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Very true.
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>at a BBQ, youre there to socialize
ha ha lol get a load of this fucking clown
>at a BBQ, youre there to socialize
ha ha lol get a load of this fucking clown
Also beach babes in bikinis
Enough to make these Kcups not taste like burnt ass.
Stop using k-cups? instant coffee is a better choice than k-cups.

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Is your Chipotle this expensive? What the fuck happened to food prices?
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Steven Mnuchin is not part of your "we", retard, he works for Skull & Bones; Urim and Thummim
imagine actually believing this
what price point do you guys think the giga retarded masses will finally break at? 50$ for a 3 sandwich? 100$? if you could go back to the 90s/2000s and tell these faggots they would happily be paying 17$ for their chipotle they would laugh and call you delusional
Nah, they went way overboard with the liquid smoke, it just tastes like barbecue sauce, no heat even.
>bro just pay doordash to ???? and then you can go drive to the store and pick up your food yourself its way cheaper
your entire generation is so fucking cooked

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Bros... they are laughing at us and making record profits.
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the suffering of the victim flavors the tornado
way to out yourself as never having been to a proper pub or burger joint before
are you the same anon as the Sysco retard?
A fucking pound of ground beef is approaching $5
Eating at mcshits is admitting you don’t give a fuck about yourself and have 0 standards. Of course they’re gonna gouge your fat ass.
Op has a turd in his pocket.

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These are both insanely good.

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/ck/ related webm thread
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Shit it out? Aslong you don't choke the size seems nonlethal and probably not even that painful
they grow up around these practices. They do it because it's normal for them
browning is carcinogenic, I guess good health is too spicy for you
>browning is carcinogenic
citation needed
Dude literally every kind of burning on your food or in other words the black stuff that is burned carbon is carcinogenic.
Has never stopped a single barbeque though.

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>that psychopath that twist, ties, AND tucks
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chaotic evil all the way bros
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I leave the bag open and vertical. The topmost piece of bread sacrifices itself by drying up but the rest stay nice and soft. Closing the bag causes the bread to get moldy faster.
>ifunny watermark
>fancy pants rich mcgee
Ironically, I can get decent quality real bread cheaper than decent quality bagged bread. I honestly buy bagged bread for grilled cheese and because my kid likes it but it's rather have something good and crusty, especially since it's inexplicably cheaper.
I've literally never had any bread, bagged or proper, go mouldy on me. My neighbour had a similar problem, with fruit and vegetables going off before her family can eat them, even if stored in the fridge. Turns out, her house is infested with mould. I'd get that looked into were I you
every time I'm over at your moms house she tells me about what a whiny bitch you are.

what's the worst cuisine and why is it filipino
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I don't know the exact name of it
It's the horrendous stuff that some people from Africa make
It seems to be a regional thing, because places like Ethiopia make Indian looking food etc
I've spent time in East Africa and didn't see it there
Maybe a West Africa thing I don't know

It's the stuff you see on tiktoks posted on /pol/ etc
See pic related

If it wasn't for personal experience I would have guessed it was a meme or tiktok rage bait
However, I've seen this stuff in real life
One of the worst 'food' experiences of my life
At university (UK) there was some accommodation set for some staff people
They used our shared kitchen

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When I was in preschool, some little chick in my class who was from Thailand reached into her schoolbag at lunchtime and pulled a whole capsicum out. She bit into it like some Iron Chef bullshit.
Ethnic food hasn't really held that same mystique for me ever since.
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i cant say its bad but i dont like it

it's sisig and i think its great, im no expert but they cut up pork, milkfish, or even tuna, tofu, and do it with minced onions and top them with a fried egg like that, usually on a hot plate. the heat of the hot plate cooks the egg.
Fufus look tasty, problem is the stuff they fucking eat it with
They seem to make some very good cakes.

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Reminder, /ck/ is having a cookout on June 1st at a public park on lake Grapevine!

If you are in DFW come. What you could bring:

1. Prepackaged chips, cookies, and brownies
2. Charcoal
3. meat for grilling
4. a comfy camping chair
5. a sportsball to play catch with
6. Fishin pole and live or fake bait to go fishin in the lake
7. boombox so we can listen to Classical Music WRR 101.1 FM to keep the event desirable
8. a boat if you have one
9. prepackaged side dish
10. your own grill if you'd like
11. a bicycle so that everyone from /n/ can admire it

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Hope it goes better than last time.
Bit of a disappointment.
dutchbread, bacon, sausage and baked beans? the fuck is that sandwich
Gonna pick up some stuff at Winco before I head over there. Thinking of buying stuff for tacos

All prepackaed: carne asada/al pastor, corn tortillas, pre diced onions, cilantro, and some salsa.

