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I quit going to work after I realized 90% of the time I'm just wasting my time doing pointless shit nobody cares about and not getting ahead in life.
I worked there a lot over the past 12 years and the wagie community was a major factor in my decision to not work anymore. NEETs did it to an extent as well but WAGIES are far worse.
Someone could give a long drawn out and factually accurate explanation of what would have to happen for me to even be able to one day buy a home and have a family and why working was fraudulent. The post would get a dozen responses of
>when you know you know
>economic collapse is coming
>stack metals the end is nigh
>keep waging faggot
>100% eoy silver will reach 5k an ounce
Or some equally long schizo post explaining numerology, using bible scripture and random posts here explaining how by the end of the year billions will be unemployed because of the AI.
Here we are.
After seeing the nothingburger today I came here just to watch the seething and suicide letters. It’s beyond EOY, the jobs didn't disappear, the banks didn't collapse (unfortunately), no more use cases and all the dirty laundry is out in the air now.
It’s not going to be Millennial's Economic Paradise, it will not be the Roaring 20's all over again. The world will not be descending into hyper deflation and prosperity (as was obsessed over for months/years) it will be going on as usual with no major gains or rewards.
I will enjoy watching wagies burn every step along the way.

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See you again in some years when you need advice on your packing list because your poor choice made you homeless.
Yes. Now what is the advice that you want?
Maybe he needs a list of food banks.
What happens when Mommy and Daddy stop supporting you?

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>just go to the gym bro
>just do your hobbies bro
>just work on yourself bro
OK, I've already done these things. I still want to kill myself.
>OK, I've already done these things. I still want to kill myself.

Ok try this
>stop playing video games
>stop masturbating
>stop watching porn
>Do a three day fast at least once ever two months
>read the bible
>go to church
>limit internet usage
>go on a hike in the woods for at least 30 minutes a week
>do something to help someone else

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Convert to Catholicism next instead of indulging in worldly material pursuits
It's almost as if mental health is a complicated and highly personal matter.
Have you ever considered that "normalfag advice" provides you with a basis of shit to cover, but not a complete guide to deal with every individual scenario?

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>24 years old
>did all the self improvement crap for the last 7 years
>got fit
>got a career
>got money, savings and investments
>got a sports car
>literally wish i was dead
>not a virgin but never had a girlfriend
There were moments in the last 7 years i was homeless, spent christmas and birthdays alone, no friends, no money and no one to go to but i still had hope in these moments for a better future for myself. that better future came and honestly that little amount of hope just left my body. I just don't have positive view towards anything and the worst part is im so young i have so much further to go. It sounds good but it'll just be a slow grind down to death in my view. Obviously being 5'7 is brutal in the dating market but ive gone on dates, been with women and had success with really good looking girls but idk i guess its just how transactional everything is its hard for me to really even want a relationship aside from the fact its just never happened.
>OK now that my body count is higher than your age and you have X Y and Z im ready for you
like its not a real connection and there isn't anything special about it. its just im a meal ticket for her and if she can find a better one she'll go for it. That's not real love or anything and i just dont even want to go on living this pointless life. A lot of the time im just thankful one day ill be dead so this will all be over and yes i know it can be so much worse it doesn't really change my view but just reinforces it. What keeps you anons going? posting a pic of myself because i kinda just don't care and for some reason you guys insulting me for my looks makes me feel better
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He looks great you are just unhappy and projecting
You don't need motivation to go to the gym. If you stop you'll be even more depressed.
You are too superficial anon, that's why you are a depressed cry baby. You have improved financially and physically, but it appears that you haven't done any work for your intelligence / emotional intelligence.
My advice would be for you to start reading everyday at least 10 pages of some philosophical literature, avoid the one related with self improvement since you already know all about it. You are stuck in a bad pattern, because your vision of life is reduced to only one thing.
all im reading here is a bunch of feminine yaking
yak yak yak

what do you want out of life, faggot?
men get to the point. women yak.
you're a man, act like it.

