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A cooldown week for this month's gbo2 on console and steam.

The new MS for console is used for Fin Funnel and Psycho-Frame data for mass production on MS such as MP Nu Gundam, Roswell Jegan sorties from U.C. ENGAGE.

On steam continues the "1st Anniversary Celebration" pre-event" The new MS is one of two custom MS piloted Ingrid 0; Gaplant (I0) is here with Mass Production Type Nu Gundam as the next MS for steam.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

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is there a reason every gouf is just complete dog shit outside of at 300
The TB flight type is decent too.
Gouf Flight Type is gross now
just don't actually fly with it, pull out your sword and melee monkey with it
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I just want them to buff the cool looking rifle (and give it to ReZEL while they're at it) to have some variety instead of muh fedayeen
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Which costs do you play?

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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

X-Omega and DD's wikis will be taken down sometime in June
Gundam 00 Raiser - Trans-Am Raiser Sword:
Altron Gundam - Twin Beam Trident Assault:

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That's kind of the point. Amari is supposed to be weak, meek, incompetent, etc, but Celric simply can't beat her, and that pisses him off.
Amari is a personal story.
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Bandai Namco reported a huge profit with 77.36% coming from the toys category, srw series is meant to help sell toys so there's probably a new game on the horizon.
Amari feels more like a love interest or a protagonist of series like Atelier instead of SRW
30 seems way easier than T, but those are the only SRW games I've played so maybe they're just the two piss easy ones. Like I'm at the point where my level 105 Gridman/Yuta acts like 10 times a turn and never runs out of ammo thanks to power parts. Yeah breaking the game in half is fun but when there's still a huge chunk of game left it gets kind of old. I'm thinking of trying to do something like only Gundams or mass-produced mechs for the rest of the game just to make it harder.
Try Super Expert + no Spirits run If you really want to torture yourself.

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According to the description:

>"This is a talk between Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli and film director Mamoru Oshii on the film “Avatar” after Oshii's declaration of defeat.
Other participants are Mamoru Oshii fundamentalist and writer Mabai Noda, “Sky Crawlers” film producer Tomohiko Ishii, and “COMIC Ryu” editor-in-chief Shuichi Ohno.

Director Mamoru Oshii declared defeat against James Cameron's “Avatar”.

Toshio Suzuki and his colleagues are discussing what kind of film they would like Director Oshii to make in the future in order to win over Director Cameron."

There's sadly no automatic captions, but I'm curious why Oshii was so impressed by Avatar at this point in his career considering he directed Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor 1 and 2, Jin Roh, and other arguably better movies. Even the Japanese comments seem to agree Avatar was just a mediocre movie with good CG and superior funding from the US, so it all just seems out of character.
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>oshii knows this and still fell for the mindless escapism propaganda slop
>my favorite creator
I don't even like the guy very much, doesn't mean it isn't embarrassing.
I just don't get why he cares so much. Just because his content isn't as widely successful as a product that makes billions doesn't make his content less critically acclaim or valuable. I doubt avatar will be as respected & taken seriously as oshii's works 50 years from now.
He didn't say anything about success, critical aclaim or respect.
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>"I read a lot of books."
>"In order to make a film, what's important is not to just watch films, but to read a lot of books. I read a lot of historical books."
>"To make a fictitious world, you can't just make up anything. You have to kind of base it on the historical models, even with the characters it's the same thing - you just need to tweak it a little bit."
>"Nobody knows what the future holds, so whenever I make up a futuristic world, I look for what's happened in the past. If you don't do that, then the final movie will turn into something shallow - like the Hollywood movies."

>"You can't really become a millionaire by being a film maker in Japan, because it's not Hollywood."
>"But they have something Hollywood doesn't have - it's the freedom of a project, creative freedom. Directors have the freedom to make their own films."
>"But in return you don't get any money."

Is he wrong?

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Can't forget Johnny Sokko's Flying Robot!
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Was there ever any rule 34 of this sexy beast?
This shit rules, I just wish they didn't shoot it on digital tape.

