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Why doed the government in Kazakhstan actively try and distance itself from the country it owes its existence to? Had Russian forces not helped against the protestors doing the heinous crime of not wishing to live poorly, then Kazakhstan would've collapsed into Civil War.
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Furthermore, most of Kazakhstan's current infrastructure was built by Russian settlers during Soviet years, and the current government has yet to build anything of significance.
Pic is dam that is preventing the mountain waters from flooding Alma-Ata
Honestly please try to stay neutral, the polymetal mines I have left are there.
You will see this in every country that did not ban NGOs.

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Hamas isn’t even real. The jews killed them all long ago. They call every Arab who hates them Hamas. It’s the Amalek projection
Wow you are retarded
Be that as it may, it's no excuse to be a delusional retard like >>469927561 who thinks Trump will go against Israel
Nice one
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yeah, how. i don't trust him Habib, he is a shabbos goy.

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Saviors of the white race according to /pol/

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What's their secret?
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Stratify by Orthodox
Large muslim and african population
religious retards who throw stones at women if they dress slutty (showing elbow)
3 births ? More like 7. Look at this woman.

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Does anyone else love watching the white race kill itself off?

I’ve never seen anything so pathetic. All white men are spending their days on video games and watching porn while they get conquered.
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>There are very high numbers of white people so reducing their number is not the same as getting rid of their race.
This is like when redditors say "there are more white people now than ever so how can there be white genocide durrrr"
conveniently leaving out the crucial fact that the average age of whites is like 65.
The purpose of studying demographics isn't to take a momentary snapshot of the exact situation currently, it's to make future projections, and the future for whites is unfathomably bleak.
You of all should know best that the current game is about nepotism and deception, not intelligence.
With whites becoming a minority, the game might change though.
White genocide, and the term genocide in general, is a midwit phrase. You are a midwit, schooled even by redditors apparently (lmao). Genocide is the TOTAL AND COMPLETE EXTERMINATION of a group. Whites are experiencing various attacks and obvious ETHNIC CLEANSING.

The boomer population is what reduced the overall quality of the white population. You'll notice that the decline of whites in every way maps the boomer generation. Them dying is good - their large numbers unduly influence the white group (negatively). In group behaviors will IMPROVE within white populations because they don't have to deal with boomers.

Keep in mind that a population can double or triple itself in a single generation, using their dicks. Once boomers are gone it will return to the old standard of having 3-4 children per couple being seen as normal.
>people have left to rule in white countries
>to rule
>white countries
this is why everyone laughs at Indians. You do not seem to understand that the minute you start "ruling" it ceases to become a white country. White countries exist by consent of white people to create them. When you scheme and maneuver your way into power positions whites remove their consent and you end up ruling a brand, not a country.

Congrats on being stupid.

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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The price of the food impacts the taste. If it's more expensive than it should be then people won't buy it. If my meal is going to be 30$ it's ok if it's a steak but not for a hamburger. I consider "frozen pizzas" fast food and store baked refrigerated pizzas a restaurant meal these days.
Youre the dumbest person in this thread and a communist. Youre actually advocating for people not earning the value of their labor, youre in favor of capitalism. Im in favor of regulated markets. Youre in favor of free markets.
People get accustomed to eating out for class and aspirational reasons, which leads to the bad habit of eating out. That is largely satisfied by QSR.

Fast food in particular is all about getting food when you're not near enough to home/don't have time to prepare it. It serves people who are AWAY FROM THEIR NORMAL LOCATION or those who do not have cooking facilities.

Once the meme of eating out for entertainment was broken by covid lockdown bullshit the collapse of businesses built around different customers was inevitable.
Imagine being a communist but having such a poor understanding of anything financial you take up the side of abusive predatory capitalism, because leftist state is doing the abusing.
What Im saying is something communists should consider going light. Communists would fix minimum wage in every state nationally. Thats the non-capitalist thing to do.
In Canada they're mostly staffed by Indians too, and you average leaf is really starting to hate Indians. I've noticed places that employ whites have larger crowds.

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I've been thinking
For what purpose would the jews even want to fill Europe to the brim with sandniggers?
They're their sworn enemies and they're pretty open about how they hate jews and wish upon their total destruction
What purpose does achieve filling yet another continent with them?

