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Post your City, Anon.
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>First time, play in 0.66 and start with cretonians
>saw the fish nearby my land, then build and make people live on fishing
>didn't read the introduction of people, didn't know people prefer vegetables not fishes
>3 years later, some dondorians came in, accepted them as new citizens
>because of my stupid strategy, doesn't have enough foods, people feels bad. Citizens started their fight with each other for "they are eating my bro's meat"
>Want to start again now.

Can anyone tell me how to set up a normal basic production cycle or something...? Fishing looks like a bad choice.
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fishing is like the lowest yelding foodsource unless you have either exeptional fishing spots with amevian fishers or a high tech level

also cretonians don't like fish, they still can eat it but they gain no happiness from it

farming is the best choice for cretonians because they are the best farmers in the game and since I am assuming you are near a river, fertility is at 100% on spots with ground water so ther is no reason not to farm there

start with vegitables and fruits because you can instantly eat the yeald and then build a grain farm and a bakery, you probably need furniture for that one but once you established the basic necessities the rest shouldn't be a problem

fullfill every need you can in the meantime, shrines for example are cheap and don't need employment, giving you an easy happyness boost from just building like 4 smal worshiping spots
Thanks Anon, I started a new game and begin to like this game now.
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not him, but pay attention that some races have higher skill and fulfillment when working on certain things, higher skill = more resources being produced, you should focus on that, no only on food preference, even because they aren't always great at making their preferred food, for example, the tilapis prefer meat, fruit and eggs, they are great at orchards, hunters and most animal husbandry types, but they aren't that good at producing eggs, that can be misleading, they are also much better at orchards than at fruit farms, even though both buildings produce the same type or resource.

press the "?" button on the population tab to go to the in game wiki and see the full page of the races

if you are doing a multiracial city, you can tweak the job priorities to make sure the right race is working on a certain place
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Thank you too! The city is growing now, in some kind of grid hell though. kek

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Still prefer US because firebases are fun to spam, but Chinese are fun too.
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Superweapons general, the best way to attack is with infantry.
Sorry, Chinese Tank General main here. I only use infantry to garrison buildings, they only leave buildings to pop a cap in a rocket trooper's ass.
Understandable. I'm too used to having to deal with my friends in Superweapons. Since we play so casually, they get to just line every entrance with EMP patriots, and use stealth fighter ambushes to knock out any artillery.
I kinda understand EMP patriots knocking out ground vehicles, but for balancing reasons, I don't think one-hitting air vehicles was a good idea.
is there any way to make infantry useful in this game? (besides putting them in fireported vehicles)

I mean really, just one quad can kill like 7 missile defenders and infantry are too slow to keep up with your vehicles anyway.

superweapon general sucks early game. Try to kill her fast because the longer things go on, the more likely you will lose. Terrorists and mobs both wreck patriots, but don't work once she gets snipers. Probably the best thing to do is mass buggies since they destroy everything usa can build anyway
The lower the opinion number is the slower it ticks down, as an example if you blow upo 3-4 monuments at the same time then it ticks down really quickly, clear the map normally but leave some tank hunters to destroy a monument at the last possible moment to get more total time on the mission

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>still no Roman-Jewish wars game in which you could erase the 2nd temple
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I want a business sim set in the ancient near east
Difficulty level: Path Of The Damned: Play as Ea-Nasir and try to avoid getting your house burnt down by your clients.
Israel is all about seeing itself as an eternal victim so having them actually conquer others like every other tribe throughout history in a video game would undermine that.
Field of Glory: Empires lets you play as Judea and has a bunch of unique content for them where you can rebuild the temple and upgrade your zealot units until they're space marines
There's probably some shitty christian indie game that focuses on it

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Currently playing again.
There's just something about it that always makes me come back to it.
Despite being hard as balls, I just find it... comfy. Might be the graphics.
I never managed to beat the missions as a kid. The german campaign was torturous.
I started the soviet campaign, which is ok so far, but I heard it was the hardest one. There was already one mission with an assault on two different villages which was pretty tough.
I also started the allied campaign, which is also fun so far. I just love commando operations where you just snuff a whole company with an officer+rifleman.

I also own the second one, which I might try when I don't feel like playing this one. It's supposed to be a bit easier. The only other game that could really scratch a similar itch was World in Conflict.
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How about you stop backtalking me before I shove this cock down your throat, bitchmade?
You can usually get it and the expansion for a hecking $1 on fanatical.
Yea the Stalingrad defense was intense, so much arty rockets, 155mm and endless german waves, its a surprise Germans survived the war at all.

