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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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This is a place to discuss topics about visual or graphic design. Requests for photoshopping or free work go on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests as appropriate.

#/gd/ @ irc.rizon.net
#4chan-gd @ irc.freenode.net

>What literature should I read to get into graphic design?
The sidebar on the /gd/ wiki has plenty of book reccomendations.

>What programs do I need to get started?
Adobe Illustrator
Corel Draw

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>Can somebody photoshop X? Can somebody make me a logo?
All requests for photoshopping belong on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests. /gd/ doesn't take requests or do free or even paid work sometimes. However, if you're new at something, asking "HOW can I X?" rather than "CAN YOU make X?" will give you better results.

>Can I post some of my work for critique?
There is usally a critique/What-Are-You-Working-On thread, and that is where work for critique go.

>Can somebody find [font]?
also check out your local torrent site or the font-share thread.
Remember to share and not just take. Also remember that using liscensed fonts in commercial works is a bad idea.

>Where can I find inspiration?

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Then you should know that at the current year of 2023 graphic design is pretty much dead. I was a professional gd for almost 10 years working in both studios and on my own and I can't really find a job anymore. It's not even because of AI to be honest, its because of how the industry works and how bad the corporate environment has become.

There's still web design, 3D and VFX/motion design(primarily 3D too) and if you want something similar or easy to transition then chose one of those but I'm not sure for how long they will be relevant themselves because of the AI which is basically a final nail in the coffin of gd. Of course there are and will be exceptions and maybe you will get lucky to find some obscure local business that needs you, but if you are young and looking for a career in the future you should stop consider becoming a graphic designer. This profession is dead.
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Not wanting to jump on the AI doom train but using Adobe is beginning to feel so laborious and unnecessary and I've been designing for well over a decade. Designers are not exactly in denial, but the collapse of graphic design by humans just feels sadly inevitable, certainly within a decade.

Plus you've got over saturation, over accessibility and ease of use of software. Its dead. Every millennial I know who graduated in GD/Viscom 10 years ago either transitioned to webdev or got a job in marketing lol
is there an AI that can do landing pages yet?
so you learned a whole lot of shit and instead of being proud and hustling, youre resentful? creative life isnt really a sit on your ass thing bb
I went to web design myself. There is a lot of crossover. I don't get the hype for AI. Most of the time I copied stuff from Behance and stock sites. We already have millions of quality curated assets to use or trace from.
Where I live I haven't seen a job ad for a Graphic Designer in almost a year, not even kidding, the last ad I saw, I got the job and I've been checking every day since.

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If you're a graphic designer it's officially over, but you should have known that already. If you're in school for graphic design or getting in debt to get a design degree, STOP.

I have to design some "posters". One of those will have "facility rules" on it. Which font would you guys use for making it look like commie propaganda?
Basically, tips and tricks to make some decent communist regime like propaganda posters.
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>propaganda is propaganda
who would've thought!
this. what would russians even get from western people fighting against each other?
Not all propaganda follows that template, dumbfuck; propaganda can be subtle, it can cajole and flatter and appeal to people's gentler nature as a means of manipulating them.

Totalitarian collectivist propaganda as a rule does not take that approach, especialy once that rule is established. STFU and read a book.
Honestly depends on the era, Stalin era propaganda posters look different than Brezhnev era ones.

>believe this was during the start of the first 5 year plan
It was, the first 5 year plan started in 1928 and "5 year plan in 4 years" was a common slogan associated with, hence "5 в 4" on the one flag.

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Put anything your heart desires into his hands, I just need something
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>inb4 banned
Skibidi rizzler delivers
Fuck this board.
Well played, dude.

Is Fishtank funny?

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how would YOU redesign the 4chan homepage?
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>It being outdated is le bad even tough it works perfectly because it's not sovless corporate flat design.
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what's the budget?
I will go 10% lower than what ever this guy ask for
This is just reintroducing frames into the front page but worse


What do you think?
too much going on with absolutely no direction, composition looks entirely random

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we are slowly healing
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alegria is one (of many) names for the widely used illustration style that you associate with tech companies.
you can find the wiki article under its more widely known name 'memphis':

people here have a tradition of equating this style with political believes they themselves do not identify with, which keeps them stuck in a perpetual cycle of unintelligently ranting against it.
it is the careworn midwit version of a political statement, "disguised" as an artistic/cultural criticism (...or sth. I am not even sure what it is supposed to be). sure, you *could* have interesting conversations about artistic characteristics of that style or the anthropological context it is coming from. but from experience this forum is not the right place to do so in a productive/insightful manner
It's better but it still looks like a gas station logo. I don't care how much people muh fat people the old design, it was comfy and futuristic and represented the last time I held a naive hope for the future.
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fixed it
new one looks like its for motor oil or something

Go fucking nuts with it. :)
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>United States of Target
jokes aside tho this is my fav one in this thread, i really like how it's so unique, def not like any other country's flag (that i'm aware of), fpbp
red and white stripes are for the 13 colonies, no?
actually i think i'm tied for fav in this thread between this one and the Target logo one, really like this one a lot too, keeps the same basic premise as the old one so it's definitely recognizable as the US flag at a glance, but also updates/modernizes it in a really cool way
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>Texas being a shithole aside,
why is it a shithole?

