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>If you don't like Yasuke you are racist

They did it, they published the article
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This is actually the first time IGN is completely correct. Shocker, I know.

I have no counter arguments.
This. I just have nigger fatigue. They put a nog there not because it's cool but because it's agenda. It was made with malicious intent. I have nothing against niggers. I just don't want niggers to be shoehorned to fit agenda.
assasin creed 1
Its literally russian bots falseflagging to rile up small-minded individuals

>attacks fucking formatting and not the argument
your argument has been noted, processed and accepted

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He's just like me...
I... thank you...
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All they need to do is reboot the series and release a simple game like WarioWare Inc. No convoluted motion controls or whatever the fuck was going on in Get It Together.
Don't worry bro. It's gonna be the very last switch game
You can run it flawlessly on literally any phone now. Even iPhones now that Apple allows emulation.
>5 Volt is married and isnt actually a single mother
It's over

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Why did it never happen?
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like I said more than the last 2 atleast

Brawl atleast gave you a reason to play as the vets again over the older games wtih Final Smash and lesser universal mechanics like Footstools and semi-universal like crawling while the new games never bothered with shit like that and when they did (custom moves) they fucking removed it
Because Sakurai needed a break and they were damned if they did it without him.
Didn't one also kill his mother?
this, I rather just get a new game and give smash a break

>Persona 3 Reload full of gay propaganda
>Metaphor Refantazio is woke shit about making races come together, no romance
>SMT5V Vengeance has a gurlboss antagonist and adding gay yaoibait shit
Not looking good for Persona 6 bros...

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>Chun Li is the strongest woman in the wor-
Chun-Li makes my dick harder, therefore she is stronger
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Chun Li is a jobber lmao, what a fucking loser hahahaha
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quantity over quality

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Camellia from Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.
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FINE FINE I'll throw them in jail instead
This is why I wish characters other than Ulbrig got a teleport charge
it's funny how 'charge' was mentioned in practically every single patch note for the first 6 months after the game's release and they still haven't fixed it 100%
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>can walk in a straight line and attack something
>cant charge it
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Rad. Is this a good starting point? Cleave seems pretty good with a long weapon.

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janny still hasn't realized there's gay porn in the 'log
it's funny
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Is this the fastest vidya disappearance of all time? Not even on twitter are people still talking about this game, let alone does anyone still seem to play or stream it. What gives?
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what the fuck
There was nothing to ruin. Homeworld 2 was already shit. Only the original and Cataclysm were any good.
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It's funny, back around 2012, people on /v/ made jokes about Homeworld by Gearbox being something with Skrillex and Borderlands humor. We did not know how bad things would become.
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I was just thinking that there was a severe lack of Homeworld 3 threads. I guess the AssCreed Shadows thing has stolen the spotlight.

But yes, the summary of what they've done is the South Park meme of putting a chick in it and making it lame and gay. What a shame. I guess everyone can go back to Homeworld 2 and have fun with their mods.
>This was one of the posts that tried to predict what a Gearbox HW would be like

Yo 100 years ago uh sattelite detected an object under da sands o' da Great Desert. An expedition wuz sent.


An ancient starship, buried in da sand.

<wub Wub WUb WUB WUB WUB>

Deep inside da ruin, wuz uh single stone dat would change da course o' our history forever. On da stone wuz etched uh galactic map, an' uh single werd mo' ancient than da clans themselves.


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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do you think assassin's creed shadows is going to be $70
Who? Sounds gay.
Go back.
you can already preorder it, and yes it is $70

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Tank Controls
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>but then again these are the type of mouth breathers to leave youtube comments
It's kind of funny how youtube comments somehow manage to beat out every single other place on the internet for retarded comments.
he specifically talks about how he had to convince the team that tank controls were good back when they were making the game and that was a terrible mistake kek
Tank controls are still better than any control scheme that compels you to constantly nudge the right analog stick to adjust your heading.
If I need to use the right analog stick frequently enough to disturb my use of the face buttons, then the game has failed at some fundamental task.
>Inability to visualize a 3D space
I bet they don't even say "ouch" or "ow" if their character gets hurt, basically subhuman.
The brainless
The mentally ill
The retarded
The contrarian
>Steam Discussions
The underage
up and down moves forward and back and left and right turn you vs making you move in whatever direction youre pushing. Only woman brained faggots cant into tank controls.

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Hades 2 is literally woke and you cannot gaslight me into thinking otherwise, or downplaying it like it doesn't matter.
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funny cat
Based Neco poster.
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Exceptions do not make the rule.

