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The reason why anime is so popular is because European beauty standards are horrible and zogged countries almost never produce anything of artistic value.

Only insane freaks jack off to Western cartoon porn, because it is so ugly and demented. And basically everyone who is over 140 IQ ends up becoming a so-called weeaboo.
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anyone who jacks off to cartoons is a brainlet NPC. i don't give a shit where they were made.
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>White culture sucks
only if you consider jews, and the "art" they promote, white
>talking about white culture
lol you mutts dont even know what white is
fuck off skinwalker

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I know alot of people on this site loved Donald trump.
how does it feel that he wont be president and hes going to jail now ?
its crazy how you people waited 4 years for nothing. lol.
you people that are hardcore trump fans are like little kids realizing they cant get what they want.
maybe you guys can have a riot and kill people and break trump out of jail. that would be cool.
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>Wealthy person
>Going to jail
Even if he does his existence in prison will probably be better than most of ours
Based. I'm voting for the 100% GANGSTA and you ain't stopping me.
How r u going to feel when he wins? Vegas still has him on top. How does that feel?
you cant do that
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When I am out in public nothing pisses me off more than another man holding the door for me. I will literally stop and stare at them until they close the door or ask them what the hell they think they are doing or just rudely tell them to just go through the door.

Is something wrong with me or is than an appropriate reaction to faggotry?

It just seems like a butthole thing to do, why would you hold the door open for somebody unless they are your grandma? Who the fuck do door holders think they are?
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Man there is nothing decent about a childless pornography addict standing where I am trying to go and staring at me when I would rather not acknowledge their worthless presence just like I would rather not read your stupid meaningless words.
It's ok when I do it because I'm hot. Go fuck yourself
>this retarded pasta again
Every time you post it OP you become even more of a faggot. SAGE

That’s a good one, juke then out and then go in once they close it
this thread stinks of immigration. do you smell it? it's the same odor of sea-salty brown people who try to tell you that dogs are filthy and dangerous. they come from a place where you probably do have to worry about stray dogs and weird perverts in doorways. they just don't belong here, they don't understand western humanity. immigrant thread. prove me wrong

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HOLY BASED! Putin and the Russian terrorist invaders absolutely BLOWN THE FUCK OUT!
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>how dare you defend your country from ziggers
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>Russia can punch you, but you can't punch back!
You're brainless retard.
2 more seasonal offensives
If nato can strike the Russian rear then Russian can strike the ukrainian rear, which is nato.
Nato is losing in their stupid hybrid war and this is why they have to rewrite the rules.

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>4 bradley get killed by one anti-tank missile operator
how many soldiers can one bradley hold?
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Why don't they just put up fishnets for protection?
Thank you for being the only pro-Russian that converts videos, tell the FSB to pay some central asian 35000 roubles to spam the videos here like NAFO does, I wouldn't see them otherwise.
>they activated by collusion
Jews beware.
wow i see literally nothing
t. ryan macbeth

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>Another day, another escalation
- Alex Jones studio shut down for exposing the Havaara agreement between nazis and zionists
- National pride month has started, HOUZEE!
- Volkel airforce base on the nuke list of the Russians because retard unchosen ministers approved the use of long range weapons
- Joris Demmink, child molester, who was the highest-ranking civil servant at the justice ministry and never prosecuted. In the case called Rolodex. Rumored to have worked with Dick Schoof when he was at the IND, anons please confirm
- The new coalition is look at the FvD for forming a majority in the senate
- Romania and Hungary block Mark Rutte being nominated as NATO chief
- Unchosen (ex) AIVD glowie Dick Schoof possible prime minister, he is a deep state asset and responsible for illegally spying on citizens through fake social media accounts, he is also pro-EU and SDG and pushed the corona measures
- Wilders is blocking people that criticise his choice for the glowie PM
- Free Gideon, corrupt judges demand 200 hour forced labour or 100 days in prison
- Thierry Baudet speech, there is a difference between zionist right and traditional right, notice that al successful ‘rightwing’ parties have Israeli influence
- Pro-Palestine protests tried to disrupt pro-Israel demonstration. Police intervened but was initially pushed back
- Football riots injured several police, they are exhausted and complaining. Keep up the pressure
- Antifa protesting against feminism
- Another attack with a umbrella on Thierry Baudet stopped by security

