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/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

QOTT: do you prefer women who are shorter than you, taller than you, or around the same height?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35833882
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
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unshaven legs yes or no
Tall-ish but still shorter than me bottoms are so cute
I don't want to leave my comfort zone it makes me have panic attacks...
I want my life to be exactly the same just to suddenly be a woman too without having to hurt.
8 months no shaving :(
if you're sporty

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My transbian gf broke with me only to end up dating a fucking black dude.
God I fucking hate her. She's literally implying I'm worse than a n*gg*r. What's the appropriate way to respond to this humiliation, transisters?
blackface is the only answer
I'll just get canceled, fired from my job and put on multiple blacklists
they can't cancel you if you don't use social media in the first place...
you don't use social media, right?
I use social media like all normal humans
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it's so over anon
go back to tradition

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you think i will pass ?
Looks like it
Post a different angle. You pass fine from this angle, wouldn't need FFS at all.
you want i kms ?
sorry but you dont think i need a nose job and lip lift ?

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Thread for pussyboy, anal sex and theyfab appreciators.
>Boypussy or anal?
>Why do you prefer ftms over tomboys?
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I'm 5'6 and I'm scared of needles and have shakey hands
Remember that this faggot is hysterical because some theyfab he liked kissed another girl
This, biological men aren't so cringe and unfunny. Everyone in this thread is afab.

Which will be ok, but only afabs using this board are disgusting fat mutilated creatures that deserve to be shoot on sight.

Why we cannot have any cute vagina bois.
do subq (smaller needles), and drink some water and take a couple deep breaths. it gets better.
Its not the same person. Op is not tranny hater, if this was tranny hater, he would post "post cute afab vagina bois". Op is tard who immigrated from r9k week ago.

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Life is replicators capable of evolution (transferring information with the accumulation of random errors)..
A man and a woman are two replicators whose purpose is the transfer of gametes.

These goals are not imposed on us by culture, religion, patriarchy, socialism, or capitalism. This is simply the basic meaning of the existence of life on the planet!
It is not part of gender, not part of society, not part of a culture of oppression. The replicator is life.

Now help me, a trans woman, explain to transphobes on the Internet why a BROKEN REPLICATOR becomes a woman?

This is not trolling, this is not an attempt to offend you. I really need a powerful and devastating answer with which I can answer all the burning questions of biology.

At the moment, my knowledge is enough to convince transphobes that I:

1.A mentally ill man with a “female soul” - I have enough arguments to explain that errors occur during pregnancy, resulting in the formation of an individual with incorrectly functioning sexual differentiation of the brain. Therefore, I need patience, acceptance and protection from discrimination.

2.A person who rejects the imposed gender framework of society - I am on the side of freedom and independence, because I am trying to promote freedom, including from the imposed framework of clothing, hairstyles or behavioral norms that were imposed on us thousands of years ago and are no longer relevant at the moment.

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I just dont think life should be reduced to something as lifeless and soulless as that.
That's called intersex by science retard.
>A man would never do that, men like having testosterone, men like being strong and looking like chads. Wow, you're really retarded.

Yes. And using this argument, I can easily prove that I have a special brain structure, different from male or female. And this is proven by MRI studies and long-term observations of such patients. It arose as a result of a mixture of genetic and intrauterine factors and cannot be changed.
This means that any attempts to “fix” me and make me “normal” will be violence.

I can prove that I need pity and understanding. But I can’t prove that I’m a female.
if you're working from some kind of binary model where everybody that doesn't match the model is just broken then you're just broken, read judith butler or something and understand that gender is more complicated than replicators
Most 46 XX, 46 XY people are considered either male or female depending on external genitalia. Normalization is common. Chromosomes do not actually determine sex.

I saw a lot of hate and resentment from mtfs that aren't going well in life towards girls who pass/have bf/live like a normal girl. They usually say that they are arrogant and vain, but i don't really see that in real life unless it's a parody of a famous bimbo model.

successful trans girl.... What do you really think of the girls who still live with their parents, don't pass, don't have jobs, are virgins, can't find a bf because they spend all day on the computer, are depressed, have bpd, are otakus, are lazy or hedonist????

Do you want to help them? Do you want to stomp on them because it makes you feel repulsed? Do you think they deserve it? Do you try to help them even if they will insult you?

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prev >>35846140
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is a tranny
so uh
that board is slow as fuck

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are there any german mtfs on this board c:
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im devastated
Ich bekomme keinen Schwanz :c
wie meinst du das?
There's lots of mtfs in Germany!
mog me

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i have two questions for you;

1. why do (some) cis women dress slutty? short skirts, tank tops that reveal the bottom part of the tits, short shorts, fishnet socks, etc.

2. is it be valid that I, tranny, like dressing slutty because it turns me on? I like wearing short shorts, thigh highs, all the things mentioned, because i look and feel hot, and get aroused by it. BUT NOT IN AN AGP WAY. NO. i do not jerk off infront of a mirror, i simply get aroused by just wearing this stuff and people looking at me horny.

i pass btw, i know this kinda stuff heavily depends on weather or not you're attractive. i dont know if im attractive but at the very least i pass. as ive literally posted my selfies here before and 100% of the time YOU ALL told me i passed.
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i am imagining a world where it is normalized and not a big deal if a tranny has her dick out while wearing shorts like that. like when cis women wear tank tops that reveal some of the tits
False. As a dominant woman, unless their eyes are kept respectfully below the knees then someone looking at me with obvious attraction and desire is an affront to me. In the right environment where such things are not only permissible but encouraged, someone with my preferred aesthetic swooning after me would be met with harsh words and public derision. But it would, admittedly, get my attention and open the potential for corrective sessions.

