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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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Only a radical Socialist revolution can save the world. Otherwise, prepare to be killed by Fascist dictators.
I'd rather be killed by a fascist dictator than live in a socialist shithole.

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Question for anons:

- What is your gay experiences with Italy?
- Despite having decent equipment in World war 2 why did Italy do so poorly in the war?
- What is your favourite Italian Car?

Old Bread: >>77537714
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It's not like you're going to fall in love with anyone as long as you talk them. Success rate is low everywhere.
it's like people don't know what platonic friendship is. but if they don't then why do they keep asking to be my friends and expect me to entertain them without ever asking how I'm doing?
>tfw no friend to interact with once a week
Sometimes I feel lonely but having been to social events I know I can't stand spending too much time with other people
>tfw no bf to convert me from prison gay to true fag by growing old together and no longer being a femboy will still remember to say "no homo" and "it was just a prank bro" to ensure i'm straight

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Feel old yet?
Not until my knees give out. I am dreading that day, though.
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She may still be alive but I doubt she's really living. I wish they'd just let her go already
I dont know why people do this to their animals watching them decline is always worse than their actual death

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I know I sound pathetic but what are male interests that don't give the ick to women? I plan to grow up and ditch all the conventionally childish interests/hobbies I have because they can't ever be shared with normies or women without raising eyebrows and thus I end up with having nothing to talk about. Castlevania, yugioh and 1990s RPGs aren't really going to help me lose my virginity I fear
I really wanted to get into knives collection when I was a kid but mom never let me to :(
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I don't know if it's generally "approved" but one time I met a guy flying a ton of kites at once at a park. He was such a nerd about them, telling me the types and brands. He seemed genuinely in love with kites and used words like beautiful, remarkable, elegant, or graceful to describe them. He seemed so engaged in me and sharing this bizarre love he had for his flying whales and boxes with me. It gave him a pure and honest character. Then a man came up from behind him and hugged him and they kissed and I immediately realized that I was trying to flirt with some guy's autistic fucktoy.
>listening to Metal music
I was definitely told by at least one woman that listening to metal was one of the things she found unattractive about me
If you want to increase your chances then take up hobbies that will put you around people as often as possible, and something where you have the opportunity to meet and talk to people. Like for example.. drinking? Or playing pool, I guess? Yes, try taking up pool lol

>when they actually give a damn about the things you want to talk about.
People care about the stuff you are interested in, you know? Some of my favorite people to talk to are people who will just autistically talk about the shit their into, all excitement, 0 shame, good shit


Maybe like this, for example? I'd never played Starcraft at all when I first saw this, but just great fun to listen to anyway. Also note how what he says at the time I linked applies perfectly to what we're talking about right now
>I was definitely told by at least one woman that listening to metal was one of the things she found unattractive about me
You shouldn't believe everything people tell you, anon, because I'm certain that cunt was just saying that, didn't really mean it. Should have asked her WHY she finds that unattractive. Always ask WHY

>can't even remember the last time i talked to a girl

How do I talk him out if it?
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plap his ass until he gets those stupid ideas out of his brain
sodomize his asshole with a knife heated to 1000 degrees and upload it to youtube.com
Tell him you only did experimentation and/or anal in your youth. He'll have reason to never fuck you again.
Not my owner.
You just said the same thing twice bitch, we know you'd let chad resize your second hole.

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Okay honestly anons I'm still conflicted over this post, what would you do if you were a close childhood friend with a girl(19 yo) that started to go through the whore route in her life? Do you think it's possible to save her?
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>Do you think it's possible to save her?
No. Remember, for every stand up guy that has self respect, there are millions of men who dont care about her having the entire male gene pool of her college inside her vagina(thats how pornstars get married). Also, for every virtuous woman out there, there are billions of women who doesn't see the value of chastity and self control anymore. Its your opinion, your point of view, against the whole world. Its >>77546004, the whole dating structure is like this.
Save her from what? You're jealous she left your loser ass behind lol
Nta but he said that he saw her as his sister, it's sounds faggy I know but I kinda understand him, I have a 10 years old little sister and it's kinda scary for me that one day she might turn into a massive slut no matter what my parents or I do.
There's really no saving her. She's a woman. She's already done something she knows is bad and is already coping about it. If true she is already begging you to validate her mistakes. At the very least don't encourage her.

