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>He says you lost the King's colours
how do you respond here?
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My mum's favourite film.
I see it as a bit of a shit test to see who can think on their feet, they asked the previous guy about Rhumb lines
I did think it was funny one of the officers before him just left the ship because he had punted one of the captain's on the review board's prized poodle overboard as a Midshipman and knew he wasn't going to be forgiven
If I had lost the King's colours, I would not be there in the first place. I'd be dead on a battlefield trying to retrieve them or in my study after doing the honourable thing.
Funny Hair, the show

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Just found out Ben Affleck now has a son
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>goodbye everyone... it's
It’s almost like those people who own Hollywood want to normalize this to the populace using their talking heads.
I'm fine with trans people, but a funeral isn't the appropriate place to come out. What a fucking narcissistic little shit.
75% of celebrity kids turn out trans or gay because they are probably the shittiest most nonexistent parents ever. Ben Afflack does not deserve this cute daughter, he probably sees her a few times a year in between his adrenochrome binges.
>I'm fine with trans people
kys sodomite enabler

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underrated kino
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>take a landscape video
>cut the sides off
>stick it in portrait

I cannot express in words how much I fucking despise phoniggers
Couldn't it be because it was shot in 4:3?
seethe faggot
make your own webm
You think THAT is 4:3?

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The new season of "What if Jane Austen but pozzed" is STUNNING and BRAVE
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Well that's just demonstrably untrue. Ugly guys and hot women are super common pairings and have been for decades. The "dumb guy fat guy, smart hot wife" is a parody of that trope because the trope itself was so common for so long.
>As a White man I champion feminism and turning every western country into a third world shithole
I can't wait for your heart attack.
I'm an ugly guy, where is my hot wife?
None of us have even seen this show have we
Where'd you get that quote from, the imaginary liberal you argue with during your weekly shower?
First you have to work on yourself until you're somebody worth dating. Women really don't choose between you and other guys, most women choose between you and being alone.

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What does /tv/ think about Cameron's weird AI remaster?
i don't like how she looks

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Probably hurts the chicken. When you meet your maker you'll know. Imagine still doing animal sacrifices.
God doesn't "require" anything. He commands
Nice strawman but the difference is the Bible isn't regarded as a fable.
Who cares? Who fucking cares if you believe in the Bible or not? The real point of such a thread is to zoom in on the Jew and point out their very real evil TODAY.
Sure, but that's an entirely different question than what he was responding to.

I've been reading some twitter takes since there's a trend right now where people post their favorite Simpsons clips. One thing that I've noticed is a lot of people saying something akin to that it's a bad show because it's not funny to young people.

I remember growing up and the people that didn't like the show were mostly really boring and humorless, miserable people. Zoomers think they're unique for some reason but their sense of humor is not hard to comprehend especially if grew up with the internet. They seem to have some hangup around wanting to be special that I can't really see. There are video essays about how special their sense of humor is (of course) and they say absolutely nothing that was actually unique, other than the environmental difference that is modern era internet.

Am I missing something or are these just the same type of humorless idiots from before or am I wrong, because zoomers are actually different?
Comedy is pretty universal, people like to think of it as more subjective than it really is. I think a lot of this stems from wanting to seem unique and creating an identity more than anything.
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They're clout chasing, trying every angle to get on the crest of a trend.

You either come up with real, organic takes that a lot of people resonate with (hard), or you see what's trending and make some contrarian/hall monitor post about it being problematic (easy).

If you catch one in the act, just do what you're meant to do with shills here. Get them to explain themselves. Most can't and will fuck off, or will, but put their foot in their mouth. Very very few will have a rational and interesting answer. And they'll start at a disadvantage anyway since they were attempting to push against an active tide in the first place.
OP blown the fuck out per usual.
I don't think that's what they mean by that, tard
simpson's are too smart for zoomers
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>Zoomers can't handle more than 1 joke a scene.

How did Professor X get his body back after Jean exploded him?

This used to be a joke
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Stanley looks cool here and you're being contrarian if you disagree
>nooo stop hurting the corporation's feelings
fuck off
they deserve everything they get
>black trans lives matter

No they don't
how does it feel knowing blacks are inserted, not as a reason to draw numbers, but to humiliate the would-be customers?
your existence is used as a punishment to others, and rather than show the slightest bit of self-awareness, here you are gloating over the fact...
why do care about people seething?
it's 4chan, it's not real

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Who's more likely to base their life on trivial things like suit makers, dinner reservations and fancy cards for social status, do you think it's men or women?
Modern means
>we have lots of brand deals with new products we want to push and need an established audience to push them onto
that's like 70 years ago, let it go man
>Starring Elliot Page as Patrick Bateman
It's supposed to take place in the mid 80's.

What am I in for?
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Imdb rating is shit for a tv show.
Shame, Josh Brolin is usually kino.
in before poker feet
IMDB is full of retards. are you a retard?
A good show to fall asleep to
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Brolin broods the entire time, which I love. I also enjoy Tom Pelphrey‘s acting (A Man in Full is worth a watch for his performance). S2 seems a bit different than S1 and can either be great or totally jump the shark.

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Previous thread >>199292037

Boom is out and critics are raving! Have your say ITT.
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Sounded like something 11 would say.
why is there a half-naked man in my Doctor Who?
>first appearance as the doctor is in his undies
How are people still denying that this isn't a fetish for RTD
>try to justify it by saying the clothes got split up between them
>don't make Tennant lose his shirt from under his vest
It's pretty thinly veiled, RTD just wanted to see shooty dressed up like the morning after a gay sex.

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Why would you want to smell like bourbon though?
I have no idea, I've always thought it'd make you smell like an alcoholic. But a lot of that "burbon" shit is just a woody smell to it
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>The bacon is.... crusty... hmmm crispy... just like a crust that I could bust
What the fuck is his problem?
I really don't understand this trend of consumerism as an identity. You see it all across the political spectrum, "Hur dur I buy Carhart because it's manly" - "Hur dur I drive a Ford because it's manly". It's literally no different than buying a soap that has a "manly" logo on it. They're just products, and all corporations are inherently gay. The only manly product is the product you make yourself.
>a cock wrapped in bacon

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What movies do they watch?
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What ever is currently popular
Netflix movies.
They don't actually watch anything, they just have things running in the background while they scroll on their phones.
The 2nd from is good.

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Only one will win the war to become Queen Zoomer.
I'm all the way on Team Tits.
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It's a good thing when they do it, incel chud.
It's so sad that the cowtits downie is who zoomers all point to when they want to prove to the rest of us that their taste isn't shit because the mutt is just pushed by the media.
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The one true Queen Zoomer
Zendaya is 28. She is a millenial
>but zoomers know her more
Doesn't change when she was born, which is the whole thing
The day this freak kills himself when he loses the Zelda part to an actual girl will be one to remember

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