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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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why black men (or niggers as i like to call them) are like this?
Promoting this is actually not a bad thing if it only effects black people this will help pit 2 generation Africans against new migrant Africans getting minorities to fight each other is a empire management classic
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those facial expressions just cant event take it serious.
What will happen to white women when black men stop fucking them? Is it dogs only then
Ok I have noticed this too. There's an insanely outsized proportion of black people that are fags. Flamboyantly gay and really annoying about it.

What's up with that?

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Previous: >>468503855

▶Day: 816 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian Navy destroyed the Russian sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

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>russia captured another village in kharkiv yesterday
>claims they have already lost
the state of hohol cheerleaders
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Jail or my gore folder, those are the choices.
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The absolute state of the self-professed superpower, 2nd strongest military in the World LMAO.
You can't just keep changing your narrative.
Your posts keep contradicting each other and it is fucking hilarious.
And wikipedia is now a trusted source for ziggers because there is someting in it that somehow fits their narrative.
You are a tool, a usefull idiot, a cretin and a waste of space.
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have pidor shilling reduced the amount of haitian cocks you have to suck for living ?
gay nigger

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How the fuck did this random Georgian thug manage to outmaneuver all the jews at the top of the Soviet Union and become the leader of the USSR?
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This, he was a psychopath. Most high level politicians are.
be being a jew
I never said Trotsky was an expert infantryman. Trotsky did, in fact, create the Red army and was not a complete disaster as a general, Pilsudsky was obviously a better general and defeated both generals Trotsky and Stalin with a smaller a less equipped army.
Bow to the Georgian Master Race
He wasn't. He was something you cam never understand.

Previous: >>468494884
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition and post I HATE THE ANTICHRIST and TKD (Total Kike Death).

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral -https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow -https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's -https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) -https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) -https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" -https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region -https://archive.today/78iGs

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I was just using your own logic against you sorry for owning you it was nothing personnel.
Brother eugh...
What's that?!
What's that brother?!
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Unlikely to happen unless the entire thread wants it to be a new rule
theres still some good bong bakers
Isn't that basicly just chess with unique units?
I'd rather just be outdoors than.
Don't think my pc could run it, also not into oversized weapons.
Tried it, got bored.
i5 GTX750Ti 8gb ram
They can just fuck off and buy them from Spain and then gib them to hohols by themselves.
What they are afraid?
>didn't see it, but it could be a new variant as anti-personnel
yesterday viday with strike on pickup with clearly some new (bit crude lokking) drone...maybe some anons can repost link?

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You need to support this:
Tunisia is taking African migrants on their way to Europe and leaving them stranded in uninhabitable deserts between Libya and Tunisia!
And they have been sabotaging their boats killing thousands by sinking them into the ocean

We're officially in the TND club, Boys.
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Fuck off memefag jew, /pol/ has always loved the Tunisian flag poster, he is a true mensch, as you would say
Holy shit, Russia is just like America but with less niggers and more vodka
Go for it man. Tikkun Olam.

They came from Atlantis. The jews also, but they have been corrupted and interbred with malevolent reptillian ETs especially
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>he is a true mensch he sucks chud dick real good !
couldn't care less what faggotville has to say.

Are they the continuation of the Byzantine Empire given they have the same name? Or they are larpers on the same level as North Macedonia
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>58 posts
shouldn't you dilate already ?
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>someone mentions Romania
>58 pbtid
Ferdinand was an idiot who should have been shot. Everybody in Bulgaria liked his son though. Boris was a cool guy.
Of course our tzars were German because we were property of Germany back then.
for France after the Austria from there there is no more country ... we don't even exist. but the war with ukraine start and... all eyes on east. (we should go with russia and take ukraina and all other weak country and send all democrats back to africa and india or castrate them
oh for fuck sake, dont act like the germans didnt actually did something . If it wasn't for Both Carol And Ferdinand we would have been Ukraine tier by now

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The mainstream media in India just published the truth about the covid vaccine Covaxin, and that many Indians suffered bad side effects from it. This is the mainstream media in India, not some conspiracy websites. Also, only 2 or 3 weeks before, the same mainstream indian media was exposing the OTHER covid vaccine known as Covishield as being linked to blood clots and sudden deaths. So, 99% of indians took the covid vaccine, either Covaxin or Covishield, and both vaccines have been fully exposed as deadly in the past 30 days.

