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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [co­de] and [/co­de]

The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100548610

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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wings looking wet is a nice detail. what model?
The Communist Party of China is developing anti-matter weapons they can transport to Western targets via extra dimensions and you guys are making anime perv porn
Chinks are going to have humanity ready to fight when the aliens attack

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots


Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more. Coming soon™: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024/
NEW multimodal model, GPT-4o (omni), voice features coming soon™: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/
Chub merged UI with Venus side (Venus cards still hidden by default). Old UI: https://characterhub.org

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org / https://chub.ai

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That's not the actual V3 and nobody here will use it, keep coping
y'all just got bamboozled, it's some other 2ch anon's mail, he's not even a proxy-holder
Thanks in advance, friend.
ye it's a spammer but no big deal if it's a burner email you can always create another and move on lol
Who cares, man? There's literally nothing going on


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Backing up has never been easier and cheaper.
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>The big advantage to reds, is the fact you can be in the same room with them without suffering long term hearing loss (Ironwolf drives too).
I'm using WD Red Pro 2Tb (WD2002FFSX) and holy shit it is like 25 years back SEEK noise, it is fast drive but noise... don't share torrents with it... it will drive you insane (eventually).
lol no
I want to get a pair of 20 TBs for my 2-drive NAS and run in RAID 1. Store everything.
in america good
in yuroland terrible
inevitable if you want to store data

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310+ yoe edition

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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>or were in some govt contractor space that I do not want to enter.
quit being a whiny baby and take the gainful employment already
>waiting on mortgage application to get approved or not
>lease on my apartment is set to expire before closing date
>if the application gets rejected at the last minute I'll be homeless eventually
we didn't lmao, not after I came in. The guy I replaced was put up in a hotel in milpitas for 5 months while he trained in a nice little classroom setting. He quit within 3 weeks of actually doing the job. I had to make that 5 months of education work with only maybe 3 weeks because of holidays and the trainer retiring, plus his remaining pto. We shipped product worth 6 digits a piece, minimum. I started to ask everyone how much they made (legal in cali) and the guy who ran the cleanroom I was in, signed all my paperwork, who had 5yoe with the company, made 50 cents more than I did at 16.50/hr. Needless to say that entire cleanroom had severely diminished in size by the same time the next year. Myself I simply came in late one day with donuts, didn't clock in, chatted up the homies for a bit and then just walked out.

Thank god being a electronic techie is in extreme demand, even if it is low paying. It didn't take me more than 4 weeks to find the next job I stuck with for 3 years, and I had two inbetween I dropped for being too dead endy. Just recently I put out an app on a saturday and on monday morning they responded with a scheduled interview for that same wednesday. I pity you tech bros who are putting out dozens of apps and hardly getting a response but I am insanely jealous of your salaries.
unironically have sex
i unironically have 310+ years of experience

Let me guess.
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shoutenings to poorfags :D
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The new mudman is great
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The JDM pro-trek models are secretly the best gshocks
If you are really autistic you can buy multiple and mix styles.

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why nobody made a ncurses based command line web browser for linux which would be capable of reading and posting into 4chan (but wihtout images or video)

a frigging linux kernel is configured in ncurses

some linux distros are installed through it
Why should anyone work with something called nCURSEs?
You can still have images and videos, they'll just look crappy unless you're using a terminal with more advanced support (like kitty protocol or sixel).

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I'm rendered, despite your compression edition

/gedg/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
IRC: irc.rizon.net #/g/gedg
Progress Day: https://rentry.org/gedg-jams
/gedg/ Compendium: https://rentry.org/gedg
/agdg/: >>>/vg/agdg
previous: >>100437394

Requesting Help
-Problem Description: Clearly explain the issue you're facing, providing context and relevant background information.
-Relevant Code or Content: If applicable, include relevant code, configuration, or content related to your question. Use code tags.
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>check uncapped fps
>heh, if i rearrange my shader to only compute colors if alpha is above zero i'll save performance
>check uncapped fps
Space "MMO". Goal is to be able to, with the appropriate hardware (~16+ cores), support a single-shard universe with ~1000 concurrent users, spread across ~500 active zones, with some 100 highly-developed zones expecting 1000*5 static buildables (buildings), 100 dynamic buildables (ships), ~20*100 active ephemeral NPCs, and 10 players. Buildings are only relevant for collision and pathfinding, but may become spaceships or be deleted/created/modified at any time. Ephemerals are tracked depending on circumstance, so can be as low as 0 if none of them are doing anything. 128ms tick rate, gameplay leaning towards slow rather than fast paced. These are rough numbers based on the game I am cloning and similar games in the genre. And yes, I am a retard who thinks he can make an MMO and spout of numbers like they mean anything.
When you say ~20*100 NPCs, does that mean ~2000 NPCs? So if you have 500 active zones and 100 of them are highly developed, maybe 500,000 NPCs in total? And when you say it's in space, does that mean it's literally in space and there's nothing to collide with except a few asteroids and player made buildings?
>does that mean ~2000 NPCs?
Yes. The multiplication was because the average ship should expect 20 NPCs crewing it and needing to path inside it. Although this is a pessimistic case because most times those NPCs should be unloaded if nothing interesting is happening.
>500,000 NPCs in total?
That's a possibility, but each zone runs as a single goroutine.
It has planets, but most NPCs will be inside buildables. Some will spawn outdoors, but they should be a rounding error except when players decide to command them to go outside. Interaction with planets is handled as follows: objects within a planet's zone of influence are parented into the planet's local cartesian space. A standard 3D acceleration structure (probably spatial has again) is used for lookups in this space. Interaction with terrain has broadphase test by using float32 to estimate height, then narrowphase float64 to get lat/lon, which loads a plane heightmap with the cached chunks and then collision tests. Gravity is applied to all objects in motion on the surface.
Your simulation sounds pretty hierarchical (universe -> zone -> ship -> crew member) and you don't actually have a large amount of objects operating at the same level, so I don't think you should be bothering trying to optimize for memory locality, you won't get much out of it
Your simulation also doesn't sound like it's going to be very demanding. I can simulate 50,000 NPCs on a single thread at a 16ms tick rate on my home computer, so I think you can simulate 500,000 NPCs on 16 threads at a 128ms tick rate on a server just fine