The German one was easy enough as its a rush to the western and eastern arty spots, capture and then strategic aerial bombardments followed by infantry forces launching a three pronged attack occupying buildings and supported by arty and reserve tanks while majority of the armour and some trucks with troops swings around and punches from the north west. take the bridge and mission over.

i do prefer the RWM though, so much fun
Yea I have that, downloaded back in 2014, i hand translated all the missions to understand what I was meant to do.
>i do prefer the RWM though, so much fun
I tried to get into RWM, but with that I have the same problem as with MWM, which is the bad contrast between units and background.
Realism and all is great and I love that they have the shorty StuGs, but I just can't see shit. Where are my units? I wouldn't know because they blend into the scenery - as they should irl, but not when I am trying to select them.
I made one mission for it just to try out some units and the most recent map editor.

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What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
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so which campaign should I play as a newbie to this game in protectors
The last update was years ago
Most people had their fill and moved on.
I picked Runemaster, because it's a Dwarf only class.
Dwarfs in 2 had only 3 classes anyway.
Last update was like 3-4 months ago, anon.
Pick a race and faction you like and then just chose something you find fitting, that's what I'd do, leveling system isnt as complicated as wbc1 and 2 so you cant brick your hero as easily.
Oh wait fuck, campaign, I thought you were asking hero classes for some reason, they have the WBC 1 campaign in there so might as well go for that one.

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Who is your /vst/ waifu?
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my whore wife
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I just want her to calm down and be happy for once
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Oxanna Kristos.
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Why Ottomans can't annex all of the Mamluks in 1 year like in real history?
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I could have sworn this was posted in /his/, was his moved?
>why is this dogshit game dogshit?
They can, retard. Stop paying parajews for each DLC and pirate them. Or at least wait for the "EUIV Ultimate" and laugh in the face of all the cucks who paid them 500 bucks for a game over the course of the last 10 years.
Because the game does not model social dynamics in such a way as to make it possible through normal gameplay. Instead you get to buy the option as a "click button to annex" DLC event.
even in mp games attrition accounts for 1/3 of all casualties on average
in single player games its probably higher
if that isn't enough for you i dont know what to say

post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
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it sounds like youre just talking out of your ass but i dont know enough about coding to disagree with you
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guys you like my germany?
>also most of saudi arabia
Not nice.
>no big German Empire
>no Germany at all
0/10 needs more VGH
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i fucking hate hpm, and it hates me

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I used to play C&C 3 and Generals, but only campaign and skirmish against bots. Then I did some RA3 mp, very few wins. Now I'm trying to get into AoE4 but I keep getting BTFO. What are some beginner tips? Assume I am brain damaged
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>What are some beginner tips?
idk, I've been playing rts for 20+ years and am barely average. learn hotkeys and have fun i guess, and don't fall for the apm or micro memes, that's more advanced shit and will only get you so far if you don't know the basics. most rts games follow a simple rock paper scissors balance system, so learn your counter and anti-counter units. in aoe for example, spears almost always counter cavalry so if someone is sending a lot of knights at you, consider making spearmen.
Fr too many people are just playing someone else's game I don't even see how it is fun.
kek you're like a pokemon dude, I can spot you in the wild being a tard
You're retarded. The equivalent would be following a recipe.
that's literally what a build order is

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If only 1%, or sometimes even less, get them.
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>playing with mods
>playing non ironman
fuck off
>D-don't use mods on Paradox games!!!
What level of autism is this? Who the fuck would want to play vanilla?
I think hes saying fuck off to paradox because cheevos are only available if playing without mods and on ironman.
The base CK3 achievements are neat because they tie in with the suggested start characters so each one effectively has a campaign objective to do.
Some people leave negative reviews for lack of achievements lol

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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
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I've been having a strong urge to play a Rome game after playing Songs of Syx recently. Never actually touched any of the Rome TW ones specifically though, is Rome2 good? What about Atila? Is it worth going out of my way to pirate Rome1 and get it working on modern systems?
I feel like this dlc and the women dlc was kinda a way to bring back the meme Hollywood units from Rome 1 for the people who wanted them.
Attila is more kino if you play Rome 2 first. You gotta understand how different that game was from other total war games.
It seems the the best consensus with Atitila, that it's less of a 4X and more of an empire survival type of game.
Is this a joke?

A game maker I know is stress testing a little MMORTS.

It's called Front, and so far it's pretty basic. a few different terrain types, four different units
>Supply trucks
and when you join, you get randomly dropped into a team.

You get command points every 5 minutes (probably gonna be upped to every 2-3 hours once the stress test is done) and you use these to move units about: the more units you have, the less command points you earn. the balance is 5 right now (you don't gain or lose CPs at 5 units)

and your units gradually cap the tile they're in, if the tile is loyal to your country, you get supplies from the tile. if it's disloyal, you don't get squat.

There's alot more to it but you can probably figure it out as you play.