Not feeling too good, indian bro...




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When will the Indian community in America start to make noise about this?
Why would anyone trust authority after this?
They won't because they are a slave race
Aren't they making noise in India, though?
>they simply blindly followed their leaders, and the government told them the vaccine would save them from covid and they believed it.
Sounds like the majority of anyone who took it anywhere else
I only know 1 person who didn't take the shot
however he did state that if his job was ever threatened he would bend the knee faster than france

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>just invade Ukraine, bro, the special military operation will last 3 days because Russia stronk and big!
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The weak should fear the strong
was a good fight, usyk is the better boxer, he deserves the unified lineal hw championship
>Russia uses weapons from Iran, North Korea, and China.
NK was for testing.
Iranian weapons are no longer in play (it was drones, which are now being made by Russia).
Chinese equipment, not weapons.
This is some 1984 doublethink shit
>haha Russia is le isolated and no money
>yeah akshually if you buy weapons for other countries it's like woah tsk tsk
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Tyson Fury is wasting his ability fighting scrappy whites when he should be sticking to what he does best - beating giant niggers to death. Would you use the world's sharpest knife as a hammer?

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SWEDEN YES! (but this time unironically)
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What I want to know is if she's a real swede or just another shitskin. From what I've gathered in this thread the girl has four brothers, which would be rare enough for an ethnic swede, and these four brothers do honor killings, which would be even rarer. So what's really going on here, is she a fellow mud, or some gypsy family or something? I just have a hard time envisioning Stig, Åke, Johnny and Frederik dragging some shitskin out in the woods to hang him.
White Swedes didn’t do this. It was immigrant on immigrant.

White Swedes wouldn’t have the bottle.
>Normally I disagree with vigilantism, but what can be done otherwise
A nation either has a strong police force willing to break heads of those who hurt others, or it has vigilantes. There is no third option for a nation to have.

Hey allowed it to happen, must've had the biggest nut before never feeling anything again
is she single?

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Marjorie Taylor Greene is uglier than the average negress
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Remove the niggers wig, make up, and fake eye lashes lmao
That was after Marjorie insulted her eyelashes
Large Marj wears makeup too
Why do we allow women in politics again?
MTG is a fucking tranny and it's obvious. Masonic shit test to humiliate the goyim by making them beg an obvious tranny for help from the jewish onslaught. It makes them laugh.

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How come aussies say no with an r sound on the end?
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Nobody wants to touch your greasy lips you fat retard
Kek they do, it's more a nohr sound tho

Or if a word ends with h they'll add an extra h like nah becomes nuhuh
Because we say 'nah' ya fucking gallah.
> I know many Australians
sydney doesn't count anymore, neither does melbourne

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How do we cope with unchecked Indian immigration? It's beginning to feel like I'm living in a foreign country.
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>There is going to be a reckoning.
bro, when the truckers were protesting against the fucking draconic covid laws, the government labeled them as terrorists, froze their bank accounts and at most, the best you got out of the canadian people was social media posts

they won't do shit, anyone smart enough to see it coming should either degrid or just leave
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>rising tide of color
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>How do we cope with unchecked Indian immigration?
You need to start defining designated shitting streets.
>You can absolutely wrench Jewish Plans by teach those two groups about Jews, central banking and currency.
No you can't. Indians and Asians might be smarter than nigs, but they hate and envy white people just as much. They will cooperate with jews if they think they will get a leg up over white people.
My brother you are quite late to the party
it's over for you, the question you are asking is for the rest of us

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>muh blank slate blacks can actaully be super great guys it's just enviornment read Thomas Sowell
>this black beating me in the nursing home is just from a single-mother family! that's why he's laughing like a remorseless psycho while he does it, not genetics!

>Mike, 'Nam 68 1st AIr Cav
>Sent from my iPad
>"Whether you think you can or think you can't, your right" Martin Luther King, Jr.
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It's not important but it's rare. You said it yourself, corvettes are a dime a dozen, probably got insurance. But the antiques can't be recovered.
Good riddance I say, if he cared so much about it he should’ve taken better care of it
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My side by side was stolen by a felon, in some sort of collaboration with federal agents, and they know exactly who did it. My side by side was never returned, nor was I recompensated. Feds commit crimes and steal and some are even involved in Sstanic pedophile cults vis the Freemasons
@ bob
Hey @bob. Great comment! Loving the sound of that GMC Jimmy. Love to get me one of those one day. Obama and the demo-craps (: P) have been turning this nation into a bunch of whiny panty-waists and frankly, we're not going to stand for it anymore! ~USA~!