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>I know one curse sword in Dutch and it’s Kurtz

Not sure who told you that but there isn't a single dutch curse word even remotely phonetically related.
maybe he means Kut?
>comissie stiekem
ga maar lekker de gevangenis in vieze hoer
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He probably means "curd" which are small blocks of cheese
Not a Dutch curse word, but probably used by Canadian pajeets as a derogatory term for Dutch.
happy stolzmonat

Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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Tell that to your hijra hi7wan in Ireland
>t.hpv ridden brownoid
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yiff in hell furfag
don't care. the government here doesn't represent the people. not on immigration. not on anything. they always shut people down that have opposing views to them even though anti-immigration sentiment is extremely large.

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Why should the United States even bother to take a side in this never-ending morally void vendetta over a tiny scrap of land with no natural resources and very little strategic value?
because the usa has an unchecked infestation of kikes that they are too fat & lazy to eradicate
Because they are the ones preventing the total extinction of America, but America is infested with the legacy of their nazis and other peoples.

Because your politicians need to get money for their campaign from somewhere. You have an entire oligarch class in Congress who couldn't find any type of work in the private sector. The way to secure those jobs is through campaigning during elections. The need the kike lobby to pay for their campaigns.
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Please elaborate.

Are the Israelis preventing Palestinian world domination?

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What the absolute fuck is going on?

This is 2 mins from a prison. 1 hour from a beach. Near no public transport and located in a suburb filled with public housing.
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Mate we should add a 20%tax on top of that sale price for the Boomers. They deserve to sell and pocket as much money as possible so they can retire cashed up. We need to keep working like dogs to buy their assets and pay Shekelstein interest on the loan we can barely afford. That's the new Australian way.
It’s an old house on an old-fashioned 1/4 acre block. Development site, some chink investors will knock it down and build 15 units on the block
I believe it. He was a depraved coke monkey with a filthy sense of humor.
From Magnum PI to that diaper stain of a movie…
Foreigners can’t own investment land in China.
Why can chinks own our land?

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This is Joel Davis, an Anglo-only white nationalist, Nordic resistance and anti-Semite. Is he based or cringe?

Thomas Sewell says ancient greeks and romans were anglos, mongolians were white, and germanics need to reclaim scandi, slavic and balkans lands so those people can move back home to their eastern steppes, lol



>Only Anglo-Saxons are white. If you ain't Anglo, you ain't white. Britain and Anglosphere = White.
>Dutch and Germans aren't white. Swedes and Finns are Asiatic, not white.
>claim Irish are a problem and subhumans that deserved everything they got from the English
>claim Americans to be prideless for the 1965 Immigration Act and cucks to the Blacks and Jews
>claim that ancient Greeks and Romans were Nordic, that Northern Italians aren't white
>claim that they will do as Hitler and Goebbels did, constantly talking up how they should control Europe and invade/kill half of the continent, including genocide of the Asiatic Scandis, Poles, Magyar, Slavs and Meds
>Joel Davis: Saxons must prepare for war against fellow White Americans, who are cattle for jews

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cringe and gay
>Anglo-only white nationalist and anti-Semite

Whats the difference between anglos and jews?
He should stick to making orange cat comics
>question asked by someone who desperately wants to be white
no one is falling for this shit rhaj
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>omg its the jews guys
>did you see the jews what they did?

so somoene points a gun and shoots at you and thats all you have to say??

That dumb cunt Candace Owens allowed and STARTED this whole ZIONISM le is the le jews shit now.

Bet you niggercattle will bleet and mooo at me "durr bet youre one of those individuals and not a group like them jews. we gotta fight nation versus nation now and jews deserve their rightful place and land to live in why no im not taking up for them but if they cant have their land i cant have mine at least not white"

LAZY DUMB INBRED CATTLE all of you who can't even make a fucking single statement about any political thing without it having to benefit the jews.

