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Hello sars.

I purchased a portable air conditioner with a single exhaust pipe. The intake for the compressor and evaporator intake inlets are on the back of the device.

Can I just get a pipe, route it ouside below the intake pipe and just slap it to the compressor intake grill with cable ties and duct tape around it? So that air intake for the compressor is also outside. Or am I a retard and it wouldn't work
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i've done this. modified a portable unit to take outside air in to cool the compressor and exhaust it back out.

the problem i ran into is that those compressors get fuckin hot. as far as i can tell, it needed cooler air and also a second fan to pull it through the dryer duct i used. it ran for a while and worked relatively well, but the compressor started making some loud ass noises when it was trying to turn on and eventually just tefused to turn the compressor on.

it would work fine after it cooled down, but the added heat stress and power needed to pull the air through the extra ducting was putting strain on everything.
thank you ser, this is exactly what i was looking for
i guess it depends on outside temp too
so you abandoned the idea?
thank you ser, didn't know they have special kits for that, ordering one will make it a lot easier!
This sar

In short, you need to use 2x hoses for the intake, two of the same size or larger of the exhaust hose, maybe even 3.
It helps to add pusher fans at the window to push air into the intake hoses.

The reason is simply down to the type of fan used and the design of the intake channel. They almost always have very little suction force available and hoses will harshly lower efficiency. Simply add more fan strength
stick a piece of paper or fool to the intake, covering the whole intake grill
if the exhaust goes to almost nothing then it can be very easily done with no mods and you are wrong (won't be perfect, but good enough)
if it still exhausts a considerable amount of air, then it's still quite easy, but requires you to remove plastic cover and stick shit in that will stop air leaks (flexible foam works best, as it conforms to uneven surfaces quite well)
can't know without trying, as there are different models on the market
see above
it can shorten the lifespan, but if the unit cycles (as opposed to continuously running) I wouldn't worry much
if it's an inverter it inherently won't cycle much, but then you could measure current to see if it goes full throttle or not
in the end they are cheap and easy to remove, so unless you are from a 3rd world country it's worthwhile just for the experience alone, what is 200 or 300 bucks? (if it costs much more you are a sucker, because at that price point they sell dual hose units)

I need to insulate my ceiling.

The ceiling is 2by8 joists below a mostly flat roof with a slight pitch. It's a tarred rolled roof.

I was just going to use fiberglass batts and vapor barrier poly but my uncle said that moisture could build up in the ceiling causing mold/rot and I should have it spray foamed instead.
Is moisture enters the ceiling somehow from the roof, wouldn't it just exit the same way?
People use fiberglass batts in their walls and it doesn't cause moisture to build up. Why would the ceiling be any different?

Is he retarded or is this a serious concern?
I don't have money for spray foam.
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Will you have full plumbing?
So much misinformation and myths out there

The danger with a cold roof is that moisture from the INSIDE condensates on the roof when you heat the inside. You heat the air inside, it takes up moisture and if the hot moist air can reach the cold roof it will cool and condensate there and the joists get wet.

You just make sure that (1) the vapor barrier is air tight all the way. Tape the edges and don’t stab it with screws or nails or run conduit or whatever through it and (2) keep the humidity inside as low as reasonably possible by ventilating the room itself.

There’s no real way to ventilate the inside of the ceiling unless it’s a gable roof and you let the wind blow through it from below but that would beat the purpose of insulating it pretty much (because cold air would blow through the rockwool). Don’t get the cheapest vapor barrier available

> Is moisture enters the ceiling somehow from the roof, wouldn't it just exit the same way?
Yes but it shouldn’t. Water on the roof evaporates much easier into the outside air than into the roof because fucking wind. If liquid water comes in you have a roof leak. If you live in the tropics where the roof will be colder than the outside air in the morning, use vapor-closed on the cold side

t. rot inspector
Should I use rigid foam in the joist cavities against the osb on the roof?
and then spray foam the edges or something?
it's itchy bros.....