[link broken] www.patriotscorner.biz/patrioticimages/usa flag waving
as a demographic, boomers are lost
most of my genX demo as well

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It discusses the US govt's fears of powerful communist movements in the middle east and how Islamicists oppose communism.


In regards to Palestine the document concludes:

>Until the Arab-Jewish conflict is settled, however, the bulk of politically articulate groups among both Arabs and Jews will probably remain absorbed in their respective nationalist struggles and are unlikely to be influenced by Communist propaganda.

They using nationalism to oppose communism (identity to oppose class) as per the norm for fascists.

West supports the Arab-Israeli conflict in order to oppose communism. I post this routinely on here but none of you ever want to admit it because it makes you guilty of these crimes. Now you have it directly from the US government itself in black and white.

It's true in the rest of the middle east as well, where we traumatize people into Islam with bombs in order to make them oppose communism. We tell the public we're there "to oppose radical islamic terror" but in reality we're there to spread it by traumatizing these people with war.

If you read these links, it's all in here. Especially if you look at the history of Afghanistan in the 70s and 80s and how it became communist and that communist govt was dismantled by us in the west by supporting Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahideen.

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checked lol
if u r not Jewish they'll do all that

communism thesis
Nazism antithesis
globalism synthesis
nah it's because of the general threads threads like this ain't getting much attention
as trannies hang out in discord so they hang out here in generals as well
Why does it look like flag of Palestine?
Ottomans were defeated by UK or at least weakened. Middle East was looking for a new way to govern itself, with their own currency, self sufficient and most importantly managing their own natural resource like Oil. That was a no no by West.

I am 90% confident, Israel was important to stop this revolution. Jew vs Arab was planted to take away the focus from unification of middle east and make it a religious war. I guess Anton Levay's father or guardian wrote about "WW III will be Islamic war" as a way to subliminally brainwash jews, muricans and arabs.
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holy shit anon
are you kidding
Clinton, Obama, Biden are literally Jewish commie puppets that literally helped a commie Jewish terrorist organization leave jail and start terrorizing the US and the world again
The OSS is simply the CIA of Switzerland (the Holy C/Holy See). The american CIA is a larp

It's over for men
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Yeah I'm totally gonna read some essay written by a fat Reddit whore.
How paranoid are these people? Most guys I've met wouldn't have the balls to even touch a woman unprompted. For many men it's a stain in their memory to get a weird look after offering a girl a drink.

It seems they live in a reality where a guy glancing at them is tantamount to sexual assault. It seems whatever they feel = objective reality to them, they rewrite their brains and invent memories to justify their feelings.

Perhaps an evolutionary behaviour? Stolen from an enemy tribe and to make being a war-bridge less traumatic and more agreeable, they rewrite their brains to accept it.
>Most guys I've met wouldn't have the balls to even touch a woman unprompted.
Women aren’t worried about most guys though, they are only worried about 1 in 500, they just don’t know which guy that is. It’s like if you wanted to go bushwalking and 5 percent of the ticks in that area had Lyme disease, would you still want go bushwalking? Would you take precautions? Cause most ticks are perfectly harmless so what’s the big deal.
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>would rather be eaten alive
yeah me too.. but not by a bear

>I'll take you down that road
>That leads to destruction

>Come and take a walk with me
>Where the angels fear to tread
>Kiss the flame, feel the pain
>In the furnace of our love

>I can't feed my hunger
>Your youth makes me younger

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>He gamed while the West burned
>being a Chud is almost 2000 y o tradition
Is that Gabe Newell?

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>'Boil water' notice mostly lifted in Devon

>Unpaid carers being forced to repay £250m to DWP in allowance overpayments

>Thousands join pro-Palestinian march in London
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mad how this general is dead until people start joshposting
I've out shopping in town.
Far from it and oozing with NPD cos fuck you look old and fat in that pic like that webm of the chinese fellah.
You look like you sell fish in a covered market
There's two, threads, the other one without you in it is better
wanna try that again mate?

you're coping and seething
I'm classically ruggedly handsome

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I mean the nigger wasnt always wrong and gave good advice at times but he clearly suffered from NPD.

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