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>Mr. Karponzi - Birchum’s nemesis and the school district’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion officer. He’s an Ivy League graduate, a devout vegan, and identifies as a cisgender white male...for which he apologizes.
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I just finished watching this show. Its actually pretty damn funny and entertaining and much better than most liberal filth out here. This 4chan libtards not reddit. I don't know why you wokies hate this show so much. Go back to your hamas rallies on college campus. Can't believe my tax dollars are going to supporting HAMAS.
Do you practice being retarded in the mirror or does it just come naturally?
Do you like it when Hamas rapes people? You like antisemitism don't you?
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Isnt this that fucking guy from Bojack Horseman?
"If fascism is so bad, try living without the power and sewer company."

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What went so fucking wrong
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Basically this, sad to say
Peter being weak to everything, MJ being flawless, Miles being better with no weakness.
>Peter is taken over by a symbiote twice
>Both times he is saved by Miles
>The second time has Miles do Peter's inner struggle for him
What the fuck were they thinking?
this review sums it up pretty well
The first game literally only had the Aunt May moment that was good. The rest of the story was awful, then MM had almost nothing except new tricks to do. Why were people expecting this to be good?

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How long do we have until the fanbase reaches Rick and Morty levels of annoying?

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Bobby bros!
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Hope they just say lucky and luane moved away instead of killing them off. Just say they are in Dallas filming the manger baby show
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Do you know what website you are on? Are you a full blown retard?
GH will be autistic since both his parents are seniors
I figured Dale would stay, but he'd be speaking though a throat cancer box.
>Brittany Murphy is dead
>Johnny Hardwick is dead
>Toby Huss isnt allowed to be Khan, and Cotton is dead.
>Tom Petty is dead
This shit is cursed, why the fuck is it stilll going to go on

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don't think anyone made a thread about it yet
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Here's some jenny i drew
It cute, but why is she sleeping on the street? I found that weird and it took me out of it for a bit trying to figure out why. I guess I missed something.
Good job
Very well made.
The score is well composed. >>143675255
>Requires subscription

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Well it's official, they finally managed to out-dogshit this finale
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She-Ra and The Princesses of Power, of course
All so Star could genocide magic creatures instead. And somehow despite everything else dying those fucking, fucking horse heads lived, making sure that I couldn't even get the satisfaction of them dying
X-Men 97 was pretty good
and now the show's stuck at a potential, permanent, cliffhanger now, right?
You know you're not allowed to say that.

I haven't watched the original 90s X-Men. Also I'm a DCfag.

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Let's settle this once and for all
Betty or Veronica?
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>the perv who stole Melody's shoes
Somebody sure went above and fucking beyond blending this edit into the original, holy shit.
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> should be best friends.
Seems like jughead is the only one who can handle her. They’d end up getting married.

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Smiling Friends could end up with the worst fanbase on the planet and I’d still like it if the show continues to be good. People didn’t turn on Rick and Morty solely because of the fans
I mean yeah most shows have fucking horrific fanbases, it doesn't alter the quality of the underlying product. Invader Zim is probably the poster child for this, and looking beyond /co/ Undertale immediately comes to mind as well.
Honestly this cartoon is quite funny and I'm so sick of all the discussion surrounding it being solely e-celeb shit and sidefagging

I don't care
I enjoy it, end of
From what I've seen it's the detractors that are most annoying, pushing the agenda of it being a "puritan" cartoon solely because they're upset at Zach Hadel for doing whatever it is he does.
I'm mostly mad about whoever in that friendgroup was workiing on that one videogame about dream-diving cops still not having finished it after all this time

What are your most wanted crossovers?
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>There's a universe where invincible is just another teen action adventure show that simply follows a young man finding out that his powerful alien father is actually a agent sent in to take over humanity, and must use his powers to become a hero while juggling school life.
>it wouldn't be slop with senseless gore and swearing, but good enough destruction to convey high stakes.
I would watch it.
Lacey from Laceys games
I’d buy this
Teen Titans vs Freddy Krueger
Batman vs Jason
Since WB owns these properties I don’t get why it never happened (though jason has some legal problems but wouldn’t really Impact the hockey mask murder machine version)

Dc or marvel should have a “cross over” book and have it be the weirdest cross overs possible (Jonah Hex meets Twinkee the Kid) and market it as “this can never reprinted because of rights issue” so every issue sells out since legally it can’t be reprinted
Superman would probably do well against Frieza since he wouldnt let Frieza power up if he can help it.

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Can we have thread about Bears?
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You can blame the internet also for that. At least at some levels.
People consume media content so much that it is integrated in their mind now.
Media gave people false expectationsof how relationships and family should be, porn gave people false expectations of how sex shoul be. When people can't have what they expect in real life, they decide that it is just not worth it.
Besides, people have to work and study more, and take a lot more time to buy houses and cars and stuff. Family and relationships became an obstacle.
hahaha, god damn it man you really know how to get a (you) from /v/tards like me

So is that the reason why new media is so shit now? Because they're trying to "undo their mistake" or what they think was a mistake? Or is that a different issue?
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>a bear
You're also not going to be able to fly in real life, does that mean you don't consume media where characters are able to fly?
Have you literally never imagined yourself doing something impossible?
Maybe the reason you think no one likes you is because you're a boring person.
Not to mention you can never truly "know" that not one of 7 billion people will like you, unless you somehow have psychic abilities.
Hot bear

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Look how proud Bruce is.
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Her sister is hotter
>not flat
>thank god this one’s not gay
He was already subjected to years of that from Talia, let him rest
She's a keeper

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

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Requesting Wanda and Eowyn experimenting.
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Requesting Amber Simpson wearing Marge Simpson's clothes
Requesting Human Desiree performing a belly dance for Anne, Sasha and Marcy.
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Requesting Rogue dressed as Ms Marvel's Warbird costume but replace the lightning bolt with X logo
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Requesting fusion

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Let's post more funny comics in this thread.
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Yeah? But the awkwardness I feel on even thinking about showing any sexual interest feels like a bigger drawback, recently I tried to think about how I would feel if a girl really tried to flirt aggressively and it feels like a fight or flight moment with more pitfalls than an actual life or death moment.
I WILL say something wrong which will kill the mood, and it may just be my brain sabotaging myself so I don't get caught in an even more emotionally vulnerable position later.
No not everyone can rob a bank or get a job. Also its beyond ridiculous to think having a job means youre not poor. Look at the prices of food and housint and compare that to what you get from a wagie job. Thank you for admitting you were being deliberately disingenuous and speaking falsehoods.
Guys? I might be wrong but…I think this “funny” threads only exist to post webcomics that are guaranteed to get replies on here.
Something existing doesn't mean people have access to them. Just like how consensual exists but that doesn't mean everyone who wants it can have it.
The fact that you put so much thought into considering rape and threats of murder and insisted on that point for several replies but needed the fact that not everyone has money or other access to guns or drugs or would even be successful in using them is essentially proof that you are not responding in good faith. It is not up to the people you're talking to to point out the obvious ridiculous flaws in your arguments, people aren't obligated to prove you wrong when everyone including yourself knows you're clearly wrong. It's on you to look for the blatant gaping holes in your arguments for yourself.
I don't follow

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Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:
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>How does this work?

>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.

>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.

If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something when there's no thread:

Last time:

-Lustless comic progress

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