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previous: >>74403052
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God I feel secondhand embarassment from this just by being American. No wonder they banned tourists in Kyoto. Actual jeet behavior, what a bunch of subhuman monkeys.
what compels people to post their vile bodies on the internet? are americans so desesetized to fatness that this lard golems dont even realise how horrific they look
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this hippo is considered a small fat in the HAES fatness hierarchy

This is what women find the most attractive
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It's really not. Has tons of glaring problems.
>awful soundtrack
>NONE of the plots go ANYWHERE
>shitty family drama drags down the whole latter half of the show
if you think it's a masterpiece you're easily tricked
It's not.
Didn't see it when it came out so I was immune to the hype.
Watched it later and couldn't get past season 2.
The fuck I wanna watch his wife have a mid life crisis. Boring. As. Fuck.
>Russian maid because she knew hapiness couldn't be bought
didnt he fuck her?
true the wire clears

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The feels bar is now open for business.
Stop by grab a drink and talk it out boys.

Are you excited about the summer?
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Yeah it makes your head spin.
>Wtf this guy likes to [hike/fish/hunt/ride motorcycles/literally anything about enjoying the beauty of nature/take care of his health]! Hahaha whata fucking weirdo anyways guys let’s go out until 3am for the 764th night in a row getting shitfaced off liquid poison using money we don’t have so we can come back to work on 3 hours of sleep again *stuffs face with vending machine junk*
It gets more pathetic the older you get. That shits still semi acceptable up to age 24 but past that it becomes very sad to see a grown ass man, or women, going and acting like they peaked in highschool and are desperately chasing a high now totally foreign to themself. Like bruh grow the fuck up already you people are the weird ones and the losers who should be laughed at.
They’re victims of circuses and bread man. They hate life and are doing what they can to cope and sit tact themselves. Putting someone down who isn’t as miserable as themselves is just another method of them lying to everyone including themself. That’s how weird these fags are, they can’t even be honest with themself.
I hope you don’t give it to them. If it’s someone who’s actually tried to belittle or laugh at my life like you said I would at most inquire, ask why they need it, make them elaborate and give me their sob story, and then say “okay I totally understand. No.”
Never loan money to anyone but family and understand even then you may not ever get it back. People like you described have no intention to pay money back. How would they if they live paycheck to paycheck and beg co workers for loans with no shame lol
about to turn 32 and the prospect of having to start over (AGAIN) makes me want to fucking die
I don't have it in me. I don't even know where to begin with
>I hope you don’t give it to them
I gave out the loan but I made him tell me why he needs it and something written from his bank that guaranteed me a monthly payment of my choice. it wasnt much money, just 1000€ but he wanted to stretch it out over 2 years. I told him 4 months or no money because I need it myself. It serves no purpose trying to explain to them about interest and that I literally lose money lending out money. The guy is alright despite these remarks, he just doesnt have his life in order.
Don’t do that again man. More than likely that same guy would not return the favor even if he were to win the lottery and get $20,000 a month for life and fix all his shit. That’s just how people are. Never let anyone know how well you’re doing financially either. People will in my experience get mad at you if you say no, knowing they would get mad at you just for asking the same thing even if they had the money to help. My money is mine. I worked hard for it. Why should I give it to someone who feels entitled to my stuff just out of selfishness? I am charitable btw, I regularly buy food and water and supplies to give to bums when my money is right. But I don’t loan money especially to non family. Because there’s an implication about them not paying me back which I’d rather not have to exercise.
If no wife or kids or GF join the military. Get paid to travel. Whole new skill set. At least that’s what I’m doing.

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genuinely curious what gives pole vaulters such good bodies?
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I know that song
Not bad for a global or even national level, bro. You may not be the world's #1, but you're better than 9 billion other people, including the people you're directly competing against.
as a man i can do better than her with 1 day of training
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>she scored 1.97m in fewer than 3 attempts

>"With a single day of training, as a man, I can do better than 1.97m high jump in less than 3 tries."
I doubt it.
it's the new demoralisation tactic from r9k. don't engage, ignore it.

