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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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>Year starts with a bang: Aliens at Miami mall
they were just teens
"oh well, maybe that was just too soon.."
>Jews underground doing very shady stuff
"well, it was expected"
>Jellyfish ufo video released
"it's getting started!"
it's actually memoryholed too
>Epstein list released, potential crisis for Hollywood and politics as a whole
>Grusch releasing an OP-ED following the big revelations of 2023
never released, and the topic is way less relevant now too
>big world changing Eclipse people were prophecizing about since 2017

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that’s the thing. so many of us here dribble cum at the idea of mass destruction and suffering, practically begging for the big happening to hit. it’s a ghoulish and juvenile mindset. i’m tired of you guys.
this is one of the dumbest responses in this terrible thread. lol goddamn right if someone lived that long they’d be rolling their eyes at any current happenings. they’d have seen the cycles of history, watched the same shit happen over and over with increasingly fancier tech tacked on. they would have seen the rise and fall of mystery cults, and the resulting nothingburgers. human motivation remains largely the same, so most outcomes are hardly surprising. so why the fuck do you think someone that long lived wouldn’t know more than you? i swear to god, schizophrenia doesn’t exist, it’s just misdiagnosed narcissism.
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(((They))) realized that no matter how they hid, we would always find enough threads to hang them with.
So this year, they said fuck it, and gave us so much rope to use that you couldn't even hang from an airplane.
feet stay nicely on the ground

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Death Rx, Two of Swords Rx, Ten of Wands, Nine of Pentacles Rx, Eight of Pentacles Rx, Knight of Swords Rx

It looks like these bad vibes are caused by someone else. Likely someone that doesn't know that they are causing bad vibes, and is just the type of person that causes those bad vibes regardless of intention. Unless you know the exact source, I doubt there's anything you can do about this, and you might just need to deal with these bad vibes for a while.
Trading occult
Page of pentacles r, 7 of cups r, devil, 4 of swords, 6 of wands
Hermit r, 2 of wands r, 10 of cups
This is a period of small conquests. You should approach the people you desire with a more humble attitude regarding your own success and more at peace with your past failures, this part is broader than just about love tho. Forgive yourself and be more down to earth.
There's no bigger flow of new people in your life to socialize so you'll need to put your effort into meeting possible partners and acquitances.
It doesn't really look like a good time to formalize any kind of relationship or making big commitments outside your love sphere but taking small steps and getting to know people first and decide later will help you navigate through these times without issues.
Take it easy, don't push your boundaries and respect your partners.

My card of the day was Queen of Cups. Can anyone advise me based on this? In return, I can pull a card here and there for almost anyone who asks.
outcome with S2?
Reply with yours all I'll start right away.

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What are the spiritual implications of this?
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The elf looking race you sent this time are far more timid than the lizards
But they're still ngmi
Watching them
Watching you
Is fucking pathetic
From what i understood :
You pride yourself in being a tribe (or whatever) of humans who act like vessels to entities
You are afraid of the god who came because he's stronger than yahweh (not necessarily older though).
You're only realising someone is taking over after the show ended and it's too late, which makes you small fish.
You can't even tell if you're talking to a human or an entity possessing the human. You are unfit to meddle in anything, unless under a higher being's orders
The being you fear the most doesn't even care about you but you're trembling from the thought of being on the hit list
They sell suicide kits on amazon now. If this bitch legitimately just wanted to off herself she would have years ago. She doesnt want suicide, she wants to be honored by the state as a martyr. Its disgusting
>It's not like there are many of you left. Only the small fries
Whom are you addressing with this? What do you mean, what are you saying?
Fake, like all other news.
>Whom are you addressing
The ones making these threads, outsiders
>What do you mean
It's complicated anon, this is continuation from a previous thread
>What are you saying
I'm telling them to btfo from x/ (and other places as well)
It's just a warning. Don't trust anyone here anon, this place is almost like pol/ now. It's impossible to take it over though, because there are people like me here, and there are people who can see the entities behind this so they'll never fall for their tricks.

Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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I went toe to toe with the wizards of /x/ and the bros blinked hahaha get lost...
I am a stoner celebrity.
No one gives a fuck. You think you special?
Hi niggers. It's funny how during 1940s, a lot of people started to understand this concept, but it got lost in the modern age. Most likely due to massive brainwashing that we have today.

I was thinking earlier about Cus D'Amato, Tyson's trainer. He obviously understood this concept, but really grasped it later in his life, therefore he thought it to the fighters.

Tyson speaks how they gave him LSD when he was young, and repeated "I'm the best fighter of all time" and shit alike. And the dude became unstoppable, simply to an extremely strong conviction which overrides reallity.

However, he couldn't deal with all the success and it drove him insane, because the mindset was installed by Cus, and without Cus dude slowly lost himself and went thru a lot of shit.

Just goes to show that most successful people during the 40s understood this concept, so many authors from that period talk about this shit.

The falldown of men today is our lack of self discipline. Several sources which talk about what we call LOA, put the highest important of repetition and consistency, which is rather difficult for the bitches are today.

