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The restaurant industry needs to die. It's pointless, it's for lazy and stupid people, the food is worse than food you could make yourself 99% of the time, it's too fast paced for no reason creating a false sense of urgency, it creates this ego syntonic and performative sense of superiority AKA it's a humiliation ritual for the sake of autistic rich people, it monopolizes group activities, fast food causes cancer. Why do restaurants even exist? So normalfags with actual autistic tendencies can FEEL pampered to? That's a mental illness.
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You are saying less and less with every post
I did, because you overpaid for your shitty beef fed with organic corn and you probably can't cook a burger for shit. Also I don't believe you
Now, when you said you were wallowing in your own chip crumbs and jack links I believed you
The 1% are fantastic though
I’m a great cook and can make anything at home , but a nice dinner out with fantastic food and wine and great service is the ultimate.
I spent $650 on dinner for two last night and it was one of those meals.
Just come clean. Admit you buy your dinner at the same place you buy your replacement phone chargers

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While her Hubby Mumbasa attended a BLM Rally she had fun at Home

Enjoy the ban retard.

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Has the obsession of modern women, especially those of the zoomer generation, with going to gyms and building up their muscles gone too far in recent years? If so, what are the long-term political implications of this trend?
I love muscle waifu and there is nothing wrong when people move towards healthy lifestyle ist natural,people going to gym has been increased due to social media both for men and women which is great.over use of steroid use among women is what we should prevent
Also post her I'd or source
Nothing natural about lifting fancy rocks and injuring yourself on machines.

That being said, flexing is fun and turns me on.

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good morning niggers

boong thinks he's above the law
>‘I’m ready for everything and I don’t care’: the man refusing to turn up at an Australian ‘colonial’ court

kikes at the australian cant stop kvetching
>The Middle East war has exposed the sheer depth of shattered values in Australia

gaybc defending meth dealers now
>Stephen Pokrywka moved to Australia when he was 12, but now faces imminent deportation
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Think about what you're saying: ASIO or AFP or someone is going to use posts on 4chan to secure proof of minor tax evasion. Why would they do that? Bear in mind they can't tie a post to a real person without using "SIGINT" that can't be used in court. They would therefore have to use the SIGINT to get anon's real name, then get ATO to audit him, and either do "parallel construction" to explain how they got onto him, or just pretend it was a random audit. End result: anon gets a small fine, the conviction doesn't even make the newspapers. You are a fucking idiot
Good for you champ
I just want to find out if there's a way to legally avoid taxes and such
Ausländer Raus!
Good couple weekends out on the real deal for just yourself and two bumps a night. So, depends on purity. At 15-20% purity and mostly fillers or cutters, maybe a weekend and wasted experience and money. People are paying 400 a gm for 0-5% pure in clubs nowadays too FYI. So you really need to know your way around the bake sale, so to speak.
Aus/pol tax avoidance. Kek, deploy task force dollar fitty.

did y'all pay the rent

Is the a Pride event for little children and how do you participate in it?
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You really think your crimes aren't recorded? Silly pitiful terrorist supporter no wonder you like cocks.
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They are using the kids as human shields to stop people blowing up their sick pedo parades.
what the fuck are you talking about you schizo
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Personally I stopped caring. If the Jews killing Palestinians make faggots sad, I give the kikes the greenlight.
All Ukrainians must go, too.

How has Bidenflation ruined your life, /pol/? I can't even afford a fucking pillow.
why are japs such goy cattle? you are so easy to trick and taken advantage of.
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Lmao your id says jOe

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I have recently visited my paternal grandfather’s gravestone for the first time and there was clearly a Masonic square and compass etched into the stone. As far as I know my dad isn’t a Freemason he’s just a liberal, has my bloodline been completely corrupted simply by having a Freemason grandfather?

If I ever get into politics will avoiding anything occult like the plague help me fend off Freemason accusations or will there always be an army of schizos accusing me of being a Freemason simply because my grandfather who I never met alive was a Freemason?
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Literal Luciferian's reveling in the defiance of god; get learned on Theosophy
literally just a name for Loki/Levi. it is ignorances such as these, and your illusion that you claim to know WHICH God you worship that they have chosen to take seriously and investigate.
Some OF THEM, and many outside have taken this investigative nature far out of proportions and misrepresented its intention, as any old retard would and has always done.
>muh slavic-american schizo offshoot society
every grouping will have offshoots, but to assign the actions or beliefs of the offshoot onto all the other is part of the very ignorance that freemasonry tried to sever itself from by shielding masons from the influence of both their clients and rulers.
at the end of the day, the movement was started to shield a worker group that tended to build both churches and synagogues of different denominations all over the place, and thus talking about politics or religion while at work was taboo, as well as potentially war-sparking.
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>Yeah so if one of them asks you to pop them in the ass...there we go.
There's a genre of gay porn that has a Masonic theme. It overlaps with the same production company that's doing Mormon themed porn.

