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Previous Thread:

Previous campaigns:https://snip.dssr.ch/?e12e943facfcae33#GK1MU6KTE2tDWGL33iBzd7oLEKN4FKddnYVT2vGwwQDb

Password is gas4llspacen0ids to access page.

(Near) complete unit and character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V
[For those that wish to make their own creations with the potential for them to be added as mercenary blueprints to the current game OR for their own personal uses.]

Character set: https://mega.nz/folder/YSVzWbRB#iLhOMXSbzS_jBq3WGP6NxQ

Unit set: https://mega.nz/folder/EeNBQZTC#hg26dftks0YrIhTW25zL1Q
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Never thought I'd be calling Blexar's deadbeat old man based. For all his faults he actually understands what a newtype is unlike all the so called contolists from side 3.
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Maybe it's because we looking at Blexar's points of view?

Did Kaiser and Brian Aeno have a portrait in this campaign?
The translator is literally one of us
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From a quick look at the archives Kaiser has a portrait but Brian Aeno doesn't.
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I see.
If that is the case, then Copy X might using this for Brian Aeno.
Speaking of Brian Aeno rebel group, I wonder who will Copy X use to leads those rebels to escape Tosh encirclement at that time, I guessing it will be either Walle or Alexandros?

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I swear this isn’t a bait thread. I just wanna discuss Aerial and its issues.
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Well she is 25.
Meant for >>22656764
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Can she beat her?

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KG thread
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Sure is a lot of talk about g-reco in this king gainer thread.
They've got a lot in common.
The really don't
They've got a lot in common.
The really don't

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So was this canceled or what?
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Looks fake and just an edited version of Evol's forms.
Hopefully yes.
It won’t be better than EVOL anyways.
Not Evol's, those are the original. However the poster is a revamped Solar, so unfortunately I think they did just decide to rework the original three vectors a little, rather than the kind of full new designs Kawamori did for Evol.

It's understandable. why fix what isn't broke I guess outside of cosmetic changes, and Evol clearly wasn't too popular as far as the mechs went, they still haven't done a single transforming recreation of it. But it is disappointing for the lack of inovation. I really liked what Kawamori came up for Evol too...

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Battletech's best machine: Timberwolf
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12 year old me was not ready for the front loaded underage incest.
Ah, hellbringer my love.
I got my first Ace of Spades in a Hellbringer.
I remember when shimming sword used to frequent /tg/

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Do you think it's possible to make a successful modern Votoms AU show that heavily rehashes elements from the original?
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I want a prequel set when the OG overmen were taking over the Galaxy and created Wiseman.
Yeah, but for most of that time Ypsilon is "incomplete" though. The first time they fight in the Last Red Shoulder OVA he wasn't even supposed to yet.
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The only good female character ever

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The body of the OP hasn't been touched since I stopped making the threads last year but anyways I noticed the old archive is back up so thanks to that anon Edition


>KimiNozo Kickstarter Server
https://twitter.com/age_soft/status/1640550456203300864 (embed)

>Teito Moyu on Steam


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The end of Alternative is "and the war with the BETA continued on". The very nature of the setting that makes its first entry meaningful also means anything else is bullshit which is why all serious attempts at spinoffs and sequels are a) uh yeah the baters are there but actually this is just about human conflicts (read: what if Germany got nuked instead of Japan alternate history trash), or b) how do we shoehorn more dimension hopping or Takeru into this bitch. (read: regular what if fan fiction). The natural continuation of the setting is decades of meat grinding to the finish line followed by shit that's so substantially different that if they were willing to take that much risk or thought they knew how to do anything good with it they wouldn't be beating the dead corpse of a 20 year old IP.

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I love my wife Chizuru and her dead franchise!
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I love my wife too.
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She makes me so happy!
I'm just reminiscing about ML and holy fucking shit going into it blind was fucking wild especially back in the day when I had no idea it was going to be about /m/ stuff.

Going from a mid (honestly I enjoyed it though) romance drama to a mecha drama was unexpected but the moment you download MLA and it's in fucking widescreen with a JAM project song boosting in your ear. god damn. Too bad people getting into this series will never have this experience. I wonder how japanese fans must've felt following all of age's VN and then going into MLA watching all their waifus get fucked.

