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thai food vs viet food which is better ???
Viet and it's not even close
Thai and it's not even close
They're both equally good.
Both are equally shit.
Viet food blows the fuck out of what ever the fuck Thai seamonks are eating
thai food blows the fuck out of what ever the fuck viet junglemonks are eating
I've never seen dog meat or 'cow nipples' on a Thai menu, so I'm going to go with Thai
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How come you never see these type of girls dating the white backpacker?
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white dorks scrape for the bottom.
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Why are there so many british female tourists in vietnam? I noticed there are many of them here compared to other european girls.
those types of girls are looking more for expats who've been here a while, not some random dude travelling around a few weeks
T.Seething ricel.

White BVLLS will keep cuming in Asian pussies.
There are no ricels on 4chins anon. /trv/ is 99.999% white. Its ok to bully dorks, even if they're white.
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>White BVLLS will keep cuming in Asian pussies.
What's the coolest Cham tower?
Xin chào bạn! Gái Tây rất xinh!
Chang complaining about white BVLLS won't get you any pussy.
Start working on yourself and you might get some pussy.
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Viet Chads bully white dorks. What a time to be alive.
Viet pussy is easy pussy. Viet women beg to be bred by white BVLLS.
asian "men" can only watch and see
Nah, tôi thích gái tây. vietnamese girls, honestly I don't really care. Seen & dated them my whole life.
I never understood why white guys keep dissing on white girls. I think white women are very nice.
Anyway gotta go now. Will check the thread in midnight.
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>I never understood why white guys keep dissing on white girls.

White males lament that white girls are "toxic", "fat", and "rude".

But they fail to look at themselves in the mirror and see that they have the same qualities.

White culture failed to produce women who are nice, compassionate, beautiful etc.
I have no idea what it is about the Vietnamese face/phenotype that makes me so unnatracted to it. Great bodies but the face is just really "meh" to me. Chinese, Korean and Japanese faces agree superior.
There used to be an anon here who let ricels live in his head rent free. Would accuse everyone of it.
I plan on spending 10~ in hanoi later this year. If i eat put 3 times a day and order some drinks how much can i expect to spend?
Im a sucker for cute girls so i imagine il get hoodwinked into spending money on them as well.
i'd tell you but then Vietnam would end up being as gentrified as Thailand because you stupid faggots can't help but pay ridiculous prices and eat at mcdonalds.
Anon im asking so i dont cause the prices to go up. The point is if i know what stuff is worth i will not overpay through ignorance.
Im just trying to look at some temples and not get hiv from a prostitute.
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Holy shit I'm in the heart of the tourist area in Da Nang and all fucking day this pinheaded cockroach is blaring his diarrhea AIDS of the exact same drivel every fucking 15 minutes. Now I don't know who the fuck is responsible for this or if it's some propaganda shit but I swear I will fucking strangle this weasel to death if I find him. Every single fucking day until MIDNIGHT this worthless filth tortures me while I'm trying to enjoy my vacation.

If something like this happened in America someone would be getting shot. But apparently these squinty eyed fuckers dont believe in sleep or relaxation. I can't wait to leave this shithole and return to Thailand. Fucking hell
backpackers don't go to where they are
they need the bahn mi for the bong bread intake requirement. thailand doesn't have enough bread for the fat chicks
Yea but we would see a bunch of pictures of them.
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vietnamese gurls date rich locals, average locals, koreans n chinese.

this is a white dork.

this is his girlfriend.

yes he stole someone's model girlfriend.
What's there to do in hanoi past 12 am? Anything else other than bar and club? They get boring real quick.
Nhìn đôi này trông cũng bình thường mà...
And why are you spamming this couple here? Give them a break.
nothing. its all the same same.

eating, drinking, walking around, buying trinklets around old lake
Việt guy here, is it worth it to get to know a white woman? Or am I wasting my time here?
>y here, is it worth it to get to know a white woman? Or am I wasting my time here

Where do I find the highest concentration of gooks that look like this?
Speak English, Nguyen. On 4chan we don't speak chink chong. Step aside you 5'6 incel, I will rape all your women. They worship the BWC.
Probably not, white women that go abroad are generally just looking for sex with random dudes. You might be able to get laid if you're tall af for an asian and chad tier, but highly unlikely.
>Việt guy here, is it worth it to get to know a white woman? Or am I wasting my time here?

Passport bros (sexpats) run away white women. Ask them why.
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white dork finds love. white dork have cute girlfriend. white dork happy.
White women mainly fuck other travelers their age, obviously not old gooners. That being said they aren't really fucking gooks, just using them as cheap labor and a photo op to avoid the responsibilities of holding a job back home.
>he's this paranoid
So it's just causal sex and not a relationship? Some of them are pretty.
Are they really that bad? Idk they seem ok. A few friendly ones and some have bitch resting faces tho but most of them are nice once you talk with them.
Yes chang they are only there for casual sex from white's>hispanics>blacks>middle easterners>dogs>anyone else>asian guys in that order. Shoot your shot, but unless you're over 6 foot chiseled jaw and great head of hair you might just scare them away.
Why can't you talk normal? You are just weird like that guy with spam pics.

Have you considered playing in traffic?
It's a pretty cute tough act guy but what else you got other than these lame buzzwords. Can you even beat someone irl? I don't think so.
Alright I think I'll give it a try. It's not like I have nothing to lose anyway.
Man… where are actual pic of white guys with girls that look like hanni pham…

What the fuck, it always with some slum rat.
>hanni pham
Get some better taste, Kevin Nguyễn. I know Việt Kiều guys keep fantasizing these médiocre light skinned pale girls but jesus...
You smoking something if you don’t think Hanni isn’t a hot.
>Việt guy here, is it worth it to get to know a white woman? Or am I wasting my time here?

White women pussy smells terrible. Very sour. Its the milk they drink.

White girls sense of humor is sarcasm. Everything they say is sarcastic. They can't be genuine. Its part of the white culture to be sarcastic. As they say, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

White women cannot commit. They like to fuck around.

White women get fat easily.

White women think they're sassy but they're just annoying bitches.

White men run away from white women.
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>Man… where are actual pic of white guys with girls that look like hanni pham…

Chads stay in America. They have stable jobs, high salary and marry beautiful white women.

White dorks travel to SEA countries.