AND NOONE BUT ME called out that niggerbitch Candace Owens for allowing the jews to now claim that anti-zionism is racism

Answer the question; are you a Zionist?
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hey you mind your own business fucking kys faggot
oh look i was right.
im gonna go kill a great grey wolf cause that would be a better waste of my time than argueing with a reddit nigger.
inb4 youve kys
c u 2marow dicklips.
gonna btfo youre dumb zionism pushing retarded religion faggot youve pushed it into the mainstream and gone too far now faggot. america is weak too weak to take up for you

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Jew women are built for big Hamas cock
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good. take them. jewish women are insufferable cunts.
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Women haven't been invented yet.

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If Modi loses the election I am running off to Canada/USA/Britain/France/Germany/Italy/Greece/Norway
I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
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Just watch any BBC clip seething on modi
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My friend hates modi because his (gov. Job ) baap isn't getting the amount of black money he used to get during khangress
He is unironically the only guy who doesn't want to do that

See pic rel. The opposition literally want to give gibs from taxpayers to untouchables so they can go abroad
Beat that fucker. They should learn to live in fear now.
>I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
go to your West-Asian brothers in Türkiye

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I dont get why they fear jail, arent they delightful places for soft people?
He shouldn't be sentenced to jail because his trial was mishandled and shouldn't have been prosecuted in the first place
True, they should go biblical, stone him to death for adultery
After all, the Christians love to follow the Bible

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What did he mean by this?
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Fake tweet bout to hit bump limit
only on /pol/
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I just started working for IDF a week ago. What does based mean?
didnt Hitler go to jail? Then write a little unkown book and almost take over the 1st world?

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Skinheads attacked a hippie festival in Moscow. Several hippies were beaten up. Police arrived at the scene of the incident. They also beat and detained several hippies because they were smoking marijuana and displaying LGBT flags (illegal in Russia). The rest of the hippies were chased out of the park by mounted police
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>churkas and mambets everywhere? I sleep.
>white hippies??? lets go beat them
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>other white people
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Absolutely normal in slavlands. In 90s and early 00s you could easily get in trouble here just for having long enough hair to cover your ears. Think of these people as substitutes for niggers, since we have no black people here. I guess one difference is that in Russis it has gotten mote political than just "beating up hippies for fun".
Why are mutts so fucking stupid?

How can I filter out their posts?
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ooga booga where da whyte women at
lots of hoholinas here in scandinavia at least

>German Foreign Minister Anal Bareback has talked about a german "Protection Group" for Gaza
>"Like we made clear in Ukraine we stand for freedom and peace, also in the near east. Not just a rebuilding effort is necessary but an international protection group, who guarantees that there will finally be peace in the near east. That is our mandate.
>When asked about her remarks on the small Greens Party congress in Potsdam she did not to give any details as they "have not been discussed yet"

archive ph 82Hpi
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Most their names are Mohammad tho
I naturally assumed she was from the Green Party. Irrelevant insane communists spouting irrelevant insane communist nonsense. We have that lot over here too, literally just commie midwits who’ve no understanding of reality. Dangerous if they get in power.
The one good thing about our first past the post election system is that it doesnt let these insane commies get power and literally destroy the country with their policies.
Post feet pic pls
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0/10 no tail.

Good morning saar, we are coming over to shit on your streets and beaches. Give American Bob and vagene.
good morning saar
Protip for the invasion force of the commonwealth under the dominion. Bring a wife and make sure shes very pregnant to deliver on us soil! Free citizenship! Free hospital (just don't pay)

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There are more Christians in Palestine than in Israel.
In fact, there are more Christians in Palestine than there are jews in New York.
You may not support Palestine, but Christ does.
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will never happen. Sorry. :)
>You may not support Palestine, but Christ does.
have you ever googled "christian zionism"?
usa is filled christians supporting jews
1,87,000 Christians are there in Israel and 43,000 in Palestine.
Sandnigger simp
>fuck off

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