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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
750 bump limit.
Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
Automatic permasage after 72 hours.
Thread specific user IDs.
Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

A world where might makes right. A world of Jade and Gold, of Phoenix and Dragons, of Pills and Talismans, of Martial and Spiritual arts.
A world where diligent training yield strength, meaning freedom. A world where loneliness means death, meaning social chains.
A world still unfair, as the ones reaching the heavens are most likely born rich - be it political riches of the aristocrats, power of secret knowledges and hidden realms of clans, or lucky enough to be born one-in-a-thousand genius.
This is not the case of Quiet Word - that is, (You). This is the case of your friends Dhundan Kepa, the brooding dark intimidating and secretive young boy and Ai, which is stuck too deep in her inner world.
Alright, the assertion in the case of Quiet Word might be a bit challenge with recent development.
However, you might be one-in-a-hundred genius. The fear of falling behind made you push your boundaries times and times again, leading you to overtake from a slim margin the two geniuses by a combination of luck, hard work, and burn out.
You also motivated the other "gifted but not great" kids - the monkey-bound Yi Norm, the Horse specialist Sin Din and her twin jack-of-all-trade Man Din to follow along.
You have also fairly good relationship with other members of the sect : Kyo Ko, a 11 year old girl extremely secretive of her skills and Bathias, a 15 year old boy that took the role of Hawk Master after the older one got promoted.
Last, Ryota, the Branch Master at the Inborn Realm (Fourth Stage), is personally tutoring you.

In the end, you know a fair amount of technic for such a young cultivator, but your strength lies in the impressive amount of Bonded Spiritual Beasts - A Hawk spirit, a Horse spirit, a Snake spirit and a Wolf spirit.
Speaking of that last one, you didn't told a world about him to anybody. As a scion of the Primordial Wolf spirit, its father warned you of its worth and how people could want to rip it away from you.
Said worth comes from its ability to Fuse without restriction - fusion being a secret of the higher ranking of your sect, secret you have almost completely rediscovered on your own.
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Oh wait already voted got confused since my sleep schedule is so ass i assumed a new update after i woke up
>Wait for Yearly Tournament to share

>Work on your Foundation
>Help Man Din with her lagging cultivation.
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd [Pills available]
>Tally status

Opening window for tiebreak, buyer remorse and all the usual; nothing locked for now.

Teapot vote is too dispersed right now.
Guys. We get one free shot per minor realm to buy something from the guys who own basically everything treasure related.

Why should we not exploit this?
Ear apature materials to let us cultivate fast, like our friends.
Nose/mouth apature materials to give to our friends like Man din and company.
Whatever we like.

And if we make condition that the tea itself is supplied by the buyer, we can double dip!
If we are helping Dan Rol, try asking Ryota to allow him to train near spiritual gold or in a gold aligned location. If he did better at home, his spiritual energy is likely aligned with his homeland. Allowing him access to a golden beast so he can start to develop his beast-mastery while here with us would also be good, but probably not something that we can do at the moment (or likely ever with our schedule unless we luck into a beast we don't need). Maybe some gold aspected technique so that he can crosstrain?

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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Consider yourself a master of inducing blueballs, I'm hyped for this fight. Genuinely didn't think Haathe could tap into the Berserk Soul to this degree.
Anyways, time to run a Djem-So clinic on the lass until she passes out. This will be a learning experience for everybody I guess.
It is quite the dramatic turn, that's for sure.
>Genuinely didn't think Haathe could tap into the Berserk Soul to this degree.
Why? No, really, why? What else is she BUT the Berserker Soul?
That it will be, including Karn.
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Alright stupid question time. Would it be possible to emulate the ignition and disabling of a Lightsaber with our Super Ki Blade? I ask because I think Karn is more than ready to start incorporating high level maneuvers like Trakata into his Djem-So (dishonorable as they may be)
>Haathe going Beserker God already
Is this what Dr. White meant by complications?
>is it possible
Yes. But that would be the least-efficient use of energy. Releasing a hand from that blade and activating a second, regular ki blade, firing Death Beams from your fingers or Eye Beams, so many more practical used of ki in any situation you COULD use Trakata.
One of, yes. He’d theorized she would be able to do so.

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Last time, you did unforgettable things inside a hotel... Like turning Carol into a ball, the ball you’re carrying home. You technically didn’t, the others did, but you’re complicit, a monster who turns a blind eye to people being turned into circular beings of backpack-like proportions. What would anyone who respects you think if they saw you now? Better not to think about it and instead look ahead to what this day has to offer! You’re visiting Carol’s family!

