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I'm looking at a screen from the moment I open my eyes, to when I close them.
What are some activities, hobbies, or anything you'd suggest for me to reduce my screen time?
read a book, no joke. it's never that you "can't read" or don't have enough time. it's just you need to find the right books.
it's the social component of the compute that's the addictive part. play something frustrating like enter the gungeon and slowly reduce, and walk around somewhere busy to get used to people again. research social skills and meet people

>what are some hobbies you'd suggest?
None. It's not that I don't think you shouldn't do anything, it's just that we don't know you. Even people who know you will give some shitty recommendations, so people who don't know you at all are fucked.
NTA but my problem is not all in my head, its in real life holding me back and that pushes me back here. his method might work for others that its all in their head though.
just delete all social media apps

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Has anyone ever managed to fixed her? I think I could do it.
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The only way to ‘fix’ others is by reminding them that they have the ability to fix themselves and are worthy of the self-care.
you can never, trust a drug addict.
I don't know who that is.
What do you mean "fix" her? she's perfect, you can't fix perfect.
What does she want?

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Most girls are normies and I can't connect with normies on a deep level. How am I supposed to find love?
you wont, ever. too bad!
stop being a bitch and talk to people. calling others “normie” is a way for you to say you don’t want to try and just expect the world to give to you
>Most girls are normies
define normie in your world

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Anyone notice they got less than what was shown on return forms for taxes this year? I was missing around $1300 from what was shown on form. I've never owed money or taken loans like CERB. I've also usually always been in the lowest tax bracket, like poverty level aside from 1 year, but it still never qualified for money withheld. What's the deal? Ive always gotten my HST and GST so I know for sure I've never owed money. Other leafs have been reporting similar issues, CRA is a pain in the Ass to get a hold of right now. Is Trudeau taking my cuckbucks and sending them to Israel or ukraine?
Tax cuck
You should get nothing

So I (19m) live alone with my father. I work an average paying job and he is very kind to me considering rent. The issue is my interests. He tries to ask me about what I like, but no matter what I answer he will always mock me, and for this reason I usually try to keep my interests private.

The problem is he is very opinionated and has something to say about everything and whenever I disagree with him its as if I’ve committed some moral sin or great offense that now I have to apologize for.

Whether its the clothes I wear, the music I listen to, or the people I talk to it always feels like I have to keep it a secret and im fed up.

I dont want to move out because my mom died a couple years ago and I dont want to leave him alone in the house.
Im just tired of getting a lecture about how im the one in the wrong or getting made fun of every time I do anything.

Pic unrelated
It's the price you pay for living with him. Move out if you truly want peace.
>I dont want to move out because my mom died a couple years ago and I dont want to leave him alone in the house.
I stopped reading there. The remedy is clear and this thread is a waste of everynoe's time because you won't act upon any suggestion made.
not OP but I have a very similar situation with my mother.
unfortunately the only way to get out of it is to move away, even if they hate you for it. Best of luck
The other anons here are right, unfortunately. You'll be able to internalize why your father feels compelled to be an asshole about it in another 20 years or so, when you're going through being replaced by a new generation of shitstains who don't know what good is, the same that Millennials are doing with your generation now. The feeling of being replaced makes people bitter towards everything that isn't like themselves, or they learn to not care about anything and become milquetoast, with no opinions of their own. Neither is a particularly great way to live, but since none of our generations have any money or real power there's no reason for anyone to care or cater to us.

Internalizing why he does what he does won't make him stop bitching about everything that isn't like his own preferences though. You can try to talk it out with him and have a discussion between father and son, but if he's not amenable then the only way to make it stop is to move somewhere else where you can deal with him on a limited basis and control your own space. Remember that you can't change people, OP. You can negotiate, but if they're not willing to change the effort to change them dies right there.

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I'm 33 years old and not even married. i'm stuck in a shitty backwater town and work at a fucking department store. how to get my life together?
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get a schedule in order, try getting in bed before 11, and make sure to get 8 hours of sleep
give up smokin, though drinking once and a while is fine
you're doing well, you're working. imagine if you were stuck in the town and not working and not having money. you're a catch for your pond.
leave the shitty town. it will continue to provide what you’ve seen so far. even if you stay there 10 more years it’s going to be the same as the last 10 years
There is nothing wrong with any of that but you probably need to expand your social circle to broaden your horizons.
Find an activity you're interested in that you can do socially and just put yourself out there. Don't forget to give yourself a creative outlet.
Also, since you work in a haedware store, maybe you should learn to be a craftsman?
EVERYONE needs someone handy. There are so many useless and lazy people out there that will praise you endlessly for putting up a cheap sheet of drywall. Use what you have.