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Previous Thread: >>22630304


>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):
>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)
>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)

>List of subbed series:

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edgy as shit but that rocks
>Grodie, Iroki, and Deathnarok are Sonoi's customers
Do you think Grodie found happiness in death with Iroki?
the kibidango was actually an assassination plot by kaguragi by making the dumpling just big enough for the person to choke on it
was the bgm track used for gira's speech against dugded in his debut episode ever released?
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Trying to overlay it on photoshop and yes it's fake

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Previous Thread: >>22633741

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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I hope he's still the final boss even after he loses to Rainbow. Cool voice.
He does have a pretty cool voice
His rider form will debut way later so he not going anywhere soon
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>His rider form
Are you sure about that?
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Short-hair or long-hair Chesis?

How did we get here? Did WfM REALLY save the franchise?
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IBO's mobileshit game is getting an anime adaptation I believe
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Yawata, exec of Disney plus announced DE(st)I(ny) plan on anime to get rid of bikinis from anime. It is national authority level of Policy,
It's humorous that it wasn't successful enough to make it to the intended ending, but not enough of a failure to just shutter like most other Gundam mobile games. So the next best option was to just animate it and somehow adapt hours worth of content into a coherent anime.
At least maybe we'll get kits of all 72 gundams this time, and probably will actually make more money instead of only drawing in viewers.
For some reason bandai has high standards for their mobile games even though they're all pretty low budget looking. Gundam is never going to do waifu gacha numbers unless they make a waifu gacha, which sunrise obviously doesn't want to do looking at how frumpy most of the female characters are, except Lacus in the GSF.
Is Meiryn being ugly in seed freedom due to wokism? She looks like 40 spite being 17. She makes Suletta looks cuter.

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FAST Pack Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3
>models for all the gen 1 parts

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People say they beat ibis with shot guns. I tried this and he never gets close enough for that to do anything.
I can boost to him but he'll fly across the map from me.
I've tried tank miniguns and that's way too slow. My regular quick mini gun with pulse sword isn't working either. Getting kind of tired of this.
Man, imagine if there was a random mission generator, it would pick out the map, the path through it, objectives, types and amount of enemies and even custom made ACs.
Occasionally maybe even sprinkling in a bossfight if the proper map gets selected.
The replayability would be insane.
Are Schneider parts even mass produced??
By shotguns they mean zimzams and nothing else.
You sure they didn't pay you before the mission started? Some missions give the pay up front and that doesn't show up in this report. It's also a good tell of a story mission


Why did AGE fail again? Everything from the game looks pretty damn cool
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Vagan did nothing wrong.
Tldr on AGE?
Wasted potential like most AUs
The story is bad because it was originally meant for a video game but then Level-5 decided nah, let's do an anime first.
It is plenty of time to develop those characters, bad anime just don't efficiently use their time. Good movies make you care about characters within the runtime of about 4-5 episodes. Plenty of 6-12 episode OVAs/series also do so. Gundam AGE's story is what happens when you take a story designed for a video game and just directly adapt it to screen.

But another issue is just the basic mismatch in concept. With AGE they were trying for one of those "kiddy multimedia project" things and it was just ill-conceived. They got Level-5 and their experience with colorful kiddy shit and tried to combine it with the grimderp war drama shit of Gundam. Those two things do not go together at all. Level-5 execs circlejerking how much they love gundam with incessant UC references doesn't help much- though that is just something that plagues Gundam in general (though we might have AGE to thank for that being reduced a bit in more recent AUs).

This is to say nothing of L5's spotty writing in general. Like I said they're best when they stick to kiddy stuff, but any time they had more adult themes or complex ideas coming into their work it was usually bad. Like a lot of the Layton plots only work because of the whimsical tone, in other contexts they would be harangued for being stupid as fuck. They are also really terrible at writing female characters in general. Again, this doesn't count as much against you when writing kiddy stuff meant for little boys, but AGE felt like it wanted to please both kids and Gundam fans.

Build Fighters came shortly after AGE, succeeding at exactly what AGE failed at- be the kiddy part of the franchise, while pleasing long-time fans with something simple and fun. It turns out if you want to do that, you don't include the stupid grimderp "war is hell" subtext into your obvious toy commercial.

As an aside, the AGE game itself is mediocre and forgettable. Like many L5 games it's repetitive grindy shit. Not terrible, but I wouldn't replay it.

G-Witch is so popular that it's flattened all of Tumblr.
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>Blue checkmarks, at one point, could be used to assess with certainty the validity of a user.
NTA but kek, no. Blue checkmarks just told you whose opinions retards relay.
You should use it as a learning experience.