The only downside is that you’re still a little tired. Not that it will affect you in any way. You’ve been told you act somewhat odd when you’re exhausted, but that’s all lies at this point; yesterday, you did a lot of things that you would’ve done even if you were at your best.

You have no idea why you’re talking about this like you aren’t outside. It is a fairly conventional and cozy two story house, with a well-maintained garden and welcoming vibe. The entire neighborhood is like that, everything from stores to transportation is at a walk-able distance, greenery everywhere you look, well maintained public spaces. It’s just a nice part of town, and it has a dinosaur motif for some reason. Maybe a museum is nearby?

“Hey, Carol Ball, we’re here.” You wake up the tired idol. She slept through most of it.

“...What did you call me?” Carol snaps out of her tired state rather quickly due to your comment.

“We’re not having this conversation again.” You refuse to get entangled in a meaningless discussion.

“Sure…” Carol doesn’t care for petty conversations either. “Place me by the door, and ring the bell. Then leave. Bye-bye!

She wants you out of the equation.

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“I’ll go with your original plan, so both of you can get even prettier.” You playfully smile back.

Aww~! I will, I will!” Grace blushes. “Why weren’t you in my life a couple of decades earlier? It’s so unfair, I want to take a bite out of you!” Grace bites her thumb. “Well, I won’t be the first mother to live vicariously through her daughters.”

“Mom, this is unbelievably creepy, please stop.” Carol feels really uncomfortable.

“Please, Carol. I’m happily married. I just love upsetting you a little after the way you’ve treated me lately.” Grace answers back. A strange serious moment between the two.

“Just to be clear, I don’t mind any of this. I’m sure this is all in good fun.” You have to, *sigh*, stop this and clarify…

“Good. Now I don’t have to feel like I need to puke for the both of us.” Carol drips in sarcasm.

“Are you sure, dear? Am I not making you uncomfortable?” Grace wants to make sure.

“Not at all!” You want it to continue but you have to suppress your feelings… The tomatoes are really special to you.

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How do you respond?

>Pick a flavor you like. She’s being nice!
>“I'd rather you have a seat with me and wait for breakfast together.” You aren’t thirsty!
>“You guys really know your juices.” Be amazed by the variety.
>“Nice dress! You look really cute in it!” Throw compliments!
>“Relax, we met on the phone!” Try to calm her nerves!
>Write In.

What do you do after?

>“Tell me about yourself.” Get to know Pannie on her terms.

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>>“Nice dress! You look really cute in it!” Throw compliments!
>“Tell me about yourself.” Get to know Pannie on her terms.
>“Nice dress! You look really cute in it!” Throw compliments!
>“Tell me about yourself.” Get to know Pannie on her terms.
>"Nice dress! You look really cute in it!” Throw compliments!
>“Tell me about yourself.” Get to know Pannie on her terms.

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You uncomfortably shift the tie around your neck, the tightness of it is ever greater as it feels like it suffocates you. It is an odd sensation seeing as how you had continuously loosened it up. Still, no one could blame you for your nervousness, after all, the opportunity before you is a rare one indeed, and one that would see many a man drenched in their own cold sweat. Your own wet back makes you think whether or not your actions so far were truly wise or not. After all, every single fraction of your wealth had been expended upon this.

As you walk down the plain grey corridor illuminated by bright white lights, you reach a window, and through it you see your investment. The “Outwards bound”, an older class colonization ship capable of housing a few thousand people and years’ worth of various supplies. The distant stars are quickly swallowed up by the planet coming into view, a jewel in its own right. From all the way up here, you can see how many lights are illuminating the night, how many millions, if not billions live upon the planet. Perhaps you will never witness such a sight yourself of your own world…your own, just that thought brings a smile to your face.

“Sir ?” A young woman’s voice draws your attention. “They are waiting for you, sir.” She smiles at you having clearly arrived to hurry your pace. A pretty enough young woman, though judging by her looks, clearly lacking any visible cybernetics or genemods.

You simply nod and turn to walk ahead. The meeting you are about to attend, never had you felt so much dread, so much fear having to face…

>The Royal Expansion and Colonization Service. It is a rarity for the R.E.C.S. to even consider granting the rights for expansion, much less actually granting them, truly, this is probably a once in a decade opportunity, if you are being optimistic.