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>I eat the whole apple
>I eat the kiwi with the skin on
>I eat the strawberry crown
>I eat the whole fish (head & spines included)
>I eat 100% pure dark chocolate
>I eat 1kg natural unflavoured greek yoghurt in one sitting with nothing else on it
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I didn't think I needed to specify but these are usually grilled sardines or similarly sized fish, it's enough to weird out normies I guess. Obviously I'm not eating swordfish's spines (eyes/head and eggs I always do)
>raw garlic
>totally green bananas
>green tea with black pepper
>kombucha scoby
I've been getting into raw onion but raw garlic I've never tried, also green tea with black pepper sounds interesting. thank you for the ideas anon.
I'm same except pineapple instead of fish
>totally green bananas
>green tea with black pepper
I don't understand why you faggots just want to eat mildly toxic food that doesn't taste good. Everything in this thread is just
>I eat duh food with oxalates XDdDDD
>and I eat sticks XD normal fags le filtered!

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An absolute blackpill every gymcel must watch and stop lying to themselves. There's no gym for your face.
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Once again demoraliser kikes BTFO by hopefilled chads
>can you see the difference in personality?
one of them locked in
He's afraid to fight back. If I were him I'd wrestle the nigger and use him to break a planned fall. Headlock from there.
Did niggers even name it Africa? Or did it not have a name until we named it?
>The name had usually been connected with the Phoenician word ʿafar meaning "dust", but a 1981 hypothesis has asserted that it stems from the Berber word ifri (plural ifran) meaning "cave", in reference to cave dwellers.

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Can baldies look aesthetic?
Only if young
Yes but not if you shave very closely at the first signs of balding. You adjust your style to what you got
Long as you stay lean.
They do, you on the other hand...
Maybe, personally havent seen it. I imagine its an uphill battle

You're born and get to suck sweet sweet breasts for nutritious, life giving milk. Then suddenly you're 25 and looking up salad recipes and doing dishes. Shit's not fair.
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Charlie Sheen was great on that show
my point still stands. wanna meet your real mother?
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>be a mammal
>somehow lactose intolerant
can someone explain to me how this is even fucking possible for some people?
>t. pajeet
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you have to live it

What's the best treatment for it ?

What vitamins should I be taking ?

I heard vit D is the best any other suggestions ?
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Crack a couple of eggs in OP's ass and beat it till it's scrambled
Body fat nigger
i switched to castille soap for everything, my hair and scalp is healthier. No more flaky shit
go see a doctor instead of asking sirs on an internet anime forum

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How many eggs did you eat today?
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They all do
No they don't
none because I'm in "hour of shitpost before getting ready" mode
probably gonna eat 2 for breakfast and have 1 with dinner
someone comission that, fast!

Especially in america they are seen like superheroes. Above professional athletes on their physical and mental strength. But they are just regular guys. The people who are actually impressive are pro athletes in sports that are heavily populated. Things like soccer, football, basketball, track. Things that are generally participated in not niche sports that if you devote enough time to it you’ll probably do well. The people who succeed at these are very impressive. The amount of people they had to be better than is a lot. And they had to start at an early age to make it to pro. Not like with spec ops guys who start learning their job in their early 20s. The journey to become a professional athlete is far li BFF and more grueling than buds could ever be. And anyway the guys who become spec ops are usually those who somewhere along the way couldnt make it to the next level in the sport they liked. There’s only like one guy who was a pro nfl player who decided to go spec ops. So spec ops is basically the backup plan for a lot of athletes who won’t be able to make it I’m either in college or pro.
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All I know is I would beat the shit out of that guy easily. If you want to see some crazy shit why don't you any of you stop by my krav maga dojo. I got a brown belt that weighs 280 and can kick you in the head with both feet. West coast krav maga, let me know.
>Would rather be poor and united standing with my own people than “wealthy” and isolated surrounded by foreigners.
Me too (eurocunt, but its largely exactly the same here except our military gets subsidized by ZOG/NATO), but there's nothing really to be done about that except becoming a refugee ourselves and seek out the most culturally homogeneous and conservative place that will still have us (China or Japan) and live there as permanent second class citizens.
>you must thank us for doing something expected of all men in all times and all places
We don’t random mothers for giving birth which is a function more necessary than soldiery.
Where were you when blackrock took over the treasury two years ago? Where are you now when millions of foreigners invade to plunder and rape - literally btw.
That’s right. Not in your country earning a paycheck like the whore you are
>Take a high class endurance athlete and give him a year to train for buds and he will demolish his entire class
Sorry, wrong
I was on /fit/ crying about it