There's a lot of overlap between Mormons and Mason.
on this site people refer to normies and feds all the time, chuds and glowies.
we inhabit the same exact cultural niche as the original freemasons did at their inception.
The digital platform has become the new church, and we are its happenchance architects, and we often hold in disdain those under and above us because they do not understand the church, and seek to defame those in it.
This isn't a matter of belief, but the facts of how the flow of information behaves.
>they're just movie nerds!
>they're just dudes that have a passion for the american revolution!
sure thing, rabbi

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but veganism isnt healthy retard
Yeah we all know she loves to eat meat ;)
The vegan meme is for white women. It's to make sure that women don't get enough protein, protein deficiency causes a lot of problems, including lethargy but more than that it causes cognitive impairment and serious problems with having children, a pregnant woman should consume a LOT of protein, and it's been shown in studies that the more protein a woman has during pregnancy, the healthier the child is in every metric, more intelligent, attractive, taller, etc.
yeah and fish too

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Comics are beyond saving. Burn them to the ground like germany did
>like germany did
comics, not newspaper comic strips, were started at the onset of wwii and they were started in the US, weren't any comics to burn to the ground in Germany.
Anon people stopped buying comic books 20 years ago. It’s simply not a popular medium anymore unless you count manga, but that’s got no real jew influence so who cares.
I always wondered why comics were so fucking stupid and incoherent. Now I know why.
Lol you're going to be shot and killed like everyone else.

You think you're going to be safe. you're wrong.

People will kill Jews. That's a fact.

Andrei Shchadilo was an Ukrainian influencer, famous for being a great representative of the Ukrainian nation (convict drug-user with aids). He got his fame with live-streams with his prison peer Pug-Old-Dude-Dog, but the co-star eventually died. Recently he has turned into being a critic, exposing a corruption of Ukrainian chemical company tied to Zelensly. And yesterday right after his stream in Spain he was kidnapped and covered in acid for two hours.
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This. I can't understand john campbell videos but I watch them anyways.
thats true tho, usa owns white ppl
ukrainian is just polish creole
No, idiot faggot. It would be closer to saying Early Americans were ethnically British (they were).
Watch your blood pressure fatty, it's not good for your heart. btw you came up with the retarded figure of 90%. Open a book before you open your cock holster.

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>pls, segnor Mexican, give refuge and food, I am so hungry
>lick the spon and bend over, mang

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Bearth is phlat nodd rouond. Globetrannies seethe.
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Imagine unironically being a globe-ball-ist
Did you go to the moon and take that photo?
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It looks like Japans lander mission from April 2023. The whole thing looks like the back of the box on a Sega CD game.
Green screens and cgi everywhere.
Are the green screens in the room with you right now?

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Yeah, I'm clicking a Google amp page leading to CNN. How to catch two devils with one stone. Archive that shit, newbie gayman.
Only 1 way left to win this circle jerk.

have the rothschilds release antigravity tech to the public and start selling flying cars....start with flying scooters segways and work your way up.
No shit. The west can't compete at this point.
>Elon preacher of the free market
>needs government enforced tariffs so he does not lose to china bugmodbile's

It's funny because it makes me seethe with rage due to how much my country has fallen

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There are more Christians in Palestine than in Israel.
In fact, there are more Christians in Palestine than there are jews in New York.
You may not support Palestine, but Christ does.
>In fact, there are more Christians in Palestine than there are jews in New York.
If that's true, it should be memed far and wide. Muslims cannot do propaganda if it involves promoting Christianity. They are dropping the ball hard.
Muslims are incapable of anything other than sucking at war and politics and goat fucking.
Where is this Palestine?
You're sitting on it.
What are you talking about you retarded tiknog

Migrants will only integrate in our societies if we help them
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I'll help them reach their false god
We did help them and they still fuck everything up
No. They have to blend in or fuck off.
How can they blend in if you're actively excluding them?

Ambutaties will always be one step behind.
I didn't understand why noone thought technology that would help them wouldn't help able people.
Waiting for libtards to tell me that noone needs 10 arms.
I mean, I don't really know if they're going to be one step, they might be able to stick more gadgets on their limbs.
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These are clearly genuine photos of things.
Remote controlled Turk.
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I hope Ukrainian heroes who lost their limbs defending us from Russia can make use of this technology <3

Is the Abrahamic curse eternal? Why can they only switch to a different flavour of Abrahism, like Jordan Peterson becoming a Jew or Andrew Tate becoming a Muslim?

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what is the most obscene thought you can think of?
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OP being anything but a turbokike
chaining the doors shut and starting a fire while the school is full of people for a festival or some shit
alright you pussy assholes. I'll prime the pump. I'll shoot a stupid baby in the fucking head and cum inside the bullet hole. beat that
bob saget's aristocrats
close second is a serbian film
I love Otto and George's take on this

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Why do you have this attitude?

Like you can be the one to put others down.

You're not in control anymore. You are not in power. Your system is being destroyed and you cant fucking do anything about that.

You need to learn some modesty because you are losing the war and that is the reality. You are being utterly fucking smashed, you have no future and you don't run shit anymore.

You have no value. Shut your fucking mouth. You have lost!

Learn some modesty because you are fucked. It is game over.

Whatever way you turn i will ensure you are erased.
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Not necessarily

Religion is mostly passed on by parents to their kids and kids aren't all that stupid, but they are very perceptible
This image would look substantially different if Zionism and Marxism were recognized as religions

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Now we have jews controlling both sides of the border.
Will we see more negroid hoards flooding USA?
He's wearing underwear huh? We just can't see them?
Schrödingers underwear

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