White dorks date ugly girls.
Maybe for you, but she's 4/10 at best.
From my experience so far, the mid and the ugly ones are quite rude and somewhat weird. They smoke a lot too.
But the pretty ones are generally nice.
ugly girls with nice bodies are the best, because they are low maintenance and simp for you, but you can still cum
perfect for a lazy wfh tech dorker with no personality or social skills, like me
low-self esteem ugly skinny girls are where its at for the comfy zone
Hey I don't judge you. Personally I do know a few wmaf couples here and they are actually fairly normal people. The women aren't really that best looking but it seems they are happy together so who knows?
Keep coping chang
asian pussy belongs to white BVLLS. Asian girls only marry (after riding the white cock carousel )chang as they need a beta provider
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That is the case in WESTERN COUNTRIES. But not Vietnam. Vietnamese females know that white men are broke beggars, dorks, and sexpats. However, an Amerrimutt like yourself would not understand the nuances.
>be white male
>must travel far and wide to get pussy

What does he mean by this? Shouldn't a white bvll get pussy at home? This confuses me.
Chang, we White BVLLS are a race of colonizers. Dominating races from other continents is a hobby for us.
Cope and seethe chang, everytime I visit vietnam I fuck multiple easy vietnamese pussies. Viet girls know that vietnamese "men" just like gambling and drinking and doing nothing with their lives. So naturally viet girls want the BWC
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>everytime I visit vietnam I fuck multiple easy vietnamese pussies.
Vietnamese males actively avoid the Brown 4/10s. But you keep scraping the bottom of the barrel, Timmy, whatever holds your fragile ego together while the white population continues to decline globally, mass migration browning your countries and race.
Poor ricel, since you can't have pussy you can only be butthurt about White BVLLS.
Go and cry on /aznmasculinity with your fellow ricels
I'm nordic, you dumb fuck. You should go back to r*ddit.
Ching chang Chong
M-Me from Sweden I-i swear.

Stay mad you pussy free chink
This white dork posting has made me insecure as a 29yo white man heading to Da Nang. Should I cancel my trip?
Don't take anything you read on the internet seriously. We are at critical mass of terminally online losers making up shit to try and ruin real life for anyone they can.
If a post on a burmese falconry forum can make you feel insecure, sure.
You can still go, but just know alot of coomers ruined the white man image in Asia.
Lads it's me the việt guy again. A white girl just gave me a kiss today, and she tastes like alcohol. Does this mean I've succeeded?
Link to this guy's channel? I wanna watch his vids.
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What is it with dorks coming to SEA and acting like hot shit?
What do you guys do about the heat? Theres nice AC in the nice restaurants and malls. Visiting gf's home, they only have AC in the bedrooms.
Do hotels here have 24/7 AC?
Based, you can have them. Now how do I get a college educated (preferably STEM), cute Vietnamese wife who is tall 5'10+, kind, empathetic and healthy. Do they exist? I once met a Chinese Viet who was nearly as tall as me (6'1) so tall Viets exists, but she was arrogant.
most of restaurants don't have AC which is a problem and malls are almost non-existent and overpriced
hotels have usually AC unless you choose really cheap one

if you care about the height why go to a country with one of shortest people in the world??

>I once met a Chinese Viet who was nearly as tall as me (6'1) so tall Viets exists, but she was arrogant.
you met a girl who is in top-1% by height in her country and she was arrogant? what a surprise!
I work in an office most of the day and go home in the evening so it's not really an issue for me. Most restaurants have AC though, as do malls of course. The little "quans" don't though so I mostly go to those in the evening
>if you care about the height why go to a country with one of shortest people in the world??
because i have met vietnemese females and males when i was in university and they seemed like the kindest, most honest and hard working asians, out of every asian demographic i have met. this is a sample size of 3 or so viets i became acquaintances over the years, so it is likely selection bias.
>shortest people in the world??
that's crazy. i never knew that. where do the tallest, most attractive, high iq, kind, healthy, empathetic asians live then? it seems that statistically south koreans are the tallest but they seem much more narcissistic than viets and aren't pro natalist.
>you met a girl who is in top-1% by height in her country and she was arrogant? what a surprise!
this is silly comment. in europe tall girls often feel like insecure giraffes and sometimes are even ostracized.
Height a matter of nutrition. If you’re looking for a tall viet you are aiming for a 1%er.

So try to get into some rich businessman social circle or government official. Being tall is also a unfeminine trait so most girls here want to be short.
I dated a viet girl who's 6' and studied MIS. super bitchy though. tough to find tall girls here who aren't superficial in some way
>so most girls here want to be short.
what? most of 15x tall Viet girls complained to me of being "too short"
local men prefer tall girls, girl on dating sites or even hookers have height in their profile if they are tall
if you are looking at the top girls in the country then of course they will be arrogant

Asians are short in general, go to eastern europe if you care about height or light skin
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White dorks still think it's 1999. East / South East Asia have already moved on to Asian aesthetic. JBW is 15 years late.
>I dated a viet girl who's 6' and studied MIS. super bitchy though.

>I dated a viet girl who's 6' and studied MIS.

American born Vietnamese girls are American, they just APPEAR to be ethnically Asian. You're basically dating a bitchy white woman with yellow skin.
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>>2659933Vietnam is highly connected. People converse on Facebook all day and night. They are familiar with white backpackers, expat English professors, and degenerate hostel goers. Post-COVID, Vietnamese have been less cordial toward whites. Especially white dorks who have lived in Vietnam for an extended period of time.
i read something about the UK doesn't give visas to foreign fiances of british people when the foreign fiance is divorced. as a way to protect idiots like this guy from bringing someone elses trash into the UK.
once they are married they can get a visa.
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>This white dork posting has made me insecure as a 29yo white man heading to Da Nang. Should I cancel my trip

Yes. Go to Thailand, you'll have a better time.
>Asian aesthetic
i.e. show of money. both for women and men the style is a show of wealth even if faking it.
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Broke white tourist gets FREE haircut.
This guy right, viet-american girls are really just white girls. They don’t move past being a white girl until like 30-35 and then they start to “seek their roots back to traditional culture”.

Also alot of upper class viet girls are no different than their american counterparts. I knew one in college, party animal.
Why do you think she was born in America? She’s from from HCMC and her parents are from Hanoi.
If she's born in HCMC, she must have been in the privilege class to study abroad. On top of that, so many whites simping for her. Understandable that she is bitchy. The poor non-bitchy ones study within the country.
"aznmasculinity" copers leak out of their containment subreddit to post anti white men nonsense in every way they can think of, because posting online is all they have. none of their posts match reality
Says the dork, there a reason why you don’t see dorks with anyone else beside slum monkeys.

Come to vietnam for the vibes and to chill out, but if you’re expecting to bag some of the hotter viet girls you need to be able to speak the language.

Not even dissuading you from getting laid, just tempering your expectations. Same shit goes on in Asia, those who don’t know the language have to deal with like 3% of the population that been ran through by foreign dick.
I was surprised at how easy it was to find balloons for inhaling in clubs.

Also if you know any rich locals, it is possible to party way wayyy past 11pm in Hanoi.
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desu i have never seen a white male with a PRETTY viet female IN vietnam. vietnam gets all the white dorks (IT workers, begpackers, hippy types, old retirees)
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unlike the thais, vietnamese are savvy and unforgiving towards white dorks. No, it isn't /r/aznmasculinity you retarded blackpill freak... the locals (/r/vietnam) know about this
Can you not read? She was born in Vietnam and lives in Vietnam. She’s Vietnamese, born and living in Vietnam. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer. There are actually tall girls living in Vietnam.