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what's the coolest /m/ show that gets hated on by sheeple?
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>2 has shit animation
not that you would know
I own the adv DVD too. The first half looked really good with great art not half bad direction. The second half falls really short in the visual quality direction. The second love interest who's a cool female pilot participates in most of the action instead of the journalist male MC. (Excluding that male pilot who's her superior). Calling 2 shit animation might be a bit strong. I retract my statement on that. I do think it's not that great but it's not that bad ether. I can see why fans don't like it or is indifferent from it. Music never did anything for me as well. Might need to do a relisten.

The final episode looks pretty dire, which is a shame because the prior one was directed by Obari.

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>both are from gundam mangas and both popular enough to get HG, MG (including Katoki version) and RG kits
ZZ Gundam
S/Ex-S is not far behind
Would Knight Gundam count for SD?
you have to go back

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Also layzner thread.
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Sanyo already did that.
Why? I don't get what you mean?
Claw chaser...
V-Max emits carbon monoxide?

He was more entertaining without that mask.

Arc should've been great. It had every advantage in its court (outside the CGI) & it still missed the mark. I'm so heart broken. Could you describe getter robo arc as the perfect example of wasted potential in all of super robot /m/? Personally, i'll say its up there among top 5. Nothing comes close right? For example, Getter emperor's first anime appearance deserved so much better than just this.
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Imagawa and especially ishikawa's writing style is generally very esoteric. It's something you have to get used to and learn to appreciate as you get older or experience more of there content.
>illegal to start the story at the beginning, it must be in the middle of something
>you'll be shown glimpses of the past, but these aren't always accurate, you'll either be shown more flashbacks or truthful ones later on
>you will always become sympathetic to unlikely characters, sometimes due to these non-linear reveals
I love it
For Ishikawa, I'd have to reread the saga or see what else he wrote. It was definitely a fun time but still very mysterious. I think some person or site said he was into Buddhism and this gives you... some insight about what he apparently intended for Getter Emperor? (I think it was some video comparing Getter Emperor to some other large cosmic villain in another work of his) I'm neither convinced nor inclined to study various branches of this difficult religion though.
>think it was some video comparing Getter Emperor to some other large cosmic villain in another work of his
Probably Records of Nothingness.
That was it, yeah, can neither remember nor comprehend what the "let's look at these two different works and theorize what Getter Emperor was about" video said. Something about destruction and evolution? I would have preferred a better "the struggle for survival and evolution goes on" ending like in Armageddon and Shin. I can't remember whether Emperor was a benign "evolution/strength can be used for good or evil" in Arc or if I'm getting it confused with Devolution or just completely unrelated works though. I suppose a reread of Devolution is in order.
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>Hien too, ended inconclusively
I'm tired boss

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pc port is dogshit, look at the steam reviews.
looking for any games like ac6
starting to get into mecha games
really loved the customization and playstyle aspect above anything else

>inb4 just play the rest of the armored core games

only for answer seems worth playing and modern
For the love of God at least give fifth gen a try
I might as well post it in this thread after seeing it
It also being mobile only is also really funny and dumb at the same time.
Verdict Day is extremely fast paced and fun. Robot Wars is more tactical and is allowed to explore a lot more with actual properties.
Another Century's Episode series
and Gundam vs Gundam games if you don't want crossover

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Do you prefer mechas that goes really fast, or mechas that are pretty slow?
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Paraphrasing what a developer of a Godzilla videogame once said; people don't want to play as a giant monster, they want to play as a man in a rubber monster suit with breakable miniature buildings.
Did he explain what the difference between the two is?
Besides camera perspective, I'm thinking that a man in a suit is fast and responsive, while a "realistic" giant monster would be slower and less responsive. I imagine it's a lot like what makes a car fun to drive instead of lame.
I prefer mechas that are absolute in everything and can erase entire universes with ease.
I think every modern Mecha show has a bit of speed to them. Slower is more realistic, but having it being quicker is easier to animate due to effects. It really depends on how it's showcased, since the impact and pace matters a lot with how well it's conveyed.
I think this is the best they handled it due to all of the impact that can be felt along with a really good pace.
But any fights in 79 and Zeta also have that impact and pace too.

"Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers: Twice & Always" Edition

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Currently available on Netflix

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- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return

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In a receding hairline or slowly wrinkling way?
JDF's final episode is coming out soon
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I don't understand how you have power rangers without Sentai but I guess looking at Hasbro's results with the brand... You dont
ugh...fucking christ

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