-aware neurohelmet
>Incredibly powerful ECM
>So maneuverable and deftly tuned to their users that you can perform a handstand in the ones that have hands
>Have instakill death lasers that can swat aircraft out of the sky like mosquitos
>Can fight in the vacuum of space or the bottom of the ocean.
>Basically the gods of the battlefield
Realistically how are you supposed to fight one of these with a conventional force?
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That's how the MWO beta was, but since weapon damage isn't as spread out it just makes PPC, gauss, and pulse boats even worse
>anime physics
you realize the guns mechas use have rounds nearly 1/5th the size of the barrel

in that animation at very least no 'mech reels from a single shot of a mecha gun like this' - no it gets hit with a bigger bullet bro bro bro

dude... bro
>Realistically how are you supposed to fight one of these with a conventional force?
Whenever they try that in the setting they get these results
Those tanks have insanely bad fire control systems compared to the mechs.
Also the tanks fire and the mechs move out of the way, yet when the mechs fire the tanks just sit there waiting to die.
The mechs shoulder paldron just casually shrugs off the tanks fire, PUT THAT ARMOR ON THE TANK.
The only accurate thing here is that the tanks got the first shot off due to not being a fuck huge mech. If you gave the tanks the rocket launchers the mechs had they would have ended the fight on the first shot.
Also the tanks fire moved way too slow, actually tank rounds would have moved too fast for the mechs to dodge.

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Poland also doesn't have a muzzie problem and neither does Czechia
They'd just get guns then, then we'd have an America situation going on. Six and two threes either way.
Dumbass, nothing prevents muzzies from getting legal guns in 2020+4 in the vast majority of European countries
And do you think Bataclan didn't happen because we don't have evil carry laws?
>Dumbass, nothing prevents muzzies from getting legal guns in 2020+4 in the vast majority of European countries
LMAO, you clearly don't live here.
To be fair even if we had based carry laws it wouldn't have mattered much in a city full of normies who are against guns to begin with. Especially when the muzzies attack soft targets who are already distracted like in cinemas etc. Had there been someone with a gun it would've helped, but unless the normie mindset about guns changes then it's useless.
I can legally carry with my loicense and if I were in a similar situation I would've first tried to escape, fuck risking my life for others when even if I kill a muzzie wielding knife I would need to be subject to a lenghty legal battle (that I would 100% win, but it would still drain me economically and mentally until I get reimbursed by the court)
To clarify, if that anon argument is "we shouldn't have lax gun laws otherwise muzzies would get them" then I'm against that and it's a retarded argument.
Authorities are still working tirelessly to figure out why Ahmed Abdel Al Jihad could have possibly attacked known Islam critic and racist Herman Deutschmann.

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So Sweden will be supplying their entire stock of these things to Ukraine.
Although they're old as fuck and better suited as rear echelon vehicles, they'll likely end up being used in their original intended role as front line IFVs.
Do they have a chance of performing okay, or are they complete death traps in modern war?
Does anyone here have personal experience with these vehicles?

Somewhere around 150 of these vehicles of various models are currently in storage.

>Armor specs:
Better armor than BMP-1/2, and M113.
Can reliably stop 20mm rounds fired from close range, good protection against artillery shrapnel, "adequate" protection from 84mm HEAT rounds according to the Swedish armed forces.
Modernized versions feature additional composite armor on the front glacis, and the crew compartment is lined with a synthetic fiber liner to protect against spall.

>Arms specs:
Primary armament is an old-ass Hispano-Suiza 20mm auto-cannon which fires non-standard ammunition.
Older variants have belt feed mechanism known for unreliability, modernized versions feed from 30-round drums.

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Sweden is a bit autistic in terms of using only guns att every opportunity they can. Mostly because of the equally autistic stokpiles built upp during the cold War making switching ammo types into a massive hassle. Same reson why the swedish CV90 is using a direct derivative of the bofors 40mm from ww2.
There is another swedish vehicle using the turrets from the PBV302. The Pansar terrängbil 203A and these where being switched from the Canon to 12.7mm Machine guns in this turret during the last cupple of years.
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>Same reson why the swedish CV90 is using a direct derivative of the bofors 40mm from ww2.
Fun Fact: Early versions of the CV-90 used a Swedish-made derivative of the Colt/Browning Model 1917 as the coaxial machine gun.
They ammo was definetly kept considering it was still being used by other vehicles in the fleet (Patgb203A) where uppgrades to replace the weapons didn't start untill 2022 and was projected to last 3 years. So there is a possibility that there are still some vehicles in the swedish army that still use these. Though ammunition production ended in 1995 so the ammunition stokpiles has been being drained for almost 30 years.
This meme again.
Ukraine needs more of everything, and there's tiers of vehicles and their need. The most in need are armored APCs, IFV, and AFV.