What caused the collapse of white dorks?
do they really hate me for being a whitey :c
like i said, aznmasculinity leaks here because the overlap of people who post on a racial incel subreddit and then also posting/knowing of 4chan is basically 100 fucking percent. they'll post a load of nonsense pretending to be from different point of views and using all kinds of psychology to sow doubt in the minds of as many different people as possible >>2660459 >>2660514 >>2660523
the only thing to do is to go and see for yourself. if you're white and not a unclean fat slob you will get plenty of attention
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Bitch, i’m not telling him he won’t get laid. You can get laid with either money or having girls being attracted to you in Vietnam/SEA.

I’m just giving him a heads up, if he willing to deal with poor buffalo is sick girl he can do so.

But he most likely wants to sleep with the girls you see in all those pics online. Those are girls from middle-class/upper-middle class backgrounds.

They actually experience real loss if they get caught with a foreigner and people talk mad shit in Vietnam.

get caught with foreigner = dating/marriage prospects go to hell.

If he serious than work out and be an actual attractive male, if doing so he could have bagged any of the viet-kieu girls lmfao and wouldn’t need to travel thousands of miles.
"Yea sure you'll get laid but you'll only get the leftovers" basically indistinguishable from stormfront on black men. Bitches are the same the world over, cope more
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Nope I clearly said he can bag a top tier one, but it gonna take more effort.

Is he clean cut, slim and does he dress well? He’ll be fine.

Is he gonna look like a dork? Then he competing with rich locals. The fact that he going to SEA for sex makes me think he the latter, it also far more easy for him to sleep with viet kieu women instead then.

If it was easy as you said my FB/Social media apps would be bombarded with mediocre white guys being matched with girls like pic related.

Shit doesn’t really happen, unless it viet kieu girls/the guy himself is also from the same or higher social strata.

E.g upper middle class white dating a middle class viet girl.
Việt guy™ here, just so you know, we aren't like this irl.
Also I managed to go on a date with a white girl today, everything went great.
I'll keep you guys update on my blog to see how things goes.
congrats bro
happy for you
Thanks man. I was nervous at first but everything went okay.
This whole thread's vibe is weird tho.
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i) influx of white IT workers, begpackers, hippy types, old retirees flooding vietnam
ii) sexpat degeneracy (words spread quickly through vn facebook groups and forums)
iii) rise of kpop, k-drama, vietnam GDP
iv) english literacy. vietnamese girls can read racist tirades by whites.
v) whites endlessly whinning about vn, both online and offline
>basically indistinguishable from stormfront on black men.

r u black?
did u kiss her.... hold hands with her?

White woman in vietnam
This makes no fucking sense, western countries are built on individualism/women have higher rights. Meanwhile Vietnam is still decently poor and conservative, family ties is everything.

It why I can find so many pictures of black BVLLs with beautiful white women, yet you won’t find any with white dorks and beautiful women from vietnam.

If what you say is true all the models in the malls would be with a white dork.
Why are asian diaspora like this
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Dork bros…

How are these guys running out of money so quick?
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White BVLL and his instagram model girlfriend.
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Like father, like son.
Is this suppose to be sarcasm?
Troy Nguyen is mad and jealous. He gets zero pussy meanwhile his fellow countrymen and foreign men are hogging all the action .
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White dork and his 9.5/10 girlfriend.
Why posting this guy specifically? Why are you obsessed with him?
>It why I can find so many pictures of black BVLLs with beautiful white women, yet you won’t find any with white dorks and beautiful women from vietnam.

White Chads stay in Western nations, marry Stacys, and earn six-figure incomes.

Brown folks migrate to Western countries to improve their financial situation.

White dorks migrate to a poor RICING FARMING country in search of love.
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Why is it every time you hear about white dorks, they are always the people who have worked minimum wage or worse fucked up in the west?
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Well, which one would you pick?
vietnam gets white IT workers, begpackers, hippy types, old retirees flooding vietnam.

IT workers ok. begpackers, hippy types, broke ESL teachers = poor
Seek professional help.
Why do you make the dorks here seethe so much.

There a huge connotation when a viet kieu says i’m going to vietnam vs a white guy lmao.
we’re talking about people in vietnam, not studying abroad. are you in the right thread?
>talk about something remotely related to having sex while traveling abroad
that's offtopic sir! post deleted + ban
>100 posts about white men, white women, someone living in the west
that's perfectly fine
what jannies are doing?
Guessing he assumed she studied abroad which is weird because this thread is about Vietnam, not the US or some shit
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I dont think this is vietnam but im stupid enough to say its in SEA. Where would i go and what would i ask for to find something like this?
Floating down a river in the rain on some raft sounds like an awesome way to spend the afternoon.
She's probably an escort for rich communist old men.
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That looks like Vietnam, somewhere in Ha Long bay area.
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>I dated a viet girl who's 6' and studied MIS. super bitchy though.

they r nice to chads.

but r bitchy to white dorks.

u can date ugly girls like 5/10 they dont bich u
Oh for sure. I dont know the price of prostitutes in asia but shes wearing a dress, makes me think its on the higher end. My point was mainly the river though.

Is Ha long a nice tourist area? Im an idiot and worry about going to a new country and then not enjoying it. So what would i ask about to find something like this, river tour maybe?
How come the viet threads always get filled with the bottom of the barrel ricecel brigaders? At least the ones in the flip and thai generals are more subtle with their fud posting
Yes its a ok tourist area. you can do boat tour guide. old lady in a little boat will row you around Ha Long Hay. or you can go on a big boat. its up to you.


Kpop is just a form of jbw for the top10% of korean surgery maxxed pale pretty boys kek.
You post the same cherry picked image in every thread. For every post like that there is like 1000s of ones in korean subs bashing on their men kek.
>wahh you cant get le hiso girls wahh
So can't majority of viet men, and a young jbw chadlite has a higher chance than the ricecel brigades kek. I have heard this argument 10x over
Lmao, just listen to this dork.
>y-you can't get the top 3% of hiso women, please dont fuck my sister bob!!!
>posts made by seething viet diasporans and very few who actually use reddit are proof of muh white dorker
okay Tran Gookdick
So is SEA chad pozzed or white dorkers primarily visiting? Which is it? Either scenario works in favor le dorker, the Chad boosts the image of the white man without actually engaging in cooming while the dorker gets the reap the spoils of light skin. The ricecel narrative is always inconsistent
It looks super pretty. Also a lot cheaper than i was expecting for an airbnb. I dont know if thats better than ttying to book a hotel/hostel but im more comfortable with them i guess.

Im confused. What are you trying to say, that vietnam isnt as good to vacation as thailand? Arent they all pretty close? Its like i wouldnt expect visit wales to be that much different than scotland.
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You're a brain dead, white dork that lacks nuance comprehension. Everyone is a chang boogey man to you.


White chads vacation in Thailand:


White dorks vacation/live in Vietnam.

Simple as.

Southeast Asians, East Asians, and Vietnamese living abroad make up the majority of visitors to Vietnam.

Every white traveler goes to Bali, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, and South Korea.

Vietnam is only visited by white dorks.

Vietnam has a high pollution rate. The sidewalk is not for walking. English is hardly spoken. A respectable white man would never travel to Vietnam.