what do you want? to retire by 40? to live in a 500k home? make a fucking plan dont just yak at me.
all im getting from this is you have to be unironically unemployed in order to meet a woman's daily attention quota
I think this post is the closest you've come to the source of your problem. You're not happy with everything you've achieved because you still haven't healed from your past. Now that you've achieved everything you've learned that happiness was not found in those things. I would say this is good because most people will not reach this point. From here I would suggest going inward either with therapy or meditating or both. At this point, you need to look very closely at the worst feelings that have been driving you. You've been whipped along by them and once you actually behold them and process their true emotional depth you will be the better for it. In my opinion, where you are right now is actually a positive if you turn inward and don't let it destroy you. The feelings seem unbearable but if you just attend to them it gets better in many ways. You've done a good job in your life.

>raised well but attended catechism classes at a very young age
>developed a very altruistic personality
>depressed and suicidal for a long time due to social anxiety
>spend a lot of time talking online helping people with their issues
>found my GF that way, socially anxious as well as depressed
>go through things with each other
>despite everything, she ends up killing herself
>feel like I didn't do good enough for years, avoiding any similar relationship out of guilt
>got better around five years ago
>social anxiety is practically nonexistent now
>still can't date; I'm not interested in dating and finding anyone

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Breath meditation.
You don't have to date if you don't really want to. Nothing like that ever happened to me but I understand the feeling of not wanting to share your life and space with somebody else at certain points. You don't have to "let go" of her but move on enough to be open to the possibility of dating somebody you might like if you happen to meet her, even if you aren't actively pursuing dating in general.
I'm not sure how that would help. I reflected on this for nearly a decade and people usually move to other things by then. This looks like a great way to relax, which is still useful, though.
>but move on enough to be open to the possibility of dating somebody you might like if you happen to meet her
There's just an underlying desire to stay away from sparking any dating even with people I might like. I'm fairly certain I'm afraid of a scenario where I "drag the other down" or we "mutually drag each other down". Scared of this idea that even if I'm alright now, I could hurt that person by engaging in a relationship with her, hence avoiding it for their sake.

I've been chatting with a suicidal person for a few months where I've unpacked all of my stuff and they said it might boil down to being "too altruistic" and I found out that pathological altruism exists, but I've never been diagnosed with that.

I've met colleagues that live alone because they're fine that way - or so they said that is - but I feel like my situation is different.
I should probably have mentioned that in the OP, now that I think about it.
u met her over the internet so unless u SAW her kill herself the odds of her actually being dead are low plus you were 15 she was probably some edgelord online grow up ong AND its not ur fault she was going through shit so dont beat urself up
Meeting her online doesn't mean it was an online relationship only.
I didn't witness it but I was summoned at the police station following the event.

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Terrified I won’t get into law school since my gpa is a point below the average (( I mean not horrible but It dropped a lot this year + haven’t taken the lsat either)) the summer courses I’m taking are failing me and turned out to not be easy As. I’m a history major I’m so fucked if I don’t get in.
What advice do you want?
So what are your other options if law school doesn't work out?
One less lawyer in the world. In what way is that a problem?

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How can I stop being paranoid?

Even when I know I live in a safe neighbourhood statistically speaking, I still look over my shoulder every now and then. Whenever I see videos of ordinary everyday people getting killed through no fault of their own, I cannot help but think ‘that could have been me’. Death is just too scary. I don’t want to die. Even though crime is low, things can and do still happen. I just cannot accept dying. I’ve looked up crime stats for my area and I live in a safe neighbourhood. Despite this I’ve been attacked a couple times in the past for no reason

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I don't mean specific niche things like what nerdy girls want compared to cardio bunnies.
But what do most women look for in a partner? And how to become that type of man?

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I rescued a cat from the street and my boyfriend has always hated him.

He likes our other cats but hates the one I rescued.

He even started calling it names like “gay faggot” because of the way he meows, and imitates and mocks his meowing whenever he does it.

It gotten to the point where I keep thinking those things too and it has gotten to the point where I have begun to view my cat with the same disdain and contempt, when I previously loved my cat and thought he was completely precious and sweet.