1. Regular cars - several thousand donated by various charities. used to ferry people around cities or well behind lines and for logistics.

2. Armored cars. Several thousand Roshel Senators and Humvees make up the backbone of their fleet. Used for recon, raids, and ferrying people around near the front so they serve multi-use roles.

3. Soviet vehicles. - BTRs, BMPs, etc. They still make up the backbone of the Ukraine army. Azov specifically are denied Western produced vehicles. Lightly armored shitboxes.

4. Armored vehicles - Mostly 60's era tracked APCs such as the M113, or CVR(T)s. These are used as battle taxis, IFV, casevac. The PVV302 fits into this category. They need thousands more of these.

5. Modern AFV and IFV - Bradleys, CV90's, etc. They only have a few hundred of these, and they date from the 80's to modern day and trounce anything Russia can produce. They need these more than anything.

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Found this in a charity shop in the UK, clerk said it was donated by a senior RAF officer who's a sir. The Sabre engine is a currently still in development air breathing rocket engine being designed for a single stage to orbit spaceplane. Both the UK and US militaries have shown interest in further military applications for it. Pretty wacky stuff.
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that looks like just some desk bric a brac given as a gift
not classified
I'm pretty sure these engines are in kerbal space program
Reasction engines successfully tested the SABER pre-cooled and were promply brough by BAE a few years ago.
I have been paying attention because SABER is cool.

OP confirmed retard.
yes, that's precisely what it is.
you got me, I work for Buzzfeed.
looks like they just bought 20%, not but it out completely. Still cool info that I missed on my research. Thanks.

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Bolt actions, break actions, lever actions, revolvers. Let’s see your wood. Let’s see those fudd guns and while you’re at it, let’s hear your best fudd logic. I’ll start with my rem 700 and model 70.
My favorite fudd advice was received in 2015 when I bought a handgun and was looking for a light to go with it. The counter guy at the LGS said
>You don’t need a dang light, just fire into the air if it’s dark and the muzzle flash will illuminate all you need to see and scare the perp off.
Now I don’t know the legality of doing that, but the guy did have an “NRA life member” sticker on his ram 2500 so I’m sure he knew what he was talking about.
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Whoops, didn't clarify something I meant to. Very very early Tasco was sometimes rough as were a ton of early Japanese import scopes which is where Tasco started. Modern Tasco, so ~2010 and after is junk IME. Maybe they still make some good stuff but they pulled out of Japan pretty much and everything's made in China. I'm not saying that everything they made was good but even their RF4x15 scopes that came on Daisy 880s and 22LR rifles used to be better. I have a modern one made in China ($17 new) and the scope itself started coming apart. On a low power air rifle. Meanwhile I have some old ones on a bolt action .22LR and one that came on a Remington Mohawk .22LR. Those are more than fine and have been on that rifle since it was new. Your Tasco was probably made during the time when Tasco was in its heyday making (importing) good scopes. They're no longer in that period sadly, but your scope is definitely good enough for pretty much anything you'd need it for. Also, checked.
That’s a hot lil rifle there
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Neat. Its really the only 1900s-1930s fudd gun I want at this point. I have TONS of milsurp and I never really cared for lever actions. The only fudd gun I really have is a Winchester 1897 that was cut down to riot length.
Something about the Model 8/81 strikes a chord
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I have some cutting edge automatic firearms Dillinger left me.

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>Swiss pike square defeated the French cavalry
>Landschnekt added shot to the pike square to defeat the Swiss
>Spanish tercio added mobile musket bastions and shield-bearers to the mix to defeat the Landschnekt
>Sweden turned the square into a line with highly mobile artillery to defeat the Spanish
Until the maxim gun and QF artillery changed warfare forever, was there any other major leaps in dominant tactics between the 1630s and 1880s? Gustav Adolphus seems to have set the stage for the next quarter millenium of warfare.
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>land snail.
Napoleonic supply depots and American Civil War railroads don't count as tactical, but they did change the foraging meta which significantly changed strategy.
Was it Jan Bloch?
alatriste is an absolutely terrible adaption of an amazing book series, but it at least has one of the only depictions of the push of pike that i can recall
i implore you to not actually watch the full movie though, just read the books