KEK someone send him this thread lmaooooo poor motherfucker got used as a bait
vietnam is a nice place! enjoy your stay mate. come to ha long bay its gud :)

hotel only $15 - $20 USD a night.

breakfast $2 - $10, depending how fancy u want to eat

regular massage about $10-20

thailand better infrastructure. vietnam rough around the edges.
KEK! his girlfriend sounds like a bitchy white woman! lmaooooo poor mother fucker.
White guy here. Good shit, hope it goes well for you guys. This thread is weird to say the least.

I've been learning Vietnamese with a private tutor and textbook for 5 months now. It's fucking hard. Any tips on finding Vietnamese bros who want to do some online language exchange? What online games or apps with voice chat are popular over there? Hope I can move to VN next year and eat bun bo hue every day till I die.
Is she viet kieu? Her english has no accent. If she not viet kieu than you know what that means…
Ha long looks pretty close to hanoi on the map. Is it possible to do a day trip there?
Im trying to keep my budget under $3k with my flight. So i guess it would breakdown like
$1200 flight
$200 hotel $20/night
$400 food $40/day, $13~per meal
$1000~ fun and games

Is that reasonable or am i way overshooting? Id like to visit some temples and do a river your and go the vietnam war musuem if thats a thing. I dont want to be the dumb white guy but sadly i am a dumb white guy. I could barely pass spanish in highschool, i dont think il be able to learn vietnamese and im sure that will negatively impact my stay.
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White dork's gf.

I felt that.
i think she was just naturally bitchy. spoke english well though and looked pretty nice
That sausage seller was hotter than her, what is that dork doing?
$3k ok ok. vietnam expensive or cheap. depends on what u want. hanoi, u take bus ha long bay. stay cheap cheap hotel ok.
a lot of young viet girls here don't have any accent. some don't even speak vietnamese because they study at international school and their parents don't even want them to learn vietnamese
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White dork.

SEA monkey 3/10 Vietnamese girlfriend.

Kettle meet pot.
>a lot of young viet girls here don't have any accent.

98% of them speak with thick accent.

>some don't even speak vietnamese because they study at international school and their parents don't even want them to learn vietnamese

Only the 1% elites. International school is $19K USD a year. Average Vietnamese makes $350 a month. You do the math.
I would believe you but her mannerisms are more like viet kieu, she has a tattoo in the back of her arm and she not covering up like the locals.
Is there anything you would recommend in my budget? I feel like $100 a day on extra stuff would be a lot judging from some of these videos but im sure theres still going to be a lot out of my reach.
Does vietnam have any pandas? Ive always wanted to see one.

Anon you seem to know a lot about vietnam. Can you help me with my vacation plans? I dont get to travel a lot and im worried il fuck it up.
in places like hcmc and hanoi though it's changing quite fast. and while yeah a lot of people in the countryside make even less than that, there are those in the cities who are super rich. the wealth gap here is insane
>there are those in the cities who are super rich. the wealth gap here is insane

As in any other nation, it's the 1% against the 99%. It makes sense that, as an English teacher at an international school, you would believe that most students speak perfect English. Step outside the tourist area and place your coffee order. The cashier has a heavy accent or is unable to speak English.

The rich kids you're teaching are Vietnamese commie party kids.
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vietnam panda small. $100 one day ok. you download app grabike cheap cheap. grabike scooter taxi hihi :))
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i don't teach at an international school (the pay is actually not that great compared to uni) and i live in go vap, which is pretty local
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Dorker is dating a depressed SEA monkey.
Hahahaha, literally a sick buffalo girl.
Small like baby pandas? Or small like malnourished? Very important distinction.
Scooters do seem pretty cool. Can i rent a small motorcycle instead? The 125cc bikes in africa were more fun than they had any right to be.
I'm a white English teacher in my 40s and I still have no problem meeting good looking women here, but maybe the ones my age are less stuck-up than the young ones.
Vietnamese woman with white husband.
Viet woman white husband.
Vietnamese woman white husband.
Vietnamese woman white husband.
Vietnamese woman white husband
Viet woman white husband
Vietnamese woman white husband
Vietnam woman white husband
Vietnamese woman white husband
Are all the vietnam threads like this or is it just one racebaiting autist? I think he has brain problems.

Now post a picture of a white dork with a beautiful Viet woman.
It's actually not usually nearly this bad.
Are all these escort pages ive found on twitter/telegram legit or scams? Feels like its to good to be true.
scam. they will bait and switch you.
Whats the world coming to. Cant even hire an honest hooker online anymore.
What are the best smaller cities/towns/provinces for living in as an English teacher? I think Hanoi is great but it's too loud and crowded and a little bit expensive. I want to live someplace cheaper and more chill.
>What are the best smaller cities/towns/provinces for living in as an English teacher?

Smaller cities outside of Hanoi like Thai Nguyen. But there won't be much jobs. You'll be lucky to find them.

These two are decent, how long did it take you to find them in facebook? The others are what I expected.
Pill me on Thái Nguyên
what's with the horrible hair of vietnamese?
even the mixed kid has the hairline of a 60yo boomer

on the other hand, vietnam is great for us hairlets, you can be heavily balding and girls will think you look young
How in the living fuck are you expecting to chow down on $40 worth of food a day in Vietnam? I'm not sure it's even physically possible to eat that much, unless you are exclusively dining on lobster or something along that line.
Phu Yen, Da Nang, Ben Tre are pretty nice. Not too difficult to find work but if you’re making $3-4,000 a month in the city, it’s maybe $2,000 at most in those places
a lobster will cost more than $40 unless you go to a right place in a small city
food won't be cheap if you want to eat in central Hanoi/HCMC in a place with AC, but $40 is overkill, $20 should be enough for normal food
>3-4,000 a month in the city
Where do people work to make this? I'm making under $2k as a newfag with a CELTA
they are larpers or guys with tons of experience
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Man... browsing through my FB is hella depressing Viet Kieu women really suck ass.
What caused them to lose their culture compared to the viet girls back home?
>horrible hair of vietnamese?
I've seen young girls with thin, stringy hair with bald spots. It's sad. Another anon in a previous vietnam general thread placed the blame on the harsh chemicals in the water.
The woman I buy cigarettes from sometimes is picking her scalp with a long needle, I don't understand it.
Try applying to unis, especially international ones, but also might need a few years experience. I make quite a bit more than that but having an MA and DELTA definitely helps.
Three years isn’t “tons”
Yeah bro I just have a BA. Everybody tells me the DELTA is hard as fuck. Is it true? I'm an utter brainlet when it comes to writing.
More challenging than the MA desu, but it takes a lot less time. I’d say wait a year and do a module before committing too much
>More challenging than the MA
I didn't go to grad school because I decided this was almost certainly too much writing for me. I simply never improved or learned anything about writing during undergrad. I somehow finished with a decent GPA but I don't know how. Is the DELTA maybe just not for me, then?
You may as well keep being the perpetually salty ricecel namefag you were before given how easy it is to spot you on this board.
Could always try it out. It’s not a huge investment, and in some ways I think it was better than the MA
It must be genetics instead of chemicals since also very young girls have bad hairline
China is heavily polluted and India isn't clean either, but many girls there have nice hairline
Right on bro, I'll look into it and consider it. Thanks for the input.
In the meantime, do you have any suggestions of best places to work with only BA and CELTA? I'm at one of the big meme chains right now and I love most of my students, love all of my fellow teachers, but I hate my boss and I feel underpaid for the amount of work I do.
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>my FB is hella depressing Viet Kieu women really suck ass.
>What caused them to lose their culture compared to the viet girls back home?