Hey /gd/

I have a question, if I produce images using illegal versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, do these images have any metadata that can be tracked to see if they were illegally produced?

and how do I remove such metadata, I tried googling this shit but it doesn't come up with any real answers on this topic

I'm just getting to the point of completing my 4th as well as 5th gd project for my portfolio and want to upload them all to Behance but also still not cause any problems for potential employers.


Also post your questions/queries
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oh what the fuck, deja vu
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I'm looking to make a shirt design. I will take a raw image and turn it into a black and white symbol, with the white being transparent. It should be similar to this pic
What is it called? I will look for tutorials.
Some kind of vector trace.
Just ramp up the contrast to max and change brightness until you have something that looks nice. In your own vector software use trace bitmap>brightness cutoff>single color. Which would make the raster object into a vector graphic for use in screen printing.
explain this qanon meme shirt please

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Would you contribute to an open source project for free? Have you? Could it go on your portfolio/resume or do you focus on freelance for experience
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Yes I have and would. Imagine giving up your right to modify your project in favor of the billionaires who profit off of your blind monthly subscriptions trusting that they're doing what's best for you.

I went open source over closed because those greedy dicks kept asking for more yet giving less and less every update. When your "industry standard" software asks for another grand on an already programmed feature because they know best, it's time to innovate.

Without the freedom to modify your stuck with whatever sloppy dick you've been served up. Branch, fork, build a new mod and fuck the established companies. The ones that no longer offer customer service, the 2 billion dollar ones that scrubbed their phone numbers and removed their adresses because they don't want to hear you ask for even the smallest change to their perfect and immortal source code.

If you vouch to remove modification, your sucking off daddy Bezos's tit. Grow up and start making your own decisions. Your open source engine is bad? Do something about it, because you have the freedom to do so.
I might contribute to a project, but never start one. Open-source is bad from an economic perspective (OS Software proves this), and bad for the people contributing (mental health).
Issues with bad proprietary solutions cannot be solved through open-source (nor are open-source solutions immune to the same issues), but can only be solved through good proprietary solutions.
I've contributed before, I don't often opensource my content though unless it's just a small side thing. Opensourcing means having to deal with an entire new layer of problems though a new audience with new requirements (and contributions often meaning low code quality...code written by one person will always be the most cohesive within itself as can be)

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Request and share non-free typefaces and identification of typeface samples.

> Previous thread


> Older threads

archived <dot> moe/gd/search/subject/Font%20Share/

> Font identification

Before you request, do your due diligence by running your font sample through a font identifier;

whatfontis <dot> com

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You need Glyphs or FontLab.
looking for Phonk Sans family
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anyone know what font this is?
looks similar to the Jolt Cola logo.
the 'font identifier' tools aren't really helping.
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What are the font here and if possible, the sizes?

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It's a dating app.
Which of these logos is best?

Vote for one or more please. 1 to 8.
what hard to do with no idea what the app is or what even what its name is
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start by eliminating candidates,
I'd scrub no 8 and 7 due to how close they are to Burlington Coat Factory.
I agree with >>454883 about 7&8

1- meh, looks like a bad brush script G
2.ditto, looks like a weird 3
3. Beats by Dre logo on fire
4. Not 100% perfect but Winner by a mile...classic look, readable but still fun and quirky
5. Looks like a G *and* a 3
6. Looks like someone scratched off part of your camera ready art and the printer didn't catch it. Also Bitcoin-y.
I like 5, doubles as sperm since it's a dating app, do you have a high definition image of the logo you could post here, or the vector file? 1 is good too, I would say 3 is the worst.

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Early 2000s webdesign
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what's your site anon?
Just started a page and damn i forgot how to html
Feel free to share when you got something going.
thanks maybe i will if it looks good and this thread is up. I'm fighting every urge to make a shitpost 90s geocities page or something actually tasteful but I'll probably just do both.

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I have a very simple question, I hope I'm not on the wrong board.

I have a book in pdf form (pic related) and I want to print it out and bind it, but I want to move the text of the left pages to the left and the text of the right pages to the right. How do I do that? I downloaded Foxit PDF Editor but it doesn't have that option.
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looks like it's a scanned pdf, imagemagick can easily do what you need, if you have trouble scripting ask chatgpt
Well, one solution would be to use Paged.js, which is not as hard as it seems desu, can use the css variables
@left-page { text-align : left}
@right-page { text-align : right}

or something similar
Image to text app. Copy and paste it in whatever program
so its a pdf that was scanned?

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