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What do you do when you feel completely miserable and borderline wanna kill yourself? What do you do to get out of the rut?
Hard mode: no drinking, no talking to others because you can't be a bother.
Do you have a job?
Do you have any friends?
Have you gone outside today?
Do you know what made you depressed?
I'm a nepo hire and I have a job that I'm not satisfied with and pays me little.
I don't have any friends because the only thing that connected us was either alcohol or staying worthless together.
I play chess, piano. I'm mediocre at both. I'm also a weeb.
Yes, I spent a lot of my time with my family today.
And maybe that's what made me depressed. The difference between me and them, the awkwardness I feel when around them. I like them, we're on good terms, they treat me well but I just don't fit well. I wish I was more proactive around them, more outgoing. I'm an underachiever and I have a lot of support from my family but I'm still a failure. I feel lonely around them, I always wish I could do more when I'm around them.
I just feel lonely. I feel terrible that it makes me want to drink. I feel terrible that I overate a lot today and I'm getting fat. I feel terrible that Monday is coming and I'll have to go to my miserable job again. I feel terrible that my friends prefer withering away playing vidya and staying retarded instead of putting some work in. Probably a few more things I feel terrible about but yeah.
Play with animals at the local animal shelter
Martial arts, exercise, and watching content on YouTube that isn't just soul-destroying doom scrolling.

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How to find people qho are not braindead retards?
The few people Ive known that werent became one in the last 10 years
Become a retard too
Happiness > intelligence
>How to find people qho are not braindead retards?
To do what?

t. Not a braindead retard.

I truly don't know what i'm supposed to do on this earth and i hate every single second here. Suicide is the only option?
based on that corny ass anime attachment im gonna guess youre saying this garbage for attention. would you still cut yourself or kill yourself if nobody ever found out?

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Basically my life has been completely shit these past couple months, like lowest I’ve ever been in my entire life. My girlfriend of 3 years ended up cheating on me and left me, and my luck with finding other women has been non existent.
was talking to this girl I met on bumble that I really liked, who had literally every single quality I looked for in a girl, but long story short I fucked things up and ruined my chance with her. I have zero friends and I blow every single shot I’ve ever had with a girl.

My OCD/intrusive thoughts have been getting a lot worse as well. I was doing better with them for awhile, but ever since she left me it’s gotten alot worse. I’ve lost 25 pounds over the past month and a half, and my strength/lifts at the gym keep lowering down. People are even saying I lost a lot of weight, and my mother is concerned about my eating habits.

Basically I’m at rock bottom in my life right now, and I have an opportunity to end my life tonight. I was planning on driving out to an empty parking lot and just ending it. I feel like I have nothing left to live for. My life is a giant failure and I just don’t see the point in going on anymore.
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Ur future kids love you
Consider that I'm speaking through them, anon.
Pls dont do it, there are a whole life history waiting for you, waiting to be writed.
No man, go to that parking lot and just look around. Look at the birds, trees, everything the world has so much beauty and you just have to look to see it. Also listen to some music maybe, if you don't know what to listen to try Fragile by Yes it's a really good album with lots of variety.
You're free now, brother. Start a new life. To hell with everything. Just don't die.
the great thing about rock bottom is that you can only go up
The fact that you're posting on here means you subconsciously want people to talk you out of it. Listen to yourself and don't do it.

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I went to JP and met a japanese-american taking a seminar and visiting for the country for the first time ever. Extremely shy and graceful, told me she was married but I paid no mind to it and kept things friendly. Had the time of my life with her at my side, she's never gone clubbing and asks me to take her, we drink and have sex. From then on she's ditching friends to meet but starts visibly shaking in guilt when we hold hands, we never did kiss. She cries when we say goodbye and remarks her life has changed forever.

She goes back to the US and I to my country and we talk daily and extensively. She's been inspired to become bolder and takes her dream job leaving her hometown and life behind. I'm excited for her and in turn take a big job at the us, working remote until Q4 of this year. She's incredibly excited to meet over the summer but keeps deflecting from going to her new town, turns out her husband is moving up as well. I tell her she needs to make a choice and she picks him, saying she'll regret it forever.

I am impressed by her qualities, professionalism and attractiveness. She's resilient, motherly and hardworking and so much more I want in a woman to build a life with. She married to her highschool bf, a neglectful manlet who unfortunately makes alright money and has american citizenship.

At the moment I've cut contact with her but haven't blocked. I plan to lay low and stack money until I arrive to the US proper and can make a play, whatever that might be.

What should I do to get the girl?
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Yeah, just talking nicely to her, not selling her some kind of idyllic life with you but just letting her subtly know that you're 'there' if she needs you. Seems like you did that based on what you've written, and that she kind of wanted you to crack a little. You've made the right call, if she initiates then she initiates. If not, move on and I'm sure you'll find someone else. Asian girls can be weird with communication and since she's already married too, this situation is very complex. Best to not get in too deep.

