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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

A true car enthusiast would rather drive 3 hours through the countryside with no traffic than 2 hours through the city stuck in traffic.
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based. in an ideal world i would never leave my compound unless i wanted to travel somewhere via private plane.
100% accurate, some of the best food I've had were at small town gas stations with kitchen.
They look run down, and dirty inside, but goddamn is the food fantastic
What is good food in small town America to you? Some microwaved 3 day old meat pie?
>meat pie
It's bed time soon, Susmitha
Burgers and fries

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Presentsing: New China Car Zhongguang Dingjiang Longdong GXLQ500J SUV CROSSOVER

A regal and fast automobile for transportating in style and luxury.

Inventive feature included:
Beltseat - 5 of them
Airbags - 5 of them
Heated and cool seats 4 of them
Roof rats
Rear bastard detector safe
The soup holder hot/cold
Radar cruising control
Collision avoiding sensor
LED ledlighting
Paint in shí colour

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Sorry chink, Biden already decided your chink shit will face tariffs, don't like it take it to the WTO
Very good saar, do you ship to Mumbai?
But does it Boil Your Dog?
crazy to think that this exchange has actually happened before
ChinX eternally seething over being locked out of American markets (as it should be).
Total Chigger Economic Collapse.

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It's the weekend. What are you working on? Post shoddy repairs, complain about parts availability, bitch about engineering decisions made 30 years ago, or circlejerk over your Rock Auto magnets. Blog posting encouraged. Wrenchlets and transvestites not allowed.
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you could probably get away with it, just make sure the surface is clean as hell. clean it with a wire wheel on an angle grinder or drill, and let it set for 24 hours
* I also need to replace every clamp on the exhaust since they've all rusted and split.
Exhaust is stainless and it seems to still be holding up after 20 years.
I wonder if it would help to prime and paint stainless replacement clamps. Or undercoat them before installation?
That won't hold for long.
Can you tap a thread and use a u bolt to hold it?
Otherwise ulse safety wire and wrap it around the subframe, should have a gap there to feed it.
Post pics of the underside where its broken off
Imagine the beef

pov: you are about to get stuck doing 10 under the speedlimit for the next ten miles
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Truck Driver Derangement Syndrome
Truck Criticism Derangement Syndrome
But I thought you weren't criticizing trucks but the truck drivers.
>Why do people with nice, modded cars drive like grandma?
Kek, stupid ass thirdie ricer you can't even imagine a world where people respect the law and each other. If I was you I'd KMS day one, things will never get better foe you or your countrymen.
Truck Driver Criticism Derangement Syndrome

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What is a somewhat reliable rwd manual car for $10k or less that isn't overpriced for what it is? Zoomers have clapped out every miata and want 8k for their anemic shitbox
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I feel like 6-8k is just the norm for barely clapped used vehicles now.
I remember browsing CL when I was broke years ago and there being so many quality shitboxes for 3-5k it's gotten so bad now
I'll either have to take the bike pill or buy something new it's hard to justify shitboxes now
>I remember browsing CL when I was broke years ago and there being so many quality shitboxes for 3-5k it's gotten so bad now
Daily reminder that we have experienced around 30% *real* inflation (not numbers game lets-not-cause-a-panic government stat inflation) since January 2020 and that many things have outpaced that rate, such as food, homes. In 2020 you could get a perfectly daily driveable car with everything working and a decent body for $3k, now you would be hard pressed to find something with failing paint and no AC for $3k.
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How about the BMW Z4?
Looks comfy is it reliable?

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>No no no, if you're not disproportionately wealthy, perhaps a poorfag even, you can't afford a pricey/nice car!
>Even if you have great enthousiasm for automobiles, you have to also drive what the fucktard NPCs who absolutely do not care for cars drive!
>Car as a hobby and willing to spend an extra buck on it? Impossible! Your car always has to be a financial afterthought, otherwise you CANNOT AFFORD IT!
You just don't like cars.
If you're not willing to spend a bit more than the average joe you're not an enthousiast, just a pedantic faggot
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You could be living with debtors chasing you and if you love your car and am enthusiastic you are welcome here.
Fast and furious was cool because of cars.
>25 is the wall, once you are over it you have to have kids, a nice house, and no fun
>nowhere on 4chan does an 'interests' board stray more from its subject matter than on /o/
No, that honor would go to /v/, it's been /b/ 2.0 since 2011. Everything on the surface level is about vidya but if you look in actual threads, things quickly go off the rails to politics, ecelebs, history, /trash/ level gooning. It's ironic since the jannies there seem to care more about specific games and topics they don't like than about off-topic and gooner threads.
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facts. the one thing I WILL say about /vr/ is the faggotry is more of the autism variety rather than the "you're poor" variety, and at least you get good discussion about old vidya related stuff that mostly stays on topic.

>could have bought one of these for like 200 clams 10 years ago. now they're unobtanium

that would mean i should shelbypost or make a truck thread
Seething snoy

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I bought some brown leather seat covers for my car which used to have black cloth seats

Do they looks based or do they look tacky?
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fuckin sick jimny cunt
Ignore the other anons because they have trash taste. This looks horrible. The black interior and tan seats clash. It would probably look okay if the color scheme was more congruent (i.e., tan accents on the dash and throughout), but this looks weird.
Actually after a second look, I think if the covers had black stitching it would look great. But as it is, looks like shit.
ive been trying to find a brown steering wheel cover to add some brown to the dash but for some reason nobody fucking has any. autozone only has black gray and beige covers. I did see some on amazon but i was hoping to find one locally since i hate giving jewmazon my shekels
>I'd rather not have the exact thing I want because giving megacorporation A my money is somehow more gay than giving it to megacorporation B

What blower do you guys use to dry your car?
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>Decriminalized water
Try all you want.

