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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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For context, I have a friend there who is looking for a roommate they said I don't even need a visa to stay permanently: I tried working through the constitution but can't find anything that explicitly confirms this(Not legally trained, could just be a dumbass)

Is anyone able to confirm this? If it's not true, how much should I expect to drop just to get a temporary residency?(Assuming we are using USD)
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nobody can afford to date or even have sex any more in argentina. the condoms are too expensive and so are the telos
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>Yes, shit is expensive — as expensive as any decent European country. I was in Spain a few weeks ago and groceries and other shit is actually cheaper over there. I'm seriously thinking on moving to a small town in Spain, like Merida.
>I don't know why you retards want to come here, go to Europe instead. This is a shit hole and will always be.

bot, u say the same thing every argie thread...
I lived in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil for a few years. I became fluent in both Spanish and Portuguese. I ended up spending the majority of my time in Uruguay.

I would recommend Uruguay over Argentina by every metric. My wife and I are currently looking at homes in Uruguay.

If you have any questions, I'll come back and check tomorrow.
Guy who lived there confirming.

Your concept of laws and requirements is so far gone from South America, it's like the wild west. Laws are mere suggestions. You could get away with just about anything, I know Uruguay at least you get free citizenship if you've lived there 5+ years illegally. If you sincerely want to go the legal route, I believe you only need $10k in a bank account and they'll grant you residency.
Can you get a fair exchange rate when withdrawing cash from ATMs these days?

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Hi all,

Going to Georgia for a little over two weeks and am starting to plan an itinerary. So far I've got a couple of days in Tbilisi, hiking Mestia - Ushguli, and a couple nights in Kazbegi.

This leaves me with a little less then a week (roughly) so am looking for recommendations for how to fill the rest of the time. At the moment I'm torn between adding on Abkhazia or crossing into Armenia and using Yerevan as a hub for a couple of day trips. That said, I'm sure there's great things I'm missing in Georgia still. Not really into wine though I'd go out to the wine region if it was a good time of year to be there and don't plan on spending much time in Tbilisi though I'd be up for seeing more of Georgian culture in other areas.

Any thoughts trv?

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post the best photo you've taken in your travels.
picrel not mine

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thai food vs viet food which is better ???
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Why do Viets love the US flag so much? Are they cucks?
I dunno bro, and I also dunno why they like slapping designer names on cheap clothes so much. It's so trashy. That's an instant left swipe on an app if I see any of that shit in a pic.
C'mon man, learning about south and north Vietnam is something you do in 8th grade.
I'm in Hanoi
That really doesn't answer the question.

An old friend and I are flying to Zurich on Friday, to spend about two weeks exploring the region. Current plan is to spend a few days in Switzerland before heading North by train. The only 'planned' activity is to visit a small town outside Cologne, which is where my ancestors lived before they migrated to the US in the 1850s.

Besides that, we have no real plan or structure around how we will spend our time or where we will go. I am used to traveling domestically in the US, so the scale makes it seem like it would be relatively easy to see Eastern France, Belgium, and Netherlands while we are there. I'm generally interested in avoiding very tourism focused areas, and enjoying whatever the local areas have to offer. Food, drink, scenery, meeting people. I had considered looking for some live music in the cities we'll be in as a way to meet locals.

My only travel outside the US was to Shanghai, which I enjoyed but was very different than I expect this part of Europe to be.

Any general advice or suggestions on how to make the most of our time in the region?
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Also nice and not far from there is Colmar. Super touristy but legit beautiful.