Hedonism II Resort, among others
why do men wear tailored suits? same answer
i dress that way mainly because other women my age dress that way when it's warm out and i don't wanna look like an autistic weirdo. plus the lookism and confidence buffs from dressing in a way that makes people think you're hotter, that doesn't hurt
Yes, yes, you're too confident and sexy to enjoy attention, very good.

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>closeted MtF
>dad wants me to go to the gym with him again
It's boring and I don't want muscles...
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I'm so tired of you guys having mental breakdowns over the most pedantic things, the femboy-turned-trans accounts I used to follow all went through the same cycle of personal validation and complaining about getting sir'd. As if transitioning will be the end of a much deeper problem.
im a tranny though
yes, and? what are you trying to accomplish? we all know our reality
>but EVERYONE mention how """"long"""" my hair is
If you don't want "muscles" then take estrogen, cut out T, and eat in excess of your daily needs. And whenever you're dragged to the gym, do only leg day exercises and core exercises, so you can have a cute bubble butt and kissable tummy. Bonus? Hips and tits

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why is this so hard for c*soids to understand?!
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God made evolution
Evolution is a flawed system
Evolution allows for diseases and genetic screw ups
Like a mismatch between what's between your ears and what's between your legs
God would never hate you for being true to yourself in a way that doesn't hurt others
And fuck you for trying to make others feel like they're not worthy of his love
Why is it so hard for trannies to understand that cis people literally do not care? If dick = male; if vagina = female.
>>s no higher force that made us divide people into categories
it's called instinct. men don't wanna fuck women just cause. they wanna fuck women because of their natural urge to reproduce. observing the differnence does not mean you created the differences. it means you agreed upon definitions with your peers based upon common observation. that doesn't mean you created what was naturally evident.
you literally parrotted the same argument I already disproved lmao. Cut off dick is not a vagina anon, sorry to disappoint you. You will always smell like shit and rotting flesh and you will never be a real woman.
>I behave more like women
nah anon, I am a real woman, and you behave like a retarded man
It's actually a super common misnomer to equate sex and gender. By ignoring well established differences and proclaiming yourself to be right based on your own beliefs makes it obvious you're only here to rile people up. You're being disingenuous. Anyone attempting to dissuade you is wasting their time. This thread is no more than people trying to play chess with a pidgeon. It doesn't matter what they say or do and whether or not any of that holds any real credence. You're just going to knock over all the pieces and shit everywhere. I'd like to hope you would genuinely and constructively reflect on your beliefs, but we both know that isn't going to happen. I hope you have a lovely day regardless <3

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I anally masturbated with a decent sized dildo for the first time in awhile and I haven’t been able to go to the bathroom normal in a week.

I’m scared, should I see a doctor?
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I have it just feels like a struggle to get out and it’s never like a “whole poop”
Stop doing that and don’t play with your ass any more and it should go back to normal on its own
this is why you should protecc your bum-ring and just frot and suck, anon
buttsex is for life-denying degenerates who want the human immunodeficiency virus and/or anal cancer
Okay thats not life threatening. You may have fucked with your pelvic floor, which is treatable! A physical therapist or drugs can help.

It could also be a colon injury :(
Does your asshole “clench” sometimes or is it mostly relaxed?

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>qott: what's your favorite song

>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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18 mtf aus
>about me interests and hobbies
i am tran, i like muisic production, drawing, vidya and some anime
which state
Thanks for keeping up the thread
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
Under 26
Hairy men

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QOTT: When was the last time you cuddled with someone?

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That really changes per person. A nerdy girl will think a smart nerdy boy is cool and a stacy might think the jock footballer is cool. Depends on the girl.
>what does that look like to you?
pre-transition me desu :)
ok lets stop talking about this please
I need to call my ISP and tell them to upgrade my service asap I can’t believe I’m being cucked by technology
>gleefully kick my legs in bed like a spergy girl
doing this earlier today also checked
what kind of cool guy are you tho?
>pre-transition me desu :)
i refuse to admit this could be what i am looking for

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>be me
>read about a straight relationship
>wanna have a husband
>read about a lesbian relationship
>wanna have a wife
What is wrong with me and why when I read something sweet it so easily changes my mind about people i'm attracted to?
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I kind of feel the same way. Just get into a relationship if you really like the person and dw about it.
i just worry that it would change in long term relationship and i ruin it
>be me
>just wanna be loved irrelevant of gender
many such cases, sorry op
>just wanna be loved irrelevant of gender
it's not even about to be loved, i just really switch my attraction to body and it's crazy
I have experienced this and not just a handful of times, and while I won't pretend to diagnose you I will share you what I think the causes in me are:
-insecure and/or self-loathing and seeking validation through others

also while I do not identify as trans, it might be prudent to consider if you are nonbinary or simply reject rigid gender roles and prefer to mix and match what people view as "masculine" or "feminine"

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