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Mazin Go, Aniki
He dresses like a human version of Morgana from persona 5
M A Z I N G O,
Mazin Go, Aniki

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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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440 replies and 107 images omitted. Click here to view.
thanks but I tried again and it's definetely the needle's fault.
the airbrush can spray something out without the needle but it refuses to work when the needle is slotted in.

I hope my local store carries the correct replacement or else it's going to take me a week or more to finish my HG zeta.
The Neptune is their easiest kit (outside of having to paint the mermaid relief) and it actually has pretty usable levels of articulation. But they're both good.
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Depending on whether you have more difficulties with assembly or masking and painting, and your personal feelings about bootlegs, you could also consider a GHS cast of a resin kit. Little part separation but assembly is done in 1-2 hours and parts just slot into each other when dry fitting, and they're around $50-$60.
Building the 1980s kit of that at the moment, how is the articulation on the HG?
New thread


What is going on in this image?
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Judau is ripped as fuck and has a big massive throbbing cock unlike Kamille and his tiny little baby weenier. When Haman looked into Kamille's mind she saw how small his dick was and she rejected him because she is a size queen.

Char is a grower not a shower, so flaccid penis size doesn't matter here
Genuine question. Would living in space affect erections? Like I honestly imagine long term exposure to zero G would cause erectile dysfunction.
I see, being a Tomino Anime thats not even entirely implausible.
They cane here to laugh at (you)
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What is going on in this image?

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Previous Thread: >>22649514 #

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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646 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
I would play the shit out of this. Might even spend money if it was fun enough
Sexy starfish
> I'd rather play a gacha game with actual Riders
No you wouldn’t. We’ve had so many of those throughout the years and all died

They already did that
New thread
>They already did that
Where? Also it was before Geats, which changes everything.

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Damn, what are the odds of two brothers being animators?
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Here and there....here and there.
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Kuroda pls, you should've just stopped after the movie and not double-down with AO and Hi-Evolution
Total coral death
He also did that Muv Luv Alternative scene
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Remember rewatching, seeing that scene and him dying a few days later.


Don't really get that sense of adventure that Bones shows(Xam'd esp) had anymore. Wandering around a interesting world.

AO was such a let down. If only the new movies were as good as the opening of the first.

I think it's weird they murdered a child in the movie
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What would you know about demographics, mutt.
When you're armed and out for blood, you don't get a special treatment as a kid.
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEE I must seethe about countries
age demographic, you moron

>To Catch a Predator: Gundam Edition
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He wanted an onahole.
Would he have won if his silver feet were platinum feet?
They're up there with Scirocco, Yazan, the Frost Brothers, Guin, and Ali al Saachez.
which metal shines the most?

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Previous Thread: >>22645061

>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):
>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)
>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)

>List of subbed series:

>Super Hero Time OSTs:

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From Yuji Kishi (Red Racer):
He's 30
huh, unusually old

>"Battletech is a combined arms game"
>Battletech players get extremely angry if you suggest any combined arms at all
Why is this?
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They don't you autistic retard.
herbs in all fields.
Because Battletech isn't a combined arms game you retard.
>mispelling Mechwarrior players
If you've ever played Mechassault, you know for a fact that combined arms is actually viable.
From the start there have been lots of players who do not even want to use fire rules because "it slows down the game." Skidding rules in cities? "No, it slows down the game."
No combined arms. Don't want to try BattleSpace. 'Downright afraid of the attempts at an RPG. I've been a BT player since the 80s and met a scary number of people who actively dislike anything more complex than two stock Atlases in a flat, empty arena.
They don't, I've actually found it's more Combined Arms players getting severely pressed that I and others want to play mechs in the mech game.
Very strange, especially on the mech board, but you do you I suppose.

Patlabor but good
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I still find it sad that they are robots
What’s this?
Tokio Private Police
This, specially from 80's design
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Dominion Tank Police is Patlabor but every character is Ohta

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Post them
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Good thread.
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looks like those girls in doujins giving a blowjob

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Finally we got it
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>Sazabi but shit
FTFY. This thing looks awful without the extra armor on the legs and shoulders.
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Sazabi variant thread?
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I just finished Wing and Endless Waltz. This series was kind of retarded honestly.

Is there something I missed about Treize? Because I didnt understand the motivation behind his final actions at all.
His initial ideology is that "War is good actually because it satisfies humans fighting instinct and people achieve virtue and beauty through battle and death" This is why Treize tricks the Gundam pilots into killing the politicians advocating for peace, so that he can lead the world into more war.
This is obviously retarded because war makes non-combatants and innocents suffer which cant be justified just because it may let soldiers achieve virtue, humans are also gifted with the ability to control their instincts which makes strictly obeying ones fighting instinct irrational. Of course for most of the series no one says anything to disprove his obviously retarded ideology and we see Treize flap his lips about it until Zechs finally tells Treize hes full of shit over 40 episodes in.
Then when Treize dies Lady Une suddenly reveals that he ordered the Earth nation to surrender and dispose of their weapons after his death in order to lay the foundations for peace. Does anyone know why? This decision seems to go against his prior beliefs and actions and I cant really pinpoint a scene that marks a shift in his character. It just makes him seem retarded and appears to be a cheap excuse for the series to retroactively depict him as a cool guy and martyr.