If you don't have a gun to kill yourself with you are subhuman, an entire different species
You will never erase the smug off my face because I know that worst case scenario, I'm causing as much damage as I can before opting out myself with the most painless and accessible way man have invented.
If you don't have a gun on you, you haven't evolved, you are mentally stuck in the dark ages where they would capture you and skin you alive if you stole an apple. Thus, you are controllable. Not even going to mention the fact that you subconsciously know every random junkie with a knife can call their friends and stab you to death, or some random gym gorilla can push you around, you're subconsciously mentally terrified. You are an animal and you live amongst animals.
Same applies to morphine, if you don't have the means to stop pain in response to damage you are a slave of your primitive nervous system.
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Fuck ya mudda
guns arent even real. have you ever seen one other than online or in movies? they are literally just made up
You'll stop feeling this way as you get older, but I'll admit that it is a small comfort to own your own way out.
Kek fuckin saved

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Have you ever been bamboozled by the gun store clerk?
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Based DPMS. My uncle gave me once a few years ago and it’s been a boondoggle of a project. Basically a Theseus rifle, with the lower and trigger being the only original component left.
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>zombie green shotgun
Impeccable taste. Wish that made a comeback
>ultra high velocity .22lr to test out a heavy recoil spring
uhhhh that's not how that works you need heavier boolits for heavier springs, not faster
>mass !=velocity y'know
nah, it happen a lot in euro stores specially in western countries, the mags are worth a lot sure but at that price tag only collectors would want to buy them, so at this point you might as well get rid of it to store more ammo boxes that you are sure will sell in no time
Hey, the 2A applies just as much to werewolf-americans as it does to you, me, and vampire-americans.

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Who would win if China were to attack Taiwan?
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Just because NVDA got pumped to the moon doesn't mean there's 4nm chips everywhere.
Again, China doesn't give a fuck about the fab plant. It could get blown up tomorrow and their goals in Taiwan wouldn't change.
What industry today doesn't depend on computer chips?
There's a reason the economy has grown so much in the past thirty years. Every single aspect of every single business now revolves around technology that's more efficient than humans have been in the past several thousand years. Going back means a depression worse than any war you've ever seen.
Nigger you keep acting like the only fucking chip fabs on Earth are in Taiwan, or like every single business sector depends on the absolute newest 3nm chips or it'll flatline, or like one chip producer getting knocked out means all the other ones are gone too.
China's goals in Taiwan (to restate it for the 3rd fucking time) have NOTHING to do with controlling TSMC. Capturing the fabs undamaged would be nice, but they wouldn't be able to run them themselves anyway.

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What the FUCK were they thinking?
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I just today made that image by taking a UCP pic and color replacing it threw Lunapic.
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Oh nice, OC.
Good job Anon.
uh-HUH-huh!! Thank you Very Much.
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I'd give you a /k/ medal if I could.
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>shucks I’m honored.
I’m just doing my Part.

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Care Under Nonfrens Threat - /cunt/
>combat casualty care, first aid equipment and training videos
Hey /k/ommandos, I am in a need for a dedicated IFAK pouch (and possibly a list of recommended contents) and some decent training videos on how to use said contents of the kits.
I live in Eastern Europe, in a neighbouring country from Russia and thus I am trying to increase my skill set in first aid.
That is because I am concerned about the events in Ukraine and I know that if Russia succeeds there, war is also likely here.
What IFAK pouches do you carry, how do you train with them?
Sorry for any mistakes I possibly made, English is not my native language.
Interesting and bumping

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war /k/ino

Post the best art in war specially about the Ukraine-Russian conflict.
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I have blue eyes bitch, and can confidently tell you that you are not only brown eyed, but probably brown skinned aswell. Pic rel is you and your family.
Any other insignia depicting a figure with its dick out?
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>3 or fewer colors
>simple enough for a child to draw by hand
Bro just print your shit. Those rules are retarded.
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cope and seethe glow nigger. i still remember when u called terry davis schizo and i corrected you with the quickness.

blue eyed master race put you in your place telling you how terry davis was divinely inspired by GOD

i own your mind. cope and seethe like i keep telling you

you will not stop the blue eyed master race no matter what you do.

and I will say it again and again

Terry Davis was not schizo that is a term glow niggers use.

Terry Davis was divinely inspired by God and he created God's third temple as prophesied in the Bible.

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To actually be on topic The "Come out you cuckold" flag from the English civil war

name a realistic use of this thing outside killing US civilians in a civil war
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To simulate a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in a time travel incident.
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Why dose this thing exist when you have the OV-10 Bronco
to give companies more money for new toys we dont need
Drug war is going as planned
No you don't.

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