+ Official part of the Unbroken Empire
Being officially sanctioned by the Empire means that you can expect protection from the navy and the army. Should great disasters occur within the colony, chances are that nearby systems will send you aid. Establishing trade relations between imperial systems will also be that much easier.

- Official part of the Unbroken Empire
Being officially sanctioned by the Empire also means that most likely your colony shall be subservient to whatever random noble gets granted the rights to your world. It also means that you will be expected to pay your share of taxes and provide your share of manpower and material in cases of war. Not to mention, the politics of the Empire, more specifically the commanding noble, shall have a direct influence upon you in terms of control and regulations. Atop of that, any frontier states and statelets will view you as nothing more than a further extension of the “Tyrants’ reach”.
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>The council of elders. Your house has fallen, no ifs or buts about it, you are one of the few chosen to lead the effort in ensuring the survival of the house. Your colony is not the only one launched by the house in its desperation, but they are putting great hopes upon your shoulders.
I like being the last hope for some fallen house. Also, whereabouts on the timeline is this in comparison to Broken Empire Space & Ground?

>I'm sorry to hear that, but it's understandable. You think you'd ever go back to continuing it someday? I know you wanted it to be more of a civ quest but I quite enjoyed the character driven parts.

Maybe, I do have an idea in this setting for a full on character driven one about you anons being just a random merc trying to survive day to day. That'd be pages long sort of updates story. Since Renovatio has a lot of stuff working on it and a lot of moving parts, I would have to massively cut all of that down to continue it in any other fashion.

>Also, whereabouts on the timeline is this in comparison to Broken Empire Space & Ground?

Currently going with a floating timeline, since I do not know how long this quest will last. Currently in my mind it is set somewhere roughly ~2800. I am doing so because turns will take years and time will pass pretty quickly.

Current tally:

Elders 2

Service 1

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Anon. We can potentially play as a devouring swarm of hiveminds radical transhumanist hyper-fanatical "idealistic" vampire assimilator hell bent on absorbing all humanity for peace, unity, and utopia. If we choose the Damned Colony option.

>The democratic committee. To carry forth the torch of freedom and liberty, to stand against tyranny of one’s fellow man. A great burden for you to carry, and greater still your duty.
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>Your old friends. They believe in you, some even chipped in, but this is most likely the last time you shall ever see them. There are far more dreaded stories of failed colonies than ones that had succeeded, especially those started by a single man.

we can find out how we rule as we go.


I hope it gets better sooner rather than later for you lad. You've always been one of the best writers on here in my opinion. Unbroken Empire was the first quest I ever got really into, and you don't understand how much it means for me to see it back again. Even if not as a straight continuation

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Welcome to Cultural Civ, a civ game where your civilization's culture shifts with time !

players control a civilization through the years and decide its explorations, cultural and technological advancements, and diplomacy.

how to play:
1) choose a civ to play for. change your name to reflect your choice (ex: Chin Scratcher).
2)each turn, your civ has 2 actions. You can choose between cultural, technological, or a (freeform) special action, but you cannot do the same action twice in the same turn.
3)discuss with your compatriots which actions you will take. Once you're done, reply to my recap anchor post with the recap of your actions.

Five civilizations are recent arrivals on this island, each for their own reasons. Their future on this place is still ahead of them. Where will you lead them?

I will now list the civs. Feel free to join any of them at any time!
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We should also probs look into developing defenses or weapons or some such. Unless we plan to slapbox them crabs
I think we'll continue working on the fields for our first action and explore the city for our second one, ye ye ye
Ye ye ye
Well If no one says otherwise ill vote
>Tech Action: Develop diving gear
>Freeform Action: Explore marble ruins
I'm not sure if its worth to fixate on metal. We don't have the means to work it right now. Scouting is a good idea though. Lets look for good pastures away from sunny weirdoes and interesting cool stuff

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The Eldar are quite fond of their webway travel. What scattered and barely readable records you have left indicate that mankind had been envious of such capability, to such an extent in fact, that the only reason why you could find this information is due to it being present in your own system. One of the reasons of your construction had been due to humanity’s endless drive and ambition of improvement. Only your masters could look at a webway network and think to themselves that they can do better. Unfortunately, it is not the time to espouse the greatness of your masters. The orks are coming.

