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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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When did you lads get your first Nintendo GameCube? For me it was a present for Christmas 2002.
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Bought on a whim from a friend
Loved me some WW and RE4
Same for me as well.
Played the hell out of Metroid Prime, Melee, and Star Fox Adventures until September '03 when I got F-Zero GX.
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dont remember the year but it was when it was $99. i got it with metroid prime and the gameboy player
I got my Wii(it's literally just a GameCube on steroids so it counts) as a Christmas present in 2008.
I'm a literal fetus from 2003 so I grew up on the Wii, but I got into collecting retro games a bit into my adolescence. I managed to snag a black GameCube for just $50 in 2019 alongside Animal Crossing, with my initial intent being to hold myself over until New Horizons came out. After being disappointed yet again by that game, I decided I was done giving my money to Nintendo in current year only for them to fail to meet my expectations over and over again, and so I officially took the retropill. Now I have a pretty sizable SNES collection, and it's my pride and joy.

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Guys, Alien Soldier on the Sega Genesis is a gem that is criminally underrated. The difficulty is insane but super rewarding once you master it. The dash damage system is brilliant, adding a whole new level of strategy. The weapon variety and leveling system keeps things fresh and exciting. The bosses are so sick, each is unique and visually striking and most are fun to fight. Seriously, more people need to play this game. How did it fly under the radar so hard? It's hard to find anything online about this game going over anything more than the basics.
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It's a hard game but it get's manageable the more you use the techniques afforded to your character and learn how they work. it's really fun getting a bit better and figuring out what works and making a bit more progress each playthru.
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I switched to playing gunstar right after a playthru of alien soldier the other day and noted that alien soldier feels a lot better to play. moving around is quicker and feels tighter. Gunstar feels sluggish by comparison even tho it's still a great game.
F for Lambda Bunny
Yeah, I wish they did something in between. Gunstar is, even on hard, easy and fun, Alien Soldier is kinda hard and fun. Really the GBA game is a shame.
Both games are fucking overrated dreck praised by poser faggots. Fuck off zero clears shitters

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>find the switch
>push the boulder
>go refill your air
>fight against shitty westoid collision detection

Am I missing something? When does it get good?
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just wait until you realize that applies to every “beloved” genesis game
Bloodlines and Hard Corps kick ass
Nah, better than that.
That's some heavy Nintendo cope just because not every Sega game was designed to be easy for a 10 year old to beat doesn't make them bad.
By the way to anyone who likes the idea of Ecco but just wants to explore on your own or make it a little easier and not have to deal with the breath meter, all versions of the game have a debug menu that you can use to either make yourself invulnerable, give infinite air, teleport within the level and play around with the music tempo if you like.

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Who's your main in mario spin-offs?
Peach and Wario usually but I haven't played much of Mario spinoffs. In fact I've only played some Mario Kart games and that's it
"mario spin-offs" is such a blanket term that i doubt many people have "mains" in this aspect, however for the snes and n64 mario karts i picked yoshi most

Best behind the scenes stories.

I can't quite remember the name of the game, but a Sega composer wanted rapping on his game's soundtrack. So, he asked an intern to stand outside the building and bring the first black guy to walk past into the studio. I'm sure someone here knows which game this is.
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Stop samefagging, RK.
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I remember there was a guy who made Diablo or Ultima style games and even ff style rpg games, totally indie.
they were not the big thing nor had the great lore but the guy made them with love. he already had about 6+ games and he was around 40 I think.
Graphically they were not the big thing seemed from another era and all the style and aesthetics were very retro.

a couple of years ago he died, i remember i found some info in a forum that he died.
i think it was from cancer or some other disease i don't remember.
one of his games is on steam and it has bad reviews because it has bugs that he couldn't fix because well... he kicked the bucket.
I was looking for bookmarks on my pc in case he remembered the name and nothing. I can't find it.
He seemed like a pretty likeable guy had feedback and everything on forums for his indie games.
and even admitted that his games were mediocre and primitive but he didn't care.
I think some of his games even cannot run on current operating systems kek
Carmack stories are so wacky it makes you question which of the Johns was supposed to be the sane member.
>When Carmack was in high school he blew up part of the building with a homemade thermite bomb just to steal a computer so he had something to program exercises with at home
>During Doom 2's development he came up with several ways to increase productivity, including moving his workstation out into the main hallway so nobody could leave without passing by him and tearing down as many physical walls in the office DURING WORK HOURS so he could just look around and see everybody at once
>One time Carmack hit a huge stump while developing an idtech engine, and solved it by locking himself in a motel room for several weeks with nothing but a computer, pepperoni pizza, and diet pepsi
"This OP" referring to someone who is in fact not the OP is retarded in any context, you colossal mongoloid
OP General

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Why did so many Amiga magazines keep going during the mid 90s? The computer system was so fucked during that time and yet Brits kept trying to revive it with fluff pieces on games that were simplistic at best and outright trash at worst
Copium overdose
It’s insane how many magazine publishers went down with the Amiga. Just switch systems for fucks same

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That'll be $250 plus tip
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>CD-Rs are harder on the laser than pressed retail discs
This is a cope meme made up by people who own hardware with failing optical drives. Your drive will eventually fail someday, regardless of the source of the disc or how the data was written or pressed onto it.
>It's not
Literally the same speed, compare them side by side
>PAL coping still a thing in 2024

SH1 on Europe is censored.
I'm an emufag
Yeah, only the US version is uncensored

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I still call her "Aeris"
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What makes me the most mad about these kinds of retroactive changes is that they're usually driven by a lack of understanding for how localization used to work. At some point, the process changed from:
>We'll spell this name however will convey the intended pronunciation to a general English-speaking audience.
>We'll spell this name based on strict transliteration rules even if it makes the name look confusing and hard to pronounce for a general English-speaking audience.

