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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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I've only started my reading hobby a month back and tried Andy Weir's works and the "prose" was so god awful that I was shocked it was published, got popular, and then got a movie adaptation. It felt like I was reading reddit-comments combined with (the worst of) fanfiction.net tier writing. Like how is this a professional work?

Like 90% of the snippets anons post here have superior writing including shlocky erotica. Although, it just goes to show that having an eyecatching concept/premise is the important thing if you want to gain "success".
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Anon, BookTok isn't an ironic meme, people sincerely believe that getting lit recs from the Chinese spyware app is better than just walking to their local library.
>criticize prose
>write like fucking dogshit yourself
>"uhhhhhhh dont be boring :)"
So because other people write shit, I should be okay with writing trash?
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dont know why midwits feel the need to add random words

I bet you say "per se" a lot too, dumb faggot
>criticizing the "prose" of comments and posts in forums.
Calling you a midwit would be generous. You're a retard.

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>found my old classmates Instagram page
>everyone is having vacation in some island and/or getting married
what books can I read to cope with this shit
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offtopic. no book will help you "cope" with this. take your whining to >>>/adv/
Weapons grade cope.
I would assume what's stopping him is the expenses of finding a place to stay for a week. But you also have to remember he'd vacation alone. He probably doesn't do anything on weekends or free time, so why would it matter if he did it in a different city? You could go to tourism spots, restaurants, or cool places in your city/local area. Yet you don't. So chaning locations won't change anything. He'd still just sit alone whatever place he rents and post on 4chan all day.

kindle is key. "reading" while checking out chicks at the beach

>what would happen if Pinocchio says "my knows will grow"
which philosopher has an answer to that?
Isn't this just a different version of that Socrates story?
It will get smaller
the knows knows

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>author self-inserts and ruins the novel

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Behold! The Power of AI Edition

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION:https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ(embed)
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS:https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC(embed)

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Previous: >>23382472
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>character pop in while writing cause it's more convenient for a new face to deliver exposition
>feel obligatory need to kill him an arc or two later due to outliving his usefulness
>can't find a proper way to kill the character, discard him as a side causality for whatever current conflict there is
This is probably the worst trait of my fictions.
You should kill everybody. Even the main character. Do it without actually resolving the story. In the real world, not every protagonist makes it to the end. It’s, like, deep.
Definitely got the “shit” part right. Nobody cares about your fucking D&D campaign.
Can you consider retiring him? Putting him in the freezer in some situation that needn’t be described in much detail like “went to work to Somalia”, “is undercover in Hell’s Kitchen” or “quit his job and we can’t reach him atm”. Whatever fits your genre.
Why are you retards unable to write anything other than cyberpunk or dnd fantasy slop copycats. It's a completely soul less genre and is so obvious of a larp that i don't understand how you can convince yourselves that it could lead to any success. Can someone help me understand this, because it doesn't seem to make any sense.

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I struggle forth to find a friend to light the way for me.
Oh brothers can you hear my voice? Or am I all alone?
If there’s no fire to guide my way, then I will start my own.


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No Lovecraft thread? Let's fix that.
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I got this from the official store last year but it was full of grammatical errors (even though it was the "revised" purple bookmark version). Please buy Lovecraft collections from any place other than Barnes and Noble. Anything but this brick with LITERALLY a thousand grammar mistakes

I read his stuff when I was a child. It influenced my vocabulary
What other Cthulhu Mythos authors do you recommend besides Lovecraft?
Clark Aston Smith
Anyone knows the name of the story about a blind man that writes down his final moments while being stalked by some unknown menace?

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here's your sacred scripture bro
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>all others
Only the ones you like. The fact that Christianity contributed to forming you is the biggest stain on that whole enterprise.
You replied to a post where I was defending a religion I don't adhere to against the most mindless group of retards that have ever lived in a thread "spewing hatred" about that religion.
In your diseased mind even suggesting being slightly reasonable about targets of your media induced derangements is "getting defensive over my superstition".
>The only thing that can be called life affirming (in opposition to death worship) would be those ideologies which emphasize the flourishing and prosperity of human kind on earth in the one life we know we can live. The set of ideas which best fit this bill is secular humanism.
Secular humanism can't reproduce itself and relies on cannibalizing the third world to keep itself going. This is an actual legitimate death cult.
>tomorrow: shitting on the street is the right thing
>day after tomorrow: eating shit is where it's at
Nuke /fit/ or India I dont care just do it
I'm the guy doctors hate because of this one weird trick.
It's successfully reproduced itself since 1700 until 1960 without third world immigration.