In the mean time however, you must begin means of dealing with the Eldar. The first thing that had come to mind were specialized drones capable of detecting warp quakes, even the most minute ones, since the webway relies upon warp travel at least to a certain extent, it cannot be completely hidden. However, you know for a fact that you will need at the least tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of such drones to locate the minute quakes that may or may not appear, you do not possess a truly deep comprehension of Eldar technology, so you will simply have to brute force your way through this.

As for other options, you had considered unleashing and endless swarm of nanomachines, but the needed quantity is vastly greater than the bots, and even those will take too long to produce, Eldar of this era seem to be particularly fond of flimsy, but agile style of fighting, preferring to deliver a punch before one can be given back to them. And you shall show them why your masters’ jaws evolved to take punches.

Then you still possess rather esoteric psyker technology that you still have no idea how it functions, even though you had clearly gone over its basic functions. Employing these weapons while not knowing their effects, especially against a race naturally gifted in psychic powers is just hoping for a disaster. Maybe it will cause the Eldar to spontaneously explode, or maybe it will super power them and allow them to commence “foul acts of sorcery”. As some of your imperial records would put it. As such, you will (despite your own curiosity) not be employing this equipment.

Lastly, you had the thought to refit the investigation drones with dedicated anti-sniping equipment, however, the reiterations you would need to undertake to modify the drones in such a way would take time, it would take time to refit or simply make new drones, yet again, you run into the issue of time, if you had time, you could do it. As such, rather than split your attention, it would be far more effective if you simply concentrate on a single solution.
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>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.
Don't fuck with Abominable Intelligences from the Dark Age, knife ears.
>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.

Seems like a good idea, would the robots being closer change a lot tough?
We lost two dozens of men because they were bunched up in one group, making them an obvious target. By scattering our soldiers the Eldar assaults will produce less casualties.
>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.

You had your chance to exist Knife Ears.
>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.
This is not ideal, military subroutine. Remember our masters lives depend on it, be better. Victory is the only acceptable result for Mankind.

This type of attack will be likely very useless from us, 1 minute is an age in war. If the Eldars aren't idiotic they would have redeploy already. So at the same time we will make better, and direct orders instead of just following the ones offered by the military subroutine.

- Drop pod now a few hundred robotic units on that position (mix of them. from Hydras, to Centurions to Shade Class). Securing and healing the O.D.D. men of that unit, and ensuring the dead are brought back....
- ....To an actual military base and not to the Odyssey. Inform Stavros that its time to set up an Advance Military Base (evolved from the Pre-Fab Military Outpost we have) for the O.D.D. and our robotic units to use here. Such base will also have multiple powerful defenses, shields, and long range jammers and scanners. From now on all O.D.D. forces will have far more robotic units working closely with them too.
- And in addition any secured territory will have across it jammers and scanners, and by having military units and patrols integrated with drones able to detect warp quakes, we should reasonably reduce our human casualties and increasing the chances of detection of eldar enemy units
- Eldar corpses and equipment will be retrieved, looked upon and hack through for find anything about their current locations. Even a micron of dirt or grass, in their nails or hair can be ideal.
- Deploy Shade and Exploration drones across the twin worlds for increase chances of finding Eldar and provide a better intel network to O.D.D. and military subroutine. Especially in those idillic mountainous spots that have no orks at all.

- Send gentle suggestions to all the soldiers of the 1st Regiment that it would be really cool if they decided to get augments, so they can start Federation training. Their god would be happy too

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You arrive in Elder Hollow under the weight of an overcast sky, the chill of early autumn clinging to the folds of your coat. The narrow road that led you here vanishes behind as the village reveals itself, quaint cottages and ivy-clad walls whispering of an England long forgotten. As an outsider from London, your arrival is met with curious, if not wary, glances from the locals who linger by the road, their eyes shadowed beneath the brim of worn hats. You sense their scrutiny like the touch of cold fingers down your spine. This place, with its thatched roofs and silent, watchful inhabitants, clings fiercely to its old ways, and as the village elder approaches with a guarded smile, you can’t help but wonder what secrets are sown into the fertile soil of Elder Hollow.

