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anything goes
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shit won‘t happen, nigger
I respect your opinion, but srsly, check out this sauce: https://youtu.be/G9J5DAM2d0s
One of them had a disabled tard son at home do the monkey stuff was probably an outlet for her desire to kill her defect offspring as nature intended.
They realy are cute and thanks to zoosadists I can never look at them with any joy again.
as someone with access to telegram groups, I can confidently say that barely if any new custom commissioned content is being produced, they just repost old videos
The arrests of both producers and consumers must have scared them hard, it seems a new pityfag gets arrested in the US every week nowadays

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Anyone else fascinated by the idea of taking on thing, and combining various features to another?
I always love this stuff, even if it's unrealistic.
Remember this Human Dog that was making the rounds years ago?
I always wonder what a cat dog would look like, or a bird bat, maybe even a fish man would look like.
How would such creatures adapt, what new niches would be formed.
Imagine a dolphin with hands, what kind of things would they do with those hands?
These are the kind of questions that keep me up at night.
Only with plants. It would be cool if sunflowers could spread like bamboo.
If we could find a way to make sure subsequent existences won’t be a living nightmare and to also not make them look like that then maybe
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Physically? Not much.
Emotionally? Mortifying.
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wait just a fucking second. That's the tail base scratch point area spot for domesticated animals!
what in the good lord heaven God earth green is going sam benny hill tarnation on?
Most animals have a hard time scratching the base of their tail: can't reach it with claws, can barely reach it with teeth. If they get an itchy spot there due to fleas or mites or whatever, they can't scratch it very well. Good thing humans like to pat and scratch as many critters as possible.
do they like their tongues pat pet just liek orcas? perhaps i propose to pet the pink pillow?

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Why do lions fuck each other's tranimal holes?
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There is and NBCU making a documentary about it otherwise they wouldn't. If animals do it then that means it's natural in humans too. A lion is a symbol of masculinity? Well guess what, you will see them take in ass with pride and furocity of the true king of the jungle and so will you too soon.
I too would fuck a big lion in the ass ngl.
It's just mounting. I doubt there's any penetration or ejaculation going on.
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CHAD tigers will take all the lussy
when i was in college, my environmental ethics professor made this argument against a student who was trying to explain why being a slut was only natural. half the class was seething for the rest of the week. he was the best professor on campus.

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Does anyone know the breed of this beautiful cat? It was spotted in Bali.
brown recluse
Thanks for ur participation.
It's just a cat bro. Cats aren't like dogs. If it has no papers it has no breed.
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ITT animals that make humans feel insecure
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The British pet massacre was a week-long event in 1939 in which an estimated 400,000 cats and dogs, a quarter of England's pet population, were killed in order to prepare for World War II food shortages.

In 1939, the British government formed the National Air Raid Precautions Animals Committee (NARPAC) to decide what to do with pets before the war broke out. The committee was worried that when the government would need to ration food, owners would decide to split their rations with their pets or leave the animals to starve. In response to that fear, NARPAC published a pamphlet titled "Advice to Animal Owners." The pamphlet suggested moving pets from the big cities and into the countryside. It concluded with the statement that "If you cannot place them in the care of neighbours, it really is kindest to have them destroyed."[3] The pamphlet also contained an advertisement for a captive bolt pistol that could be used to kill the animals humanely.

When Neville Chamberlain announced on 3 September 1939 that Britain had declared war with Germany, many pet owners flocked to pet surgery clinics and animal homes to kill their pets.[4] Many veterinarian groups such as the PDSA and the RSPCA were against these drastic measures, but their hospitals were still flooded with pet owners in the first few days. PDSA founder Maria Dickin reported: "Our technical officers called upon to perform this unhappy duty will never forget the tragedy of those days."[5] Hilda Kean wrote that lines for London clinics stretched a half mile. The event triggered a shortage of chloroform and a waste management challenge.[2]
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A year later, when London was bombed in September 1940, even more pet owners rushed to kill their pets. "People were worried about the threat of bombing and food shortages and felt it inappropriate to have the 'luxury' of a pet during wartime".[5]

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, against the trend, managed to feed and care for 145,000 dogs during the course of the war and provided a field in Ilford as a pet cemetery, "where about 500,000 animals were buried, many from the first week of the war".[6] A famous opponent of pet culling was Nina Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of Hamilton, a cat lover, who campaigned against the killing and created her own sanctuary in a heated hangar at Ferne.
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—Timer: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-qualifiers-to-become-extinct-w9nk
►Bracket: To be decided (by your votes!)

►Previous threads:
Discussion...?: >>4797374
Nominations: >>4799223
Qualifiers: [YOU ARE HERE]

►Judges: Yotsuba, /an/-tan, a baker's dozen of Crows in a trenchcoat
►The following Elite 8™ members are barred from participation:
>Tyrannosaurus Rex
>Mantis Shrimp

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Be honest, would you do a Neanderthal woman?
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>Neanderthal woman
so a woman
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The cockroach is the perfect organism.
>hundreds of millions of years old
>can eat literally anything
>survive weeks without food
>survive poison
>survive decapitation
>fly right at you in the middle of the night
>love getting wasted
>will inherit the earth
Vote cockroach.