Viet kieu female or american born vietnamese are basically white woman with yellow skin.

think about it.

majority of viet kieu can't speak vietnamese.

they grew up in a white country, have mostly white friends, adopted white values, hobbies, political leanings, have a first white name.

they think they're strong independent woman that needs no man.

they have self hate. they think dating another vietnamese man is like "dating my own brother".

meanwhile vietnam has 100 million people.

Viet Kieu females are basic bitchy white women.

best to avoid american born vietnamese women
i know 3 american born vietnamese girls.

girl #1 can't speak vietnamese, she likes black culture. only dates black. shes a hood rat.

girl #2 can't speak vietnamese. ended up marrying a black guy. she grew up in the poor part of town.

girl #3 (girl #1's sister) married a white guy. she can understand a bit of vietnamese.

i would say the 3 vietnamese born america, none of them connect or care about vietnamese culture. they think viet culture is cringe nor do they care about visiting vietnam.

i reckon' viet kieu women are basically white women with yellow skin.
I dont know man. I like wine and desserts so im trying to highball. I said im a stupud tourist trying to make a plan.
How difficult is it to get a visa to Vietnam and/or Cambodia as a European? How long does the application take, in general?
how are vietnamese living abroad related to travel in vietnam?
head to /int/

extremely easy, just fill the application and pay the fee
it takes few working days, better to reserve a couple of weeks just to be sure
Universities are probably your best best. Try Ton Duc Thang, RMIT, UEH, FTU, Hutech…depends on when they’re hiring though
Is it the parents fault or what?
I regularly post these threads in /asean/ inviting them here because these threads suck and have the same primative shit posters here who haven't left since 2017
already have multiple dates lined up after my first night in Da Nang, white dork status AVOIDED
Vietnamese in Vietmam don't practice traditional culture either. Look at their sky high abortion rates.
Why do Viets love the US flag so much? Are they cucks?
I dunno bro, and I also dunno why they like slapping designer names on cheap clothes so much. It's so trashy. That's an instant left swipe on an app if I see any of that shit in a pic.
C'mon man, learning about south and north Vietnam is something you do in 8th grade.
I'm in Hanoi
That really doesn't answer the question.
1/3 of the country were communist, 1/3 were anti communist and the 1/3 got caught in the crossfire. Not every single pro-west Vietnamese had the means to flee the country by boat

Truck drivers tend to drive their vehicles to places that they don't live in.
After living in the Da Nang area and seeing/doing everything there was to do within 200km of the city I decides to range out and explore the shore from north to south.
After a couple of months of assbreaking motorcycling through a thousand cities I found the best one. Fresh. New. Not decrepit. Just westernized enough to he comfortable and clean while also not being expensive (2mil dong for a month in a luxury apartment on the 19th floor). Not a single other foreign tourist during my weeks there. Downsides are no big mall and the local higher education establishment is quite small. So it's not as convenient to connect with a good christian girl for the purpose of bible study.

What is the name of that city you may ask? Not telling you lmao stay out of my playground.
why even bother making this post?
I was bored and felt like flexing
Quy Nhơn?
What's the lore of this guy?
Why expat hate their own kin?
Similar. Quy Nhon is easily in my top 5, maybe even top 3. Unfortunately it will be the next one to get touristed.com
Worth considering buying real estate there if the commies make it easier for foreigners like they said they would.
I stayed there a week. The beach in QN absolutely MOGS almost every other beach I saw.
Da Lat is fucking shit.
I don't understand why all of my bible studying partners all onions the fuck out over it. They all want to go study the bible there. Basically if you promise to take them there they instantly open up their bible for you to study.
I have been there 4 times now because of this. Is there something I am missing here?
What's the redpill on Da Lat?
It's Phú Yên isn't it
>1/3 of the country were communist, 1/3 were anti communist and the 1/3 got caught in the crossfire
You need to read better history.
I miss my viet girls
>Why expat hate their own kin?

It's a n*gger yotuuber. American nig. Sounds like he hate white dorks.
more viet girls original content pls. she cute. what year was it taken?
In 17 years on 4chan, I've never once posted a picture of somebody I know, and I'm not going to start, but Viet girls really are the prettiest. I never had yellow fever before, and I still think that outside of Vietnam, Asian girls are attractive at about the same rate as anyone else, but after coming here I don't want any other kind of girls anymore. I never want to leave, bros.
Oh this country also turned me into a footfag. I never understood that before but you see girls' feet all the time here and they have nice ones and I get it now.
imagine having so empty life that you spending all your time worrying about other people's private life
>oh no, some US-born Americans aren't interested in visiting their parents home country!! the horror!
how many Americans with European descent regularly visit home country of their parents or grandparents? some do, some don't, what's the problem here?
you're just reminding everyone why people want to escape from your totalitarian shithole
America is so much more of a shithole than Vietnam.
>you're just reminding everyone why people want to escape from your totalitarian shithole

America is a shithole. Vietnam is paradise. Therefore you have white dorks actively trying to LIVE IN VIETNAM. Logic escapes retarded incels like yourself.
Can confirm
t. American who will never ever go back, dead or alive
Based privacy anon. Same I'll never share pictures of people's face if I think it may cause them any trouble. Primarly only post pics of food or of the city.
>Vietnam is paradise.
I don't get the boner for Vietnam on this board desu.

Basically everything in Vietnam is downgraded two or three stars, standards for almost everything is very poor. Most "5 star hotels" I've stayed at were 3 star at best and inflated for the price. Average-tier accommodations included complimentary bugs, cockroach droppings, rooms/hallways reeking of piss, incredible noise pollution, moldy A/Cs, and unwashed linens. Many will try to scam you and prices are never listed. The only real "bargain" Vietnam seems to offer is cheap Western-style food. You end up paying more than other SEA countries just to get a decent Western standard of living.

Compare that to Thailand where basically every hotel/apt has incredible value, spotless cleaning, friendly staff, reliable high-speed WIFI, world-class dining options, and the street food is just as cheap with incredible flavor.
One of my favorite things about Vietnam is how it filters prissy faggots. This country definitely kicks ass but feel free to stay with the normies in Thailand.
Implying you’re gatekeeping shit.