On the German side of the Rhine, I really like Freiburg (the one in BaWu, not one of ten others). Pretty, tiny little university city.
You can easily spend 2-3 days in Zurich, not the city but the surrounding area. Boat ride up to Rapperswil, Zoo Zurich is awesome, Hiking the Pfannenstil, Old town of Winterthur.
Verkehrshaus in Luzern might be a thing for you, Trains, Airplanes, a total autists wet dream. https://www.verkehrshaus.ch/
Lake Constanz is awesome, Bregenz and Lindau can be done in one session and is totally worth it, Konstanz is also great.
While going towards Basel stop by at Augusta Raurica in Kaiseraugst. and see some roman remains. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augusta_Raurica
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If you like historical stuff and enjoy just being lazy for a while, definitely ride the Steamship on Lake Zurich, go sit in the historic salon and sip some beers while watching the scenery go by. At the far end of the lake there's Rapperswil which has a cute little old town with some famous rose gardens. Otherwise you can combine the steamship with a visit to the historic Einsiedeln Monastery, although you have to see that you can get your timetable right, the steamer only runs once or twice a day (the whole trip both ways is about 3 hours).
You only need a regular ticket for the steamship and no reservation either, it runs like any other regular boat. On the website you can check if it's running and at what time (usually always the same times)
i can vouch zurich is the best
Apart from cologne and the small town where your ancestors are from I cant recommend anything north of south germany, more or less beginning with Hessen and above. Do your daytrip to Nordrhein-Westfalen and then get out of this shithole, legitemately one of the worst states and places in western europe. Unless apart from open pit mining you like old decrepit industry thats rusting away, used for deepshaft mining, which the Ruhrgebiet has plenty of.

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what villages are fun for tourists?
not sure what you think is "fun"
but i guess you could go to Lacock and act out scenes from your favourite costume dramas
or Bourton on the Water and get annoyed by busloads of Chinese people getting in the way everywhere

Where you going this summer?
Family is going to Gatlinburg comin' up.
Post best RV locations, trips, etc.
Everyone here is poor and can't even?

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Post the downsides of living in the midwest
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Stay in the city and don't return.
We are indeed, as they say, FULL.
>you do a line and I'll do a line honeeeeyyy.
I lived there 5 years in mid 2000s.
It was a total shithole and getting obviously worse every year.
Anyone that can stand a city the size of Chicago is a not a human.
It's funny though that these places actually preserve nature better than anything as everyone groups in tightly and the rest of the land is preserved and left alone.
>>I get /trv/ has a weird hateboner for this area

That's because /trv/ is a bunch of liberal clinton obama biden loving fags and Midwest is where all the evil Trump voting deplorables live

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I'll be solo traveling through Yurop on September/October and I have to do remote work for two weeks.
I was thinking of going to Poland and stay in either Wrocław or Warsaw, as they seem like nice cities to be a few days, and airbnbs don't look too expensive.

I'm looking for recommendations on where to stay (which cities, hostels/airbnbs), good places to eat and foods to try, and in general things to do after working or on weekends. I'm 25 y/o and never been to Poland fwiw
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Opinion discarded
polish women are great in my experience. the men are whiny cunts. absolute cry babies about everything. even the polish americans ive known are diaper shitters
people are cold in vienna and i thought that sucked, but then you go to warsaw and they openly sigh and whine about fucking every small possible inconvenience and they’re offended you didn’t invest time to learn their useless fuck snake shit language instead of learning a language non-retards use
i didn’t get such vibes in other polish cities tbf but i didnt spend enough time in them to verify
That's a lot of seethe over nothing lol
Warsaw is a lot like New York City. With all the pros and cons
stay in gdansk

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Planning on trying to visit Egypt in late May to early June. I know I need a visa and my passport is up to date, but is there anything else I should be aware of or reserve before going? Or is the situation in the bordering countries too intense? No itinerary yet either. I appreciate any help.
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This is where I used to get booze in Cairo:

They used to do deliveries to your door, back when this shit was unheard of back home. If you gave the cunt 7 bottles, you'd get a free beer, too. Used to have a nice little collection going in the hallway.

Be discrete when you're carrying bottles out. Also, I was never sure whether I could drink in my hostel, so I put shit in a flask, and played it on the dl. Better not to offend anybody. Drinking in public is a huge no-no.

As you can see on the site, the stuff they sell is no name Egyptian shit, produced locally. Think Heineken do the beer on license, though. (Resorts have specially tagged western booze which is dirt cheap in comparison).

I remember once I was boozing with a mate in some kino bar with sawdust on the floor. He was ordering "Zibiba" which is Egyptian Ouzo. The shit is fucking rough. My mate went to the toilet, fell the fuck over, and smashed his head on the sink after a few drinks of it.

Think I mentioned earlier, bring spirits in luggage (check the limit! think it's 1 or 2 bottles). It'll make an excellent gift for anybody you clock is a drinker, as good booze is a bit of a commodity around town.

In other cities there are "duty free shops". Important to stock up here if you like boozing in your hotel room, or are on a Nile Cruise and don't wanna get gipped.