As a side note, does anyone know why all the Gundams in Endless Waltz suddenly have different designs? Not just in the main plot of the movie, but also the in the Flashbacks. Its not really a complaint because the designs are good but is it a retcon/alternate continuity thing or is there a in-story explanation?
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All I can remember from it is don't be a pacifist pussy if you want to achieve peace.
>the other perpetually problem child of the various series on account of how dogshit Kamille is and had a go at it
>Stopped reading
Stfu. You don't know fuck all what you're talking about. Sunrise wasn't trying to "fix" one of the most popular characters in the series. Go back. Your post is garbage.

>We've had multiple attempts at redoing Zeta over the years and unironically the only one that at all kind of worked was Age's second generation due to realizing that maybe the issue was the screaming autistic faggot of an MC and a clunky plot that involves the mentor archetype being wildly out of character. Because Char fucking hard carries Zeta in terms of being worth watching until you stop for a moment and realize his Quattro shtick barely makes sense in the context of who he is.

Did you even watch zeta & who are you quoting? No one finds anything wrong with kamile but (you), you flaming fucking dumbass. Explain who char is or what he's supposed to act like? Retard.

Its the most retread series because zeta is one of the best selling most popular gundam shows in the franchise. It has nothing to do with "muh zeta so bAD lets try to fix it over & over again" Fuck off, you bait shit posting fucking retard. No one's falling for your thought out bullshit.

Don't your conflate your bumfuck speed watching retardation like its an objective fact with sunrise, bandai & /m/ fandom. Its not reality. Retard. You reek of zetarager.
>Which "kinda" worked so they decided to try and unfuck Zeta, the other perpetually problem child of the various series on account
Zeta has never been considered a "problem child" by anyone's standard except for trolls. Nice try. Go back.
Thanks, this might be it even if Im not fully convinced. I thought I was going insane because the huge shift in motive seemingly came out of nowhere, but I guess it came down to how I interpreted the middle episodes after Treize loses his position as head of OZ differently.
I thought that period of Treize diving under and disappearing from the public eye until he takes over as the earth nation leader was him doubling down on his beliefs, its just that the means to realizing them have changed for him. With Romefeller pushing mobile dolls he turns to the Gundam pilots as exemplars of his ideology and the exact type of soldier that he wishes war would bring out in people. Thats why he gives Heero Epyon, because his intention here seems to be supporting the Gundam pilots from the background through them prevent the hegemony of Romefeller who now use Dolls instead of soldiers. Again, I cant really pinpoint any moment that might show he is considering brining peace to the world, the closest thing to that might be when Lady Une, misunderstanding Treizes beliefs, doesnt want war but to simply bring the world under the rule of Treize whom she believes to be an ideal and just ruler, much to the displeasure of Treize himself who stated that he wanted to prolong and extend war.
This bit was either too subtle and opaque for me or what I suspect to be more likely is that Wing is just somewhat incoherently written and the writers couldnt fit in an episode where Treize actually seriously engages with Relenas absolute peace doctrine.
My only posts were these
I dont know why people started accusing others of being OP for no reason in particular. I only wanted to know this one plot point about Treize because I felt it went over my head and the show couldnt be this retarded. Im not gonna start samefagging to win an argument about fucking Wing.
>Then when Treize dies Lady Une suddenly reveals that he ordered the Earth nation to surrender and dispose of their weapons after his death in order to lay the foundations for peace. Does anyone know why? This decision seems to go against his prior beliefs and actions and I cant really pinpoint a scene that marks a shift in his character. It just makes him seem retarded and appears to be a cheap excuse for the series to retroactively depict him as a cool guy and martyr.
He wanted a war to end all wars basically, as he thought that the peace without war would be too shaky.

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miles better than Seed and Destiny, it's not even funny
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>That time they used Lowe as an excuse for how Kira lived
It does for stuff targeted at younger audiences like SEED was. Compare that to popular shounen at the time such as Bleach or Naruto.
It's not really any better, just has more stuff the average /m guy likes so people are willing to overlook any issues with it.
I haven't read any of the sequels yet, but at least in the original Lowe is kind of a shitter who lucks his way to victory.
>MC is a lucky normal-type junk dealer stealing suits and mech parts for a living
>MC losing to Coordinators so badly he thought he's useless, then getting skilled he started to defeat them, basically Garrod Ran.
>the original coordinator George Glenn appears as a holograph at the end and tells Lowe that there's no real distinction between Coordinators and Normal people, it's just terms and Lowe defeated Coordinators because of his will and skill. He also noted his disappointment that his legacy was used to make Coordinators as tools for war. This is pretty much the D.O.M.E episode
>The Antagonists are twins with super powers who backstab their allies just like Shagia Frosts
>Canard Pars, who is a failed experiment to be a Coordinator, he became a joke in the military and was treated harshly by everyone, got deep hatred for Coordinators he started to hunt them including Kira just to prove he's superior. This is basically the Frost Brothers again
and both are excellent Gundam materials

What kind of name is Banagher?
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They built most of America and are the one group in Europe currently fighting against the tide. What are you, one of those freeloading boat people?
It's just "Hiiro".
Quattro Vagina.
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His actual name is Heero. Regular Hiro would be prounced as "He-Ro", not "Heee-Rou". In context, the name came from a non-Japanese pacifist politican. He was assassinated and the protagonist later on taken the name as a codename. Literally, they wrote an excuse so the Japanese Gundam pilot could have a non Japanese name.

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