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I am looking for the best quality garden nozzle that fits the following criteria:
>fireman style trigger
>thumb style trigger
>no pistol grip
>no internal plastic parts
>usable spray settings (mist, jet, shower, flat. no other bs like flood, down angle, or cone)
been using Orbit brand but these cant take a drop, and start leaking.
Best I found so far is pic related. Unfortunately they dont have the style of trigger I want, and they dont have multiple spray settings. https://garrettwade.com/product/pistol-grip-nozzle
Been looking at FANHAO, and DRAMM but I see too much plastic, and useless spray patterns.
other HD sprayers like Tri-Con are all pistol grip with an adjustable nozzle. I do not like or want this style.
What can anon recommend?
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>Best Garden Hose Nozzle
is the one you never need to use
>from a place you'll never see
>comes a squirt you'll never hear
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What the hell is wrong with this? They are like $20, last forever, are indestructible, and let you have the spray you want.

Why do you want some chinese gizmo?
tbf eley aren't chinese gizmos
they're nebraskan gizmos
This except the $5 one from harbor freight
You DONT need more

It's just some pretentious baguette styling, aint't it? Compound all the angles, and boolean the resulting components based on what stock you have available. It wouldn't be a thing if they had CAD in 1300s.

Or am I missing something?
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In the olden days extremely curved and recurved structural timbers like these were hewn from tree sections that had the basic shape needed. In some cases trees would be artificially twisted to grow in certain directions to create timbers for planned projects like ship ribs and stems and for generic structural shapes like korbels and knees and similar brackets.

Very complex curves over spans would also be assembled from multiple pieces using typical joinery and more braces to to support weak spots, which is part of why compound curves like these have elaborate web- like arrangements of elements to support and redirect/ redistribute loads.

People still make rustic furniture this way, but it's rare to see "grown" parts finished square anymore, outside of historic renovation of older structures and ships.

The French word croche is more than likely related to "crochet" which among other definitions means "hook" or "bracket"...also worth noting that in English the parts of trees where branches exit trunks and form the kinds of curved or hooked shapes conducive to cutting these kinds of parts are referred to as a "crotch". Note in picrel that some of the parts correspond perfectly to this concept.
Only if it was some youtube hack retard sponsored by plywood and CNC manufacturers...

Since the advent of structural adhesives these kinds of wooden structural timbers are laminated from multiple strips of material thin enough to bend either naturally or with the help of steam.
Parts made this way are far more stable than natural lumber and can achieve the same load bearing capabilities at smaller sizes. They also waste less material and allow the use of the good parts of fatally flawed timbers that are only revealed upon milling.

Even before the days of laminating carpenters were substituting layers of thinner lumber to make up the bulk needed for structural members, rather than make them out of solid lumber...the latter is the worst way to do it when it comes to effort and risk of having to abandon a part, and as soon as people figured out how to avoid it they stopped.
>has lasted 1000's of years

How convenient that you get to hold modern architecture to the same standard after far less than two centuries even if you use the most expansive sense of "modern architecture" to look for examples.

>will last 1000nd's more

How even more convenient that you can just pull this out of your ass with zero need to ever be held to account....the same way youll never have to be judged on your ignorant insinuation that well cared for and periodically rehabilitated modern architecture can't last indefinitely.
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>>medieval architecture
>>has lasted 1000's of years
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Americans live in folding homes.
How embarrassing.
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That is not what is happening.
enraged, confused
Eurotrash houses dont build themselves, pathetic

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I'm thinking of getting one of those lifetime sheds from Costco, but my garden doesn't currently have the space, so I'll need to put it on the grass. Has anyone ever used ProBase before? I was going to put a concrete base down, but since I don't own my house, I'm not putting money into something that one day could bite me in the arse when I leave.
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Well, I did think that as I'll still need 450kg of agrigate just to put in the grid.
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just snag enough of the black plastic pallets to use as a base