However I have no doubt that ones who have self discipline and build their faith with consistency until the belief becomes so strong it has to manifest in the physical realm
I get it. I understand. So I need to ignore the 1940s and take LSD like the 1980s and do something like box repeatedly and consistently until I go insane. I see. I get it now.
You completely missed the point.

Tyson is just an example of what happens when you install extremely strong convictions in a young guy. Dude murderer everyone for years, he was a machine.

And again, this is just an example of the concept being applied to boxing. You can apply it to anything.

How the fuck did you conclude that we should ignore what guys in the 40s were talking about.

Based on your response, I can conclude you are retarded.

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Semen Retention General – Retain So Your Children Will Have a Higher IQ Edition

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

>In case of urges:
Go outside or do anything else.
After just a few minutes the urge will pass.

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how do I stop getting fucked over by dreams?
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But yeah, we would rekt those low t coomers.
Public tests and people doing their own tests aren't mutually exclusive you know. But I do agree, there are many reasons why there won't be studies done on this subject, partly because it's so bloody difficult...
I'm on sr for several months and when i expose my pepe to sun it gets an erection temporary sometimes lasts. Why is that?
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Reach a long clean streak. No porn, no masturbation and ideally no wet dreams.

Then please report back the changes you feel.

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Was just some medieval guys LARP book?
People do weird shit for fun, medieval people were just people
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it's pseudo-kufic, in medieval times europeans would imitate arabic script in their art for no discernible reason. many times this pseudo-kufic text appears in religious context where it makes even less sense since why wouldn't the westerners write in their liturgical language? it is far more likely that there was a forgotten form of arabic being spoken here (which is also the reason why no one really caught on latin as well, it's just a corruption of arabic).
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Why do many letters and paragraphs seem to be repeated?
it even seems to be nonsense
something like
>T-he sun rises in the morning and comes back in the morning, in the morning, in the morning
>air rises and comes back late late late late late
>wind rises and comes back early early early early early
>T-he sun rises in the morning...

I see that there are several texts like this, they remind me of the poem classes in school when we had to analyze poems and look at the metrics and rhymes kek
It's literally the same word over and over again
From looking at the pictures it seems it's showing how to perform chemical abortions.
What makes you think that

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what are some of the most horrifying truths about the world of the paranormal that people don't tend to realize?
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>i have absolutely nothing going on in my life so i spend my time on juvenile fantasies
Grow up, loser.
why do people jump straight to da j00z whenever someone disagrees with their bs lmao
like what would they gain from pushing materialism instead of submission to God
i'm not a jew you absolute fucking retard, i'm an atheist

>be me
>relaxing in bed after some love making with wife
>fall into account that every male in human history has felt the same way at some point
>i bet even jesus was this relaxed and comfy in his time
>mfw we are all one entity experiencing itself in different instances
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>be retard
>think women and men share the same spirit
>dont know that women are evil demons that want to be beaten and raped
>children are definitely not his as women only bear evil seed to term

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They say people like us who subscribe to conspiracy theories are mentally ill so please don't turn around and do the same thing to another person.
Gonna mind fuck each other into insanity. You have been warned
i looked him up on wikipedia. says he can prove that 1 X 1 = 2. OP is right, this man is the euclid of our era
You would be right if he didn't have patents and prototypes based off his theories and models. If he was just armchair theorizing. But he's not. His first patent which was cited by Sony and Microsoft already proved he's legit. He showed a Saturn model made in blender without the use of gravity. Solely off geometry and calculations. His theories were backed up.
Well 1x1 = 1 never made sense in the first place. I still remember when I was like in 3rd grade, half of our class was arguing with the teacher about this. And all I can remember is that she was like:

What are the lists of Freemasonric/Esoteric organizations that control the World and indulge in massive hedonistic sex and give people like Epstein power.

Roisucrician order probably is a good example but still its motives are to "Englihten society" but its real motives are unknown to this days.
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IMO ... you all aren't thinking outside the box enough here. Secret societies are like clothes the real power brokers wear. When one is boring and unfashionable, it's discarded. It's members are useful idiots lured by "power" and the lies that they can possess it. The spirits that influence then are the power brokers. All humans are just pretenders.
They are possibly Satanists and most likely Jewish at the very top, as a Jew would only ever admit a Jew, and Jews are the CEO's/Shareholder management of the world. The Rosacrucians wrote the KJV Bible. Theosophy is a good branch to look into. They were the inspiration behind Nazi Germany (Swastikas, Aryanism), through a Masonic break off called the Thule society but also just on their original writings (which revolve primarily around Lucifer). Enjoy.
Pic related, how low down Masons are in one public example.
Don't care what they do. To me, it's just playing dress up and to make connections. It might as well be a cult with political aspirations

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I think if there were 50m long snakes people would have noticed by now, and besides there’s nothing big enough for them to eat
yeah 50 kilometers does seem like a lot
50 feet is about 15 meters
Didn't some anon or Redditor find the exact location of that image on Google Earth?
The supposed explanation for no remains turning up was that they inhabit underground caves, no clue what they would eat though.
>people would have noticed by now
those people are being digested
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most retarded OP I've seen this week, congrats

