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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Hope you're not forgetting to do the horse stance every morning, /fit/
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A problem the Asians that made that video will never have
But I don't want to be a horse.
ummm I think I overdid it bros
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>doesn't do horse stance with a literal horse on your back

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manlet bros we did it
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usyk is older than fury
>Usyk finally proved that 6'3 manlets can still make it, through hard work and dedication
>still an inch shy
it's over...
>Sports has finally started to crack down on PEDs
People have been saying this for ages
There are a billion ways to skirt detection, so the roids will continue flowing on and on
bunkertroon ziggers are absolutely mind-broken over this. so much fucking salt lmao. Better luck next time, turdies!
They could both put like 20lbs of muscle on their frame they don't lift that hard because they think cardio is more important, outbox someone at 567 who started boxing 6 months ago and smokes weed and drinks to internalize combos. That's why muay Thai people are so smooth, brain gains and 5x a week sparring.

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Just lift bro, kek
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just imagined some random chud seeing this video and trying it out and it made me laugh
>Just be a 6ft, chiseled jaw, med chad, bro
>just go up to women and pay for their meals and their weekend travel with you for le sex
kek it's that easy
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>What color is your moms eyes and natural hair?
>I'd like to fly you to Dresden
>It is a city that means a lot to me
>There are wheat fields out of town I'd like to show you as well
>We will stay the weekend, and we will eat well
>Have you ever heard this song "Erika"?
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paying for a flight in a 3rd world country is not that expensive

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I just want to say a big thank you to all these animals
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Male bees don't have stingers. I can take him.
and you can fuck em too
Staring at the ocean, obviously. I do that at the beach.
He's enjoying the cool water on his hooves and beautiful sight of the ocean. Sentient animals are intelligent enough to appreciate beauty. Bears and wolves are known to stop and watch sunsets and other picturesque scenes as other examples. Sadly he's not a good swimmer but he still likes how the water feels
European education at work

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So does someone want to explain why more people don't drink fat free skim milk? It's literally milk without the cream. Why would you want to drink fat, fat boy?
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It's not really the same. Once you remove the fat you have to add most of nutrition content back in the form of suppliments which are usually less avaliable. I drink a lot of skim as a source of protein but it's usually better to just opt for whole if you can afford the calories. Also something about skim, 1 and 2 % have some kind of correlation with cancer that for whatever reason whole does not have.
I always drink 1L skim before going to the gym.
Gives me more energy to train while cutting
I always keep a gallon of skim and a gallon of whole milk in my fridge
lattes and other espresso drinks, baking
Dyel milk lmao post body

>anon get in the trailer i bought you a bench press its inside and I made you scrambled eggs too
sucks she retired
should I be trying to go after trailer park chicks?

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Saturday night edition

Welcome, one and all, to the #1 thread on /fit/.
>local gyms
>cost of training
>a bit of banter
All such topics are welcome here.
Come and ask your questions, get honest advice from friendly anons! We're always happy to help.
Post your gains, get mires from the boys.
/afg/ is always ready with encouragement and advice. And remember:
>We're all gonna make it, brah
Prev: >>74283109
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ahh super cute
What about TSA meeting up with Ruby?
we're trying to erase that one from history
Well at least there isn't "men are evil" energy coming from it.
Weren’t there a few meetups in WA as well?

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Mark Rippetoe is correct about one thing, which is that linear progression is great for novices. This is really the only thing he gets fundamentally right, and he didn't invent that principle, he just successfully marketed it. Everything else, volume, assistance, training frequency, he is impressively able to get wrong every single time.
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5x5 feels exhausting half the time so if I can make equal (or more) strength gains with 3x5 i'm all for it. Everybody wants to look good aesthetically but honestly my main concern is strength right now. Thanks for the answer.
Both 3x5 and 5x5 are a kinda shit rep range for anyone but novices. 1-3rm is better for technique/neural factor. 4+x12 is better for actual muscle growth. Yes for myofibrillar hypertrophy too. Yes for strength too.

3x5 works well for novices because it's just enough for novice hypertrophy and novice tecnique/neural, while also letting you recover fast enough to hit same/higher weight next workout. 5x5 just stalls progress. Not enough volume/intensity to win over 3x5, but enough fatigue to stall.