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fruit bros?
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Its competitor offers virtually the same shit for $500.
If Apple drops the price to $1k-1.5k then there is the chance of them succeeding.
>The vision pro has been out for over 3 months now. When the app store had been out for 3 months there were all kinds of cool apps to play with. People were super excited just to get an app that simulated a lighter or made it look like you were drinking beer. Or a little air hockey game. Things were new and exciting then.
Yes and the equivalent discovery experience is found on Vision Pro. I can list 100+ apps I have found on a lark that are far more substantial than any dogshit on the original iPhone. It's finding its way just like that platform did. You named off even more useless software than Vision Pro has. If you think this is the peak, then you are an absolute retard. Apple is not excited to burn billions in R&D to just not progress the platform any further. We're dr's using iPhones on day one to aid with advanced surgery? It's a different beast entirely.
I feel like you really need to have been paying attention for the last 7 years to understand just how advanced all of this is. First of its kind displays in mass production, first of its kind hand tracking, first of its kind dual chip design to account for pass through latency+provide optimum on device 3D performance, best in class pass through, first in class chips in a headset, I could go on. If you get it, you get it. If you don't, you think it's an overpriced hunk of useless metal and glass. Go look up Vrchad SadlyItsBradley. He is not an Applefag by any means but as a Vr fag, he is blown away with Vision Pro and takes that headset to the moon with everything he can squeeze out of it. Nothing else offers this experience and Facebook are rushing to give QuestOS a bunch of quality of life features from VisionOS. It's in a great spot and it's already heavily influencing the competition.
You can't do real AR development, in almost all VR headsets camera access is completely locked down.
Apple is quite surprised tho

old >>100491954
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Personally I use Posteo, seems decent. You can give them your public key and they'll encrypt all email with it when they get the email. Obviously you have to trust they don't copy the plaintext beforehand. That's with all email though unless you selfhost, and good luck with that.
Tutanota also seems good. Not sure why I didn't choose for that one. Probably because it's free, and if it's free you're the product generally.
Both of these are in Germany, which on one hand has good privacy laws, but they also cooperate with 5 eyes countries which might be important to you.
Could it be that a lot of services have a anti-Proton Mail policy and going to ban you as soon as you use a Proton Mail address?
depends on how stupid you are
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First time ever creating a RAID setup and reading ArchWiki.
>It is highly recommended to partition the disks to be used in the array. Since most RAID users are selecting disk drives larger than 2 TiB, GPT is required and recommended.
Why do I need a partition table if I'm using the entire drive?
>Note: It is also possible to create a RAID directly on the raw disks (without partitions), but not recommended because it can cause problems when swapping a failed disk.
Ok but how? Don't the RAID superblocks have an ID of sorts?
>Tip: When replacing a failed disk of a RAID, the new disk has to be exactly the same size as the failed disk or bigger — otherwise the array recreation process will not work. Even hard drives of the same manufacturer and model can have small size differences. By leaving a little space at the end of the disk unallocated one can compensate for the size differences between drives, which makes choosing a replacement drive model easier. Therefore, it is good practice to leave about 100 MiB of unallocated space at the end of the disk.
Asked about this before but anons told be in the current year drives are exactly what they promise. Do I need to underprovision or not?
It is likely I'm not getting the exact same drives.
Just check the return status of diff -s