>Choose backstory:
>Thomas Harrow, a 30-year-old horror novelist seeking solitude and inspiration in Elder Hollow after the tragic death of his wife.
>Jamie Carter, a 15-year-old boy whose family has relocated to Elder Hollow in search of a simpler life away from the city's bustle.
>Daniel and Elizabeth Greene, both 25, newlyweds eager to plant their roots in the rustic grounds of Elder Hollow, far from their urban pasts.
>Ethan Frye, a 50-year-old priest sent to Elder Hollow to reestablish a long-dormant parish in a rural community that holds deeply pagan traditions.
>Henry Mallory, a 45-year-old retired police detective, relocates to Elder Hollow seeking a quiet retirement after a disturbing case.
>Write In
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>Photograph the notes and mail them to an expert in folklore for an anonymous consultation.
>>Share the unsettling findings with your wife, seeking her perspective on the strange and unsettling ceremonies.
>Share the unsettling findings with your wife, seeking her perspective on the strange and unsettling ceremonies.

>Photograph the notes and mail them to an expert in folklore for an anonymous consultation.
>>Share the unsettling findings with your wife, seeking her perspective on the strange and unsettling ceremonies.
>Take the notes to a local historian or elder for insights into their origins and meaning.
They're not going to be happy about us taking this to them

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You're Princess Eliana of the Kingdom of Brithnia. You lived a happy and peaceful life with your parents in the Brithnian palace until the day the kingsom fell to the forces of the evil witch Sinistira. You escaped the palace disguised as a commoner.
You began searching for the chosen one, the hero prophesied to defeat the witch and save the kingdom. But the forces of the witch are looking for you. You need to move in disguise.
You disguise yourself as the masked mercenary - Blade. Sinistira's agents will be searching for a Brithnian princess not a masked mercenary from the east. This disguise lets you move through the kingdom and search for the chosen one without being captured.
"The chosen one will find the sword of heroes and wield it to free the kingdom from the servants of evil. Then he will reign as the once and future king" the great wizard Kindalor the white made the prophecy before he disappeared twenty years ago.
"Where will I find this hero?" Your father had asked but there was no answer. Now it's up to you to find the chosen one.
As the legend foretells, the chosen one will wield the sword of heroes, marking him as a master swordsman. In this age, most great swordsmen make their living as adventurers.
"That's where I will start," you resolve to look for him in the adventurer's guild.
Upon your arrival, you introduce yourself as Blade - a mysterious masked mercenary.
The adventurer's guild has no shortage of colorful characters, many of them with their own secret identities, making you blend seamlessly into the crowd.
As you observe the throng of adventurers, your mind races, analyzing each one's potential to be the prophesied savior. "Could one of these adventurers be the chosen one?" you wonder, your gaze sharp and calculating, searching for your kingdom's only hope.
Prince Galiant - the proud second son of the petty kingdom of Phule catches your eye.
He most resembles the sort of heroic princes you grew up hearing tales of. He stands tall and confident. His blonde hair is styled impeccably, framing a face that seems sculpted by the finest artists. His eyes, a striking shade of blue, captivate all who meet his gaze.
His skin is clear and fair. A strong jawline, coupled with a well-defined cheekbone structure, accentuates his masculine features. His attire is nothing short of regal, meticulously tailored, and made from the finest fabrics, accentuating his physique.
"My brother, being the eldest, inherited the throne, so I set out to carve my own legacy," he confides in you after you share a drink.
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"We need a druid," you propose, the idea taking shape as you speak. "A druid could guide us through the treacherous paths of the cursed forest."
Prince Galiant considers this, nodding slowly. "A wise suggestion. Their affinity with nature could be our key to navigating the forest's dangers without falling prey to them."
"Exactly," you affirm, feeling a spark of hope at his understanding. "And their knowledge of the cursed forest might also help us uncover clues about Kindalor's whereabouts if he's indeed hiding there."
Galiant's eyes sharpen with resolve. "Let's find a druid, then. The sooner we assemble our team, the sooner we can venture into the forest, find Kindalor, and confront Sinistira."
> Rowan Greenmantle - a venerable druid known for his mastery over woodland creatures and plants
> Fenris Moonshadow - mysterious and reclusive, Fenris communicates with animals better than humans
> Elowen Whisperwind - a nomadic druid who found her calling controlling the weather
> Write in
>Rowan Greenmantle - a venerable druid known for his mastery over woodland creatures and plants
>Rowan Greenmantle - a venerable druid known for his mastery over woodland creatures and plants

Surprised this came back, but I'll bite.
>Fenris Moonshadow - mysterious and reclusive, Fenris communicates with animals better than humans

> Rowan Greenmantle - a venerable druid known for his mastery over woodland creatures and plants

We need a hermit weirdo to catch another one, I think

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Since previous thread diededed:

Welcome to Standard Fantasy Nation Builder. First, start with providing description of your future nation.