Once you're out of novice, you should hit a muscle with above mentioned range once a week, plus as many sub 3 set workouts as is convenient.
You can throw in power flys in addition to what I said earlier on bench days. Main thing about SS is to recover asap. Which is why you can train biceps as much as you want on it, but you can't train triceps with much volume, because they won't recover between bench and ohp, unless you actually know what you're doing, and then your ohp stalls.

Depending on how you do chins and rows, you can do lat isolation too - if your pullups are mostly teres major and rows mostly traps. Abs recover very fast so you can do them every workout with no problems.
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3x5 is fine for both size and strength
>Both 3x5 and 5x5 are a kinda shit rep range for anyone but novices.
the opposite is true
more advanced lifters need to lower fatigue and increase motor unit recruitment in order for them to make any gains
3x5 is perfectly fine for isolation work even
Literally nobody at the top level does 5 rep sets.
The motor unit recruitment is maximized with 1 rep sets. The injury rate at 1 rep sets is lower than 5 reps. Same for fatigue. 3x5 for isolation is the dumbest shit possible.

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I will not let this fucking demon defeat me
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>modern medicine

lmao even

Psychology and most of psychiatry is a meme. The medicine is poo, makes you a soulless zombie and they don't even work most of the time to fix the problem because we do not understand yet how exactly the chemicals work in relation to these conditions (eg depression). But what is now well accepted is that dopamine and serotonin based models are at best extremely simplistic, most probably completely wrong.

Ps keep in mind psychiatrists literally tortured healthy people's brain by electrocution half a century ago to treat their homosexuality. That's science for you. Now they decided it's OK to take it up the ass but there's no lazy people anymore, or bad people, nothing. Assholes do not exist, they have some "disorder"
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Stay strong, anon. What symptoms are you struggling with?
ADHD is like autism only you obsess over something for a shorter period of time. Like an autist will be obsessed with trains their whole life but someone with ADHD will obsess over trains for a week or so before obsessing over some new thing.
I did this back at the beginning of the year. 2 days later get called in for a job interview.
It's insanely easy to fix. It's as real as depression

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Cool edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Pudgy Piggies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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similar situation on my end. Started around 62 BMI in January and I'm around 53 now. We're gonna make it bro
Fatty Contest

Aww wanted to be in the 160's, oh well it'll be next week.
I have never seen my abs so I wonder if it's even possible or if some people just can't get them
this desu.
im going to be breaking a 72 hour fast today and have spent the last 24 hours reading old threads on here, plebbit and watching youtube trying to find the answer to the most optimal way of building muscle and losing fat, theres nothing people agree on. what there seems to be consensus on is what to break your fast with, protein.
but to get to where i need to be theres nothing.
i know from experience (and intuition) that for me long term, the most optimal eating plan for maintenance is a diet of fresh meat and vegetables, hardly rocket science. but for now im 12-15 pounds overweight with fuck all muscle, i know i have to start lifting again when im eating this week but whats the optimal diet ffs, dont sugar coat it
Fasting is the fastest way to lose weight without amputation or surgery of other types. Your lifespan may be shortened (or lengthened) depending on what philosophy you follow, but if you're just doing CICO, go ahead and stop eating, you have nothing to lose you wouldn't lose on a standard-issue caloric restriction diet.

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Started wearing one under my shirt you can't really see it and its nice having a place for your phone and key fob.

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What would you add here?
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Mayonnaise is just about the worst sauce it's practically all seed oils same goes for anything else mayonnaise based or mayonnaise like
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/fit/ crossover with /g/
The fuck is /g/. I've only ever used /fit/
i wish i could go back
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Literally me

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What are some good workouts to lose fat acquired by fast food slop
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I love how aggressively she slams the macaroni onto the chicken
she didn't even take a bite retards, she's obviously an actress hired by an advertising agency.
she doesn't even hold the sandwich like a fat person holds sandwiches - she still holds it dainty like which is why so much falls out of it.
no sloppa enjoyer holds sandwiches like that
t.slop connoisseur connoisseur
Do not call me a retard
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my bad moron
You will live to regret this

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