You may as well try and save her. I mean can you really see yourself being friends with her in the future if she continues down this path? How far gone is she? Does she already have tattoos? How far are you willing to watch her slip? Are you going to let her troon out, pierce her hair and everything.

I say try to save her. Be gentle about it. Make sure it doesn't feel very judgemental and make sure she understands its really coming from a place of love. Like tell her she's made some mistakes but that doesn't mean she can't turn things around.
My sister is only 2 years younger than me but she's a lesbian, lucked out on not having to worry about that I guess

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Nostalgia edition.

thread questions
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology

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Turbie would never say "retarded faggots" she is kind and pretty
Textual words, i swear
>Anyone having NE in the top two makes them the easiest/funnest to talk to
What's so fun about NE?
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NTA, but seeing the connections between random bullshit and being able to jump between them freely. Being able to follow a discussion without it needing to be dumbed down to a level where every single step and connection is explained in concrete detail. Without Ne, there's a distinct need to change how I communicate, dull it down to stop people from misunderstanding or being upset.
basically can just play with ideas/perspectives and come up with stuff. a creativity and flexibility with idea that makes talking them very fun to talk to. I have NE and when I try to express that people who don't can just not get it or even get mad. NI is fine but they'll just kind of listen and not actually contribute.

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The woman I have a massive crush on is now in a relationship with my best friend.
I want to fucking die
How the fuck do you deal with this emotionally ?
I am in so much pain I can't fucking process what is happening
Any of you lived through something similar ? How did you pull through ? I need your experiences / advice
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If you've known him for 17 years then just tell him the truth. No idea how long that girl has been around you two but if he's a real friend, he'd cut ties with her. If he doesn't then well, sucks to be you but I'd ghost and move on.
read his reply right below yours, that's a childhood friend there, you don't discard people like that, especially not because of reasons like that
the mature thing to do is tell his friend about him liking her, and tell him, if at all possible, to not talk about her at all
she doesn't have to get in the way of their friendship

i get you, i've been where you are
but as i said above, not worth it to discard such a friendship for that reason, talk to him and reach a compromise
i assume you're closer to him than to her, so rather than losing a childhood friend, you just lose a crush, these come and go all the fucking time
your friendship is rare though, cherish that, even if it's painful, for it will pass soon enough
I hope you're right anon
It's made especially hard since I never fall in love after getting hurt bad in my young years
And for like the first time in 10 years I star feeling something beautiful for someone and poof it's gone
out of my reach
I was already starting to think I was unable to show my feelings to someone again before but this drives the knife so fucking deep
I'm starting to get seriously worried about being able to let myself feel these things as it has only ever ended with me hurt in the end (unable to get with someone for a duration now close to 18 years)
perseverance goes a long way, i feel
i know it hurts, i'd be lying if i said i can imagine it, despite being there, everyone feels differently
nothing good in life comes by easily though, and you still have many years ahead of yourself
it's the most cliche of advices, i'm aware, but you can't deny it, it could happen again, so long as you don't shut yourself out of it

like, you don't have to put yourself out there, don't have to actively chase it
all i'm saying is that you don't have to shut that door completely, that maybe, just maybe, your patience will be rewarded
that maybe you're going to make a girl feel very special for being one of the selective few you ever fell for

but for now, focus on salvaging your friendship, as i said before, he might very well need you in a not so far future
rebounds have an extremely high chance of failure, unfortunately
in my situation, me and my friend ended up despising the girl after she grew bored of him and left
the honeymoon phase was all fine and dandy, but once that was gone, she dropped him like a hot potato
but i was there to help him through it, i lost the crush but my friend remained with me, and he's still with me after 10 years or so

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Oh, i just noticed you're that idiot tripfag, once aga8n pushing horrible advice. Trash.

