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Is it possible to bulk on Indian food
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i could eat tandoori chicken and dhal twice a day till i die
I hate living in Brampton
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yes but not in the way you want
The Indian buffet is great for bulking.
The only time I've ever see an Indian with a non-vacant expression is when they're within the vicinity of a woman, especially if the woman is White.

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>take a shit
>wipe my ass
>immediately bring toilet paper to my nose and smell it
I can't be the only one
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So you've said many times on here you disgusting mutant with your degenerate shit covered shower like some homosexual.
Cook what exactly?
Why? It drips out the back of your nose and you swallow it constantly.
There's a huge difference between nasal cavity snot and dry rubbery boogers

Does powerlifting have a negative impact on your personality?
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Ironically no, it's a turkic mutt left over from a rape kingdom
I won't piss myself while diddlying, that's for sure
Shes a jewish latina living in florida. Florida is the israel of america.
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kek spot on

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Two calisthenic pencil necks; one practicing, one aspiring
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>It seems like they usually have huge obliques or something that makes it look like they have wide hips too
it's from lifting legs up - contrary to what u shill here bot lifting legs has nothing to do with abs, if anything legs should be completely relaxed , rectus femori soft when u do abs so that u make absolute certainty hip flexor is NOT involved

it doesn't seem to be obliques though, it bulges right above pelvis not all the way to ribs so the most probable cause is enormous hip flexor pushing lower obliques out
Oh look it's this huge retard again
bottot, is that ur back on ground all paws up pose? :D
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love that obese powerlards went from seething at cali legs and then cali chuds started posting 180kg squats at like 70-80kg BW so powerlards started coping about their neck sizes.
Powersharters need to realize their size is mostly fat, not muscles unless you actually compete and got some clue how things work
>obese powerlards went from seething at cali legs and then cali chuds started
botto, there is no contrived animosity between the 2 like u portray it, both nigger gymnastics and powersharting are equally fucking dumb for different reasons :D sometimes even for the same reasons :D

>Imagine lifting man made metal inside man made buildings with no translation to real world application isn't the most unnatural thing you could do to yourself
>Imagine climbing a man made obstacle course with man smoothened handles and holds for a man made medal/sticker for completionism. LMAO!

bottot, none of this shit happens outside yer own "head" :D

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>So...what else do you do besides going to the gym and playing video games?
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I dont validate myself based off of others values, and neither should you
That's the most beta thing anyone could say.
The only thing that matters in life is what other people think of you.
That's why we have so much faggotory and no honor in this world because of the leftists who say shit like "dont compare yourself to others"
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>playing video games
I don't do this.
I read, learn a new language (it's duolingo, but yeah), I box, I walk/run with my dog, watch good movies, listen to music, make money by betting on sporting events, skydive, shoot guns in the firing range, although I've been an atheist since I was a teen I've started going back to church, I'm a pretty good cook, I can also do basic repair on home furniture, there's still a lot that I haven't mentioned
Not even a leftist you tard. You cant even talk to women. Thats why you make this thread
I like to grow bonsai trees, I also do a lot of gardening and landscaping. I find that it's very rewarding. Takes a lot of time, effort, and patience but when the flowers are in bloom it's all worth it in the end

Then I show her pictures of my garden and get her wet. Bitches love gardening.

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Akshually that pretty much is unironically what did happen
>no longer allowed to shame women for getting fat
>people no longer dress up in public. Sloppiness and informality embraced
Thanks for the whitepill
Gonna eat a Filet O' Fish and shit it out on Morgan Spurlock's grave!
It's literally impossible to eat 10K without getting sick, without modern foods. And yes all fruits and vegetables sold in stores are processed foods, just not ultra processed. The standards for what is natural are so warped that people think that seeds engineered to have much higher sugar content and then grown covered in chemicals are somehow health foods.

All modern diseases are caused by people refusing to accept that we are supposed to eat meat. Not grains, not rice, not flour, not nuts, not fucking mangos, MEAT.

For the entirety of human history no one knew what a calorie was. They didn't have any concept of not eating too many calories, because they didn't need it. Animal foods allow for normal regulation of hunger and satiation hormones. You can eat until you're full and you will maintain a completely ideal body composition. This is how humans have lived for thousands of generations. Only in modern times do we have 90IQ "fitness" retards like you who think a calorie is a calorie and who have to consciously plan to not overeat because you're stupid to just eat the food you're supposed to eat, like every other species does instinctively.

