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Creatures/Monsters/Beasts etc, you know the drill.
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this artist is so frustrating, all these detailed inside shots and not digestion/bad ending.
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Previous thread >>10959036

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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Sorry, to clarify, "never considered" means "I didn't realize that, but you have a point."
Frankly, I can go for either FtS or feminization, I just like fat dicks on girls.
I don't think someone necessarily has to like the feminisation aspect and can just like dick growth on women. Personally I'm only interested in shemales for the feminisation of males aspect though. If women are growing dicks I want them to be futa for the same reason I like shemale x female and not shemale x male. I like vaginas and femininity and the concept of adding extra femininity to males is what I'm into. There's definitely a couple of vocal people who post here who definitely seem to be more into masculinity than femininity though.
I don't find any of the "transformed" stuff hot or interested nor am I intot he humiliation or failed shit. I'm just attracted to someone who looks fem in the face and has titties and a cock. Some artist draw many stages for female to male transformation which include female to shemale or at least some kind of in-between femboy and the same sometimes exist from the other direction.
I like pretty much any non-surgical vector, but what I really look for is a strong mental angle: give me a woman who's totally fine with who she is, but then introduce the idea of becoming a shemale, and have her slowly grow obsessed with it. Doesn't matter if the eventual change is inevitable or if she actively starts seeking it out, but the more she fantasizes about, interacts with and jills off to the idea the better.

Feminization's never appealed to me, because even when it's not done in a forcible mindrapey feelbad style, there still always seems to be an undertone of desperation to it, a desire to manipulate other people's perception of the self. FtS on the other hand is pretty much never the latter, even if there's still plenty of the former; idealized scenario is solely about depraved personal pleasure seeking, and when it's all self confident 'fuck yeah, I WANT to pop out my nuts', I think that's a million times hotter. No one's gonna think better of her for it, no one's gonna know it's there until she whips it out to be seen, it's all just her trading out her birthright for a fucking fantastic feeling fetish.

And while I get not liking new folks muscling into your territory... I mean, every time someone in here posts a pic of a Nintendo, Blizzard, Capcom, or related Vidja / Anime bitch with her cooch swapped out for fat virile nads, they're basically inviting us in lol. I've found a ton of new FtS R63 artists to scrape from here, dunno if you're imagining them as dudes what transed but that's very much not the scenario I'm here envisioning.
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Bump from page 8.
If you like stories, I shared my experience with a tgirl on /analgen/

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Post males with thighs, asses and hips that put women to shame. No flamewars, please.
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Questions for you anons;
>at what point does an image go from being male to just being a case of "draw a girl, call it a boy"?
>what specific things get you to think this? is it certain body features, the way the character dresses, etc?
How do I get a body akin to one of the boys in this thread??
BBL, Sculpting, and working out with a proper diet oriented to femboys/traps etc.
I had a fun dream related to this thread if someon wants to make a story or something out of it.

Bottom heavy boy is going up the escalator, sees a guy getting frisky with his girlfriend further up the escalator, groping her butt and so on, he gets embarressed for staring but also somewhat horny and wants someone to do the same them and there big old ass.

Sometime later could be on the same escalator or elsewhere a friend or a stranger proceeds to the same thing to them.
boy + boy is gay, doenst matter if masc or fem
>idk what the hubbub is about this matter, who really cares?

a lot of girls dont have dick & balls (and or tits/ girl bits)
>tans ppl
imo if an artist says the character is trans etc then i treat them like their trans, to each their own


Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day.
How anal changed your life? Have your diet improved? Have you stopped doing penile/vaginal masturbation entirely? Something else? Tell us.

Previous thread >>10996247

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

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Had my gf tie me like this and peg me, highly recommend. The opposed ties keep your ass in the air perfectly
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Hell yeah!
Makes me kinda jelly.
If you (both) enjoy bondage, try some shibari. I'd guess it could be a lot of fun together.
>real-life image
get this shit outta here
It's good alright.

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I'll Loan You My Body - Gyaru Edition edition.

Previous thread: >>10990604
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because it basically erase the entire inner humiliation part of it, becoming a girl and getting flustered by a boy talking to you is a lot more humiliating because it's something that wouldn't have happened if they didn't get transformed, it's something that reflects their new appearance and their new body
meanwhile a boy being flustered over a girl isn't new or exciting, a girl being dominating isn't either, there's nothing involving the TG I could relate to
Yuri just feel like willing TG and that's lame and not my taste
>Yuri just feel like willing TG and that's lame and not my taste
Nothing wrong with willing TG, in fact that's by far the best outcome.
Honestly I like TG for reasons outside of that
different strokes for different people, but seeing someone enjoying the TG is a complete turn off

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Previous thread:
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have a sneak peek
dunno when it'll be done
once again delivering the QUALITY
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Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. If someone starts hrt for feminization, cool. If you're not about that life, also cool. Just post porn so this thread doesn't get too chatty.

>Question of the day
Trannies and/or femboys, what are your standards for tops look wise if you bottom?

Tops and/or chasers, what are you standards for bottoms?
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You will have ze big boybutt und you vill be happy
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stop with this infinite validation bullshit, it's 100% worse to do the transition meme and end up looking like a freak and still not being able to find your "internal peace and acceptance"
look at all these trannies in this thread. "teehee, you, 20 something year old virgin male, you can totally look like this hecking cute anime femboy if you start hrt right now!"

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Now with proper thread name.