Fill this in:
>Leader's name:
>Color(for if/when I get a map):
>General location:(mountains, jungle, plains, ocean, lake, etc. More detailed the better I can make a map..maybe)
>Fluff about nation:
>Fluff about leader:
>General magic practises or other speciality (for a magic-related bonus, can be replaced with tech or situational bonus, too, so it doesn't have to be magic, but make it ONE)
Don't fill this in:

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God damn it, these Fire Rubies just do not want to become available.
Map update will be when I will reach home in >10 hours.


>Serene Republic of Enlightened Goatmen
1,2) The wolf cubs are properly trained to behave and act
1 Wolf Cubs +0.3
3-6) That's a lot of armour and shields to be made post-haste, and even then, it's not enough time yet (5/7)
>You've got 3 Patrolmen, not 4 - >>6009432



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>Population: 11400
3 Worker Swarms [Militia]
1 Spitter Ants +2 [Art] [Exp]
1 Giant Ant [Big] [Armor]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Bonus: Population Growth modifier
[Dinosaur Domestication I]
[Tools I]
[Smelting I]
[Construction I]
[Strong Bodies]
[Formicus Acid I®]

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Rolled 66, 15, 57, 43, 99, 7, 2, 5 = 294 (8d100)

Turn 70-71

1-4. [The Imperial Inquisition]
Since the time of the first revolt by the acid spitters, and now the complete and mysterious berzerking of the Worker-Soldiers, the Empress has expressed her deepest displeasure and concern. She insists the Aphids devise a new breed of ant-aphid hybrid. One which combines their intelligence and the strong body of the worker, one with the mental fortitude and willpower to resist even the harshest of temptations. Those genes coded for mutation must be amplified, and they will be the watchmen of the Formicae Imperium
>Apply Magi-Relay

5-8. [Hive Mind Self-Correction]
The populace at large and the greater hive mind can be relied upon, theorizes the Magi. Abberant behavior such as that of the acid spitters and the other ants could be 'drowned out' by the concentrated thought patterns of the masses at large, their collective gestalt of obedience and loyalty use to drown and suppress all dissentious thought patterns and anomalous behavior. The Queen tasks her Magi with seeing this effect to reality.
Rolled 46, 96, 23 = 165 (3d100)


Turn 71

>Population: 10000
>Power level: 3
>Tech Level: 1
Crafting +10
Hard Labor +5
[Mines II], [Quarry II], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine I], [Fire Ruby Mine I], [Farms I]
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter II], [Stone Mason II]

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Long ago, the Zahvenat archipelago, more commonly known as the "Butterfly Isles" was a peaceful place, governed by the Myskshen Empire that lords over the continent.
200 years ago, an incident in the great city of Kuthgirt caused the Isles to hurl not just themselves, but the whole Empire into a seemingly endless civil war.

Now that peace has returned to the Empire, only the Isles remain fractured, and are seeing the rise of great men capable of reuniting them. At the same time, an Imperial Reclamation Force has been dispatched to bring the Isles and their inhabitants back into the fold.
Will they succeed in doing so? will the Isles retain their newfound independence? or will it cause the Empire to fall for good?

The stage is set for the bloodiest chapter of the Butterfly Wars
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Send the Garx tribe an ultimatum to stand down and accept voluntary union with our realm. We would rather obtain bloodless compliance, and doubtless they would rather retain their lives and some measure of autonomy, and they must see how our army outnumbers theirs.

If they refuse, however, we prepare to fall upon their tribe.

I just saw others were rolling, so I rolled. My apologies
no need to apologize
again, I can implement movement as a community roll instead
games are meant to be fun first and everything else second
Our men are in position to attack the city, but rather than assault it immediately, you have chosen to be magnanimous today and offer them surrender.
Or it may just be an attempt to conserve manpower, after all, people do not grow on trees. Whatever the case may be, your ultimatum toward the Garx tribe stands - Surrender or be Annihilated.

Without an agent in your employ to convince them however, it may be difficult to take the city peacefully.
Nevertheless, you are free to try, my liege.

You have a total of 5 attempts to make the city surrender
Each attempts requires that you roll a d20
should you roll a nat20, you succeed
should you fail however, no siege phase will be given, and you engage the defenders with a -5 penalty to your attack power.

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Rolled 19 (1d20)

DUBS OF LUCK, we must proceed.

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The Galaxy is in flames.