I am tired, I don't want to deal with hunting shit anymore. I just want to input money and receive stuff without it being a knife fight over some old junk worn out machine that'd been out of production for 70 years and I have to get raped to get replacement part on ebay by some other boomer.
Are chink mini lathes viable to get running well without needing another lathe or a mill to fix the brand new machine you just bought? I just want to make small steel items, maybe up to an inch in diameter but realistically 5/16 or smaller diameter machine screws.
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put a small piece of tape in whatever you want to focus if you dont know how to do it properly
Machining is extremely Boomer and gay
look for a resin 3D printer
Most of the time you do not need a metal part
You should think about how to make plastic part strong, using finite element analysis, that is the millennial way
The hard part is getting space large enough to put it.
>Most of the time you do not need a metal part
Most of the time you do not need to eat food. You can just have a tube going to your stomach which feeds you the correct amount of nutrient paste for survival.
give me the onions give it to me now
put it in my tummy make my poo runny, yum-yum-yummy

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I need a machine that can polish rice to low % without cracking them. It's near impossible and/or prohibitively expensive to buy something like this for your home, so I will be making it myself.

Anyways... how the FUCK can I go about this?
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Show me where I'm wrong, fuckstick. OP wants to grind rice for junmai daiginjo; I showed how people have done it, with easily obtainable machinery. And if $120 is "prohibitively expensive" then you need to get a fucking job.
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Read the thread before posting you window licking retard.
Yes, >>2806288 is still right. Op could have solved this thread with a simple google search, which no less than two people found with ease. Eat a bag of dicks you hyperbolic faggot.
who the fuck do you think posted the first link you stupid fucking monkey
It was me, DIO!

>Living with boomer parent
>She is always nagging me to let her wash my linens/towels/bath mats
>Dealing with my washing is one of the few small things that connects me to a state of independence, so usually say no
>Finally give in a few days ago
>She gives them back, they're all discolored and rough
>"Oh my mats/towels were really dirty so I threw in a little bleach"
>In a colored load
>It should be an inconsequential issue, just buy new ones, but I'm losing my mind over the boomerness of it all
Always /diy/, gents.
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Yup, a good one unforch.
>Trust issues
>"Please trust me."
>"Please trust me."
>"Please trust me."
>...Okay, fine
>"Oops I betrayed your trust thoughtlessly."
It's a microcosm of our relationship. You now understand why I turned out the way I did.
It's not color-safe, and you don't need to "sanitize" beyond hot water/detergent. Bleach fucks up dyes (which are essentially an intentional garment-wide stain), that's the entire point.
I think I'm mostly frustrated that they're sticklers for rules except when it interferes with their convenience or old wive's tales that they cling to.
>You now understand why I turned out the way I did
no not at all.
Nothing wrong living at your parents place if it helps you to save money. I wish I could've done that but me and my mom were about to kill each other so I had to go the wagie living in an apartment route.
Depends on your family. OP is dependent upon them because they failed to raise him correctly, and living with them only makes him increasingly insane. Vicious cycle. He needs to get out. Literal homelessness would be better.
Lol no

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Its becoming so hard to find a local garage or some other place of employment that will allow you to register as an apprentice so that you can eventually take the required instruction and put in the hrs. required to progress from one stage to the next. Any decent place will shoot down your opportunity down , or what i have experience is that many places will bring you in as a parts guy with the idea that you will move in to an apprentice position. then make you a service writer , and then later a sales expert or financial lead in the company.

>its happened twice wtf man i want to turn wrenches not be an accountant.
Turn wrenches for fun by all means but if you want a career wrenching go USAF and retire instead of slaving away in civil life. There are many good reasons I went AF instead of joining the real military.

I enjoy wrenching but want nothing to do with retail customers. Many techs are quitting because of the flat rate system. The point of working is to retire one day in reasonable comfort.

