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King Edition

SHF Ultraman Exceed X
SHF Valvarad
SHF Shin Cyclone
SHFSS Kamen Rider Kuuga Rising Titan
SHFSS Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo Final Ver
Minipla Shugod Gattai series PB King Kyoryuzin
SODO Kamen Rider Gotchard 5
SHODOXX Kamen Rider 8
YUDO Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger
SG Boonboom Car 01
DX Kamen Rider Geats Sound Core ID + Kamen Rider Core ID Set 03

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I don't wanna buy it for ass rape prices
Last one that sold on Manda was only 9k yen. Which is less than 60 USD. What'll fuck you over is the shipping.
Shipping for one figuarts isn't that bad unless you live in some shit hole with only one available shipping method.
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I just want them to give us Geats IX already. I hope it doesn't sit in prototype hell for years.
Geats is popular so probably just a matter of time

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Nailed It Edition

-Batman vs Bane 2 pack preorder still up at Game Stop and MTS (for now)
-Tim Drake Robin preorders still up at Game Stop (for now)
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack projected to be warming the pegs come summer
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers waves hitting stores
-Ed McGuinness Superman, Longbow Hunters Green Arrow, and Ray Palmer Atom announced

Previous: >>10993687
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Just supporting under-loved designs. I actually like the original design so it'd be good if they did that too, but I prefer the New52 one.
Ive had a couple fall too, no issues. Id be worried for bat ears or some detail getting snapped off before i would the figure itself being totally broken.
Nails don't fail
Climate change is real
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Took the paint off Aquamans diaper and legs. The all black really makes the gold and silver pop.

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Previously: >>10987990

-Mafex Rogue teased

-Marvel Legends Carnage (Let There Be Carnage) Announced (Mainline release, pre-order 5/15)

-Marvel Legends Retro Venom announced (Walmart Exclusive Summer 2024 pre-order)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

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enjoy your subpar figures from the largest US toy company
I will thanks.
Have some dignity, you milkfed gimp.
Low shoulders and small bewbs don't bother me. Sorry that it rustles your jimmies.
Sorry you don't buy toys at all

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It's been a while, but there's just so much news recently that we've gotta make a central hub for it all.

Upcoming releases:

S.H. Monsterarts Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Jun'24
S.H. Monsterarts Elemental Hero Flame Wingman - Oct'24 (according to the teaser)
Figure-Rise Standard Amplified Winged Dragon of Ra - TBA
Figure-Rise Standard Amplified Obelisk the Tormentor - teased/TBA
Figure-Rise Standard Amplified Slifer the Sky Dragon - teased/TBA

Good Smile Company
Moderoid Accesscode Talker - TBA
Plamax Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder - TBA

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While I do like the "literal whos" (though most of these are signature monsters of other characters, or popular monsters from the ocg/tcg) I do also find it strange. Especially with SHMA starting in the DM era with Blue and Red-Eyes, then moving to another era before at least releasing Dark Magician. I find it even more absurd that in all the years of Yu-Gi-Oh articulated action figures that we've never gotten a standard DM (outside of Mattel). That seems like a pretty obvious hole waiting to be filled, and that none of these companies are doing it seems odd.
Just make your own
The line is called MonsterArts, Dark Magician would be more appropriate in the figuarts line. But then that just raises the question of why haven't started a Yu-Gi-Oh figuarts line.
Ra is the most expensive kit yet excluding the metallic paint ones.
7700yen pre-tax, I guess, but that's also a fairly odd price. I'd have to think that it'll be massive compared to even Exodia. It does have large wings, and some mystery gimmick. I'd expect at least Obelisk of the 3 to be even more expensive.

DM and all other cards are technically all 'monsters' if we're going by semantics. But to your point, that's why some weren't sure if it was really going to be Flame Wingman, because despite the wing, tail, and right arm, he's still generally humanoid. But as others have mentioned, there have been other humanoids, Jet Jaguar, Predator, Alien, etc.

I was also thinking about lines with both SHF and SHMA, isn't that just Monster Hunter, and extremely briefly with that one SHF Zinogre hybrid thing?

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For photos and discussion of custom creations made out of Lego and other building block brands.
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>have Bean
>he's an outside slug :)
Imagine how much that table would cost if you bought those baseplates at The Lego Store instead of The Dollar Store.

How are tge baseplate holding up over time anyhow?

I have a real hard time getting parts to stick to the bottom of my Dollar Tree plates, but things seem to still stick to the top just fine and no warping yet.
You can make a FB account without giving them your real details, just call yourself Anon Smith.
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Thanks anon.

Glad to inspire. That little Starlord ship looks pretty cool. Is that magazine available in America?