The Emperor's glorious vision for humanity is in ruins. His favoured son, Horus, has turned from his father's light and embraced Chaos.

Brother turns against brother, sons against their father. Full half of The Emperor's mighty legions have betrayed him, dealing a mortal blow to 3 of his loyal legions on Istvaan V. War has begun, a conflict that will engulf mankind in fire. Treachery and betrayal have usurped honour and nobility. Assassins lurk in every shadow. Armies are gathering. All must choose a side or die.

Elsewhere, the daggers are being drawn. Sanguinius and his Blood Angels fight for their life against monstrous Things from nightmare, while Roboute Guilliman sits confident in his realm of Ultramar, awaiting the arrival of his brother Lorgar yet unaware of the dagger pointed at his back.

On Prospero things are different. The hand of Leman Russ has been stayed, temporarily, while Constantin Valdor and you, Alpharius, a captain of the Alpha Legion disguised as the Raven Guard, deal with Magnus. You have entered his inner sanctum in secret, and spoken with the Red King, in an attempt to save him and his legion.

Even as Prospero waits with bated breath, the ruinous powers exert their influence, and the galaxy trembles. To meddle with Fate is to court ruin. But Hope has not yet died, and there may still be a chance, or is it just an illusion?

The screams of the innocent, the pleas of the righteous resound to the cruel laughter of Dark Gods. Suffering and damnation await should the Emperor fail and the war be lost.

The age of knowledge and enlightenment has ended.

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>No, but i would like for his illness to be healed. Then he could be free.

Lets ask a few questions.
>Write in
>Do you know what is this vial ? I found it inside a mirror while i was with your son.
>What exactly is my role in this, beside being a witness ?
>I don't request a full great explanation, not now at least, but whats the important part of this summoning and demon ? What is crucial for me to know ?
>What is your goal here ? What you hope to gain from killing it or trick it ?
>Will Ahriman and Valdor conceal themselves meanwhile ?
>How long will this take ? Lord Russ remains above and didn't hear anything from us. It might be prudent to confirm we have come to an agreement and aren't prisoners or dead.
>Can this summoning influence the city around us too ? Are your sons and people at risk ?

Not questions
>Since we are at this point Lord Magnus, we have forces nearby that can help us if needed, they would be able to arrive quickly. I am saying this also for avoid a fight between your legion and them.

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a promise is a promise, I know we’re alpha legion, but I don’t see him deceiving Valdor, ourselves and Magnus at the same time, lmao.

>ask about the flask.

this is the only question I’m sure we want to ask. I’ll leave the rest up to everyone else.
Will be updating tomorrow, sorry for the delay.

No rush, QM - we will wait patiently
You take out the flask you retrieved from Magnus’ worshop and hold it before him. It shimmers in the dim light of the room, a hue similar to that of his eye. Once Magnus has seen it you put it back on your hip.

>I wonder if your creature will know what I have in my possession, Lord Magnus?

Magnus seems unsurprised. He nods once in acknowledgement of what you’ve found.

My untainted geneseed. Keep it safe.

Valdor looks sharply to Magnus.

“Untainted? But the flesh-change…

Will not affect it. It is pure, and will suffer not the flaws that afflict my sons.

>Then why not use it?

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Past Threads
>Rentry masterlink, includes character sheets, shop information, inventory, and general information
>Popularity Contest Round 2

A couple months ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her <Myth>. She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, complete and total world domination.

Atë, preparing to face off against the more powerful incarnations that rule over their swathes of the world, finds herself at an auction of aspiring divinities, hoping to find allies, tools, servants, and abilities to sufficiently increase her divine might.
73 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
>Yes, publicly
Much faster rate of growth worth the risk

>Iwana/Deer (Pallas)
>Dorota (Algos)
>Isabella (Amphillogos)
>Crimson Dove (???/Artemis)
>Tangerine Owl (???)
>No, she can gain popularity on her own
>Iwana/Deer (Pallas)
>Isabella (Amphillogos)
>Crimson Dove (???/Artemis)
>Benedikt (Phonoi)
Votes tallied! Will hopefully update later tonight. Until then, here's a doodle of team Mafia. I'm planning on doing some colored digital art of some of the side characters, so let me know who you'd want to see for that
Looking fresh. I would be interested in seeing Kronos personally.
I'll support this too
>> But use Many Faces to record "Like and Subscribe!" with her voice and our Whispers to encourage growth.
GT to mask our divinity as hers too

kinda thought of another question: how is our current setup for cyber_siren?
while we talked a few times of getting editors to properly cut our content to a video format, in the text of the quest we've only ever called it "streaming" and "posting pictures of cosplay"

We should have the full spectrum of twitch, youtube, tiktok, instagram, twitter and patreon.
But managing all efficiently was likely not in the cards for us as that requires quite some time.
We have the luxury of it not having to pay of in terms of money, like regular people need to worry about.
Or at least that ought to be the setup

“...This was not where your story was supposed to end.”

