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There are countless women in the 25-35 range who are wealthy and want kids but are entirely focused on their careers. And then there are men like me:
>good at cooking
>used to cleaning after myself and others
>like playing with children
>want to write books and engage in other creative activities
>hate places full of people and prefer staying at home
>capable of finding endless entertainment at any time thanks to the Internet
Maybe it's time we completely abandoned the idea of finding some wagie job like all the other suckers and just married a rich working woman instead.

>inb4 your wife will never respect you, will cheat on you and will divorce your ass
1. If she's the sole person working in the family, she would be forced by a court to give me alimony every month.
2. If I'm the main caretaker of the children and can prove that she cheated on me and/or neglected the children, I would be getting full custody plus child support.
3. I might not have a big balance in my bank account, but I do actually have a big cock, so there isn't much reason to worry in the first place.
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Checked. Literally me.
Only if you wear a maid dress
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>Is being a househusband based and redpilled?
Only if you don't count on your whore of a wife for sex then yes
I've been at home for quite some time now and the house chores are easy, no need for an arranged kitchen to make the food, kids & guests loves it but weirdly enough there are even more complaints, that whore can't get enough, she sleeps until 11:00AM on weekends, yesterday she decided she had to rewash the floor after me and then complained about it being dirty after she did it
I don't count on sex on her part and I sleep on the couch now, I'll have to leave when I'll find another job
Gender roles were there for a reason
it's rare >>469929940 hpe it works out for the guys you know
i think the woman being autistic might be a prereq.

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My fellow countrymen, are you going to fulfil your duty and participate in this humiliation ritual. Here are the choices
>Kosher goy
>Liberal goy
>schizo goy
>dr.md goy
>gypsy union
>russian party
>someone who won't make it across the census
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Good goy
Another ban for ip hopping mods
No. Not going to vote. Serbs are sellouts.
Motherfuckers started paving a road near me a couple months back and then one day just got up and left it unfinished because my municipality doesn't hold elections today. They were needed elsewhere.

Haши yнyци ћe идy пo aвлијe и дa пeвy и дa игpy и дa глeдy y acфaлт.
Heк јe жив пpeceдник и кyј гa глaca.

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and yet Infowars is still not shut down? Alex Jones continues to speak freely on twitter despite his many Infowar-crimes.
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there are not many people on this planet more based than him.
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look at his 'friends'
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>claims Psychoanalysis is Jew porn
>proceeds to kill half of the world

This is your hero in the Kali Yuga (Age of Hypocrisy).
why meme flag then spout poo religion like a poo
smallest brains in the world

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34 felonies is a lot. Do you think he even guilty of even a single one of them?
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>According to a second theory, Trump facilitated a violation of New York tax law by allowing Cohen to falsely report his reimbursement as income. Merchan said it did not matter that Cohen's alleged misrepresentation resulted in a higher tax bill.
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"Whenever people need a hero we shall supply him" Albert Pike- 33rd Degree Mason
I don't care about the theater for goyim, doesn't mean I don't clearly see that the only reason Trump is persecuted that badly is because of who supports him and what he represents, Aryans who want to live. White men (and the properly domesticated white women) overwhelmingly vote for Trump, everyone else hates him for being white.

If there was real justice applied to the entire political class, every important person has done 100 times worse than Trump has ever done and deserves the death penalty. I don't care for Trump much, but I do care about who is attacked through him, and how much of a farce the whole ordeal is.
The (((Germans))) shills are here in droves today. Take your (You) and kindly fuck off with your "uh everything since the dawn of man was a psyop because jews are le genius manipulators planners and you I mean us goy can't do anything about it".

