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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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the time has come
and so have i
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>concerted effort to shit on one in favour of the other
ok, schizo

Have you consider that people may not like your game?
glad you happy
>Have yet to see a good use of the recon divisions
Then they're doing their job.
Also the infantry decks don't get access to any AT guns big enough to fight tanks. Your entire AT complement is bazooka/shrek infantry that you disperse and hide cleverly to jumpscare tanks that get too close. If the other side does well-coordinated combined arms pushes with an infantry player screening for the tank and the tank supporting the infantry there's basically no way to hold it as a single player. Your arty will either bail you out or you'll get fucked. While it's far less threatening, you can't even really do anything to tanks that just stay way at a distance and shell you with HE. You just have to wait for a teammate to shoot at it and make it stop.

Fortunately most players still haven't really figured these kinds of things out so you can easily solo carry with an infantry list, but facing a stack is miserable because the average soloqueue teammate might as well be afk.
It was a bad system, retard. Realistic, sure, but bad and cumbersome gameplay. The fact that the mod to increase the time you have to build defenses before a battle is one of the most popular mods in GoH is all the proof you need. Same for auto medic.

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People were laughing at Kaiserreich being stuck in dev hell for so long while saying TNO is gonna take its spot and revolutionize the modding scene.

Now look how the tables have turned.

The Troon Order is essentially abbandonware while Kaiserreich finished its biggest rework and now drops content patch after content patch with Russia on the horizon.
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Well I played a Kerensky run, while it wasn't stellar I really liked the mechanics, while I don't really like KX the Russia they have is very cool, I think I'll play another couple of paths
>Still no Russia rework
>Still no India rework
>Still no Iran rework
>Still no Austria-Hungary rework
>And some more I forgot/don't care about...
Sadly I've noticed a bit of a change here, with Kiria for example being way too TNO visual novel like for my tastes - although I have seen there being some pushback, I think I saw a dev saying Kiria went "too far" in that direction.
kys retard

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Is this the ultimate calling card for the "I'm terminally dosghit at rts" type of person?
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i remarked that you do not belong
a simple fact, tourist-kun
this guy really thinks he's on /a/ lmao go back to your tranny pedophile containment board
nobody outside of that shithole wants to see your gay cartoons for manchildren
i remarked that tranime is for low t faggots
a simple fact, pedo-kun
i'm on 4chan. a board created to talk about japanese culture and anime
that you get offended by anime just show you don't belong and that you are new
you seem hell-bent on trying to fit in, though
>entire Marvel Vs Capcom series and their massive fanbase from EVO
Was a fad, look up the absolute shitshow that was mvc finals on last evo. Fightings are solved no fun allowed genre and competitive events prove it handfuly. Only fun to be had in it is amateur events that made sf6 runaway hit in japan with vtubers and celebrities or obscure kusoge played for shits and giggles.

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Have you played any country in the Lake Federation in Anbennar?
If so which and what path did you go?
Recently Sunjalla, the monarchical splinter and the incipient Kalsyto(standard unifier) MT have been added to the BB. The latter is far from done but some of the mechanics are there already AFAIK.
The Steam update is releasing in mid June, so for the next month incomplete content will be fleshed out but little new will be added.
Also why the fuck do Triunics dislike mages? so unrealistic baka
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EU4 is a history themed evolved board game and sucks as a "real historical sandbox", hence why conversion and alternate history mods work pretty well since they aren't as tied to real history that the base game fails at convincingly simulating
ability to do insane unbalanced shit and have it actually make sense in universe. not being restrained by realism or plausibility allows for the mechanics to be pushed to extremes.
Gobbos are fun. Masses of cheap and weak infantry to overwhelm the enemy with numbers in the early game, artificery and modern warfare in the late game. You dodge the stupid hoardcursed disaster and can still flip to a dwarven religion of your choice if you want.
You can only wish for a country this size, little midget
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>The guys over in Cannor don't have enough space to set up colonies, and we don't know why! (It has nothing to do with instantly-spawning three province adventurer states by 1500 and an overwhelming amount of native tags, which do not permit nations to actually colonize in the slightest.)

>I know how to fix this, let's add another adventurer tag, surely this will help out Cannor! (Also, we'll nerf Venaíl because they colonize too much and block the other nations, no this has nothing to do with most of us faggots disliking Venaíl.)