What can I do? I need advice

He has made me devalue my cat form his constant abuse
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Thanks for your extremely helpful advice, you just said a bunch of words to a supposed low iq person that don’t make any sense, guess that makes you a dumbfuck retard too
first step ditch your dumass inscure faggy boyfriend
second step stop being influenced by others train of thoughts and have your own opinions
It’s not my fault I got influenced. If you repeat to someone they’re a dumb piece of shit enough they’ll start believing it, hence parents damaging their children and bullying taking an effect on others perceptions of a kid too, you dumb faggot
>literally comparing to an impressionable child
this is b8
Did you realize most American ADULTS get bullied in the workplace? Oh wait, no you didn’t cause you’re actually stupid as fuck

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It's fucking disgusting watching your highschool sweetheart hit the wall fucking so soon..... HOW DO I COPE WITH THIS /ADV/
pic rel is not me but we is def in a similar situation
this happens to every ethnicity anon lol. have you seen slavs or brits at the ages of 30+?
it all ultimately depends on a combo of lucky genes, not smoking, not drinking like a pig, staying healthy, and skincare.
Why are you fucking asians, loser?
You probably look like a steaming pile of garbage
alot of races age disgustingly but as for asians we age pretty slow - shes "normal" just not to asian standard is all so idk y ur shitting on ur girl like is looks all that matter to u stupid retard i hope she breaks up with you and finds someone better
Is this seriously the biggest issue in your life today?

I did acid and thought i was god, now i keep having flashbacks to my trip. I thought everybody in the world I created so I wouldnt feel like I was alone, but every being is just me in the end. I cant seem to get over that I was just deluded and on psychedelics, feels like I lost all my friends because I dont wanna talk to them anymore because they just remind me of the trip. It's been a year since it happened. How do I move forward?
It wares off
>How do I move forward?
By not taking it so seriously: It was an interesting experience, something to view with scientific interest. Keep talking to your friends, because they are important and they might miss your companionship, even if they are, in a sense, reflections of yourself.
Scientific explanation? You took a substance that makes your brain’s serotonin fire on all cylinders and your mind simply reflected this by dissolving concepts of all boundaries, hence the feeling of “oneness” or being a singular entity, like God. And your mind reached for concepts and symbols that you already were aware of before the trip to try and name the phenomenon as it unfolded. For example: Pretend you were born and raised in a remote island where no concept of God was known to you—would your acid trip still contain the notion you are God?

Spiritual explanation? You saw a half-truth. Yes you do possess an image of God or Godliness, and the exact same image of God is in everyone else, which lead you to believe they are all “you” and that you are God. But the full truth is that you are not that image, you are not God. You are instead, like all of us, made in the image of God as the bible claims. And perhaps in this psychedelic trip, you got to see this image in everyone and everything including yourself.

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I am trying to cut back on the porn usage? I actually do very well I think. I don't use porn during the week anymore. I cut the masturbating down from like 2-3 times a day down to two times a week(usually on the weekend). Is this a healthy amount to keep it at? The main reason I even use it because I experience this extreme moments of loneliness and boredom and looking at porn makes me feel like a woman is right there. Horrible reason to use porn in my opinion but that is what it feels like. So normally on the weekends I use it now. Although far less than I use to. I am really envious of women not having to struggle like this with this kind of stuff. As a dude, it feels like I am powerless to not want to jack off to porn. Like it almost feels like masturbation is inherently unhealthy. It seems like women are told to masturbate all they want. Shove cucumbers up their snatches or whatever. While dudes are now told "Don't touch your dick or you will jack out your energy." and what not. I just want to be healthy.
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also women shouldn't masturbate because it makes it harder for them to orgasm during real sex, loosens their vaginas, and it's sinful.
But yes you are correct that they don't lose energy like men do from fapping. That's just a fact of life.
Women gain energy from orgasm, men lose energy.
It makes sense if you think about it. Men are the ones producing the only fluid known to create life. It takes a lot for your body to restore that fluid.
>It seems like women are told to masturbate all they want. Shove cucumbers up their snatches or whatever.