I love this

Also, I finally got around to building an Mtron tank. I can't take full credit for the design though. I just upgraded a rebrickable design I downloaded.
The larger ones are holding up great! But the quarter baseplates are not as good and I agree they don’t hold on the bottom well at all. I think you hit the nail on the head the center needs a support or when you push down even slightly in the middle it pops off the edge pieces underneath. Still, Castle Bootlego hasn’t come loose and nothing’s broken yet so as soon as the garden is done it’s wood working time. I mentioned it before but the money I saved on baseplates will pay for an actual wooden table.

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Haven't seen one of these threads in a while, post your stuff
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Seems like a great place to include the link to the arcade cabinets printables i have been working on for the cheap fortnite arcade cabinets


I added darkstalkers to the list earlier today
I just wanted to say thank you Anon. I have seen your posts over the past few days and I am most like going to pick up a few of these arcade cabs.
Yeah man I'm glad to save some people some money on these since what some people charge for these is outrageous.

The pdfs are set up to be actual size so don't shrink to fit or anything print at 100% actual size. Maybe print a test page on regular paper before you print on anything more expensive. Since printers can vary.

Also I recommend you go for vinyl sticker sheets when you print these out. I tried regular sticker sheets on my first attempt and they didn't look right, not to mention were harder to work with. These are the ones I used so I can vouch they work good.


If you need some help holler at me. If you happen to be on the either /toy/ based motu or polynian discords I'm slt there so you can reach me directly.
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Damn, almost looks real

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Does anyone know where this little alien plush is from? I assume its from the 1990s its got that aesthetic if the time and alot of the silver paint has rubbed off on him. Any help would he appreciated
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he can't it's covered up by the arm
It's actually Ghostface from Scream naked.

Probably just some random knick-knack cranked out my the thousands. Gray alien stuff like that was big from about 1996-early 2000s
That looks like some random thing you'd get at a carnival. Low quality plushies usually have polystyrene like that.
Yeah, probably a generic carnival or claw machine prize

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Can you help me identify some of these? Anything intresting in here? They just lay around in my cellar since my childhood and I never knew what they are even from. Not sure if I should refurbish them or salvage for fun part. Though I'd like to know whether anything cool is in it first.
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weird disney stuff. The mikey is from Disneyland in Paris (it sucked).
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This guy is an absolute gem lmao
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These are gonne be used for pictures. They are really nice.
>Though I still would like to know who that weird monster guy with the skull knees on the left
Any markings on him? Bottoms of the feet and the backs of the thighs are likely places to look.
left is infrared batman from the BTAS line, right is hover attack batman from the batman forever line
that gorilla is the mcdonalds happy meal version of tarzan's ape mother

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Super Saiyan God Son Goku - Saiyan God of Virtue
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Son Goku (Reissue)
Frieza Fourth Form (Reissue)

Vegeta - 24000 Power Level [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Awakened Super Saiyan Blood (Reissue)

Cui [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Goku Effect Parts Set - Teleport Kamehameha
Son Goku - Saiyan Raised on Earth (Reissue)
Super Saiyan Son Goku - Full Power (Reissue)

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unironically better than super though. At least it had an ending. Dragonball was fucked the moment gohan didn't become the main protag anyway.
Shut up nigger.
>unironically better than Super
You can tell people who say this never watched GT and assumed it started off with the baby saga at the beginning.
but baby was the bad part. The whole journey at the beginning was the good part.
What I noticed about GT defenders is that they also ways bring up Super out of nowhere instead of staying within the merits of the series itself. On the opposite side the Super people never bring up GT as a comparison. They say the parts that they liked, usually ToP, UI, Broly, while acknowledging and being self aware of all the flaws.

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smol edition

Previous thread: >>10955360

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful (except for Flyhawk). ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

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1. depends
2. depends
3. depends
You can use whatever primer you see fit
Prime and paint the hull and turret separately, hull without the wheels and tracks
All roadwheels, front idlers, sprocket wheels come with poly caps, they can be primed and painted and put on with no issues on this kit
if you aren't doing this with a clamp for the brush and a turntable for the gun, you are retarded and deserve to suffer.
oil/tin canning on type vii uboat yes or no? The models I see on other forums often include it, but I am not understanding how it is correct considering the outer metal was not the pressure hull. So the outer shell would not have experienced any pressure differential beyond the difference introduced by a wave knocking into it or so.
I also have no references to go by other than the single existing type VII (U995) in Laboe near Kiel, but this served for over 20 years longer than any other type VII.
Other anon here, I have a lathe in my shop, might as well get a Tiger just because I can.

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I never see threads for wrestling figs. So here's one. Enjoy. What's your figure of the year so far? What are you looking forward to? Picrel. Can't wait for one of the best Eddies ever.
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Not sure about the head though. Might want a Marvel or DC character.
I've got a bunch. There's good and bad. Same as Mattel with WWE - some look great, some are funky as. I've cobbled together a decent roster from the past few years (for me, AEW peaked in 2022).