Fuck these shitty devs. Fill up Aelantir, fill up Sarhal, fill up Insyaa, might as well just remove Colonization ideas since they're useless and since it'll help the message of how colonization is le bad and has no place in Anbennar.

What do you mean? You don't enjoy having to go through seventeen different disasters because your region is inherently unbalanced as fuck and would utterly break the game if allowed to actually have a normal, non-disaster ridden playthrough? Geez, how could you ever possibly think that?!?!?!?! The Serpentspine is the best, greatest, most fun region in the mod, and fuck you if you don't like it!!!1!!11!

What is it about the pike & shot era that scares strategy game devs so much? Literally more strategy games have been set in the Bronze Age than in the pike & shot era.
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>cossacks too is very niche
>t. amerimutt
And before you go all "muh slavjank played by russoids" - it's one of the most popular games in France. To the point they've made 2nd one about Napoleonic Wars
I am south american and I love it.
>gunpowder empires
never understood this retarded meme names, pretty much every empire used guns at that point
The sick man of europe wasn't exactly known for its innovation or fluidity.
Landsknecht clothing is for faggots. Make your own games

Why Ottomans can't annex all of the Mamluks in 1 year like in real history?
>Why can't these op niggers be even more op uh?
But they literally can?
Two thing are a commonplace in Paradox: making sweden overpowered and overtuning Islam.
They can.

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what mods do I play?
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Is there some way to to the numpad for these options?
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knights of ludd, luddic enchancement


trucker traders
local spreadsheet man screams as his 9th paradox thread is killed by an actually good space strategy game
Why? Just click on them with your mouse cursor like a normal person
Is there a mod that stops your fleet from auto-piloting into the sun, what the fuck.

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"HE OPENED THE Total War: Attila Thread,




The day of reckoning has come.
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I have noticed that one you begin to flank and rear charge enemies then their morale just completely shatters and it usually develops into an outright end of the battle.
Also despite lacking no historical basis whatsoever its funny that your trying to claim a guy who's only real reputation is destruction of civilization kek
Do you ally with the Germans or do you annihilate them?
I stayed loyal, also it's feel like easy-path. Romans have your back, and you just go and conquer.
It is turn 60 and the Western Empire is stabilised. How do we maximise profits?

post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
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seconding this ask
These borders are criminal.
is this the power of better moderation???

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Post games with the best terraforming
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Aurora 4X. You have to design your own terraforming ships, but they're not all that useful. Very slow to terraform that way. But there's an alternate strategy where you build a stationary terraforming base that is basically entirely made of terraforming modules. Then you use a tug to pull that into place, orbiting your desired planet.

Shame about the rest of the game.

What the fuck
Populous 3
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Classic too bad it never had mods or sequels.
>too bad it never had mods

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>2024... I am forgotten
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>every respectable 4x game
was dogshit upon release and is only well remembered like two expansions later.
People used to actually make complete games. You don't know this because you weren't born yet at the time, but it's true.
No, people used to accept broken games as complete because it was more of a pain to get patches.
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Next time, think more about the art style and maybe put some effort into it. Who TF wants to play mobile game looking ass game on a PC? The art style is everything

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What were your thoughts on the ending?
What does the future hold in store for Valhalla?
And most importantly, which waifus will make an appearance in Banished Children?
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>tfw you're a memorable character and you get demoted to shopkeeper
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Does anyone have any ideas why people run Can't Wait Anymore on Kylie? I've seen a few people do it, so it's not just one guy with a jank build. I thought it was to do with the heavy cast delay on Reinforced Attack Protocol but it doesn't get her AT high enough to trigger it
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>It'll be disappointing if John's not in the sequel
Same. When Mungo King's mission first came out, there was a theory that the Ice user heart he received from Pascal was that of John. I really hope that won't turn out to be the canonical explanation.
That's literally what happened to Don kek.
No idea. Kylie's always been one of my quickest members. Hell, aside from that one mission at the graveyard, I don't think that I've ever surpassed 200AT with any of my human characters.
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I have over 500 hours in this game, why am I still learning new mechanics by replaying the tutorial mission?

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does anyone still play this game?
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4-4 and they are the best players of their races
who the hell is vitmaru

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