Does it even make logical sense for the NCR to have so many women soldiers? Like 50% of their expeditionary force to the Mojave are women, both in the enlisted and officer ranks. If you think about it, most warfare isn't to the death; units rout and capitulate or get captured when their position is untenable.
So all those captured female NCR soldiers would provide a huge morale and even population boost to the Legion.
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>because it meant a bunch of pseudo-intellectual retards discovered the franchise and started acting like it's a really deep and meaningful portrayal of a very plausible post apocalyptic world.
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Fertiliser and crop rotations mean less people for more food. A women and a man can both hold and shoot a gun so it makes no sense to prevent literally half the population from enlisting/being drafted
Yes. The only thing that I missed was becoming the Captain of the Guard for Vault City.
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>I bet she fantasizes about being fucked hard by strong Legion soldier like libtard women do today about conservatives
Disappointed. Fallout 2 was nowhere near as comfy and fun as Fallout 1.

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People point out that it is the first protagonist that is based on a real person. But wouldn't the meltdown be even bigger if it was a fictional black samurai?
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they'd have to extend Yasuke's time in Japan by like 30 years past his last recorded appearance to have him meet Willy
Not even Hideyoshi was considered a samurai until he married into a samurai family and he was basically Nobunaga's #2 guy
>whereas any accredited historian has already agreed that Yasuke was a samurai
>But wouldn't the meltdown be even bigger if it was a fictional black samurai?
No because it would be fictional and therefore it'd be okay to claim they were samurai. Yasuke was never a samurai, he was a slave forcibly seized by Nobunaga from his Spanish masters and kept as an exotic pet that doubled as something equivalent of a Page or Squire whenever Oda needed somebody to carry his belongings. Everything going on right now, ever since the leaks happened, is all about foreign revisionists trying to sell Yasuke as some kind of right-hand man or secret best friend to Nobunaga instead of how he was actually treated: literal property.
I'm actually surprised that Ubisoft didn't go into that direction instead, Yasuke fleeing his slave master and joining the Assassins in a bid for freedom only to realize that he has effectively traded enslavement from one cruel master to another, far crueler one and taking on missions as a rogue swordsman that wears full gear in order to disguise himself on various battlefields during the warring period. But that would require some actually-good writing that doesn't allow for instant gratification/glorification.
1. reddit cares and so will be there job-like raiding
2. /pol/ culture war shit, but /pol/ itself was successfully transformed by jannies into second /trash/ board,
the game is getting published with the rewrite of historical sources and facts to fit nigger worship,
black cleopatra is slowly being pushed as "fact",
this game in the clown world of today will be pushed as "documentary"

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>Arkane Austin in 2017

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Do you like ice cream? I love ice cream!
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It's obvious now that I'm not the one you hate, it's /v/hu that you hate. Why are you trying to destroy /v/hu? What vendetta do you have against all the regulars here?
I like waffles.

Sanaebro btw
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Meira balls
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Deadlock sisters...
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they bought up Team Fortress and made it shit.
they also bought up Counter-Strike and made it shit

The games they actually developed themselves are literally walking simulators with retarded badly written plots.
>wow, gordon, you are a scientist totally
>now would you kindly push this thing into the stream
>wow, you are really a scientist
>who never speaks and acts like a psychopath
A slave obeys
I don't know why they're so obsessed with games as services while their whole structure is incompatible with it, they are physically incapable of keeping a community well supported and engaged for long.
You are a dumb nigger for calling HLA a tech demo albeit.
No one wants to "play" VR, deal with it.
how dare they exploit game concepts
>TF2 community
you mean the bots that are "playing" the loot box drop meta game?

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Well, /v/? How fucked are you?
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Will Floydmarine keep me safe?
Hm, taken to the pokemon world and handed my wife...
She'd probably be a Fighting type.
And we can beat up childrens' pets for money.
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I'll be fine
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Electric Underground does it again. It is hard to disagree with anything here.
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Synth isnt astroturfed, he naturally appeals to /v/ because he basically just is /v/ personified into a human, as bad as that turns out to be.
Nah both that faggot and Crowbcat just shill their own videos here.
No one could post videos of people here who get millions of views.
If I could set the difficulty for real life, I would choose easy mode.
This guy is an idiot who just talks about everything as though it's an arcade game because that's a model you can repeat.

This was idiotic.

Which one is better for PC gaming? Mind you, idgaf about gimmicks like haptic feedback, I turn that shit off anyway. I want to know things like
>hand feel
>responsiveness/clickiness of buttons
>thumbstick sensitivity
>overall build quality
>ease of compatibility with PC

(xfags need not reply. My 2 month old xbox controller has stick drift. I will never buy xbox garbage again.)
DS4 is better
can you elaborate
Ps5 controller is fantastic

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