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wtf rumsod is still alive? it's been 11 years since bloc
and it's been like 3 years since POWER went offline.

but now he's back.
i tried registering and it's told me there's no city with that setting (even tho there was no city setting to choose) and now i'm stuck in null with null command points and i cant even talk in chat
please send help
and now i tried re-registering with different name and it's telling me user not found

cursed game hope it gets better though i can see it being fun
he claims power will get worked on in late Junw

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What is a good and flavourful set up to use for dark elves?
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They turned my boy Tauron into a femboy and I didn't like that. Though it was in early access and they may have change that, but even considering doing this shit was unforgivable.
Also did they botched the diplomacy system like they did in the community patch?
>they botched the diplomacy system ... in the community patch
They forcefully arranged the planes and enforced a good vs evil sort of dynamic.
Life and Nature go along well
And so does Death and Chaos who could not tolerate competition previously
Which leaves Order as the fence sitter and thus the most hated alignment ironically.

Originally Life was able to charm everyone unless you had a death book.
Nature and Order only respected and appreciated colleagues who shared their respected books
Chaos was viewed with suspicion, and only got along with wizard who were equally chaotic. But the likability sank if you owned more chaos books
Death was viewed with suspicion as well, but even Death book owners had little sympathy for each other. They had additional loathing from life book owners.

I prefer it over the new one, because it has a certain logic to it. Sure it favoured Life and discriminated Death, but it's not like you picked Death to go out and make friends and suffer competition, while Life you can play the good guy genuinely or manipulatively. The AI is able to do both, but it really depends on what Personality and Objective is rolled for the Life wizard.
wasnt it like that in base game? i only played with community patch and playing chaos had pretty big diplomacy penalty, also i read they reworked some of the diplomacy in remastered in last couple of patches cause always war on higher difficulty setting was complained about a lot.
God damn, the OC stuff is fucking terrible.

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aka the GOAT ck2 total conversion
Any news on the ck3 port?
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while I like the HP Lovecraft references in New England I like your ideas and they're more realistic? as in, this is what New England might turn in the future after a post apocalypse
not sure how they'd work ingame though, it would probably require revamping a lot of New England, perhaps next thread could be discussed
>You think so? I guess we can go with it for now.
oh I actually thought of a different one, "Light of Jesus Christ", as a reference to Baldr being the god of light and this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_of_Christ?useskin=vector
>Just to get the ball rolling to hopefully lead to better names, maybe Lightbrand or Firebringer? Though those feel more like fantasy names.
>I think it would be easier to come up with names in English and then translate them into Swedish.
yeah they do souund a bit like fantasy, I was thinking Firestar since Minnesota is called the North Star State and translate it to Swedish
>Both sound good to me.
I'll figure out a CoA later
>For the 2600s King of Superior, would he be related to King Sigurd?
yes, the dynasty would be a continuous one from the 2300s to 2666
>How much territory would Superior have in 2666?
like I said I was planning to keep it to the De Jure territory, but maybe they could expand a little bit north, south, east and west? not sure, we can discuss it next thread perhaps

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Maybe worth mentioning that the ICP people have vague spiritual beliefs. I just learnt about it today but there's a few quotes by them on their Wikipedia page.
>"Light of Jesus Christ"
That'll be Sigurd's nickname, right? Also, wouldn't "Light of Baldr"/"Baldr's Light" work better? At least going by previous ideas.
>Firestar since Minnesota is called the North Star State and translate it to Swedish
I like it, especially how it ties into Minnesota. Also, according to Google, "Firestar" is "Eldstjärna" in Swedish.
>yes, the dynasty would be a continuous one from the 2300s to 2666
>like I said I was planning to keep it to the De Jure territory
An issue I have with this is that Vikings are already pretty strong in AtE. Giving them a unified Kingdom of Superior in 2666 would spell doom for their neighbors.
>we can discuss it next thread perhaps
Yeah, can't do much after passing the bump limit.
>I wonder if it could be possible to send norse kids to the KGC to become knights similar to the varangian guard mechanic
If it's in the base game, it should be possible. I just don't know how much work it would take to implement it.
>we could put them on northern Michigan and go with the Rust Cultist heresy idea
Alright, shouldn't be too hard to add.

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So, should we start the next thread or wait for this one to 404?
vst is a pretty slow board so we can stay here for a few days.
Alright, makes sense.

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Yeah that is true. It was a cool idea but in practice it just felt like you were missing out because as you go further in the timeline, there are less factions. So it's like why would I start here? I won't get to see if Gongsun Du or Kong Rong, or Ma Teng or whatever do well.
The sun already set for your empire, Nigel. This is the age of the chinkoid and the pajeet
Never sets. Chang will buy our opium.
the only thing anglos are peddling these days is niggerloving and i don't think chang will buy that
You sound mad at being colonised by Anglos.

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