>inb4 just go to fiesta for the meat
no fuck off. I always find bone fragments in all of their meat.

Can anyone confirm that some anon will be bringing a BBQ on that day?

I don't use Arch btw
>dutchbread, bacon, sausage and baked beans? the fuck is that sandwich
10/10 in bongland
/pol/ here, gonna bring some of my klansbros along as well.

>tfw you will never be a soda jerk at the local soda fountain
yet another cool thing lost to the march of time
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There are literally three soda fountains in my area and one employs a dozen people lmao
In fact, that one looks eerily identical to the one in your pic.
You are genetically bereft of honor. Congenitally evil. A blight on humanity.
This job still exists in Utah

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What should I eat for brain fuel? I work out and eat whole foods and lean meat and carbs and some fiber. Carbs are good for thinking, right? I don't eat sugar, it's gonna fuck up my gains
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The best way to get your noggin joggin is regular exercise.
It's fucking true. I feel like shit in the morning, no gonna lie, but I still force myself to go on my run daily (or nearly do) and actually start to feel much, much better. It's weird. On days I don't run because I slept in or whatever other reason, I feel less well than on days I do.
I don't think as clearly, my mood is for shit and I feel physically weak and exhausted. Even if I feel like that in the morning, which I usually do, if I force my trainers onto my feet, I always always always feel fantastic and clear-headed by the time I get back.
The brain does not function with some omnious micronutrients from fruit or fibre rich straw - but ENERGY - aka calories specifically from glucose. SO yeah, sugar it is. And oxygen, so breathing from time to time would be good.
You know what happens with all these "healthy" substances from your "brain food"? Blocked by the blood-brain barrier. The brain is very selective.
>lean meat
Stop that. You need saturated fat and less carbohydrate.
"Omnious" isn't a word. So what exactly did you mean?

You havw to live on two SINGLE food items (not products or meals) for 1 year. What do you choose?

For me its potatoes and eggs
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Enjoy your scurvy.

You can mash taters without adding anything to them.
>They're produce, not products.
>they're produce
100% WRONG
Eggs are in the dairy section of the store, and thus they are dairy. You don't see eggs in the same section as the fruits and veggies do you?
>Enjoy your scurvy.
You don't get scurvy from eating properly cooked steak (i.e. no more than medium rare), you get it from eating overcooked red meat.
Enjoy your no gainz, no macros, no micros, dyel self.
Post body
beef and spinach
Those are called smashed potatoes, mashed potatoes are dish that contain butter, cream etc

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Hey /ck/, recently I bought a new house and out the back there's a lemon tree. It's coming to that time of year now and I have DOZENS of lemons ripening and I have no idea what to do with them.

Send me all of you recipes that use lemons, lemon juice and other fresh lemon products. Food, drink, margaritas I don't care
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besides garnish, what dishes use whole lemons instead of just the juice?
there are some variations of lemonade which blend the whole lemon iirc
Make a giant batch of lemon syrup:
>harvest the zest (I use a peeler to remove large slabs of zest, then mince it all up at once. Avoid the white pith as much as possible.)
>juice lemons
>weigh zest and juice, place in a glass jar
>add equal weight white sugar into jar
>stir thrice a day for the first week, then give it a swirl anytime you see sugar settling out of solution
wa la! Lemon syrup! If made properly it's shelf stable for months, does not require refrigeration. Add to anything you can think of, cake batter, dessert topping, drinks, sauces, etcetera, etcetera.
Most of the lemon flavour and aroma is in the zest.

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i fucking love tortilla sandwiches
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they have minced beef, thus they are actually called hamburgers
So are chicken fajitas considered a chicken variant of the philly cheesesteak?
shit, just realized all fajitas are variants of the philly cheesesteak then
Looks like you posted the excrement that exited your body after eating. Post the actual food dumbass.
>food looks like poo
Ha! Comedy gold!

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I bet your mom always took the black one for herself, OP.
Freeze pops.
Dark blue > light blue > pink > green > red > orange > purple
WTF is 'dead summer'?

No one says it's 'dead summer'. That's fucking nonsense.
dead of summer is probably what they were going for, but damn nigga, what a stupid thing to get hung up on...
I take the cola flavoured one

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>nespresso, what else
how true is this statement?
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i don't like nespresso coffee either, i just think a large part of their success is in the faux-upper class branding
coffeefags tell me pre ground is the worst. how can nescafe be good?
>listening to faggots in the first place
Coffee is coffee, I don't give a shit.

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