It's weird that she sees you as a 'fantasy' because mixed-race couples are getting a lot more common in Japan now, still not super common of course but compared to like 10 years ago, it's probably to see a mixed kid in a school in most places besides the deep inaka. There is nothing sinful about you guys being together, she has a very old-fashioned mindset in that regard. Like I said, you just need to see how it plays out. If she REALLY wants to, she will get a divorce. If not, then I guess that's that.

That's good that you're dating other people, it's also a shame for sure though when you really want to commit to someone but they just don't want to meet you halfway even.

Where are you based currently?
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I am based in south america, fwiw my name and looks could pass for italian which I've found is huge to JP women. She isn't married to an asian either, it's the most non-threatening nice jewish boy with zero interest in giving her kids. She's never mentioned or slandered him but the frustration is palpable. I don't think she's ever dated anyone else.

She describes our relationship as sinful because she's betraying her marriage, and openly admits we would be doomed if we moved forward as I could never fully trust her, which is true. I think she was banking on affairs being second nature to us hispanics so she could have her cake and eat it while keeping her life stable. That last part is huge, like I said our meeting inspired her to take a huge risk and take her dream job, but as it stands I have no way to support that dream and her needs if I'm barely inching my way into the US in the first place.

I feel she does want to meet me halfway, and she did say in tears that she cannot give me what I want at this moment. It was hard to give her the choice and realize I have no place or life for her to come into. At best I'm committed to stacking paper and building a life a woman can come into, and really, truly hoping that woman is her.
>I'm barely inching my way into the US
We're full. Shitskins not welcome.
watch out anon I'm coming for your wife next
J-Japan you say?? So sugoi!

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Is it dangerous to be a zesta ah honkey
my friend jack eats sugar lumps

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previous >>31363164
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because you're mentally 23 but physically 32
>fuck all of your doomposting
fuck you too anon
I rate them lol
>being 5'5" or bald or a nerd is not a death sentence
ofc not, but being mentally ill and poor etc. is
we met through friends. dated for about a year. I broke up after moving from west coast to east coast to study. we tried open relationship but it didn’t make any difference
M, yes please put me out of my misery
That is so cool

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Am I doing to much? 37m with a 43F

Me (36M) has been doing blue collar work since my early 20’s, so I’ve amassed a ton of building trades knowledge. I have my own home in a very rural area that I spent 4 years remodeling by myself. Then I meet my gf
Her (43F) bought her first house which needed work, because she didn’t like the commute from my place to the city where she worked.
I’m a firm believer in an equal exchange, and I already do a lot of side work which I cut down on when we made things official. Now since the back drop is out of the way, I’m wondering aita for wanting an equal exchange I helped her buy materials since I can get them cheaper and I was the labor boing things ranging from sanding and refinishing floors, roof work, plumbing both sanitary and domestic, framing, window replacement ( I had half the money and did the install myself cheapest quote she got was $40k, I got custom windows rated to be where we live for the temperature swings for much cheaper and did the installation myself saving $35k ish) on top of all that I paid for everything but her mortgage ( because I also had my own to pay) so that means everything from groceries and her CrossFit gym membership to the internet. She also needed to seek better employment with better benefits, so I pulled some strings and got her in. All that I asked for in return for my labor, time, and energy was she walk around disrobed or in under garments once in awhile, and perhaps give me a starting point for my fitness journey. I was turned down for all those things. All it seems she did was consume / take. I was expected to do things and pay for more. Mind you all she was responsible for was her mortgage ( my name wasn’t on her house or loan) but like I said I paid for everything else and met her half was on material cost for her projects and I was the labor for install
I got tired of the sky high entitlement, horrendous lack of appreciation / respect, lack of energy match / reciprocation.

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She is maxing out all red flags. She is vagrant/lives with her family, is addicted to multiple drugs, is working as a prostitute, solicits guys for money for services daily, and falls for every social media scam/get rich quick scheme she sees.

She is also emotionally immature. She swears to her family. She humiliates me in public by fucking with minimum wage workers and yelling. She has no discipline and gets mad at shit that doesn't matter immediately.

In a few of the issues, she has improved at my request. She swears to workers less and is more polite in public. But I know she will go back to old ways during hard times.

Further, I don't want to deal with a divorce in my life, and I don't think she's mature enough to deal with life's hardships while maintaining a relationship.

Am I just wasting my time with this women or is there a way to fix her?
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you know the answer already.
>am I just wasting my time
Well, is she at least hot?
No, she's overweight and tries to make me feel bad for asking her to diet.
are you joking my man?
I'm not trolling. I wish I could fix her because she reminds me of a nice girl I pushed away when I was younger and always regretted, but I don't know if she feels that way about me.

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