Also, someone else feeling pretty much demoralized with the world? I feel it's beyond salvation at this point.
I don't know what to do, I'm not even a basement dweller neet, I work out, I have a job, a family and even own land but what's the point if everything is going to shit. I have so many unshareable thoughts that I feel trapped within my own life, which by today's standards is pretty good.
Pic unrelated obviously
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Jews have literally poisoned the ground water supply with plastics and seed oils, you dumb newfag
Climate change isn't real and Jews are the ones buying boats to float trash across the Mediterranean so also yes to that
Lurk for another 5 years before you post again retard
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Their plot is to create a racial and religious chaos in Christian countries. They don't want European Christians to find their Christian roots again, because they could stumble across these verses and undestand who the jews really are:

They are of their father the devil (John 8:44)
They are serpents (Matthew 3:7, 12:34, 23:33, Genesis 3:15)
They are not His sheep=not Israelites (John 10:26)
They are contrary to all men (1Thessalonians 2:15)
They are antichrist liars (1John 2:22, 4:3, 2John 1:7)
They are the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9, 3:9)
They are blasphemers of the Holy Spirit of Christ (Matthew 12:22-45)
They are an astonishment, a hissing, a reproach, a proverb, a taunt, and a curse (Jeremiah 24:9, 29:18)
>Also, someone else feeling pretty much demoralized with the world? I feel it's beyond salvation at this point.
>They're their sworn enemies and they're pretty open about how they hate jews and wish upon their total destruction
retard, the jews helped the muslims in your own history. the muslims welcomed the jews after you kicked them out
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You are right to an extent. The christians good nature (naive) is misused by jews to fulfill their talmud prophecies. Many christian institutions, mainly in America, are puppeted by jews.

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Female pedophiles exist, and it's not acceptable.
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Yes they do and all handsome boys know it
How can you look at this image and think 'pedophilia'? It's a woman, maybe an aunt, mother, or step mother, taking care of a child. It's a bit retarded shes hand feeding him while he zones out in front of a screen, but its not pedophilic or sexual at all.

What is wrong with you people?

I wanted to be "raped" by a MILF since I was around 9. I exclusively jerked off to older woman porn during my childhood and teenager years.

Truth is, female predators are not prosecuted because deep inside we all know the 'victim' is actually a lucky fucking hero among his virgin peers.
Looks to me that the device needs to be taken out of the child's hands so he can eat lunch and have a conversation with his mom.
Imagine the insanely powerful and enlightening cummy's if Picrel was mommy.

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I’m getting to the age where I don’t understand zoomer memes and slang
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front of house?
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Fanum tax yeah i just stole she call me drake cause i got a pole I rizz up the impossible no cap gyatt
>White zoomer girls see their male counterparts talking, acting and dressing like niggers and this makes them see their own males as the losers
Lol zoomettes act like niggers too. They have long nigger nails, talk like black women, grow their asses out, twerk, burn coal, etc
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We are headed towards complete collapse because the next generation is literally too stupid to keep the machines running.
Fear of heteros

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Been sober for so long. I wouldn't mind going sober on alcohol for a bit instead.
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0/10 no tail.
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Our very existence and way of life is in grave jeopardy every minute that females remain emancipated from male authority. Why are they so easy to manipulate? I know the reason, but why don't people see this as an absolute security risk and take action? Our ancestors knew that women are property, why can't we see this?
Idk if it's that or the critical thinning and epigenetic changes from hormonal birth control. The mistake of many is thinking women have a choice in this, many or most don't. They have a warped sense of threat discernment. They have even less agency than the average NEET, but their ability to take instruction and follow is why they "get ahead" in le society.

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Happy Pride Month /pol/!

Do you support making black people more included in the trans flag?
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>christians being the SJWs who wormed and destroyed Rome from the inside now acting like they are any better
Never underestimate failed artists, kek.
>remove white color for inclusion
>10 years later, remove pink because blacks are still not included enough
>10 years later, remove blue because blacks are STILL not included enough
>trans flag commited suicide
The next Hitler will be a failed musician

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ukrainians in Poland are like niggers in the usa.
It's over.
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I was hoping polish people could make me feel better about being polish and dealing with polishness. Thanks for the help fellow poles. I love being angry and poor
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>Polaks in Europe are niggers
It would benefit all of our kind to end the lot of you, but HUMANLY
Not all Polish people are like that. Actually very few are
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Marek, toilets aren't going to clean themselves, no time for shitposting, if you know what I mean
>we must support our European brothers
Go back to your designated trench, Mykola

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If Modi loses the election I am running off to Canada/USA/Britain/France/Germany/Italy/Greece/Norway
I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
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Nobody gives a fuck about you streetshitter fags.
Lmao street shitters in here talking like they're better than other street shitters.
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Come to Slovenia and have a cup of Soma with me.
Modi should ban all languages except English.
I will assassinate Chodi. Death to poondia!

I saw this on here the other day. I don't get it. Can someone give me a qrd please?
Yeah that's me.. Can you delete this or just leave it at 1pbtid
What are you doing there?
Lmao no wonder white women love BBC so much. Look how little his cock is.
Sees a bad si made pic, doesn't even try to look closer by zooming in, alarms pol.Look at his dick, I guess that should please you anyway.

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This is Joel Davis, an Anglo-only white nationalist, Nordic resistance and anti-Semite. Is he based or cringe?