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Is egypt worth it just to see the ancient sites? I love the ancient history and bronze age civilizations, but I'm not particularly interested in any of the modern history. It seems like a pretty sketchy place to go to as a white american though.
Sounds like you'll be filtered hard desu. Stay at home.
Worst country I've ever been to. Truly horrible
avoid the giza

Is it possible for an anglophone to find work in Montreal?

I don't have a lot of work experience, I'd like to go back to school. I studied in Montreal for about a year when I was younger and loved it. I want to return, but I only really have work experience in retail. Has anyone else lived there extensively? Is it possible for Anglos to make a living?
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I'd go to Montreal. I love French Canadians. They're like French Texans.
lmao youre fucked
I wouldn’t recommend it. I spoke French and moved there (this was in 2011 tho) and still couldn’t get a job anywhere. Ended up line cooking in a bistro for six months but it was very tough there

Texans aren't insecure insufferable cunts though. The ones in Quebec City are nice but those in Montreal are your average woke retards.


Oka beach is where the bottom of the barrel society goes. Avoid it.


That was in 2010, now concordia st is crackhead avenue and the hot student chicks got replaced with ugly ass chinks and indian international students. Crescent/Peel are nice.
Tough because of how busy it was?

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What are good destinations for medical tourism? In Asia I see mainly Thailand, India, and Malaysia mentioned as having good quality of care with good prices and occasionally Taiwan. Any experiences with these or others? Seeing India surprised me, but it is talked about pretty highly from what searching I’ve done.
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Lots of people come to Poland for dentistry, especially from Ireland and UK.

On a slightly different note, I think the Norwegian government has a deal with Poland to offer courses in dentistry and medicine, and get decent gibs while they're out here.
Turkey and costa rica. i wouldnt fuck with mexico, they dont even have potable water dor fucks sake. some places in europe but depends what youre in for. maybe korea for plastic surgery.

unfortunately its cheaper but not necessarily cheap. youre still paying thousands.
be aware that the quality of medical care in malaysia is hugely variable
stay away from clinics where the medical staff were just trained locally or where the staff is just malays. also steer clear of any government run place.
look out for private places where the staff is mainly chinese and qualified abroad or did their specialist training in the uk/usa/europe/australia. as a foreigner those are the places you are most likely to use anyway. i recommend sunway medical centre in subang jaya
be aware that good quality treatment is correspondingly expensive
also be aware that every doctor you see will have lied, cheated and possibly bribed their way to get to their position
Has anyone done a BBL in Thailand? I'm guessing LATAM is best for that but they're sketchy. On the other hand it seems to me that the Asians don't have the expertise in butt enlargements. Not sure if I want to pay 200K in the US. Turkey seems sketchy too.

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going to the netherlands soon
any recommended places to visit?
also gonna get fucked up so advice on easy to get boner pills would be helpful. can they be bought in pharmacies with no recipes?
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Buy a lot of cocaine and mdma and smuggle it back to your country
make sure you stay in your containment zone in de wallen
fuck off, we're full
+ bring your qt sister(s)
Zaandam was pretty
Amsterdam isn't really the adult drug disneyland you're lead to believe, they actively don't want you there for that. Just be chill
amsterdam cheese shop

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>Last Thread: >>2648804

>"remember, we parked the car under rollercoaster C" edition.

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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Kings Island and Holiday World have the ideal level of theming for me. It's a little kitschy, a little cute, but also holy shit that's a massive roller coaster.
The only thing I liked about dlr/dca was having a safe place to just walk around all day without fear of being mugged or stabbed. Shitty excuse for spending all that money on passes, but it was either that or stand in line for 30 - 60 minutes for boring rides. I wouldn't go back, though.
>of all Disney parks
You are not a serious person
Can't wait to get back to Lost Island when it opens for the season next week.
Holiday World feels like too many missed opportunities for even basic theming.
Why the hell doesn't Halloween have a haunted house dark ride or walkthrough?
And Frightful Falls needs at least some blacklights and spooky dayglo paintings in the tunnel or something.

I'm feeling increasingly less safe at Six Flags and Cedar Fair parks as more and more black teens with weapons incidents are happening. Was going to to take my wife and kid to Six Flags Over Georgia on our upcoming trip but scrapped it from the itinerary after I heard about the influx of unruly black teens this year.

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