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If you’re not doing AT LEAST 4 hours of cardio per day you’re not really fit at all
Cock sucker cope
Post body lol
thats how you die early
Your poor joints. You deserve better.
Exactly, OP is based and realizes that life only gets worse as you get older. I'll stick with my daily cigarettes for an earlier death.

So... Is it any good? And if yes, how good and how it helps?
..oh, and what about spinach?
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Spinach is like 2nd on the list of the 12 most contaminated foods,
recommend buying them frozen and defrosting on the day you're planning to eat them, this will force you to actually cook them during the day since now they are defrosted and they are quite cheaper frozen and much tastier since they are harvested when they were in season and frozen then.
frozen broccoli fucking sucks
disgusting mush
Plants have 0 nutritional value for humans
All of the 'nutrients' inside are plant versions that aren't available to you anyway and are bound to anti-nutrients and indigestible fibre as well as plant toxins to add even more negatives.
Eat them if you want but there's no positives in doing so.
>doesn't use real garlic

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What delicious cereal can I have without it completely destroying my gains? There’s literally nothing is there?
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this shit makes you feel full af
As long as you count calories, it doesn't matter.
All I ever see is retards talking about how terrible sugar is, how awful carbs are, how stupid this or that is. Who cares? You can have a cookie, you can have a piece of bread, you can drink a soda. All that matters is the calorie content and whether or not you can factor it into tdee.
But you're making it hard for yourself. I don't eat many carbs, I have a sugarfree monster at 7 AM every day. I had a sugary one once and it made me hungry. I would normally never be hungry till like 4 in the afternoon.

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How many times do you eat in a day?
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You're supposed to cut the rind off of cheese, dude.
No, you're retarded.
I eat a lot. It’s crazy how eating a meal of processed carbs became normal. I never thought about it until I started bodybuilding
Based cheese enjoying quads of truth
You're gay

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An absolute blackpill every gymcel must watch and stop lying to themselves. There's no gym for your face.
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>d-don’t think I’m brown I-in
(2 hours now- now evidence from the shawts) ACK!
>2 hours now- now evidence
2 hours n-now evo—ACKKKKKK
(Still no screenshot after 5+ attempts.. beginning to lose hope)
Don't have to. Meanwhile, you have to buy a ladder just to reach your cabins, manlet.
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Some people just have small forearms that won’t grow I don’t know what to tell ya

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Was it the hairline or did it thin out? Maybe the crown first?

I'm seeing a couple more hairs than before on my fingers/towel after showering like 20-30, not sure if I'm balding or just paranoid as it looks the same in the mirror.
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You lose like 100 hairs a day. I'd only be concerned if you noticed a lot of hair on your pillow every morning or actually noticed strands falling off in your day-to-day
Damn. Sorry bro. I'm now grateful I got to keep mine throughout my early-mid 20s at least.
I am 24 and i am now seeing first/early stage of balding, yes my dad was bald too

Also Khhv, gymming for 3 months

looks like over for me
My hair looks pretty thick normally and recently I want to a massage parlour and the woman said my hair was very thick, but when it's wet you can easily see the scalp. It's a bit long now so it's not too bad but if it's like a short back and sides you can see the scalp when wet. Is this thinning? My hair is black so I thought maybe it was normal but idk. I'm on fin anyways
don't give in just yet, life can change for the better

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If I take as an example bench press, people always lift around 90-100kg, I've never seen someone under 70kg. I'm in a gym which is part of a famous low-cost gym brand in a small town (around 13.000 inhabitants) so there's no specific reason to see that
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Who the fuck would want an Indian gf
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>taken from a survey
>blacks would NEVER lie
Also lol blacks do more of ALL drugs but as soon as you say steroids the cope comes out
Ah yes, hitting 3 plate is entry level lol. If you're using 2plate for your working weights you're damn near 300lbs, assuming you don't count some stupid 3x5 as your "working weight"
this data is only from a specific age group (teenagers) in a specific area of the USA (one american town). That's why "hmong" is there. You can't extrapolate this tiny demographic to the entire united states. There are unique socioeconomic and cultural factors in that specific part of america that causes these teenagers to behave a certain way, and that doesn't apply to greater america as it's a very small and biased sample.
Just bulking and cutting every few months while lifting to failure for four years?
Anyone can do it.

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anon.. your shadow isn’t DYEL, is it? my shadow isn’t enough to mog your actual body.. right?

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>go to a calisthenics park
>there are kids playing in it
>don't mind them and start working out
>their mom tells them to come with her and they go away
why is everyone so shy with someone doing a little exercise in public?
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my 9 year old daughter can dead hang for 3 minutes
I can only deadhang for like 1:30 on a good day
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>go to a calisthenics park
>there are kids playing in it
>don't mind them and start working out
>their mom tells them to come with her and they go away
>why is everyone so shy with someone doing a little exercise in public?
Based. Teach them to do pushups
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Can y’all dance? It seems like a great way to burn calories and show off your fitness
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I want to believe.
Only cock sucker Npcs dance
yeah i know bitch as the AAA cup titties lol
nah you have to be all or nothing with rejection, especially with narcissistic girls. either say nothing and give her the frozen-in-the-maze-jack-nicholson stare or yell fuck off as loud as you can. wishy washy "U-uh n-no thanks, sorry" exudes gayness
undeniably fucking based kek

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fuck commercial gyms
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Is this Serena?
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go to gym, see this
Get behind her then build up a kick with as much force and BOOOM KICK THAT BITCH RIGHT UP HER PUSSY TAKE THAT!
her farts are definitely straight up RANCID
Forceful enough to feel the pressure, mmmf

518 days Eternal Nofap. Thoughts? Questions?
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and you're still an incel with no life who sits alone in his messy room watching children's cartoons.
Congrats on not playing with yourself, you are truly a king amongst men
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JFC I go on road trips to national parks and such a few times a month. I sleep in the 4runner all the time. There's nothing life changing about it except sometimes I wake up with a sore back.
Going to Moab next week.
Can you beat the norwood reaper in a boxing match?
You look like an aids patient. Disgusting loser.
Samuel. Is. King.

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>creatine *clap* doesn't *clap* cause *clap* hair loss!
>It only increases dht, the chemical responsible for hair loss
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200 years from niggers on a telepathic shitposting forum will be screeching the exact same lines as you are now about white people after they tear down and replace everything
Electricity was made by a black hair black eye Croatia guy, not nordic
>your dad died at 88
Anon how fucking old are you? Geriatric pregnancy?
Rosemary oil
Derma rolling

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Just hit 1pl8 on OHP

How do I compare to others? Am I above average or what?
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i can do a pushup so i can bench my bodyweight
Keep going pal, thanks for the compliment.
i can push press it, still working on a proper ohp though :(
the race is long and in the end it's only with ourselves

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