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Do big hamstrings make your glutes look smaller? If you want a fat ass should you just go quads / glutes and keep hamstrings smaller?
I remember hearing about the ham / glute tie in
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Every strong sexual fixation on a (type of) body part is a fetish. You're just coping.
monstrosity. lower body loos transplanted from alien creature. needs a little more bodyfat too cause veiny hand and small boobs. might be side effects of roids.
Why would a pretty woman even want to lift? They are already guaranteed a chad regardless of what they do, and making their but bigger just makes them attract even more superficial chads that won’t stick around anyway.
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who is this semen demon? I see her everywhere here
>Remove pony tail
>Indistinguishable from teenage boy
I have some bad news for you, anon.

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Post brutal mogs
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hahahahah, what the fuck, thats not Depardieu, this dude is polish and dead for quite some time
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You have small pp engerie.
3 Marry >>>>>> 2 Fuck and Kill 1 for having a flat ass.
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too bad her content is boring as fuck (I still have some videos of hers, regardless)

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Do you think Rich kids have the genetic potential to achieve better Physiques on average than low/middle class kids?

I remember like +90% of the rich kids in my school had six pack abs in high school. And most of them were pretty good at playing sports.

I'm not even talking about things like a better diet or more free time to exercise. I'm talking about natural born talent and genetic advantage.
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Communist russians were starving in the late 80s
Peasents and the common man during the russian empire were starving the whole time
Yes, I'm sure superior genetics contribute to true generational wealth (i.e. not people in the three generation regression mentioned by >>74407097 ).

I don't think this is true at all. I don't personally know any billionaires, but I do know people worth tens to hundreds of millions of dollars, and they tend to be much more extreme than the average person when it comes to exercise and nutrition.

They're much more likely to adhere to unusual diets (like Peating, TB12, etc) and lifestyles (like Sol Brah). They generally prefer cardio or CrossFit to strict weightlifting. >>74407122
is kind of right in that many of them do TRT or some other kind of cycle as they get older.
Not really. Most of the people making it now are nerds. But if you see a famous physically impressive white person- athlete/model/actor- it’s crazy how often they’re from a small town. I’d say it’s more true for women though because women who grow up rich are way more likely to be thin and take better care of their skin/hair/etc
Some of the older rich ones get into fitness
When theyre young they just drink and drugs if theyre generational wealth
How "rich" are "rich kids" to your comparison?
Like, some kid that lives in a household that as 4 bedrooms? A kid who's family owns a second home/cottage in another city/state? A kid who owns his own, new car when he turned 16?

Or the son of an oil baron who owns 7 different homes and 11 Rolls-Royces (never driven, covered in tarp and sitting in a 1 acre basement garage next to 3 Lamborghinis, 2 Ferraris, 5 Porsches, 10 Bentleys and 4 different limousines) "just because" ???

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>considered pig food not for human consumption thru the entire human history for millenniums
>today is a staple health food for fitness
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doesn't change the fact that their diet was 99% meat
they were hunters and the wahmen gathered some berries
Remember, they drew animals on the cave walls. They were hunters first and foremost.
Vegetables were always a last resort or a garnish.
It depends but humans still processed and ate various plants for tens of thousands of years before agriculture. No one is disputing that animal foods were essential. But if everyone's diet until agriculture was 99% meat it seems like that would have been a catastrophic event (introducing completely novel foods and replacing most of the ancestral diet) rather than a precursor of the rise of civilization. Also Neanderthals didn't really have cave art
>humans still processed and ate various plants for tens of thousands of years before agriculture
about as much as they ate feces, so eat your shit sonny
He's full of shit bro we evolved from frugivorous apes and most populations ate very little meat.

Go watch some old hunting docs with real tribesmen in the Amazon they didn't catch shit for weeks sometimes.
>we evolved from frugivorous apes
there is 0 proof of this, in fact it is mathematically impossible we even share common ancestry with apes, it is inferred and or assumed by midwits
Even if it were true, you're still ignoring about 10 million years of carnivorous protohumans HUNTING and gathering.

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