As for you, OP, I gave you the correct course of action. You're going to see your friend drift away from you and whatever relationship you had with him will probably end, assuming he keeps the relationship with that woman. And, if you insist on interacting with him, we will either self-censor to the point where he won't talk to you any more or he'll constantly bring up things like the great trip he went on with his girlfriend. If you choose not to interact with him when he's with her, she will tell him to drop you as well. Happens all the time.

You can choose to keep contact, but the above will happen inevitably. You can choose to move on now and not cause any waves or hard feelings, or you can drag things out and potentially cause issues. It's really up to you, but you were warned.

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One more day off for the wagies edition
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Get in there bootylod.

Tits and arses unite.
You pair of beautiful silly mongs lmao
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smelly fat virgins with 1 TB folders filled with images of an obese alcoholic from Dorset will never experience this.

Just back from Home Bargains. Got some goy juice chilling in the fridge. Sugar free of course. Love me cancer.
That's not the real titlod he hasn't been here for years. Simple as.
Do you have to post porn? we're nofap/noporn here

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>about to turn 24
>still no gf
man. my parents don't even hintedly ask if i'm gay anymore, they just look at me with sad eyes
My mom passed away when I was 22. She wanted the best for me, and it makes me sad that she never got to see me with any girl, or that she never got to have grandkids. The last half a year of her life she got to see me spiral down in depression and start hurting myself. And she cried in despair because she thought I was going to kill myself. And she expressed disappointment in me after I started going to therapy, but I was still unable to complete the things I failed at. It makes me cry just thinking about all of this. During the last day of her being lucid, I told her I love her with all my heart and that I will always love her, as I held her head in my arms. She could barely speak at that point, but she was able to say that she loves me too.
I literally do not care if I end up with a woman or not.
>our son is a faggot! nooooo
time to go an hero.
At least you got the opportunity, anon. Thats more than some people have. Rip to your mom

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I think stonesus is right
we give corporations too much human rights they are practically celebrities
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Government pays police. Stop the flow of money, they'll put their limited police training to good use by clubbing politicians in the streets
Faggot, unless you're a person who just jumped in and has no reading comprehension, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO MENTIONED THEM.
Pretty much, except no government is brazenly stupid enough not to pay the police. Which is why you have to co opt a movement in the police that forces the elite to stop funding them and thus you get an autonomous unit capable of wrecking the rotting bloated corpse that is the federal government
Yes Minneapolis went back to normal AFTER they gave the police a big fat fucking check

Did you /really/ need me to say that? most people could have implied that from my statements
Well, is it normal, or a shithole? Make up your mind.
The city was greatly improved by the just burning of the Third Precinct, and conditions have remained improved. I pray to God for more burnings.

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>gay guy keeps hitting on me at store
>can never go back until he stops working there
Now I know how girls feel. Its terrible watching someone plot and build up the courage to ask you out.
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>ywn be the cute virgin twink that a top jerks off to dreaming about what could have been if he managed to snag you
absolutely devasted
i dont get why feminine guys who dont wanna be feminine dont take testosterone
i envy them for being feminine but obviously they dont wanna be feminine which i understand im not gonna say "ur so lucky" but like its so much more of a fixable issue then the other way around
if you have like a preexisting heart condition i understand though
In his specific situation it's easy to assume that he perceives supplements and "augmentation" like that to be immoral. Christians put a lot of value into accepting the body you have been given as it had been, conceptually, handcrafted by God for you specifically. Those options likely never even reached him, as Christians often stay "in-network" and avoid any doctors or counsellors that may suggest options that they perceive as immoral.
thats kinda dumb and larp
god gives us shitty ass bodies and doesnt allow them to modify them in any way (though i have the opposite issue)
shit like this is why idc about praying anymore

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