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Are there any?
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Childhood's End has certain beats in that vein. I explicitly read it due to the similar themes to NGE, and it didn’t lesve me disappointed.
Is Asuka the sister he rapes in his dream?
Idk but I want to make Asuka a single mom
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This is literally me lol
Looks like the previous reply hit the nail squarely on the head.

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Philosophy is a place where any thought can be validated. If you hate God but want answers to life then it seems like something worth pursuing.
>Philosophy is a place where any thought can be validated.
Nigga go back and start with the Plato
Have humanities always been a joke or this just a millennial thing?
Why do you say that? (Also, it's very plainly a fetish that exists, it's just not the primary cause of dysphoria for every single non-straight trans woman as Blanchard theorized.)
I think this discussion should focused not on whether AGP is a myth But on whether it's okay to represent transgender through these grifters, or "transtrenders" as they call it

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I repeat: DO NOT BUY BOOKS FROM PASSAGE PRESS. Owner got exposed as a homosexual Jew larping as a fascist.

I did buy their Storm of Steel, trans Creighton. It was of the utmost quality, but after discovering the owner is a Jew masquerading as an anon with fascist tendencies, I can no longer continue to support.
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NTA but I don't see how it's remotely incorrect. Which of the books on passage press aren't acquirable elsewhere? As far as I can see, it isn't as if their publishing house is re-printing anything that's particularly rare/out of print.

As >>23394057 said, it's just a means of making money off signalling that you're part of a somewhat underground 'in-group', without actually creating and delivering any real value.

It would be like building up then marketing your 'human bio-diversity'-oriented publishing house, where you just reprint and mail people "Campbell's Biology, X edition", alongside offering some less-trodden bioinformatics texts that are otherwise readily available off Springer or something.
Correction: The Land and Yarvis texts are a useful addition for sure. Xenosystems isn't particularly accessible, so kudos for that, credit where credit is due. Otherwise, seems pretty run of the mill.
Tbh it's Fuentes' own fault for cultivating such a distasteful juvenile audience.
>Owner got exposed as a homosexual Jew larping as a fascist.
Why did you call him an homosexual twice?
What was this guys critique?

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All the possible terminologies and creative wording and concepts have all been laid out for us 50 fucking years before we were born. TRY and write Cyberpunk without regurgitating what another book said YEARS ago and that sounds way better, just try.
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alright fine you got me
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That was not me, idiot.
Just write a noir then make the femme fatal a computer and the mcmuffin your misunderstanding of technology
neuromancer is so horribly written. the bridge trilogy he could actually afford a decent editor. none of his novels are good but virtual light is at least decently written.
Reads like it should be a romance novel, written by a women for women. Too much needless description of things that drags on for too long.

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Oligarch’s Parallel Lives includes 48 biographies of important men. The term “parallel” refers to the fact that Plutarch organized them in pairs, a Roman and Greek, then after each pair writes a bit on how the two lives mirror each other.

So what would be some pairs in a modern Plutarch?

I’ll start

FDR and Benjamin Netanyahu
Ronald Reagan and Javier Milei
Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir
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Too bad genetics show they are levantine chandala. Phenotypic traits can change easily and quickly, and are only a handful
You will never be European shlomo
After 2017 he got seriously involved with yarvin and other actual zionists and he dialed down the lip service to antisemitic right. He was always proud of his jewishness tho look at his Yale essays berating those attacking the "small state of Israel" as he said jfl

He has no influence still
Bottom Age Phaggot
He has so much influence that major periodicals write about him and he has his own wiki article.
Most of /lit/ has never read Plutarch but

Rousseau = Marx
Robespierre = Lenin
Citizen = Comrade
Antonelle = Trotsky
Jacobin = Bolshevik
Conspiracy of Equals = Chernoe Znamia
Reign of Terror = Red Terror
Bonaparte = Stalin
Fouché = Beria

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Axolotl edition.

Previous: >>23396065
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The late 90s were better in my opinion, and I've no serious complaints about where and how I live now. Doubtless you jest about your condition and status, particularly when it comes to virginity.
>be me
>read a lot as a kid then stopped as a teen now wanted to go back
>internet people tell me Pynchon is good
>pick up V.
>wow reading is so much fun first few minutes
>get to the Herbert Stencil
>filtered hard
>maybe it's not for me yet, better read something else
>spend 2 years reading Knausgard, Proust, Dostojewski, Tolstoy
>ok im ready to get back at it
>pick up V. again
>wow this is very fun
>get to the Herbert Stencil parts again
>filtered hard again

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Burn all books.
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I only had scrap paper and a mechanical pencil but I bet my retarded cow is better than your retarded cow.
I haven't read V, but I just finished my second reading of Gravity's Rainbow and enjoyed it very much. You have to get a feel for his sense of humor for his stories to make any sense.

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