A good example is in FF6 when the name "Cefca" was changed to "Kefka" because it looks better and the pronunciation is more clear for English-speakers. "Cefca" is technically the "correct" transliteration of the name based on official transliteration rules, but English-speakers reading that name in an English language context are likely to read it with a soft C like "century" or "celery" and end up saying "Sefca," so it makes sense to change it to "Kefka" to retain the intended pronunciation.

There's no doubt in my mind that the localizers for FFX intended for Tidus to be pronounced tai-duss. Like you said, that pronunciation makes the most sense in English and imbues a lot of meaning to boot. But people today, where we more strictly adhere to transliteration rules to appease autistic weebs, look back and say, "His name is Tidus, but since it's a Japanese game and in Japanese transliteration 'i' sounds like 'ee' that means his name must be pronounced Tee-duss!" I've even heard arguments for pronouncing it "Tee-doos."
Speaking as someone who had a lisp in grammar school, I can say with absolute fucking certainty that you're dead wrong. And no, this is not up for debate.
I usually named her "DeadBitch"
Yes, we've all seen that meme.
>There's no doubt in my mind that the localizers for FFX intended for Tidus to be pronounced tai-duss
There's merit to the gist of what you're saying for sure but you're objectively wrong here, Tidus' own voice actor along with all the other actors pronounced it Teedus while being interviewed for a behind the scenes look at the game while the actual localization process of it was going on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8GYTk1IrI4

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What are your favorites?
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Absolutely loved that game as a kid.
Kyrandia 1 is awful.
Zork: Nemesis
Zork: Grand Inquisitor
He didn't play Sanitarium.
>Kyrandia 1 is awful.
Personal favorites :
Day of the Tentacle,
Full Throttle,
Beneath a steel sky,
Broken sword
The Legend of Kyrandia (Really disliked Hand of Fate on the other hand)
King's Quest VI

Has anyone played the Black Mirror series? it looks great but is it any good ?

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The only 8-bit RPG worth playing.
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>dragon quest 1
>worth playing
ok dude
It's almost comical how clueless you are over how video game genres work and instead are triggered out the tits by semantics ifvthe word role.
>walk into town, having fought a ton of scorpions and other random creatures
>wizard in the party is all out of MP, go to a clinic to heal up
>go to the weapons store, buy a lightsaber
>go next door to the first food shop and buy some burgers and cola
I see what you mean.
It’s simply not true though. You can remove any of those aspects and still be left with an RPG. If you remove the RP, you’re simply left with a tactical combat game, which is a completely different genre.
You mean how the definition has been bastardized since the 2000s. We wouldn’t have been having this conversation in 90s.
Speak for yourself. I've been having this conversation with retards like you since the 80's. You're always wrong.

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This is unironically a massive technical marvel for the hardware.
Did the text need to be supercompressed or something? I have no idea how much space that would actually take

Weird gameboy software is a cool rabbit hole
>Did the text need to be supercompressed
How do you live being this zoomerbrained.
genuninely dont understand this. pick up a physical bible and read it? who would buy this? who would greenlight this? was this endeavor actually profitable?
It was made with kid's bible study in mind. It has search functions and quiz games. Was it profitable, no.

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>Hero's Kirby, lives in DREAMLAND
>Name is literally NIGHTMARE
>Wants to put the entrire universe in total Darkness, with endless nightmare for every living things

Tell me how isn't he the main and recurrent Kirby villain again?
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The answer is that Dreamland doesn't take place in a world of dreams, it's just the name of the country. It was presumably named so because it hosts the Fountain of Dreams, an artifact which grants good dreams to people, but that's it. And Kirby killed Nightmare, why would he come back?
For me it's the opposite. I can replay Superstar (Ultra) many times but any of the other games put me to sleep.
How many times he killed Dark Matter/Zero?
Anyway Nightmare is cool and I wish they used him more. I think that in one of the recent spin off games his Dark version from the mirror world appeared, but I usually don't bother playing those.
It was Parallel Nightmare. They did a really good job adapting his NES attacks to a modern engine. They even pulled some attacks from his spin off appearance in a Mass Attack minigame.
Dark Matter is a primordial force of evil in the Kirby universe, while the Nightmare Wizard was just an individual.

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Let's have a thread about retro wrestling games.
anything with kevin nash

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Schala is an horrible character.
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so you're saying that chrono cross was the superior game
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please stop obsessing about my wife

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