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Is there anything better for the heart than a spoiled little piggy?
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Lol just flappy bully jowls
Its pink loins are making me uncomfortable.
That poor, abused thing, lol. Has such a hard life!
>struggling to breathe grasping for air
not so lovely

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Tell me, does this make u mad whiteboy?
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What demented train of thought brought you not only to this conclusion but to creating this thread?
He's mad no one replied to him in the other thread. Because it's just not that funny.
Welp. I'd say I feel bad but well, I don't.

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>today marks 8 years since we lost him
How have you honored Harambe's legacy?
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everyone ITT should have
I wonder what the kid is up to these days
There was never a mom or kid.
Imagine trading the life of a breeding aged endangered animal for that of a stupid fucking niglet that forgot to use his two neurons. If i were the zookeeper i would've shot at the little cunt instead.
probably shoplifting in 7/11s and pursuing his rap career

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Are you aware of how large a moose is?
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Low quality """baits"""
Why would that be bait. It’s a fact.
mynd you, møøse bites kan be pretty nasti
I'm well aware of how big these bastards are. I'm scared as fuck of them. They're way too big.
Just slay it with a sword and block the kicks with a shield

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/an/ be honest is there something wrong with my horse?
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oops i meant grave digger please excuse my error lmao
Truly a grave error
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indeed but you know what they say about life n lemons
how do I draw this equine?
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just do your best anon we believe in you : )) he even did a self portrait in solidarity with you

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New thread to replace the old one that maxed-out and was archived
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My dog is old and she has a liver condition. The doctor says she doesn't have a lot of time left. She's still super energetic and happy but she isn't eating right and I can feel she loses a bit of energy day by day. She's 'of age' for a German Shepherd (11-12 yo). I just want to make sure she spends her last months happily and I just want to make as much memories with her as as possible in the last few months before she completely deteroriates.

What do you suggest I do?
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Cute old dog, what's going on with her back legs near her tail though? What's that bump
It's a large cyst. Benign. Thank you for asking
Wolves are not a fair comparison. Feral mutt dog populations seldom live past 2 years of age too. She lived well enough.
Maybe make sure everything is easily accessible to her that ya want to be. Like ramps so she won't have to bounce around. Stuff like that. Give her a pat for me.
That face, lol. That one's got a personality. I mean, they all do, but that look, lol. Good picture.

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Post bigfeet, talk about bigfeet
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Ancestors like what? Orangutans? Going through snow and ice?
idk. A popular one is Gigantopithecus but the ape fossil record is famous for being incomplete
What is it then? a fucking mushroom?
No, I don’t think those scientists are the same at all
Their faces are very human. They have speech and live in tribes. Its a hominid.

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genuine thoughts on them?
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>t.micrurus hemprichii, the snake specialized in almost exclusively eating velvet worms
it craves the gummy vitamins
Imagine specializing in eating a scarce food source. Must be like eating the best steaks money can buy for breakfast lunch and dinner
But if you ate it for every meal wouldn't you get tired of it and it would feel like a chore to eat?
such is the existence of the specialized animal…

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Is it okay to feed my cat cheetos?
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I do this after jacking off
They are obligate cheetovores
No. Cheetahs only eat cheetos
if you want to treat your cat get some meat for it to enjoy rather than it's usual catfood slop
that way you can enjoy your cheetos and not feel bad that your cat doesn't get any treats
I used to feed my cat Pringles while we watched the summer Olympics together.

Please post large arthropods (insects, arachnids, crustaceans, myriapods, etc.)!
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>The worker bees find several eggs (or larvae) of the appropriate age range and feed them royal jelly to try to develop them into new queens.
wouldn't that result in multiple queens being born?
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i met a Millibro on my walk last weekend, say hi!
I like cute stylized spiders
Yes. The first born queen will kill the others before they develop further

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They get pretty big. Nobody seems to have an answer for how much they weigh but they at least achieve high volumes.
Also coral doesn't count since one coral is a myriad of individual animals?
Also the really big jellyfish get bigger than any squid, so how can the colossal squid be the biggest invertebrate?
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That's like claiming a large portion of your bodyweight is dead because it's just bone. Bone has a lot of shit in it that is essential for your body to function, and not just for structural support. Similarly, nutrient and water transport happens in what you think is dead, not the tissue between the bark and wood.
anon. a multicellular organism isn't the same as a colonial organism.
oh in that case let me just take away your gut flora and skin flora and see how long you live faget
>stuck to the floor
Anon, you're supposed to clean up after.
Maybe if this was a glass sponge you'd be close to the truth, even then, Hexactinellidan don't have "exoskeletons". But Xestospongia muta (the sponge in that image) is a Demosponge.

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Dinosaurs are birds
Mammals are fish
Dolphins and otters are evil rapists
>What is your opinion of the Indian Giant Squirrel?

Hello Saars, please do not redeem the सुपारी sars, good day beautiful शुभ रात्रि
It appears to be a pokemon, perhaps dark/normal.
Interesting colors. Usually don't see that in mammals.
- the gigacuck mantra

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ITT: Products that trigger /an/
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forbidden pogo stick
>dae le cats bad?
>le birby birbos good?
>dae shitbull hate thread?
>yiff yiff xDD
>mass reply and doublespacing is... le good!
Hello, Reddit.
If anything this is the kind of thing they would sell on purpose

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giga bazed
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>A-are those...the herds...migrating???

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