Like I said, it’s just a shittier version of Thailand in almost every way, which you can’t even argue against. Pretending Vietnam is somehow better because everyone has lower standards and you have authentic cockroaches in your hotel is peak 4chan contrarianism

Cope and seethe
is november actually a good time to go or is it tour agency propaganda
Depends where and for how long.
Look up the rainy season for the area you are going to.
I live in Vietnam and it kicks Thailand's ass for everything except ladyboys, which I do like unironically.
initial plan was to split 3 weeks between the north and south. considering just doing the north if it'll be more aesthetic in september or october.
North and South is quite a vague description. Look up the actual cities followed by "rainy season" and then make your decision. It will take you all of 5 minutes to figure out when it is a good time to be there and when it is not
Do you guys know Bac Lieu? its 5 hours drive south-west of HCMC alongside Ca Mau. is there ANYTHING to do at these two places? like any tourist spots etc. i kinda see no point in visiting these places but i sorta will have to stay "near" bac lieu for a month.
Is there a chill or passive way to generate income as a foreigner living for a while in Vietnam? I've been there and wouldn't mind living there for an extended period or maybe even permanently, but I can't work remote and I don't want to be an English teacher. I have savings but I'm leery about investing in a scammy, semi-closed off country without a reliable local to steer me clear.
yes there is: invest your savings in your home country and enjoy the income
you must be really stupid to invest in some shady business in a third world country that you don't even know well
US is a shithole if you are a white male, any SEA country is paradise compared to US

but imagine you're an average local, your life consists of working long hours for a shit pay and even when you're adult, your family controls your every move
no wonder many want to get away from this as far as possible
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this, people say that Vietnam is cheap but that's true only if you sacrifice quality and convenience. pic related are the hotels with a pool in Bangkok for June, similar quality in Hanoi or HCMC will cost way more

Vietnam makes sense for an extended stay only if: 1. you're looking for a wife, 2. you got lucky and have overpaid job as an English teacher
for everything else: retirement, remote work, casual sex, normal expat work, etc. Thailand is way superior

>I don't get the boner for Vietnam on this board desu.
half of the people here are bitter and schizophrenic ricels, they claim that Vietnam is a poor rice farming country and not worth visiting while also calling it a paradise
seems many of them are actually living in the west, I wonder why don't they move back to their paradise?
Tell me more about the casual sex. My girlfriend broke up with me a year ago and im still not really over it. I want to go somewhere and have meaningless sex until i forget about why i liked her.
>your family controls your every move
This seems like a gross exaggeration. As an American, I can't even live with my family anymore if I wanted to. My mom sold her house and lives in a small condo now. There wouldn't even be a room for me. I find that really sad even though I'm kind of old. A family situation somewhere in between Burgerland and Vietnam would be ideal.
The point is that your money will go farther and it gives you something to do, and I already detailed my concern with investing.
You must be fucking retarded and starved for attention to reply to me with this nothing post.
>I don't want to be an English teacher
Why not? It's pretty comfy.
Expat here, I dated a Vietnamese model for a year or so.
Most with >9/10 looks will act like an insufferable bitch with unreasonable expectations.
Only asians are desperate enough to give up buying a house so princess can expand her luxury bag collection
Most expats who settle down realizes it's better to go for the 7/10 housewife who is DTF any time you ask her
I eat out on delivery or restaurants every day and spend around 200k (8$)
But you can easily do with half. Most meals on the street are 30k
how is thailand superior? I lived in hcmc for 3 months, thailand for a few weeks, bkk and islands, but found vietnam to have a much better atmosphere and energy all around. the benefit of bkk is many condos available and you can get better value compared to hcmc, but living in hcmc is much more comfy. viets are nicer too
Probably some stupid instagram hype thing
i had good success on line, just use the people nearby function. got some sweet massage girls to come occasionally
As long as you're not some English teacher, Vietnamese will be on your cock whenever you ask for them
luckily beauty standards are different
hot girl for locals is just above average for me
hot girl for me is just above average for locals
I actually currently live in Da Nang (i'm from the UK) with my gf (aussie). Remote work and make good bank. I'm an absolute chad (but noew 32 yr old boomer).

I have a few friends here (white guys) that date locals, I would personally never date a local. The amount of times we've sat at tables and heard the most awkward conversations with forgiegners and locals. Couldn't imagine living life with the cultural and linguistic differences. I've seen a few locals that are pretty hot with tiny skirts but still wouldn't personally date them.

I know the west is pretty cooked but if you can find a decent westener white girl with big tits and who is funny just do that.
what do you mean by "atmosphere and energy"? I often see these meaningless words here without any actual details

Basically everything is better in Thailand:
- accommodation, both short and long term. For example, Vietnam hardly has serviced apartments that you can rent monthly
- infrastructure, there are actually sidewalks where you can walk in Bangkok + decent public transport
- taxis are cheaper in Thailand
- Thailand is way cleaner, much less trash and rats, Vietnam has bad hygiene standards which you can see everywhere, and locals don't see anything wrong with that
- traffic and noise pollution is way worse in Vietnam, cross the street in Bangkok and compare the experience to HCMC/Hanoi
- cooming

>viets are nicer too
totally different from my experience
in Thailand scams are limited to some tourist traps, go outside them and speak some Thai and you get local price 99% of the time
in Vietnam everybody is scamming all the time, they don't only scam the foreigners but most of the Viet girls whom I asked admitted to fall for the overcharging scams
service is way better in Thailand
Thais are way more polite, go to a hotel where most of customers are Viets and you get nonstop noise: people shouting in the hallway, banding doors, etc. and all of this starts at 6am. Never had the same experience in Thailand, actually in Thailand locals behave better than average tourists

Many things in Vietnam are extremely complicated, no one seem to think how to make the service easier and better for the customer
>I often see these meaningless words here without any actual details
I guess its hard to explain without sounding like some spiritual faggot, but that's what I felt like, same with a few friends of mine who have been to both. Some darkness over BKK thats hard to explain.
One aspect I agree is better in BKK, better value for money for apartments
>infrastructure and taxis
HCMC is better laid out than BKK, you can get a bike anywhere and even cars, its cheaper in Vietnam. Yes, Thailand is much cleaner and nicer in that aspect. A lot more to see too.
really depends where you go, but if you're not a complete idiot, you won't get scammed lol
Thais have been hardened by mass tourism for many decades, most if it is an act, didn't feel genuine in comparison to Viet
>service and food
I would agree, plus Thai food is much better, and you get those mall food courts where you can eat great stuff for real cheap, BUT, in HCMC I was ordering deliveries constantly and it was high quality western type food for cheap, which I enjoyed more
Yes, when I lived in HCMC, upstairs neighbours started randomly banging the floor early in the mornings, karaoke occasionally, but I got so used to it, I didn't care.
>overly complicated
I can see that being a point, but on the other hand, theres some logic in the chaos of vietnam

I am now in the process of getting a remote job and really thinking between thailand and nam.
I often spend more than $100 a day for 2 people in nam. I could probably eat for about $2 though desu I don't have expensive tastes.

my gf is veggie though so I unfortunately have to eat almost exclusively at tourist focused posh resturants that are really overpriced.
Heat is fine, just need to change the way you do things a bit. Take a nap in the afternoon, go out in the morning and evening. Don't be some du khách retard walking around in the scorring heat
>the locals
Fook off you doomer.
I agree with all of these points, but I too would just like to say that real Vietnamese food is probably the healthiest food on Earth and it sits right alongside the cheapest and some of the highest quality Western food on Earth

I think that’s what everyone loves about it
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when I was living in viet I got bored of viet girls after a month and went with whites ones
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I've been here a year and I think for the rest of my life I will look at white women like this pepe. I wish I could come up with a rhyme equivalent to "once you go black you never go back" but I don't have anything.
I can understand it too, just for me, not being able to talk about deeper topics and bantz with the gook girls made me go back to white. also depends on your own looks and age too i guess lol, if lower on the scales, one can definitely get better quality viet ones compared to white
I'm learning Vietnamese so it helps. It's not about settling for me though. The less westernized they seem, the more I like them. I came here specifically to get away from that.
still there are culture specific topics and ideas, but still, im probably going to get something going with a viet one when/if i go back. gratz on learning the language
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>The amount of times we've sat at tables and heard the most awkward conversations with forgiegners and locals. Couldn't imagine living life with the cultural and linguistic differences.