With both Mattel WWE and Jazwares AEW, the biggest issue is distribution. Some figures are insanely easy to get everywhere, whereas others are blink and you missed it and prepare to pay for it. But.... the upshot is they release a lot of the same guys over and over so if you're patient you don't have to pay stupid money.

Asuka was a classic example in WWE - had some early NXT figures that were so so, then had a literally perfect Network Spotlight version of her then look... that went for insane $$.

Then her next look Elite hit and she was easy to get. The current Ultimate is her recent look and looks amazing.

Mattel has a real knack of doing some amazing figures with the odd "what the hell were they smoking" thrown in. Don't listen to the person criticizing Ultimate Charlotte - it's a great look and great figure. Ultimate Becky Lynch though... doesn't even look like her. Great figure but face is someone else!

It's weird how they do that every so often, almost deliberately.
I'm interested in the set mainly for those 3 but man, they really take the piss:
- Harley looks great, classic NWA look, title belt looks great (if somewhat unfinished paint wise)
- I can handle another Superstar, especially as he comes with a WWWE belt.
- Gorilla... lazy on the upper torso being painted on clothing. My biggest pet peeve to not go with sculpted.
- Have zero desire for the Ali figure... apparently he was the reason the set got the green light though, so guess I can't complain too much.
It is a really sweet package, but i think the standard was well done too.
The distro can be wild, i can go get a cart full of ultimate jeff hardys while ultimate roman came and went.
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I started a wrestling collection recently. Pleasantly surprised at the quality. I was able to get a lot of older figures at toy shows and fb marketplace for good prices. There are some exceptions like LoD and Demolition. Hoping that Zombie Sailor's 6" line does well and they sign talent that Mattel can't.

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Just found a mostly intact Gen2 Sideswipe in a dilapidated garage at work today. Place was falling to pieces and the property was likely going to be fully bulldozed, so rather than let this old soldier be crushed I brought him home. Apart from some creaky hinges and faded stickers, and the rubber tires that just didn't survive the onslaught of time, he's in relatively good shape. Rest easy, old friend, you've earned it.

How about you guys? Got any toys you've found out in the wild, buried in an abandoned building or back yard? Any you've tried to repair or rehabilitate?
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The complexity hurts but they just plain lack paint or a nice finish, too. Last really nice vehicle modes at retail were probably the premium movie figures they did in 2008 because of the profits of the 07 line.
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Only toy I’ve found that wasn’t just a random part of a toy was this pancham plush that the cat took a liking to.
i once heard modern LEGO tires can be used as replacements on old transformers. Never checked the legitimacy of those claims myself however.
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I don’t know about that, but I replaced this third party dinobot girl’s shitty ankles that snapped immediately with lego ball joints, and they have been great.
The G2 stickers were paper crap. It'll look better with G1 repro stickers.

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New Figura Obscura release. I dig the Bastet figure, but have a visceral negative reaction to buff doberman Anubis. It's not as bad with the mask, but the other heads just don't work for me, and if I did want buff Anubis, I would've bought the tbleague figure. If they make the retailer version single packs like the instagram post hints, I'll hold off for that version of Bastet unless they really fuck up the colors.

Some tooling images for Necronominus out, so it's probably coming before the holidays this year.
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You big whiny bitch baby
These Egyptian gods might be the best things they've made.
Not saying much.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, subby
trips have spoken, sorry fanboy

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>it's a "/toy/ forgets Mcfarlane used to do stuff like this and sell it in stores" episode
why the fuck is this so funny
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The Transformers equivalent of this is hilarious too, they made at least two figures of Optimus's dead body. To make things funnier, the Takara release named it "CONVOY SLEEP MODE". Like y'know, he isn't dead, he's just a lil sleepy
Black Heart Spawn. 19 OPA that are well-concealed so the figure isn't visually butchered with ugly joints.

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can Super7 just fuck off? I'm sick of overpriced 5poa. I hate seeing this garbage at my target for $19.99 for one Foot Soldier while the Playmates vintage are right next to them for half the price. Fuck you if you bought these.
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According to Brian Flynn, $18 to $20 and will replace the Re-Actions.
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> just fuck off?
sure, bro. fuck off with my collection.
It has, im finally seeing the repaints show up in my area but as far as i know the line is dead. Fucking shame too, but hey, the bright sideis that kids can get good toys for cheap.
People keep buying their shit, so blame the customer.
Last year's reissues. And Hasbro STILL refuses to reissue the version of Snake Eyes the fucking Joe fans actually want (the 1985 version).

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