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>many if the freshly trained troops don't know how to shoot or assemble a gun
>due to ammo shortages the training centers don't give ao to the recruits
>the basic training has been shortened from months to 3 days
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When your job is to die so that you can be replaced with new Israel

Don't forget to shoot your recruiter hohols.
They forgot, thats why they're sending men women children elderly and cats and dogs to the meatgrinder
these things also take practice anon. you didn’t become a good driver or mechanic just from the stupid “theory lessons” they make you take for a licence
Absolutely whiter than any amerimutt on the whole american continent

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The original jews sure i can accept that. The larping jews from eastern europe have no relation to the middle east. They were rich loan sharks who converted to judaism so they can continue to work in christian countries. They are atheists
It’s going to end in Israel’s favor regardless. One way some Palestinians may still survive the other way , total genocide against Muslims
Hamas isn’t even real. The jews killed them all long ago. They call every Arab who hates them Hamas. It’s the Amalek projection
Wow you are retarded
Be that as it may, it's no excuse to be a delusional retard like >>469927561 who thinks Trump will go against Israel

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If Modi loses the election I am running off to Canada/USA/Britain/France/Germany/Italy/Greece/Norway
I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
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My friend hates modi because his (gov. Job ) baap isn't getting the amount of black money he used to get during khangress
He is unironically the only guy who doesn't want to do that

See pic rel. The opposition literally want to give gibs from taxpayers to untouchables so they can go abroad
Beat that fucker. They should learn to live in fear now.
>I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
go to your West-Asian brothers in Türkiye
Nobody gives a fuck about you streetshitter fags.

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>be me
>used to be a hopeless NEET
>everyday I basically wanted to kill myself because of my lack of purpose
>get contacted by an Army recruiter
>got nothing to lose
>take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
>do well on the mechanical maintenance portion
>enlist as a vehicle systems maintainer
>get a $15k signing bonus
you've convinced me. I'm going to join the israeli army
Niggers tongue my anus.
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how about a giant
You forgot to remove your fag-flag, idiot.

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>AI kike decides to come out of his hole after several weeks and gets called fat and ugly in all 3 of his threads
poopoo lol
Poop eat indeed, friend. Poop eat.

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Full support to our scam cows. Happy trooning and faggotry for the whole month sirs.

t. Durgesh computer shaap owner
esg racketeering
this. we had unreal games and counter strike
and teenage girl flocks.
we had everything now that i think about it.
houses, cars, money, girls, drugs, rigs, internet, toys(def not firearms)
why are you mad? video games are for faggots anyway so it's right up your alley
You're a total fucking retard.

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What music genres are your goto for WhiteBoySummer-24?
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the only black metal ive listed to thats been good is burzum
Just the classics really
Remember when the nigger Kane was a big hit around here? Some people thought it was sleezy. Sad no one talks about him anymore
I’ve been listening to a lot of folk music these days. It’s pretty white desu
you're full of shit
t. someone with a Varg pfp on his accounts


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You ever wonder what this person has done with their life?
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I guess it’s still doing it.
This one dropped off the radar completely. Carl the Cuck, Aids Skrillex, Big Red and several other memeworthy fucks from that period were outed publicly. But not him.
She amused a great number of people. Her meme amused us four 4 years. I'd say that she's the best female comedian in the US.
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Fuck off, you left wing liberal piece of shit
He was an actor so he’s probably on America’s equivalent of The Archers.

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If paganism was true you’d be in control of the government of the world.
Christ Is King.
I bet you also believe in the holocaust
>you’d be in control of the government of the world.
Its not christians that are either...
>hoe do you deny something that never existed?
>in this moment i am euphoric
lmao you are not even a midwit
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hitlers body wanst found either, think about it.

What's Romania's goal?
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Woah Woah Woah! Bogdan, your ESL skills are showing there pal. I wasn't suggesting you come to Canada. I was suggesting that you open a Tim's franchise in Romania. We already have a problem, as you eluded to, with Punjabis. We don't need ancient thieving Punjabis to ad to the dung heap.

>dystopian landscape filled with jeets, chinks and brownoids where nothing happens, everybody is bored out of their minds and wants to bang their head against the wall to feel human

You are projecting a little there Bogdan, I just got back from being innawoods on a trout fishing expedition with the boys
>Having DIICOT niggers shitposting on Bulgarian dog spinning forum?