>I don't play Armored Core and don't buy 30 Minutes Missions, but if I wanted to find the designer of those works' mecha and could not do so because someone decided that, say they'd take that designer's name and spend all day shitposting, I am no longer really able to tell just at a glance who is who.
You might be legit retarded if you have this issue and can't figure it out.
Nobody here used tumblr, you are thinking of /co/.
Get some real problems dumb nigger.
Turns out whatever the fuck "Permet" was is strong enough to kill Tumblr oldfags

"Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers: Twice & Always" Edition

>Power Rangers Cosmic Fury:
Currently available on Netflix

>Official YouTube Channels:

>24/7 Streams:

>Boom Comics Recent Releases/Announcements:
- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return

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What if Kane portrayed Black Alien ranger instead of Ninja Black?
Then it would be a huge waste. Though if Alien Rangers got a full season, it'd be funny if they did the exact same character arc for Black, but he's an alien instead of an American.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were both. You know, build up anticipation for the next run.
What extremely embarrassing things has this franchise/fandom experienced in the last month? I'm a bit behind
ASJ pled guilty a week ago.

Show me what you got
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>So you only dislike it because you know it's A.I.?
Anon maybe YOU are the problem as a disingenuous retard, who thinks people hate AI art on "principle" rather than the thing being connected to people who lie constantly.
>Man, it's getting easier and easier to make art and the A.I.
You are not making shit though. You copy and paste the work of an algorithm while dishonestly gaslighting that "you" made something. And in the process of it all you push forward the most lazy, bottom of the barrel generation possible. You could have at least put in some effort into generating it with a few passes instead of flooding the board. You could have just admitting to yourself that you have nothing to contribute.
Anon, do you want a secret about humanity? Do you know how you can stop the average rando from hating you about AI spam? Put in some effort that could be respected. That is it. Loudmouths shat on digital artists until the average normie learned that you still need to put in effort and skill into it. People would get pissed if you saved a picture off of google and then lied to them that you are the artist. Google or AI, it is the same. Type in some words into a bar and "save as". So just put effort that people can respect. Until you do this, you will be shat on.

And if your big "own" is generating an image that fools a person then your argument is not "oh you just hate it on principle" it is "if i lie well enough i magically start telling the truth". Which is bullshit and people will hate you more forcing you to lie more.
Put in effort that can be respected or nuke the value of the fiction you try spamming with AI.
Why financially reward some lazy fuck that bought a graphics card? Why respect a work that was done by no one when anyone can enter a tweet worth of prompts into a publicly accessible generator?
Have a Girlgoog for your troubles.
TLDR: If reading is a problem then ask chatGPT to read it out for you.
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I would like to add to this. One of the saddest things to me about AI content in general is that is makes it worthless for me to come here, or really anywhere. When I watch media, or read anything, or use a Laotian traditional song and dance wax cylinder emporium like this one, I do it because I am trying to enjoy works and thoughts that come from my fellow human beings. AI content, I can get people liking it, but on a very fundamental level it isn't anything I can draw from. The lying and cajoling from AI guys certainly doesn't help.
Welcome to the dead Internet, here everyone is an artist.
>and when everyone is an artist... no one will be
Now you're asking the right questions

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How do i get into Getter Robo?
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I agree. Enough said from me.
Ummm akchually you also don't fully understand Armageddon if you haven't read Kyomu Senki since the Invaders are straight up taken from there so you don't fully understand the context either.
>Kyomu Senki
Why would ishikawa do this?
I've seen people claim Excel Saga as their first anime ages ago, and zoomies can't watch a fucking getter ova without a guide telling them to do so.
>I've seen people claim Excel Saga as their first anime ages ago,
I vaguely remember this. Same with guyver too. The era of Adv/new type USA and anime insider was one hell of an time.

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Why do Southeast Asians like Tokusatsu?
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Larping with guns is like larping with drills or pressure washers: They're just real life tools
Toku is soul and art made to make people happy
>Toku is soul and art made to make people happy
That's pussy reddit shit. Media like toku and anime is made to inspire people. Fuck this faggot ass bullshit of "relax, just enjoy the escapism."
Fuck that, that always sounds cowardly and soulless.
Childlike entertainment for childlike people. Simple as.
I think what you do is called stealing valor.

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Post mechs you wish were in an official anime/maga
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needs leg day
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