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if you dont like it, then write your own story. whats holding you back? you know mega will do likeit like she do, its her story not yours. Many people forgot these and just doing mimimi to that. take it or leave it.
And you are? man you talking a lot of bullshit in this thread just to trigger people. what do you know about plot or fetish? i think nothing cause you´re just hating and hating and hating. Your comments here have no value.
Mega, cut it out
Anon is right If someone thinks they can do better then Megazone or any other creator out there then nothing is stopping them from having stuff done or writing something. dont be butthurt over it because he's telling the truth
This isn't how it works with anything else tho. Food critics do not make food. Film critics do not make films. People who write airline & hotel reviews do not run airplane or hotel chains.
If someone uploads something in the internet, it's fair game for critique. Address what was said, not who said it.
It is understandable that a skinsuit comic which then stops being a skinsuit comic ruffles people the wrong way. How could it not?

From centaur horsecock to lamia hemipenes, we got it all.
No NTR, Mpreg, or MGE girl yuri. Everything else is fair game.

Previous thread>>10902767
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Just aislop consoomers being their usual selves, don't mind them.
Also, post monstergirls with cocks.
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I find it funny how AI sloppers always manage to overstay their welcome in practically any place that isn't an AI thread.
Hellhound will forever be my favourite after reading a few certain stories about them... If portal invasion ever broke out into our world I'd have a bunch of flowers and beef jerky and wait until I saw one of them come though the portal
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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>10984972
Belt Thread: >>10973434


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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>Sadly the only true pullout prof solution is a pa piercing

Damn that is a shame. And yeah I can see the gap in mine where a pa would sit perfectly but i'm not into piercings at all let alone down there.

>For me it works as an extra barrier and that works for me.

Yeah this is definately my take away from this as well. i'm coming up on five hours for my first session and not felt the need to jerk once.

>If you are an m you could try spikes, I'm sure it would hurt like hell to pull it through them.
>But then every boner hurts too

Na I could just grit through the pain in that case so it is what it is.On a positive note I can fit inside the smaller rings so I can't just slip the whole thing off thankfully.

How about inverted cages though? Can you slip out of a salt shaker style as easily or is it a little bit tougher to do?
Why do I get a burning sensations under my balls where the ring is?
It's even worse when waking up after sleeping with the cage
Cage is metal
Moisturizer/lube when you put it on. Might also need a bigger ring
I really love the idea of chastity cages, I love the aesthetic, I love the feeling of being tightly snuggled and safe, how it pushes up your sack in a cute way, rendering them vulnerable, everything about it is great... The practicality of it is really bad though... Wear it for too long and the chaffing gets unbearable, if you're a grower it doesn't fit nearly enough (see my fav cage was the htv4 nub but even that wasn't exactly small enough...) and when you get a boner it pulls on your balls and hurts, though I don't mind this type of pain I'm still afraid of breaking something permanently and it does wake me up at night.
I wish there was a rubber cage that would tightly keep it in place. And there's also the yet to be resolved issue of foreskin... it always ends up pinching in the hole designed to pee through, and peeing through it always causes a mess...

So here I am, still waiting for a neat new design or technology to come out that would revolutionise chastity cages... Honestly if something really good ever came out, I wouldn't mind investing some money on it...

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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous >>10929390
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from anal to mouth.
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>You probably have a nsfw filter on.
No I have all filter off but I can't see some artists works.
Probably this is the problem
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What does that even mean? It seems vague. Are you from a cucked country like Canada?
I don’t get it. Did she accidentally cut herself while trying to cut the thing?

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Because the other two are specific to quads and boys.
Clumsy dsd edition.
Previous Thread >>10821449
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Imagine if Starlia had been a full nugget instead of "just" not having arms.
not as elegant. her character design has a good, long silhouette to accentuate her regal nature.
however, while she does have legs, we never actually see her walk, she floats everywhere by levitating her silver boots. knowing her 'tism, there's a chance she might've never learned to walk on her own two feet. and she most definitely doesn't have leg dexterity to do anything beyond walking with them, she's too posh and learned silver telekinesis too early in her life for that. so, essentially, long nugget.
The dress would still be there, and presumably the leg armor (until she loses the armor), giving her the requisite silhouette.
Yo can I get sauce
Made this while bored. There's a story behind it and I'm thinking about making a comic about it but I'm not sure if it's worth it.

Climb edition

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mhmm yes overcome by pheromone stink and just endlessly humping an indulgent giantess's pussy
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I desperately need to become a mindless zombie drawn towards the overpowering scent of a giant girls sweaty musk
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>red dot/gore
>tiny getting stuck, still alive

post and discuss
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>face and personality of middle
>chest of left
Right should go teach math and stay unloved forever
Kill yourself
friendly reminder that stay at home mothers/wives are neets and you (you) have the power to find one and make her yours
Literally me
Had to stop anal cause I was getting so loose I couldn't hold a fart anymore and it scared me

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- All artists welcome!
- Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Do not request drawings of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Art takes time.
- Not all requests will be filled.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track.
- To make the new drawthread, wait until page 10 at the bump limit so that our awesome booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this.

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Requesting a lamia with both a pussy at the human part and a cloaca at the end of the tail, stuffing her tail inside her pussy and stuffing the end of her tail inside her cloaca inside her pussy, like this. idfc what lamia, and idc whether you put the internals in the tail like you normally find on lamia unbirth stuff or just in the normal human part.
Dude it looks like you drew a diaper
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