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Hey anon, will be doing cleanings, removing curses, luck charms and will try to help you as much as i can. Just make sure you are a fren and writing down your problem.
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How do I know if I’m cursed? I just started my period when I was supposed to go to a nature preserve but now I can’t because the inflammation hurts my legs too much to walk that far :( I will say it is better than it was a few years ago, I had to get surgery to remove some tissue from my abdomen that made my period hurt so bad i could barely stand up at all.
I’m not the op but spells to do with love are generally really bad and can lead to a lot of stress later on. The relationship will likely end bad if op does anything to improve ur love life because spells to improve love life mess with the receiving partner’s free will, which subconsciously they do not like, and will be aggressive towards as the spell wears off

My health has been suffering. I got sick on Christmas and it lasted through new years, then not long ago I had influenza for almost a month. It wasn't until maybe a week ago I started to feel like I can bounce back from it. Now I am having issues adjusting to my new CPAP machine. I also don't even get legitimate pain management anymore.
I've been experiencing an unusual lack of motivation and dreams recently, it specifically flairs up whenever I try to do anything productive or spiritual, whenever I do manage to break through my lack of motivation I am struck with misfortune and it sends me back to square one. because of this I have been led to believe that someone or something has placed a curse upon me or that I am perhaps being haunted by some sort of evil presence that wants to impede my progress in life. I have not went out of my way to harm or anger anyone and I actively try to help whomever I can. If you could identify and attempt to rectify this issue, I would appreciate that greatly.
I’ve put myself and family through hell. I’m crying almost daily when I wake up and before I go to bed. I ruined my own life for no discernible reason. I’ve been wrong about everything and I regret my arrogance so intensely. Im sorry for being a massively ignorant, selfish shithead world. I think now I only see a sliver of the sadness I must have caused my family. Im just so shameful. I’m sorry for all of my anger.

The story of human history has been rewritten, facts have been obscured, and evidence has been destroyed. I'm sick and tired of modern scientists telling us that human civilization is no older than just a few thousand years old when we have direct fossil evidence that contradicts that notion. For instance, Antelope Spring Canyon in Utah, USA, welcomed a special guest. Mister was a fossil lover. He took his daughter to collect fossils. Their luck seemed very good, and they found a few trilobite fossils. Mister gently knocked on a 4 cm-thick stone. The stone opened like a book. An intact trilobite fossil was exposed. There was also a clear footprint on it. What is more incredible is that these footprints seem to be wearing shoes. The surprised crowd sent the fossil to Professor Kirk at the University of Utah. Kirk was shocked and could not explain it. It is recommended to send it to a geologist.
Trilobites are creatures that existed 560 million years ago and were completely extinct after more than 200 million years. This matter has to be checked, and it took 20 years before Professor Kirk admitted that this footprint and trilobite belonged to the Cambrian era.In 1984, scientists also found a footprint like a relief in the Ordovician red formation 540 million years ago near Lake Dongmia in the United Kingdom.
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why does /x/ simultaneously revere and vilify the cia
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Wouldn't that be accurate? They do some Shady shit
this is just a book by some crank who believed in 7000 year pole shifts and that Jesus was abducted by aliens and lived in America
History is bullshit.
Here is a new docu from the guys who made "Relevation of the Pyramids".

Jesus Christ every link for CIA unclassified stuff here is seriously twisted. Sometimes I think you idiots genuinely cannot read a source. It is as >>37943263 says.

’ve spent my whole life since the age of 9 pondering about the mystical elements. I’m sick of getting fucking edged on the occult and magic. I know it exists but but everywhere I look is the wrong place. At the ripe age of 18 I plan on joining my local freemasonic lodge so I can attain spiritual enlightenment. (For the purpose of doing good) and I don’t wanna hear shit about that men’s club nonsense because we all know there’s more to it than that. I’m sick of seeing retardation on the internet about “kundalini energy” and meditation/astral projection that never fucking works anyway. I know my life purpose is to do good for the world on a mass scale and it’s the only thing that i know will bring me true happiness. I could give two fucks about money and fame. I can’t work a slave job anymore, I want to chase my passion. Someone put me on already.
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There's a fuckton more to Freemasonry then your local Lodge my sweet padawan.
>inb4 I'm a Mason!!1
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it's all fake and gay.
there is no third eye
consciousness dies with the body
all is one
advaita vedanta
neti neti
>I know it exists but but everywhere I look is the wrong place

no, everywhere you look is the RIGHT place, however that wisdom that you find there, is encoded.

why? because this truth is dangerous, it grants you dominion over nature and that is not given nilly willy to anyone.

the 2nd ammendment does not exist in the spiritual domain. people are not armed with spiritual powers nilly willy.
only the saintliest get introduced to the inner wisdom, beyond the parables, allegories etc.

just focus on purification.
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>next week on /x/
>uhm there's no way anon just ground yourself
many such cases
You're retarded. Pack it up and get a job.

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