>I am trying to cut back on the porn usage?
Is this a question? But yeah I am in the same situation. Less fapping and trying to kill porn completely, or at least the act of willingly opening a browser and search for porn. It is not that hard actually and I have cut down on masturbation, from 2-3 daily (not all with porn) to like 1-2 times a week in this 3 weeks. So far I even got the point where I am not sure if it has been 2 weeks or 3 weeks of no porn. Still urges appear and it doesn't help that social media throws shit at you constantly. Trying to get back to studying and improving my career prospects in the meantime.
>starting notice the negative effects of being a coomer
Not him, but I agree. I'm 20 and can't have erections anymore.
Jesus Christ

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Does anything help?
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> Why you don't eat carbs?
Because the human metabolism preferentially burns glucose.
However glucose stores in liver and muscles are small, only about 500g.
So to access the much larger by more than 10x energy source that is your fat, you have to first deplete the glucose and you can't do that if you keep giving it more glucose.
> the primary source of energy
Not in my body.
Mine for the most part burns fatty acids.
OP, do you mean actual CFS/ME, or like chronic fatigue, the symptom? If you are experiencing chronic fatigue and you don't know what it's from you should go get checked out. Could be something easily fixable with a vitamin, could be from an underlying disorder or disease you'd really want to know about.
I mean actual CFS
Alright, now look up ketoacidosis
after you are done, go to the doctor and get your vitals checked, and tell them the bullshit you have been doing to your body.
Oh okay. Well, especially (keep) seeing a doctor then, or switch doctors if the one you are seeing is being of no use at all. AFAIK this is one of the ones where overexercising and -expending onself can make it way worse? I have lupus and you're supposed to rest a lot with that, but I think this is a different level of it

Why do guys dislike nice girls?
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They call themselves nice that’s the point.
But they're lying, so call them fake people instead so you don't lump actual nice people in with them
I agree but i don't see the relevance to the previous argument.
That’s why I put the quotation markers on “nice”. Actual nice people are both disagreeable and agreeable and have no problems asserting themselves and also know how to serve others in equal measure. They also don’t hide their character flaws behind people pleasing and that’s why people prefer them, because the real nice people are actually called honest people, and the honesty can either be agreeable or disagreeable. “Nice” people aren’t honest by default because censor anything negative or disagreeable and only say whatever the other person wants to hear.
If i see a girl i like i'm interested, don't care how easy she is to get.

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my girlfriend was fucking watching the movie se7en with her family and a minute ago she texted me that she finished and she wishes that the guy wasn't ugly and bald. She has fucking dahmer books and charles manson books. She is obsessed with the fucking serial killers. What to do bros
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>calling kevin spacey ugly
young women are so picky, lol, most women over 25 would argue that he was ok looking in that movie
well she obviously said that to me so it wouldnt seem weird that he calls him 'hot' or something
Least hybristophilic woman
>She is obsessed with the fucking serial killers.

>What to do bros
Gimme her number
Oh no, she has a preference/ fetish.
Doesn't sound like a problem desu. Just role play some with her and she'll let you do anything with her.

Where do I even start when it comes to looksmaxxing? I'm not overweight. I'm 5'10 so I don't think I'll need platform shoes. Where does an average guy start when it comes to looksmaxxing?
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>Why do people think this
it is what it is. Delusion won't save you
There’s zero data to support this. Not even true anecdotally. Only true for the Dutch and they’re fags anyway.
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>There’s zero data to support this. Not even true anecdotally.
germany recently conducted a height survey for their population by age and the avg height of a zoomie was close to 182cm(all races included). Is it far fetched to assume the avg white height to be 6'0 or 6'1? The sooner you start accepting reality as it is, the sooner you'll actually start concentrating on stuff that matters in the grand scheme of things.
>”all white zoomers”
>uses one German survey

I already knew the average height in Germany was 5’11 but it doesn’t concern me bc I am not a eurocuck.
>Oh nooo OP is 2 inches less
Nobodys going to notice, go outside you faglord
>t. 6'1, still khv

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