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Cassowaries are cool. Is all you need to know.
I look like this and say this.
Gonna need a citation for that
>*kills you*
heh nothing personnel, mammal
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>this is the closest living relative to a T-rex
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what, the chicken specifically? what about all the other birds?
I don't like when people say birds "are" dinosaurs. It triggers my jimmies.

The main difference as a layman is that dinosaurs have teeth and birds don't. I think that's a pretty good distinction.

It's like humans are not apes, because apes are hairy. It's not a scientific distinction maybe but a linguistic one.
I do think that scientists, especially some palaeontologists, need to improve their science communication skills to get the public on-board with their discoveries (the more the public cares the more funding you get). But birds ARE dinosaurs, same as humans ARE apes. Why lie to the layman? People can grasp these concepts.
>dinosaurs have teeth and birds d-ACK!
You have to understand that normalfags think evolution is like Pokemon where it's just 1 species changing into 1 species.

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I am currently growing tobacco and poppies. What are some other narcotic plants one can easily (or not so easily) grow at home, inside or outside?
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>raw opium is like 10% morphine
The amounts of morphine, codeine etc vary.
>I would not do it and would heavily advise anyone who gets the idea to do opioids recreationaly to reconsider.
>I have not had Pepsi even once in my entire life but, I 100% guarantee you will like it.
point being it's literally the same stuff that is in the pills
Let's say you grew the mushrooms like this (But did it better like >4795012 said) and you had some psilobycin mushrooms. What then? Can you just chew on them raw?

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Previous: >>4729588
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I heard they also killed the cat Xerxes
I don't know if eBay sells foxes
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Foxes should be big enough to kiss while consummating our marriage
It's as simple as that
Seems fennecs are small enough for shipping

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/dog/ clothing:
For work and play:
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise:

/dog/ training:
Be nice to /dog/s:

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why is my dog like the basedjak version of yours? What the FUCK?
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I'm going to be puppy raising a guide dog. Getting it this week.
Any tips/expectations/etc I should be aware of that they might not have already told me?
neat. the guide dog is for you?
no i don't know anything about guide dogs but i have seen prior posts on them so might want to search the archives.
I'm having trouble letting my whippet pup (8 mo) off lead on the beach ever since a big black whatevershitdoodle chased her into the sea when she was 4 months. She is visibly stressed out now near the sea and I am sure that if I let her off lead she will run off, back to the promenade where there is traffic, so I haven't had the courage to do so. I tried a 30 m lead before but she is continupusly at the end of it, pulling to go away from the sea. I took her mom along this morning thinking it would give her confidence since her mom absolutely loves the beach and runs and plays but it didn't matter. The fuck do I do about this? She doesn't show interest in very high value treats (sausage pieces) nor in toys because she is too stressed. I'm pretty knowledgeable about dog behaviour/training usually but I'm at a loss with this. I have other options to let her run safely but the beach has always been perfect for my other 5 sighthounds, and they all were/are very reliable in their recall. Would suck a whole lot if she can never be let off lead on the beach
It also doesn't help that this morning some fat bitch let her deformed asshole shepherd semi-aggressively charge at my dogs from a few hundred meters away when I was walking back to the promenade and they were already on the lead. The mom of my puppy wasn't having that and barked to chase the shepherd off so that wasn't a good association with the beach for the puppy either and I am pissed about that.
>neat. the guide dog is for you?
No, I just help raise it while it's a puppy and teach it good manners, take it to training etc. Once it's around 14 months old it'll be tested and if it's suitable it'll become a guide dog, secondary pathways are other kind of assistance dogs like therapy dogs etc. If it doesn't have a temperament suitable for any job then it can become a pet.
I was thinking more like general puppy things. I've only had adult dogs before

Lovely Beasts Edition

cont. from >>4787478


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull Harness, X-Back Harnesses, and Sledding Harnesses. Pulling IS Dangerous.

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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really sorry anon
my elderly dog started barking all the time at nothing. literally just staring at chairs barking
it might be going blind or deaf
yeah, I have to yell to get his attention otherwise he looks surprised to see me until I get directly in his line of sight. 15 year old german sheperd btw
after googling a bit more into this it looks like "sundowner syndrome" describes my dog's habits.

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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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I found a small frog in a well today. It had no vestigial tadpole features, but it refused to move when placed on the ground. When I put it in the old bath we currently use as a water reservoir, it was much more vigorous, but it didn't resurface and ended up hiding under the stone on the bottom. Is it normal frog behaviour? It was early evening, and the frog was most likely a common brown frog. I get it, frogs like water and darkness, but it was weird that it didn't move on land. Could it be some freaky amphibian that has fully adapted to living in a dark well? Should I throw it back into the well tomorrow if it's still around?
Pic unrelated
I just realized this is a pickerel frog, not a leopard frog. Oops.
Are you in Florida or the Bahamas? if so, they are called "Curly tails"
Oenpelli pythons

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