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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Any simple way to set up a small motion detection sensor below my door (space beneath door about as tall as my thumb nail) to a wire and lead to a light that turns on whenever motion is detected? or better yet a wireless one

picrel crude example
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Ikea sells smart light bulbs that can be paired with a wireless motion sensor. Works great. No wires, too.
move out of your parents house
get a fucking door lock
that's the motion sensor and light bar in one, I'm looking for a separate small motion sensor I can put under door and have the light set up elsewhere.
Just get a door lock zoomer

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Im reading solar prices are continuing to dive and people are getting quotes for 8 cents a watt per shipping container out of china. I saw a guy saying he can do used for $80 for 200 watts. so asked if he can do .15 cents a watt for $40 dollars per panel (double whole sale) and he said $130 USD, cash only. I told him he must be tripping because he doesnt know the bottom fell out of the market. My new hobby is to low ball solar panel boomers and laff at them when they think theyre sitting on gold I guess until they unhero from over extension in the wrong market of boomer price arbitrage. Posting here because /biz/ is pajeet.

Also please post best per watt solar prices on self install (no 3rd party install quotes)
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second post: Try to lease off your neighbors solar so they can sliding scale price gouge you since youre obv. reddit and fucking retarded. (protip: your neighbor doesnt have solar. Hes price gouging your grid because hes boomer and knows youre retarded)

Are you looking to do something or just being contrary?

880 watts of my arrays were pulled from a pile next to a dumpster for free. They are bi facials with cracked rear glass. This is diy. No one cares you are abusing the elderly.
> reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
I was going to respond, but OP's been such a shiteater that I reconsidered. But I'll say that new solar panels are normally going for a little over 3 cents per watt on domestic markets, OP is a retard.
Just trick your retard old parents into getting solar before they die off and you inherit the home.

Free solar

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Americans live in folding homes.
How embarrassing.
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Awww little snowflake is sensative got her feels hurted…poor baby
It’s flat-pack for easy transport. I thought Euros would appreciate that.
The picture is from Sweden.
Regardless, tell me why normie NPCs should be allowed nice things when they can't wait to get their normie hands on them and mcdonaldize them?
Is your home built like that?
not really, no
big cities usually have a lot of them, but smaller places and villages are all brick houses
i personally live in a apartment building built in 2020

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So the branded battery on the left tests bad. I've looked up the reset procedure but it requires a charge. I read you could use another battery to charge it so I've got the chineseum battery fully charged on the charger. The Ryobi battery is flat, dead, kaput.

I see two possibilities:
1. connect the batteries + to + and - to -. wait a few hours for them to equalize.
2. connect the batteries in series to the charger.

What do?

Also general electric mower discussion I guess. I got the battery, charger and mower for free, the chink batt cost me $60, I plan to sell it ASAP as I run Ego for my cordless electric yard equipment.
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and you are a blithering idiot.
See >>2801398

If there’s a few cells that aren’t totally fucked, just a bit too low for the charger to want to work, you can charge up individual cells while they’re still in there. The battery won’t come back to 100% after that I’m sure, but I’ve been getting some pretty good use out of that 18V 2.0 pack after recovering it.
I think it’s more that Ryobi is synonymous with weekenders who will run a battery down to 1 bar and them throw it in the garage for 9 months and then complain that the battery is dead because the voltage is too low for the charger to recognize it.

Also not sure if the 40V batteries are the same, but the 18V Ryobi pack actually cut out power to the contacts at a certain threshold, I was getting like 80mV at the contacts even though the whole pack was more like 10V, so there was no way to “jump start” the thing without taking the pack apart and going straight to the cells since the board went into protection mode. But once the voltage of the cells came back up, the circuit board went out of the gay protection mode and I had ~18V at the contacts again.
Also these are all Samsung cells. The shitty Ryobi battery thing is a meme you fell into. The worst thing you can say about the Ryobi batteries is that they went to generic cells in their newest non-HP battery packs, so grab the HP packs for a couple doll hairs more if you’re going to run the tools real hot.
>for a couple doll hairs

This misfit tries so hard to be one of the guys. Imagine his real life, everyone talking behind his back and wishing he'd just fuck off.