If it makes you feel any better, my tax dollars go to the same frivolous nonsense as yours. At least you have the Russians to pull your ass out of the fire, I'll be lucky if I get vaporized in a thermo nuclear blast
who the fuck would want to do anything with some eastern euro gypsies anyway lmfao. embarrassing
A romanian is already second in command at Nato
Man you're obviously limited intelectually and can't even write properly. Stick to fishing and learn how to stop making a fool of yourself

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Why does /pol/ support anit-white third worldism?
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He was based for holding negros back and the green book is pretty natsoc
The point being made there is that the entire bases of your point is incorrect. Youre retarded
Maybe you think you're talking to someone else. My argument wasn't contingent on what Hitler thought about Indians.
It has nothing to do with what I said. I'm asking how colonialism benefits me as a populist nationalist? The elites can go and enslave all the brown people, my life isn't improved. I can buy a chocolate bar for a dollar. That's all I get.
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OP is a fag who will do anything, anything to get you to support Israel.

***NEET THREAD!!!***

*****GET THE FUCK UP WAGIE!!!!!*****

It feels good bros, another glorious day of NEETing.

What??? ... ... GET A JOB? ... ... Kek!

>Mass 3rd world global invasion of western countries.

>Insane inflation and costs of living.

>Rent and Housing prices are unaffordable.

>45% of Americans are on the verge or eviction and homelssness.

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I would fight that thing with my bare hands and win.

No Pussy!! No Work!!!
All these resources for non working people seem to only go towards browns and women. I'm not lucky enough to be technically disabled. I'm married and I have kids. There's nothing set up for me to exploit for income. I can only work.
Would you say I am lucky to be attractive and not have a wife or kids at 32 years old?
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Based being a NEET is the natural male response to how things are going

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Y'all got any good political memes for Pride Month?

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On the contrary....
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you now understand why leftist push this.

eugenics in action.
i approve.

getting rid of them now rather then them ending up with a sane healthy nazi is a good idea.
its a healthy way to deal with femoids
cutt off the tits and stealise the mental illness.

and leave only the healthy woman to get chad.

yes i can see she has her dead eyes and smile
happy to be sacifaced.
shit eyes as well.
well no loss.

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There are more Christians in Palestine than in Israel.
In fact, there are more Christians in Palestine than there are jews in New York.
You may not support Palestine, but Christ does.
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Funny how you don't disagree that Israel is a failed state on life support and just keep saying the Americans are too sentimental to pull the plug.
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quite the opposite
they are muslims sympathizer, they will become muslims given enough time.
That's completely untrue
What few Christians remain in Palestine are basically 3rd class citizens

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Comics are beyond saving. Burn them to the ground like germany did
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There’s Arkhaven comics out there. DC and Marvel are woke rubbish.
Social parasites fulfilling their urge to create false religions to control the normies. This is similar to the lgbt ideology, a sect within Judeo-materialistic feminism.
The (((priesthood))) preaches on social media, in movies and in schools.

Social parasites have evolved to give birth to higher ratios of leadership types such as nobles and priesthood casts who travel to large ethnic groups and take them over by replacing the leadership (brains) of the ethnic group. The new (((priesthood))) force a religion on the population. Christianity, communism, materialism, feminism, ect. The normies are biologically inclined to follow the orders of the leadership class.
Morality is part of the social hierarchy. It is the biological inclination of individuals to follow rules and orders from leadership casts. This is the origin of the normie. The social consensus filter.
Some play the part of the brain and some play the role of the muscle.

Normies are followers in the social hierarchy who view the world through a social consensus filter. Therefore they have a need for a religion and moral guide for them to be able to carry out their function as the muscles of the ethnic group. The best of each cast must also be rewarded with rights to reproduce to improve/refine the metaphysical body. Should the least capable: the lazy, deformed, cowardly, unwilling, degenerate or abnormal breed. The metaphysical body will degrade.
A morality system must account for this.

1 - what are social parasites?
2 social parasites and normies
3 social parasites, social hierarchies and normies

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Comics are a medium for retards and babies just like video games. If either occupies a moment of your time you are a child and shouldn’t participate in society
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>Comics are beyond saving

No. They're really not:
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You're talking out of your ass.
If you really believe this, then the concept of rhetoric and memes completely escapes you.

Comics are a great format for the dissemination of ideas, especially to young people.

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