Thomas Sewell says ancient greeks and romans were anglos, mongolians were white, and germanics need to reclaim scandi, slavic and balkans lands so those people can move back home to their eastern steppes, lol



>Only Anglo-Saxons are white. If you ain't Anglo, you ain't white. Britain and Anglosphere = White.
>Dutch and Germans aren't white. Swedes and Finns are Asiatic, not white.
>claim Irish are a problem and subhumans that deserved everything they got from the English
>claim Americans to be prideless for the 1965 Immigration Act and cucks to the Blacks and Jews
>claim that ancient Greeks and Romans were Nordic, that Northern Italians aren't white
>claim that they will do as Hitler and Goebbels did, constantly talking up how they should control Europe and invade/kill half of the continent, including genocide of the Asiatic Scandis, Poles, Magyar, Slavs and Meds
>Joel Davis: Saxons must prepare for war against fellow White Americans, who are cattle for jews

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Shut up weak cuck. He would knock your brown faggot shit for brains to the pavement.
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Trying to imply that the huWhite European race is not move diverse than all the other ethnicities in the world combined in retarded.
Ancient Greeks and Romans were Meds just as vikings were Scandinavians etc etc

Getting stuck in le blonde and blue eyed Aryan people is comical retardation.

Also, I have the growing suspicion that diversity within the European race is indeed our strength but we'll see...
Aw little polish Jew offended by these mad cunts dropping truth bombs. Go check out the vid where he knocks out the security guard from the tv station weak pole cunt.
Shame he is a literal retard, and a weak fuck who couldn't even hack it in a shit tier infantry bn
Unfortunately, it's a bit of if you know you know kind of thing. I'd just say that keep in mind social media is not real. Honestly though the degeneracy of Australian NS is not too hard to find out about (not referring exclusively to these guys). But hey if they are spreading the message to people then I can't complain too hard, they make good propoganda and that's probably more important.

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Why should the United States even bother to take a side in this never-ending morally void vendetta over a tiny scrap of land with no natural resources and very little strategic value?
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Why should their sacred cow be fed at public expense?
It’s really gay to make the same thread every day. Low effort. What is a reason someone would do this every day, with the lowest effort? A paid shill?

How else are they going to make a living?
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It's a protest. If you can refute my argument that Israel is useless parasite. I will stop posting.

Until then Spam kills the Jew,
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Hasbara calling me a paid shill.

Ask your supervisor for better material...

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The german cop will die.
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Selbst wenn, du wirst nichts tun.
Gehören alle fristlos entlassen. "Dienstunfähig" ist der falsche Begriff, "dienstuntauglich" ist das treffendere Wort.

yep. cop was young and had a whole life ahead of him. old fat sack of shit lives on. clown world.
Now I'm also a cop.>>469933246
>It's like the boomers conspired to fuck it up.
checked and I want this slogan on a poster
No, you are genuinely retarded, and you reveal yourself to be a shitskin and not a real Dane by saying such nonsense
Every single Aryan knows theres no such thing as Aryans going on stabbing sprees
Common sense would have told the cop the white boomer is not the stabber, the shitskin on ground struggling with 2 other people is
You are absolutely fucking 60 IQ arab genetic inbred dysgenic retard, because any Aryan can immediately tell the cop made an enormously retarded error by tackling a white man, any white man

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Everyone who hates nazis and hates Hitler has Stockholm syndrome
No u have sock hold syndrome

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The problem is the Slav in the Cygan, they are mixed. We Germanics know, there is no hiding place.

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Kikes have this deep seething thing about the Slavs. They consider them unruly and hard to conquer. So they want to kill them in a way that will look like slavs killing themselves.
All of the purity spiraling in the pro-White sphere and shitting on Irish or slavs(2 ethnicities that are unruly and have tendency to rise up and expel the kikes) is kike propaganda
Herb this thread or ignore it.

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The biggest success of Russian intelligence services was to get westerners to hate their own countries because they contain 0.3% trannies.
To normal people trannies are just another type of disgusting human, like old people or the obese. To westerners that fell for the psy-op, trannies are like the focus of their political views.
Picrel: a 6'7" biological woman
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I am surrounded by pakis and chinks and live under a demented, globalist, feminist regime. My homeland is ruined forever, for no reason other than evil lunatic ideology. I hate you and I hope Putin kills you.
For me, it's the Russian intelligence. The best intelligence. I even ask for extra trannies and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for 0.3% trannies and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly Russian Intelligence worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three trannies. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local Russian intelligence, I go there at least 3 times a week for trannies and a large illegal immigrant with black skin instead of white, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great tranny that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily tranny needs.

I even dip my dick in tranny sauce, it's delicious! What a great intelligence.
Yeah I'm sure it's just the trannies and not the nigger worship, unending mass immigration, affirmative action/ESG, ethnic cleansing of our own people, etc.
You are just seething because no one will fight Russia in ww3.
Forced conscription = civil servants like police fighting for their lives for faggots.
>To westerners that fell for the psy-op, trannies are like the focus of their political views.

Nobody gives a shit about trannies, it's women, faggots and niggers who do it for me.

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