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Post what you've acquired recently and why little paypiggies
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That sounds chill anon.
I shit myself by accident today. Trying to work through the shame with some joinery.
For me, it was metabo, the best sander.
Went for a metabo SXE 3150. Corded and cheap, but supposedly very good. So far, I went through 30 square meters of floor thrice and it just works. Also it really sucks up dust by itself, so I can leave my vacuum on low.
Now I just need some good discs for it. My local home depot equivalent just has chink shit.
Really tempted by finnish autism mirka abranet, but apparently, you need an interface pad for those, and they don't explicitly state that it's compatible with anything, but the holes on the pad saver look comaptible enough. But on the big set with all kinds of nets, the holes look anything but metabo compatible. but most of the chink pads have the same holes that are compatible with about 50 brands, so it ought to kinda work, but I'd hate to spend a lot of money on expensive pads only to see that they're mirka exclusive.
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picked up a 3.0 m12 from the pawn shop. got excited when I saw a red ratchet in store, but, alas it was snap on. fuck!!
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Dewalt Atomic 20v compact recip saw, on sale for $129 at HD.
Doing some light demo at my parents' house, hacking up half-rotten fencing and old furniture (including a metal-framed sofa bed that won't fit through the door without being cut up) in prep for the house going on the market in a few weeks.

It was either this one or a brushed full-size one and I felt like brushless was a good idea since I only have 2AH batteries, plus it's just easier to handle and store. Seems to work pretty well, ripped through the 2x4 stringers like butter and still showed 3/3 bars on the battery after 20 cuts or so, I can tell the included blade is gonna need replacement pretty quick though.
These were on sale today at woot, the 150 foot versions are like $70

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Baby Ape Edition


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


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Thinking of building a long range autonomous fixed wing drone. I usually just build and fly quads so this is a little out of what I'm use to. My last fixed wing build was 10+ years ago using balsa and saran wrap.

Is there any good software out there that can be used to design/simulate coefficients, stability, etc? I really don't want to break out my uni text books.
Newfag here. I'm building the flite test trainer. I have to order the electronics, motor and transmitter.
No clue what to get within the recommended specs, I know I don't want to mount a flight controller yet, and I'm building the 3 channel version.
I saw the Radiomaster Pocket recommended here, but it's way over MSRP on Amazon and still above on AliExpress. Where do I buy all this shit? I'm in Italy, there's hobby stores nearby but I'm just going to get shafted there. I'm still fucking sore that foamboard is 5 fucking bucks a sheet here. At least I'm having a blast building.
the manufacturer shop doesn't include VAT and doesn't have free shipping
so you're not saving anything and price is therefor 76€
500ft is not too bad for what it cost. Does the lcd give anything worthwhile or just drain the battery?

Didn’t say don’t do it, just implied that out of all the things one can do for whatever reason. DIY’ing to save money is questionable.
oops, 86

I'm moving to a new place and I have a lot of cats. way too many. I finally got them all fixed so they can't breed anymore but anyways. the place I'm moving to is a two bedroom and I really only need one so I was going to give the cats their own room so the rest of the house doesn't smell like a litter box but the room has carpet. how do I prevent the cats from peeing or pooping somewhere that might fuck up the carpet? assuming I can't remove the carpet and install something better
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I have 3 cats actually, had cats since I can remember. That's why I discourage retards from having too many cats.
Mine are indoor/outdoor, their job is to keep the local rabbit and rat population down and prevent a rattlesnake infestation.
I live 1/2 mile from the nearest public road so splattered in traffic is not a concern, they don't go that far alone.
Inside I have automatic liter boxes otherwise you have to scoop daily. This also allowed me to cut down my litter costs, I was spending about $700/year just on litter and that was pre covid inflation. The box scoops itself immediately so the rankness doesn't spread on the entire litterbox, makes the whole lot last longer, so spend $200/year instead.
It's because their shit & piss is more rank than mustard gas. Especially if you don't clean it right away, it just gets worse and worse.
>have n-1 cat per responsible household member
>if you live alone, you should not have cats,
>have n+1 litterbox for every cat you own
>have at least 500sq/ft of space in your home for each cat, you can share the space with them, it doesn't need to be a dedicated cat shitting on the floor room
>have enzymatic piss remover spray on hand even if they "never" have accidents
Id rather have the the snakes, rats and rabbits
Turn the cats out to roam free and fuck up the rodent/bird population.