Cold. The kind of frigidness that steals one’s will, one that lulls you into a peaceful slumber from which you never come back. You attempt to feel your limbs to no avail, only feeling what could only be described as “smoke-like traces” of what were once your extremities. The only thing that broke the darkness you were surrounded in was some kind of machine, massive in size, connected to several terminals all blinking the same, mute static. Silver with lines of gray breaking the monotony, with a particular red strip denoting its “eyes”, if ever such machinery required something like that. Its geometrical, arrow-like shape made its design almost angelical, yet the voice that came from it clashed with whatever preconception you had of this thing.

“...Son of man, the path that was forged for you does not need to end here.”

“Your flesh has long since abandoned you, but your will remains anchored in this realm.”

“I can craft new flesh for you, one that will suit and reflect your soul’s most inner desires,”

“As well as deepest of turmoils.”

“I’ve witnessed what you once were…”

> [I remember spending my days locked in the library, pursuing fiction and science magazines in my free time.]

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>[>Check chest]
[>Use the other door that leads straight to the forest]
>[>Check chest]
>[>Use the other door that leads straight to the forest]
>[>Check chest]

>[>Check chest]
>Check chest]
>Use the other door that leads straight to the forest]

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You are Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, warrior-queen of the highland nation whose name you share and former single-digit monster slayer of the nameless Organization which now threatens your homeland from the north.

At the moment you and a team of three of your close companions are in Sakia, your northern neighbor, with a contingent of Hazari soldiers. With their help you’ve created a foothold within the port town that the Organization’s military arm initially seized in their invasion – a foothold within a foothold. After sending a message to all the enemy forces scattered about in and around the town, your team quickly responded when one unit started shooting at each other.

You gather there’s been a tension building there, between two distinct groups of soldiers with different goals in mind and reasons for being here. The first of these are predominantly officers, and a small number of “true believers” in the Organization’s goals. Drawn heavily from the more wealthy families on the continent, many of the officers are career-minded and results-focused. They’ve found some support in a number of other soldiers who are here because they either genuinely hate the ‘Dragon-kin’ of the far-off continent, or else believe in the goal of rekindling the war between those beings (which you have yet to meet or see any direct evidence for) and humanity.

On the other hand you have a group comprised mostly of enlistees and lower-ranked officers, who joined this effort to escape poverty or to learn technical skills (to escape poverty) – and definitely not to start a war against silver-eyes witches like yourself, or to die in what to them must seem to be the middle of nowhere.

After leaving the aftermath of the fight you broke up to Valentina, you manage to sleep about ten minutes before Serana gently rouses you.

“What is it?”


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“Valentina!” you call out. “How are we doing with the prisoners?”

“The Hazari troops can handle it from here,” she assures you, having just now passed off the task of overseeing the surrender of defeated ‘loyalist’ officers and soldiers to the professional carabineers you brought into Sakia with you.

“First sergeant,” you demand of the man she was dealing with. “How many men can you spare?”

“Three squads,” he answers immediately. That means twenty-seven men, split into groups of nine with one sergeant leading each. Not bad, but definitely not as many as you’d typically like given the amount of area you’re going to have to cover. That also doesn’t cleanly align with the number of your fellow warriors – four warriors, three squads.

>You’ll coordinate the three squads, each working with one silver-eyed warrior.
>The three squads will follow after the silver-eyed warriors, who will take the lead.
>You, Aurora, and Valentina will each take a squad. Serana will remain here as a rearguard.
>>You, Aurora, and Valentina will each take a squad. Serana will remain here as a rearguard.
>You’ll coordinate the three squads, each working with one silver-eyed warrior.
Doh, I forgot Serana was mute. Changing to
>The three squads will follow after the silver-eyed warriors, who will take the lead.
But leave a warrior behind as a rearguard.
>>The three squads will follow after the silver-eyed warriors, who will take the lead.

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