White dork has to constantly speak through a translator. His girlfriend says "yeah", "ok ok", "food good"
Thailand is better than Vietnam. Better women, better infrastructure, better visa policy. The amount of tourists Thailand gets yearly speaks for itself. Only 5% of tourists return to Vietnam.
Locals know about white dorks, broke english teachers, sexpats. Face the reality, you dumb fuck.
visa runs are much from vietnam and not because of distances, but if you want to go an official way, then yes, but thailand is better only for those who don't understand asia fully
Man, I think you really went to the wrong places during your stay. I've been in Vietnam for years and can't say I agree with anything you're saying
Nice and peaceful green mountain town with lots of little affordable coffee places and restaurants to visit. I'd move there if I ever decided to be a recluse
Thailand is objectively better to the point where it rivals the best of Europe in areas and has world-class hospitality. When you hear the Capella, the Mandarin Oriental, the Siam, you think of Bangkok.

Not trying to be pretentious but if you can't understand why Thailand has the legendary reputation it does while Vietnam does not, it's YOU who are doing Asia wrong.
this just proves you clearly have no understanding lmao
>why expat hate their own kin?
Most expats are old alcoholic English teachers who accomplished nothing in life, so we generally don't like to be associated with them
>/realtravelers/ don't have money
>they stay in homestays, hostels, and apartments
>they rent the motorbike and try to re-live a cross between Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider and FMJ

Been there. Done that. I'm mature now and can honestly say any style of travel is acceptable provided you respect the locals and don't contribute to gentrification.
I've visited all kinds of places all around Vietnam
why don't you provide evidence if you don't agree with anything?
how much you paid for taxis, hotels, apartments? what did you got for the price?
how clean and quiet was your environment?

most of the "arguments" so far are "Vietnam is better, you just don't understand it if you claim otherwise" without specifying any details
me and another anon here: >>2662220 provided plenty of examples
The biggest question would be why would you even mention Bangkok and/or Saigon when it comes to travel destinations. Like, yeah, okay, certain hotels in Bangkok could be slightly better than certain hotels in Saigon, but those two are just plain modern big cities where you wouldn't want spend more than a couple of days anyway. Now compare, say, Hue to Phitsanulok, or Da Nang to Sukhothai.
He's just coping.

He probably did some bitch shit in Pattaya and got kicked out or fucked up and overstayed.
>why would you even mention Bangkok
I visited two new temples, museums, and attractions every day in Bangkok and after two months still had shit to see.

All the memers on /trv/ said you must see Chiang Mai so I made it there just before Songkran. It's a great city but you can see it all in about two weeks.

I am in Da Nang now actually and it's a similar situation. You got great sights nearby but generally speaking I become more convinced day by day that most of these recommendations are just to stand out from the crowd.
>HCMC is better laid out than BKK
how? after you exit the center you often encounter very narrow extremely crowded roads
in BKK you have actually a decent mass transit so you don't need to be stuck in the traffic

>even cars, its cheaper in Vietnam
wtf you're smoking? taxis had a price hike recently in BKK but they are still way cheaper: https://thaiest.com/thailand/bangkok/taxi
>For the distance from 1 km to 10 km the taxi meter price is set at 6.50 THB per km (was 5.50 THB/km).
that's below 5k vnd/km, in Vietnam starting fee may be slightly lower but per km fee is over 15k, more than triple!

>really depends where you go, but if you're not a complete idiot, you won't get scammed lol
it becomes very tiresome to be constantly on the guard and telling no to scammers, prices not being shown on the markets doesn't help
some sellers even get angry when you ask the price and don't buy their overpriced goods
Imagine living in Vietnam being able to date a cute innocent Vietnamese girl. Completely infatuated by the opportunity to marry a good looking wealthy western guy. Taking care of anything you need, cooking you a good meal when you're done with work, but no.
You choose to stay with some white aussie vegetarian feminist bitch that can't be bothered to cook and expects to go to posh restaurants every day.
3000$ a month wasted on food. In Vietnam. My fucking sides.
I'm sorry bud, yellow fever forever
Crowded roads, yes, but its still better being on a being on a bike than using public transportation. Walking is more convenient in bkk for sure, but still, I'm just not gonna walk, that's all. Better to take a bike for a few cents even if somethings close by. Plus, much safer for bikes in HCMC than bkk.

Grab bikes and taxis are much cheaper in Vietnam, who the fuck uses metered taxis? fukken lmao man
The whole of asia knows about broke English teachers and sexpats, just like every expat knows about the gold diggers.
Just be above this, and people will love you
We speak English here, Nguyen. Try to do a bit better next time
Stir the rice, get the prize
>3000$ a month wasted on food. In Vietnam
I don't think that's even possible brother.

The Michelin-style French restaurant offering 7 course dinners with wine pairings in my city is only $80
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ok white dork. if the west is so good, why are you hiding in vietnam?
Thailand is largely a gentrified playground for prositution, weed, shopping, and muh spiritual trips. If that's your thing, go ahead, enjoy your 200$ a night European hotels in Bangkok
I came to Vietnam two years ago, with the purpose of living like a king for less than 2000$ a month.
To this day I'm racking up serious cash while living the life. A nice girlfriend and no worries.
My serviced apartment is 450$ a month, including cleaning 3x a week, laundry, water, electricity.
I live in a luxury area in Saigon with no trash on the streets. I recommend District 7 and Thao Dien.
Food? About 8$ a day, ordering anything I feel like, eating at a restaurant at least once a day.
Dates/going out? Usually 30$ if I go bonkers
Transportation? Got my motorbike for 200$ a year ago, 4$ of gas lasts me two weeks.
To put the taxi in perspective, a grab across the city is usually less than 5$
This guy knows. I'm thinking D7 when I go back again
how did u meet ur gf ? :)
Because the dollar goes 10x as far and they are higher social status as a result.
>Got my motorbike for 200$ a year ago

Nice Honda Wave you go there mate.
And there it is. The /realtraveler/ meme.