The only good cat is an outside cat.
It's not perfume it's acid that neutralizes the piss
Oh no poor guys did they keep breeding out of control they look related

Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2794873

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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Why does this board have so many namefags?

It doesn't have very many, it's just that some of them can't go 10 minutes without posting. And that one particular brain-dead imbecile bepis who thinks it is cute to have several names.
Still, anons will interact with them, carry on conversations and such. Seems kind of backwards compared to most other boards.
Hey bby I heard you were talkin about me?
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I recently staryed living off grid and I'm worried I'm worried I might have gotten scammed refilling one of my gas bottles today.
Pic related is the gas bottle in question.

They refilled it whilst it was lying on its side whilst in the car like shown in the photo. When I went into pay and came out the bloke said they had filled it until the release. They did not show the amount of litres that went into it. They said they filled it till it cut out. I felt a bit sus about the exchange. Is it possible to properly fill these gas tanks on their side?

I had a degree of trust for the service station but afterwards felt this seemed a bit weird as I had wanted to see the amount put in before reset and I thought these would have to be upright to be properly filled.
I didn't think the employee would have a reason to lie so I didn't contest anything at the time.

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What type of engine does this thing use?
i know its rocket engine but what type of engine can be turned on and off like this?

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Some missiles use multiple small solid rockets but it is not what is shown in OP's. They are coming out of the exact same hole.
It's using hydrazine and NTO. Proportional valves tend to be bigger and heavier than a valve that just opens and closes. Response time is also better with an on/off valve and that helps with control loop stability. While engines can be throttled you'll get much higher performance running an engine at the limits of its capabilities. Everyone in this thread is terminally retarded.
>Hyperbolic propellants

Peroxides are unhealthy but not extremely so. Hydrazine, on the other hand, is a major hazard.

Had it been hydrazine powered, people would have to wear hazmat suits. In some videos, people were sown in normal clothing next to these.
The best thing about hyperbolic propellants is that their capabilities are limitless.
It's an hypergolic pair linked to a PWM-controlled ON/OFF valve.
Hypergolic propellants ignite when contacting themselves.
You control the ON/OFF output of the valves, you control the near-constant thrust of the engine.
You just use PWM to control for how long you have to open the valve to counteract gravity.
I think BPS.space made a video about it, but I'm not sure, maybe it was another DIY rocket science youtuber. It was a nice proof of concept.

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>commercial brewing legal advice edition
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well what do you want to brew?
Anything I'm not picky but mostly interested in kombucha and mead.
I'm making beer, wine, and liquor out of black hensbane and blue lotus and I can't be convinced it's a bad idea.
>a questionable source of nutrients
That's actually how I'd describe the tomato paste they sell near me, and while I have no problem looking a little harder for the genuine, organic stuff, it still costs more than zero pesos, which works against my original objective.

That being said I don't deny the leaf paste is kind of a pain to work with, though. The foaming got pretty ridiculous the day after pitching the yeast, so much so it spilled over like three times, I'm glad this was just a small test. On Thursday I thought it was going to do it again in the distiller but fortunately it behaved pretty well.

