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/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc.

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What are your favorite non-dominant side moves and why?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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Hierarchy's will emerge everywhere and I know it's common for wrestlers to talk shit about belts or whatever, "we don't have ranks, we just wrestle" yes you fucking do
Wrestlers have ranks, they just don't wear it on their uniform during practice
But you'll see kids walking around to safety pins on their wrestling gear reflecting their performance so even wrestlers put trophies on display the same way people do with belts
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>I started wrestling recently and it's scary not knowing who else is new and who else is a monster who will ragdoll me
Just relax and learn. Getting ragdolled can be highly instructive if you keep a level head about it, reflect on the lessons learned after the fact, and keep trying your best.
>I also wish they knew im brand new. And also who I can ask for advice/help
I perceive that to be the main value in a belt system. Instructors know how to sort large classes at a glance and newer students can identify advanced students and take the load off of the primary instructors. Everyone gets used to teaching what they know as they advance and you end up cultivating a very strong group of instructors over time.

>"we don't have ranks, we just wrestle" yes you fucking do
Absolutely. Natural in-team hierarchy aside, end-of-season tournament performance was taken very seriously. Some of the kids who wrestled at the higher levels got pic related tattooed and exposed that tattoo every chance they got.
>they just don't wear it on their uniform during practice
>the same way people do with belts
I would argue the primary utility of the belt is that it's worn during practice.

there's a wrestling thread but it's pretty dead: >>174608
Question judo frens, who do you think understand a certain throw better:
>guy who can throws everyone in randori/shiai with it
>guy who can demonstrate it perfectly in kata/static
I know they aren't mutually exclusive, but i see it often. There was this guy who threw me and others with osoto the other day and he has "shitty" uchikomi form for it (toes not pointed, behind the neck grip, no upward pull only bent sideways). Yet someone else who was used as an example for the perfect osoto uchikomi has never thrown anyone with it. Thoughts?
Retarded take. Judo is sport, coaches prepare you as fast as possible
Mkay, but they don't.

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~~Crack edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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Quite mad how a V2 at the climbing works Sheffield, is a V6 in californian climbing centres

gym grades are not V-grades anon
Yeah, basically it's the top 10 athletes with the most points after both the shangai and budapest events that are qualified (bar some rules with quotas). But Rabouttou should easily makes it desu.
She’s a fraud and the world is just finding out. Natalia is way superior and could actually qualify for the olympics
how many world cup podiums do you need before you're not a comp climbing fraud

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THEN why are bets allowed on this fight?

How can a fight be notoriously fixed with money matters behind? It's would be illegal, they would get sued.

So i believe it's not fixed... I want to believe.. it's not fixed.
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>Either way I’m not watching that shit
>t. guy who will 100% watch it
>>people won't do crime if we make crime illegal
No, it's people won't do crime blatantly with all media talking about it and with money involved.
Only brainlets think the fight will be fixed.

It's eye opening to see so many retards on social media claim Tyson will win.
People just desperately want to see Paul lose. They don’t realize he cherry picks every single one of his opponents so that can’t happen, including 60 year old retired champions.

Tyson isn’t winning this fight. The motherfucker is sometimes seen in public with a granny walker.
>seen in public with a granny walker
Pics or not only did it not happen but you're a kike cum gargling faggot

/HEMA/ General - Power of God and Anime Edition 3

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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Looks more like a cut and thrust/military rapier. Still, why is he closing the distance as he cuts? You can see that the cut would have landed on the hilt of the blade and nowhere near the sweetspot of the blade.
git gud
inb4 meyer is sport fencing
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Training for the first time since august last year guys, wish me luck in sparring
A hit with the flat against the opponent's blade. That is, merely to set up something else. I was talking about something else, you absolute cretin.

(Japanese Kickboxing)
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Of course MT is the GOAT striking style compared to Japanese kickboxing. But you can't dismiss it when it has a rich history of competition against Muay Thai (which is why it was developed) and how it spawned Kickboxing and Muay Thai directly and indirectly in Europe (particularly Netherlands, France, and Italy).
The forward pressure is stuffed by clinchers and angle cutting. Evrything has flaws but i don't like these flaws
But jkick has ring girls dressed up in cosplay
MT has people cosplaying as girls
J kick used to have that..... thank u for everything Jienotsu....

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Riding season started above the equator Edition

FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike
>> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?

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Hmm, my hunch would be the temperature fluctuations then, or maybe the rubber is brittle at lower temperatures. Everyone I know keeps their nicer bikes indoors, and the only bike I use during the winter with any frequency has a fork with a motion control damper with no bladder. Perhaps you could try a damper with an ifp instead of the bladder, or keeping your bike indoors during the winter?
That’s what I would’ve thought but -10c isn’t that bad right? All suspension bits can certainly handle freezing and plenty of people use forks in subfreezing (would warm up with use more than a still fork in a shed)
>-10c isn’t that bad right?
Checked. Looking on sram's site, the official operating temperature range is -12C to 49C, so that's not too far off. My guess is the rubber gets stiff below that temperature and tears from the repeated strain
Damn, polish surely can do WC tracks. And not fucking Leogang, UCI should've put maribor or lousa instead. At least, if I'm not mistaken, Lenzerheide is no longer a venue for DH. Now leogang needs to be culle, germoids can't do shit. If I wanted to see pump track riding I have BMX races or old 4X races .
Pretty sure lenzerheide got removed because loudenvielle was added last year, but I agree leogang needs to either have a completely new track or be removed because besides a couple sections its boring af.