The only part of Thailand I'd consider even remotely gentrified is Sathon and Ko Samui. Go 10 minutes in any direction and you're back to the jungle.
The west is a shithole, but it doesn't mean I should excuse you for being a dirty ricecel trying to keep us out.
I came here to colonize some pussy, please know your place
>Vietnamese food
>2 slices of meat + handful of carb + whole mountain worth of vegetables
>Thai food
>2 handfuls of meat + handful of carb
>both are roughly the same price
Vietnamese foods are all scams. Except Pho, Pho get a pass.
t. white dork teaching english to little kids

know your place in society, faggot.
pho is mid, thai food is obv superior
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>"I came here to colonize some pussy"

picrel, its you. fucking dork.
saying this as a SEAsian, SEAsians have foreginer worship mentality. Many failed influencers have built a solid career in SEA by playing the role of "culture flatterers". Just be foreign (preferably from developed countries), learn a few local phrases, film yourself traveling/eating, and constantly praise the local cultures/people. Fame, money and local pussies will come to you.
We're wise to the white dork's game. I bully white dorks and "culture flatterers"
Most famously this moron who compares Lotteria bargain spaghetti and instant noodles to luxury french cuisine
I'm a white Vietboo but that's too retarded and cringe for me. Way beyond the pale.
do viet incels feel disgust if they see a good looking white man with a viet girl?
no b/c 99% of white foreigners r dorks (in vietnam). good looking white men goto thailand.
not really, i saw much more incel norwood types in bkk in a few weeks than in 3 months in hcmc
good looking white males in thailand live in condos, train muay thai, have biz.

vietnam white dorkers. teach english 2 little kids
I'm a solid 7/10 and the old security guy working in the garage of my building has seen many women come and go with me and he always grins at me real big like he approves. I know that if he chose to, he could run his mouth to one or more of these women and fuck shit up for me, so I'm always nice to him. If I'm coming home with beer or fresh fruit or something I'll give him one, so I think he just likes me.
lmao lil guy you must be so miserable
>Vietnamese foods are all scams.
Skewered meat is pretty cheap tho and pho is GOAT

Healthiest food on planet Earth
We really don't need a new thread right now, it's only on page 3
/trv/ is 99.9999% white. take your meds.
So you're the 00.0001%? You know there are entire subreddits you can commiserate with your fellow ricels in.
sitting on the bike sniffing traffic fumes in the heat or rain may be fun few times but not daily

>who the fuck uses metered taxis? fukken lmao man
what kind of mental illness is this? no wonder you like Vietnam
Not anon, but what kind of tard travelled through SEA and doesn't know of cheap ride hailing apps like Grab and Gojek? You can get cars on there too. Getting into a metered taxi with your white ass is asking to get scammed
are you actually serious? bruh, end yourself lmao
you didn't refute any of my points
hotels in Bangkok are way cheaper compared to HCMC as mentioned here: >>2662567
>My serviced apartment is 450$ a month
what's the name? but let me guess it's either not in the center or doesn't have a pool. In Bangkok you can have a central location with a pool and maybe balcony for this price
food is cheap in both countries
nothing to do with SEA
whites are popular everywhere in the world and are pinnacle of a human beauty
when koreans make plastic surgery do they try to make their faces to look less or more white?

this, when you think a bit it's quite unlikely that locals are coming to 4chan to seethe about white males
wtf you're smoking? previous anon mentioned that Grab in Thailand is massively overpriced, so metered taxis are way cheaper
why wouldn't you take one? no you won't get scammed, if the driver refuses to use meter take the next one
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Imagine wanting to live in the center with the smelly tourists. Like I said, stay a bit out in places like District 7 and Thao Dien. You can reach the very center in 20mins if you really want to, though I don't see the need unless meeting with friends once a week.
My pool is walking distance, I pay 20$ a month for it. Pic related, serviced apartment in D7 for $250
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>not knowing about the rigged meters
My absolute sides
rigged meters are extremely rate and easy to notice since every taxi has a price list, you can do the math yourself
are you white? have you ever been in Thailand?
>complains about how Viets are trying to scam you
>literally not taking basic precautions like using ride hailing apps
>probably spent 40$ getting out of the airport in Vietnam
Who said anything about Thailand? This is the Vietnam general. Perhaps your boomer brain is mush from all the weed and alcohol
people like that just need to vent and try to convince others they made the better decision moving to Thailand, kek
some retard claimed that taxis in Vietnam are cheaper than in Bangkok and I proved him wrong
where did I said that I don't use ride hailing apps in Vietnam? you english not good?
let me say again: taxis in Vietnam, no matter wherever you book them on ride hailing apps or not, are way more expensive than in Bangkok
What the fuck is this thread
It's supposed to be the Vietnam general. Banning discussion of cooming has made this board lower quality.
Honestly, I'd say if you're looking for casual sex, it's better to pay for it than to try on tinder
You'll get matches easily, but a lot of the women here use tinder for serious dating, not for quick hookups. Don't be an asshole and get false hopes up.
Im not really looking for a relationship right now. Like i said im just trying to do have some fun and forget about a girl.
How does sex work work over there? I dont even know how to find someone in america, let alone a country i dont speak the language. I dont want my organs stolen.
Is it loke an actual job or is it all gangs and people getting trafficked?
You can find hookers on the apps. You can also get casual sex on the apps. You don't have to lie about what you're after.
Neat. I figured asking a girl if shes a hooker would be an instant ban but i guess things work different over there.
Don't ask them. Let them bring it up.
Btw the way it usually goes is that they will quickly take the conversation elsewhere (Whatsapp or Zalo) and then they'll block you on the dating app so that you can't report them for using the service for prostitution. Also contact info in the profile is usually a hooker. So that's what to expect and in the meantime just use the app like you normally would because you might also get free casual.
people nearby function on line is good to find escorts too
Yeah that too, good call.
Try Badoo in Vietnam btw. There are a ton of users here and even premium is very cheap. There's nothing special about the functionality but it's the one I've had the most results with in almost a year in the country.
Lots of massage parlors that are friendly, professional, clean, and cheap (around 25$ for the nice places with jacuzzi and sauna) though they only offer 69 at most. Look for "VIP Massage" and "Xông hơi"
Telegram nearby also works
I don't suppose you can recommend a happy massage anywhere in or near Trúc Bạch, Hanoi?
badoo is the with ugliest girls, in my experience. for normal relationships and real girls it was bumble that was the best
Explain to me what's so special about that small little bar called "langthang" on the corner of the lake?
No idea. I barely drink anymore.
It's always full of people and the drinks aren't that good at all.
You know "the Local Sports Bar" on the north side of the westlake? Full of people every thursday for some reason.
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Back 2017-20 /Vietnam/ threads would get one or two posts a day at most with posts being fairly bland so some anons felt they wanted to spice it up a bit but inadvertently turned into a Thao Dien Facebook group.
>but a lot of the women here use tinder for serious dating
no they don't
young and attractive girls on dating apps are usually scammers and hookers
Vietnam is a low trust society, everybody is scamming each other all the time, normal 20yo girls are too scared to look for "true love" on tinder
Vietnam has one of the most high trust societies out there.
>ranked above Thailand

lol if you're white every single vietnamese will try to scam you without exception
I must be the dumbest retard alive because I've been here a year and this doesn't usually happen as far as I'm aware.
For clarity, it definitely happens sometimes. Just not every single Vietnamese without exception. That seems like a gross exaggeration, unless I'm the dumbest retard alive.

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