The end result was pretty good if I do say so myself, at least compared with the two other times I did it with molasses. Aside from that it was actually fun to experiment with this stuff, the yeast seemed to love it and it didn't produce any off flavors, so I'll definitely try more leaf concoctions in the future, hopefully less foamy ones.
I can get my dirty slimy hands on horticulture grade nutrients, would that be fine or is it not good enough since it's not food grade? What could be the worst that would happen if a lower grade was used?

the great debate
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Already a thing, I know the Festool vacs do it and you can also buy inexpensive box things (kinda like a power strip) that you plug both the vac and tools into and it'll run the vac automatically when the tool is drawing.
Does this have a soft start built into it? I would think turning on 2 large motors simultaneously would trip the breaker too often to be useful.
Kek. Every excuse against the cordless tools is a strawman or an issue that had been resolved in the past few years. Meanwhile extension cords are still super annoying. I had a cheap HF corded hedge trimmer and some thorny bushes along the back fence, that was so shitty trying to keep the cord out of the way. I now have a cordless hedge trimmer and I can clean up the bushes in less time it takes to unroll the extension cords.
It's not much of a debate anon, its compromises.
>how far away from an outlet is your work?
>will the cord get in the way?
>what's the power draw of your tool?
>what's the typical duty cycle of your tool?
For example I got a corded port-a-band, because I use it near my corded welder.

But I got a cordless miter saw, because the batteries were cheaper to buy that way and it also came with a cord adapter. I don't think I ever ran it cordless.
Except that these days, a lot of the cordless tools are objectively better than their corded counterparts. Stuff like handheld drills, the only upside to going corded is runtime, but that’s only an upside if you’re doing something with the drill that 99% of users aren’t doing.

Corded impact driver? Good luck buddy.

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Hey guys. Anyone into resin? I don’t make river tables or anything but I use it for crafts.

What brand epoxy do you use? Do you use UV?

Anyone use a pressure pot?
>Hey guys.
>Anyone into resin?
Not me.
>I don’t make river tables or anything but I use it for crafts.
That's nice.
>What brand epoxy do you use?
I don't.
>Do you use UV?
>Anyone use a pressure pot?
I'm sure someone, somewhere has and/or does. Not me, though. Nosiree, Bob.
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I made a table that needed some cracks filled with resin. I used Total Boat since that is what the river table people use. It worked pretty well. If you are filling thin cracks it takes a while to work its way down in there even if you help push it with a stick. I had to continuously add more 1/4in at a time over several days, making sure to pop all of the bubbles with a torch. It gets too hard to work with in about 10 minutes, but that doesn’t mean it will stop moving or be ready for the next pour at that point. Turned out pretty good I would say other than the dumb snakebite looking holes I accidentally made, (and had to fill), by setting down my router prematurely while cutting bow ties.
Tip: buy a bunch of clear plastic disposable cups. Use one to measure the resin, one to measure the hardener, and one to mix. Pour both into the mix cup at the same time, scrape the cups to make sure you get an accurate mix, and add just a couple drops of dye. You need less than you think. Never reuse the mix cup. I would barely fill the resin/hardener cups past that bottom ring present on most plastic cups and I always had more than I needed for a single pour.

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Thoughts on building an airboat? Are they as fun IRL as in Half Life?
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sorry, what he's trying to say is it could probably rush 69 Muslims at 80 km/h to run a train on your daughter.
it doesn't matter, you won't do it.
>post 1904
>not building a hovercraft
952 kg and 223 kW
Can this work on white water rivers with big boulders

It's just some pretentious baguette styling, aint't it? Compound all the angles, and boolean the resulting components based on what stock you have available. It wouldn't be a thing if they had CAD in 1300s.

Or am I missing something?
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OP is the kind of person who gives us the shit architecture we have today. I bet he's great at standardized testing.
Looks nice, but I can just imagine hundreds of spiders in there hanging over the doorway.
How is the curved wood done? Steam and force?
Did not mean to quote
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I did not manage to find any information on the French internet. This kind of oeuvre is called a guitarde and every Compagnon carpenter used to make one when settling.
The curved wood is called a "croche" and that's pretty much everything I've found.
pic related took 7 years (2500h) to make

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