Why can't Americans drive normal cars like Europeans?
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no, that's an antique with rust holes in the frame that would snap in half if you tried to do any real work with it
if they had made them like that less than 20 years ago people might use them for real work, and I would buy one
an actual work truck would be some shitbox like a 2005 avalanche or a more recent ram 2500 for more heavy work
because niggers
>buy hybrid
>pay maybe 70$ every 2 months for gas
>get called a faggot by literally everyone
>in the same breath they all rage about how they go through 2-3 hundie on gas every 1-2 weeks
>at least a third of them have to give up owning their gigantic-ass gas guzzlers and are forced to hitch a ride
>they always try to make fun of my hybrid while actively riding as a passenger because their vehicle had to be sold or got repossessed
>hurricane happens
>power's out for 4 days
>able to simply hook up an inverter directly to vehicle for power because hybrid engines are essentially as good as it gets outside of higher-end generators
>everyone drops on by to ask if they can charge a couple 12vs with my hybrid
>literally as they are charging their batteries using my car they make fun of it and suggest i get a gas-guzzling turboautist truck
i assume its just brain damage at this point.
>I've experienced this firsthand and yeah, it sucks. I drove nothing but small sporty cars for the first 18 years of my driving "career," and the last was a Fiesta ST, but it gradually got sketchier and sketchier to drive over the 8+ years I had it and by the end I was really sick of having to go full allahu akbar blindly out of driveways because I couldn't see past the ubiquitous parked crossovers and stuff, almost getting taken out by people weaving on the freeway who couldn't see me behind the SUV they were cutting around, etc. I'm more into /diy/ and /out/ shit than hooning these days, want to get a dual sport bike soon, and I'm about to move to a place with significant snow so I traded it in on a midsize 4x4 truck and love it, definitely planning on a project car in a few years though because I do miss driving stick and hitting trackdays/canyons, just not driving that kind of car every day.
You know that lobbyists intentionally strongarm the market into trucks, SUVs right? CAFE since 1990s has never been about emissions or efficiency. It always about killing off competition and unprofitable platforms. Big Auto lives and breaaths on overpriced platforms leased/loan out with interests learning from the real estate sector. The real money in real estate comes from mortgages and leases via interests/principle.
Nope, bigger means you are more likely to get fuck as you have too much momentum and cannot avoid and stop in time. Larger vehicle can topple over more easier due to higher center of gravity.
People can't get into physics.

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The best note taking """"app""""" is pen and paper.

Convince me otherwise.
Pro tip you can not.
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>And you don't think this is a lil tiny bit inefficient compared to doing it digitally from the get go?
What do you mean by this?
Like, aside of requiring multiple tools and extra materials, this … approach requires far more steps to accomplish the same thing.
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>to accomplish the same thing.
What same thing? WTF are you even talking about?

Notice that I can simply start drawing whatever I want. I got nice pictures.
WTF do you have? A wall of text? How are your notes readable even?
Type Type Type?
Is this all you do?
Received your Double 00 status yet?
Be careful nowadays.
>Double 00

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Still need a rentry link.

A thread for discussing and sharing advice related to display panels. Computer Monitors, TVs and even Projectors.


>Content Consumption, Gaming
LG C2/C3/C4
Alienware AW3225QF/AW2725DF/AW3423DWF

>Content Creation, Office
Any UltraWide
Eizo Monitors

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Not him, but he is right
Looks like I'll stick with my BenQ XL2430s for a while longer. Thank you based anon.
>crts refreshed 50 times a second in europe and it was fine
incorrect. CRT phosphors have persistence. And as the pixels dim, it does so in a smooth sine wave, not a harsh square wave.

This is similar to how even though incandescent bulbs receive pulsed power at 120Hz, it is basically unnoticeable.
electric cars are fundamentally great. Its just that all cars made after 2007 are botnet trash
>Even high-end miniLED have blooming issues. Outclassed by OLED in every way.

Wrong. mini-LED can get far brighter than OLED. This makes them very good for HDR content.

I want to license my software with the GNU Affero General Public License.
I'd also like any derivative works such as AI training data based on the source code to be licensed under the terms of the software (AGPL).

Does such a license exist? Can I just like... create it?
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>AGPL for data
>I'd also like any derivative works such as AI training data based on the source code to be licensed under the terms of the software (AGPL).
So what you want is, if they use your source code as training data, they have to publish your source code.
Ideally if they use my source code as training data, they have to publish the code for the training under AGPL. Allow me to repro the training with AGPL code assuming I have a few A100 sitting around.
That is possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. No that's impossible.
Imagine I publish some LLM training algorithm under a proprietary license and sell it to 10,000 people. If one of those people uses your source code as training data, now they are legally required to release my proprietary source code under your license? What you're proposing doesn't make any logical sense.
you can create any license you want
your problem would be enforcing it

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>asus can't be trusted
>msi can't be trusted
>gigabyte can't be trusted
>asrock can't be trusted
so who do I buy motherboards from now?
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Corpos in general arent to be trusted. More news at 11.
He will build his own mobo company. Then he will have the only mobo company that can be trusted.
>Which of these companies have the financial and legal resources to weather a crisis/scandal?
The one that flies under the radar loses 0 dollars.
Wait what's going on? I was finally going to start a build for the 3080 ti I bought 2 years ago and came here for cpu and mobo suggestions.
Most components can be bought in chink sites + ebay, you just have to learn how to design a motherboard and hire a company that can print PCBs. Easy as that

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