If you want to move to sales you don't need mechanical experience for that. Sales is about social skills and ability to work with numbers. Sales is cyclic. Accounting is not. You could chat with local dealers and see about a tryout selling cars.

Food for thought: Most small businesses fail because they fail to manage their money and people well. My father made a very nice living as a garment industry management consultant. Your accounting knowledge might give you an edge in financial understanding whatever you choose.

How would I go about making the collar/shoulders? wire, foam?
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here's what we came up with. Love it
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holy shit, is that actually OP?
When's the DnD game little guy?

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/dy/, why the FUCK yet haven't you built an adult manchild cubbyhouse to drink beer and hide away from the wife SWMBO! (she who must be obeyed)?
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Gardens are a big PITA in that kind of neighborhood. The fences are so low any sort of deer or grazer can just fuck right into your garden and wreck major havoc with minimal effort.
This looks like pure torture. No room to move around in, and you'll fling dust/chips everywhere when you use the power tools.
I live in one of those full time.

So put up bigger fences?

Metal cans bad for burning? (Having stuff inside the metal can burn)

I heard that food cans have a plastic coating to prevent bacterial and fungal infections as well as prevent spoilage of food
Heard it contains BPA and thus you shouldn't food in it
If I burn anything in it it would release all the BPA

How do I know if it has a plastic container and if any chemical like xenestrogens exist in it, and if so how can I remove the coating before burning
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They replaced it with an analog that was just as bad. Apparently the leaching is really only noticeable in acidic foods.
I think the fucking monsantos and 3Ms have made it difficult to find cast iron or stainless steel frying pans. It's all aluminum coated with teflon.
But yeah, cast iron or stainless ftw
>It's all aluminum coated with teflon

About 5 years ago /ck/ told me ceramic coated pans won't last; my guess is that they turn the heat up to red hot or something because I got one and have used it daily for years and it's still brand new, and as easy to clean as any pan I've ever used. Far out lasts teflon in my opinion. As to the cast iron vs. stainless vs. aluminum-ceramic I don't have an opinion as I cook simple easy things that are not demanding.
I forgot about those, although I have one. kek.
I season mine with oil.

The thing is with what you pay for a stainless steel frying pan, you can buy two or three teflon ones.
And at the supermarket it's not so easy to find stainless steel frying pans.

I don't remember how much my ceramic pan cost.
Nobody is that stupid. OP is obviously trolling.

henlo /diy/ers!
can you give me advice on restoring hard/brittle leather?
I checked yt tutorials and some sites. the one say I should treat the leather with steam and then grease it. others say I should rub it down with 600 sand paper and oil it. I'm confused. what works best? shiny look is not my main goal but preservation is.
it's about some of my vintage test equipment that has got leather carry handles. after 60yrs they are dry. I want to safe them from disintegration.
pic related, not mine but I have the same model
>shiny look is not my main goal but preservation is.
>hard/brittle leather
steaming is to impart moisture without wetting the leather down to soften it
>apply grease
a better choice would be lanolin
Isn't it basically done for by the time it's all dried and easily terrible at the creases

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I came across a heat guard from an 18 wheeler and I want to make a rack for a smoker out of it. How can I flatten it out without crumpling it? I tried putting some heavy weight on it for a while but it just rolled right back up
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I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but tin plate girl knows how to straighten this shit.
You should be watching those videos already, holding up your phone with one hand.

>I just want it to be perfectly flat without having to bend it the other way
that's how you flatten metal though, you need to overextend it the other way, there's not like some super secrete method or some shit
You would need a sheet metal slip roll roller. Adjust and crank through it
Yeah I guess I'll just have to do that because I don't have a roller or access to a roller. I tried it on one end and it was getting crumpled areas in it though
This board has the funniest, most intelligent residents and the dumbest tourists. I love it. I'm a frequent tourist btw.

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