Used to do the whole clay thing until I got sick of correcting enamel with no clear.
based except i live on dirt kek
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Surprised his twiglegs can hold back the awesome power of a leaf blower.
touchless is by far the best option yes, but this is why you use long fiber microfiber towels to dry the car. you do NOT press and drag the towel on the car. You either lay and tap it slightly or grab the corners and drag it with only its own bodyweight as a support. Dont even bother replying if you dont pre-wash your car before drying or even hand washing.

Twins editions

Thinking of getting a GWR SSST so suvdricers can hear me even if they can’t see me.
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10/10 upgrade
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what was changed?
The vents. This fixes both of the issues with the eyeball vents. They get loose and sag, and you can't close them.
Very nice, looks good miata bro!
Went out to look at brand new Miata's today. Took out a middle of the line 2024 model for a test drive and a giant truck nearly killed me and the dealer after slamming into us in the rear while sitting at a red light. Fun to drive, but dear lord I would never consider it again after that. Still in pain from it.

China is going to save motorcycling with 8 cylinder goldwings edition ITS THE FUTURE, rip Honda!!

>Motorcycle tips & tricks
>rip gn, rip Indian, rip pink horny
>paying > 2024 MSRP, for used bikes
>Cb500 leg legion association guild clan brotherhood
>Tennyfren Headquarters
>nobikes gtfo
>take the stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>wear the class
>pass the plug


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but its so big and bulky
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yeah I saw you in the previous thread. I was also considering scotland but there is no way around it, from finland it's A LOT of riding in quite boring areas. I can go to stockholm, ride to copenhagen, then from there all the way to calais or some other port that goes to ingerland but there is zero ways to get my bike from here to scotland without absurd amount of riding. norway is a bit pushing it too, the ride from stockholm to oslo is just one long highway, which is boring. I could always do lapland, we have trains here where you can load your car or bike and get to lapland but I'm a bit terrified about reindeers or mooses getting on the road, lapland is absolutely desolate

at least the S1000R has a bit more comfortable position, doesn't seem to have clip ons but I'm not gonna call it a comfy bike. I've done about 500km in one go with all the equipment loaded. since that trip I've lost a lot of weight so I'm kind of interested to see if I can fare better this time. I need to get a large bag like you have there, I have one 80 litre one but that looks a bit more than that. but then again even with this loadout I could feel the drag increasing a lot, normally my bike doesn't seem to have any wind resistance it just cuts through the air
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I wish you cunts would just stick to ONE fucking thread
I was sure there was a ferry but turns out they cancelled the Newcastle-Bergen line, sucks for you. But I read that they have ferries between UK and the Netherlands- Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and the Hook of Holland.
I used to be the same way, I would stare at the road going by underneath my feet and imagine all the horrible ways I could be ground to death on it if I fell off or something happened. Honestly when I'm not riding I still sometimes get psyched out, but whenever I'm actually riding I never feel that way. I feel very comfortable and safe on the bike.

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it's a fine day to ride edition

>dbt is ghost town
>dbt dead as gn125 anon rip
>still too many t7s
>paying more than 2024 MSRP, for used bikes
>giving out riding advice and then lowsiding
>nigs always crashing into hotwings
>nobikes gtfo
>take the stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course
>Push yourself to your limit https://files.catbox.moe/zvqu1c.mp4

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Good morning bros. Hope everyone's morning has been good. Mines been pretty good. It was a nice cool morning for a ride.
I see the turareg marketing team has arrived to dethrone the t7 canadian outback amateurs club

I think im gonna buy a 698motard and throw knobbies onnit
Maybe buell's knkbbler will be the game changer
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based leaner so far hard that he scrapes.
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bolts to the airbox under the tank and then mounts the rest either side of the radiators. guy online who got one of the kits has some insane videos and in the comments says he was burning through a clutch in 1000 miles and was getting some plates custom made
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Its addictive. Think I need to dial in suspension preload though. Still some tendies left.

Would you buy a 4th gen Camaro as your only daily driver?
If so, what's an appropriate maximum mileage?
Is the manual transmission reliable?
Is the LS1 reliable?
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downgrade in every way from an affordable c5
This is not wrong.
It's a downgrade in every way from a V6 Accord.
What about the sound?
>wrong wheel drive
Here's your (You)

How much money do you think they're spending on places like 4chan to spew anti EV posts? It's quite unnatural that this many people on here hate EVs, considering most of the USA is welcome to EVs.
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>I-it d-doesnt c-count w-when thos p-pesky evs w-win
Kek, this is pure cope.
>study finds
Seriously why is F1 increasing so much
>I-it d-doesnt c-count w-when thos p-pesky evs don't w-win
>w-which a-also happens t-to be the great m-majority
Kek, this is pure cope.
There are only two sports, motorsport and sharpshooting, the rest are games.

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zamn issa porsch or sumn?
this car is the reason why France is still a republic
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Like 3x iirc? They really hated him lmao.
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Pass it over, I'll have a puff too.

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