Tall half white half mexican freak girl savagely beat me up in muay thai class today.
I'm 5'6 while she's easily 6' plus. My nose was bleeding earlier today, one tooth from my upper jaw is loose, while my sides are still hurting from her roundhouse kicks. She humiliated me in front of everyone. I couldn't do shit, just fucking overpowered. She kicked my ass while wearing the most girly clothes possible, a pink gym skirt barely covering her asscheeks, black top with visible sports bra straps, and pink gloves. Our instructor fucking hates me, and I think he intentionally paired me with her to give her a good practice punchbag. She looks sexy though, when she bends, her ass looks shapely.
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Found the dyels
yea same here.
I'm 165 and lean at 5'7 bro you just need to do legs.
genuine skill issue i'm afraid
post a pic of her

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No link to old thread edition
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Holy shit I fucking hate that dusty look. Gimme black grip tape pls.
I don't know how to prove it to you, but the Zero story 100% happened. He somehow thought I didn't even know what Toy Story was.
He did, but this little shit wouldn't even know that. Zero aren't really a well known brand in the UK but distribution here is shit.

It's the landing where my toes drag. It's a bad habit in general, but it's easier to catch a trick with the middle of your foot and sometimes you heel depending.
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i dont feel so good skatebros,,,
Hey look it's the annoying faggot
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Still just as many skids, and all the oldheads came back with kids to try and milk the olympic gravy train.

The difference between old metal ramp parks and "olympic grade concrete facilities" is night and day so I can't complain, and it's nice that women can take skating seriously now without "too much" shit flinging, but I haven't seen any local jams/contests this year so far for people over 18.
With post-pandemic corrections in demand and cost of living rises, I'm guessing the industry can't compete with the sport body, a literal arm of the government made up of washed up oldheads.

Seems to have fucked over a lot of people that should have been noticed by now, and I've seen a lot of decently progressed people just mentally drop out and I don't really blame them (although people quit all the time and there's probably more than one reason why they quit)

In a way, it's nice that there are fewer kooks my age these days but they snaked wayyy less than some of these "prodigies", good lord.

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SPAZ Edition

Old Thread:>>187462

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Recently updated Newbie pastebin

>Recently updated /asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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No, the barrel, muzzle break, front blade sight, bolt+handle, front sling mount, safety, trigger, magazine cutoff/bolt release, loading gate and magazine tube retainer are all some sort of zinc based metal. It sounds like a lot (and I guess it is) but I would have traded some of those parts for a metal rear sling mount, outer barrel and magazine tube.
The rest is cheap plastic. Stock seems to be made of higher quality nylon plastic.
I forgot, the top rail is also metal.
I am build a German north African kit
I am enjoying it alot but where I live is always wet and snowy
shitty gbb hopup patch thing replaced with a slice of a hot-glue stick. 10/10 would recommend.
>Patch manufacturer made the patches without velcro backing

Training only once a week isn't a waste of time
Outside of Russia, the States and Japan the only accessible way of grappling it's BJJ
Clinch fighting is the optimal form of striking.
Boxing is better than kickboxing

Is Judo the best single martial art in terms of self defense?

When it comes to street fights, almost everyone can agree that being on the ground is bad considering the possibility of things like glass being on the ground and someone else coming up and kicking you in the head. Therefore wouldn't the best martial art for street fights be one where the whole goal is to slam your opponent into the ground without falling yourself? Especially because while a person would expect punches and kicks from their opponent, something like a hip throw would likely catch them by surprise
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>nuh uh doesnt count because it doesn’t align with my worldview
Your opinion is based on fee fees not evidence

There’s also a lot of mma outside of the ufc btw
the single most important factor to winning an actual fight is cardio since 99% of people are going to be completely gassed after 30 seconds. if you can keep going for longer than that you've won regardless of style
Muay Thai.

I never really did Muay Thai specifically but after training in a whole bunch of different martial arts for many years I find that front kicks, clinches, knees and foot sweeps just end up being the safest and most effective techniques to pull off when you don't have padded mats and a ref to pause the first.

Round kicks don't control a fight, punches can break hands, elbows are hard to get the right distance for and grips are unreliable because clothing changes.
No, that's boxing.
Sorry for the cancer music, but I couldn't find the original.
Karate is best
I don't mean gay japanese or American karate, I mean the rough and tumble Okinawan kind

when will this faggot fight again? I like his style and he definitely beat Sean, but when is he gonna defend that title against the Bugman?
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Love the old ruleset and feel. Wish they did this again with more English dub
Wow, they let the hammerfists go for a while
I don't like him, but he says based things and got robbed because they wanted to get rid of him.
I hope he wins gold again.

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Weight classes.
>Proper men
Solved your weight class system, thank me later.
It makes sense but it's too complicated
Delete anything after .
you could round it to the nearest 5

What if UFC had heightclasses instead of weightclasses?
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I guess you could look at the old ufcs, like the first 10, when everything was absolute, and see what the weight advantage to win ratio was like. But the data is so old its hard to compare to modern day.
Oh well, I guess someone will have to run an open-weight MMA tournament for a few years and see what happens.
So thankful i have wide shoulders
Dc is only shorter because he has no neck which is an advantage in all combat sports. Look at his waste line and shoulder height he is 6’2 proportions with no neck and a short round head. Put omalleys neck and head and he’s 6-2
No. I could use modern heavyweight fights.
Brock lesnar had a 45 lb advantage on randy.
igor vovchanchyn vs paul varelans showed even a 123 lb weight advantage isn't an absolute win.

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