God I hate this place.
Actually pretty much through all of history there have been people talking against over eating
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I trust the science and if the science says to supplement glyphosate then I will

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Tomorrow I will be going to the gym for the first time

What should I do?
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Stare at women
See if they have a pulldown machine, and see if they have a bench press type machine. If you wanna do barbell/dumbbell stuff you should look up how to do them on youtube first.
Kill yourself retard.
if you see one you really like, use the equipment next to her (if she moves, move too so she knows you like her not just the equipment)

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Imagine the cardio gains.
Imagine being the rapist of this staircase
I’m scared of heights and I’m not going up that. Barriers on the stairs aren’t tall enough for me to feel safe.
I would rape you dry if you were foolish enough to trespass my steps

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my dad called me fat yesterday.
started counting calories today.
need some inspo...for some reason fit women do the trick for me.
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>he saved multiple tumblr edits made by teenage vietnamese girls with no understanding of diet or exercise
Who cares. They are inspirational. Does seeing guts, baki, goku make you say
>saving fake bodies drawn by Japanese nerds who don't lift
Stop being so cynical.
>he saved them thinking they were real like an idiot now he compares them to goku pictures
Suck my dick
>the thirdworlder just saved the thumbnail of this one

>Let's make butter out of plants, it will be much healthier, waht could go wrong?
What other nutritional blunders will we discover were fed to us in say, 10 years time?
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Well it'll be cold pressed, which supermarket are you finding pressed Sunflower Oil. Hoping you're wrong because never eating fried Food again is pretty bleak. Obviously I don't want it regularly but once I'm a while has been a nice treat in a relatively treatless existence

Hmm this contradicts the above anon, not sure what to make of this, I am fit and Lard is part of my diet


Fucking hell this is crazy, what type of implications does it have in those two years? If it's that detrimental and lasts that long it's not it worth it.
Dumb nigger, pesticides are derived from plants. Organic produce contains naturally occurring pesticides.
Your own source image debunks your own assertion, clown.
And people spray it on their lawns too

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I'll start

Workout A (Push)
>Overhead Press (RPT)
>Barbell squat (RPT)
>Weighted dips (RPT)
>ATG split squat (RPT)
>Lu raises (BP)
>Tricep extensions (BP)
>Hanging leg raises (BP)

Workout B (Pull)
>Weighted chin ups (RPT)
>Deficit Romanian deadlift (RPT)
>Weighted pronated inverted rows (RPT)

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Why are gays like this?!
He's single btw

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I’m lacking in motivation and need to get inspired by you all
Tell us why you lift
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i rather die that stop dreaming
Me too brother or sister
I lift so that I don't get crushed under the weight of my sins, guilt and sadness.
You don’t need motivation. You need discipline. Get up and go.
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How do you achieve this mode? What lifts do you emphasize? What lifts do you skip?
Looks like a bro split. Skip OHP and deadliftint
This just looks like wide grip pushups

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>Workout in the morning
>Have no clue what to do for the rest of the day
Seriously, what the Hell do you do afterward?
Yeah, I have my meal plans to look forward to, but that's about it.
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"Faggot" is a noun; you mean "OP"
read a book, shoot tin cans off a fence, gamble with your friends
Starmie was always cooler than most pokemon
Exercise your mind.
>coffee + dailies in whatever video-game I'm into at the moment
>breakfast+ language practice
>lifting if day, if not wander around doing monster hunter: now stuff
>go home + mahjong + tea + archery practice in the back yard
>early dinner
>short language practice for hangul/hanzi/kanji
>videogames or music practice
>second dinner/desert
>tv/movie backlog

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get a lot of sunlight so your skin goes red and wrinkly, take a lot of creatine to have a puffy face.
fasting to get lean and boost hgh
bonesmashing and drinking raw milk/kefir for calcium
supplementing zinc, magnesium
eating red meat for iron and protein
nigga wants to gear free gear
Smoke cigs and drink alcohol every day. You’ll probably look worse actually.

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