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He's right
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> being a jobless bum
> troublemaking
> rabble rousing
> riding a donkey while intoxicated
Those pools recently sure looked like people are fine with him being found guilty
I need her to sit on my face. But I also would love for caroline ellison to sit on my face. I'd have both of them dripping cum from every orifice.
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> n-nani?
>He's right
Jesus? Yes he was right, about everything.

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the Ukraine - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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I grew up on battletech on the genesis, but found true love in mw3 and then mw4 which i still replay every couple years. I like my mechs slow and stompy, with punchy ac 20s and 4+ lrm20 boats.
>a good mechwarrior game never again
MekTek MekPak 4 when?....
>the F4 lore is fucked up because this, since the armor eating up the core extreme fast.
Well, with the setting of the Fallout universe, it is possible that decay and lack of maintenance cut down the life of fusion cores as well as the armor. But consuming a core too fast? You have to be someone already transhuman (adeptus astartes, Spartan-IIs) to begin with to eat that core up, power-wise.
you're a fucking retard I regret replying to you.
10 Most 70's Underrated Sci-fi TV Shows

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Why do Republican lick cop boots? Did they forget about Ruby Ridge so quickly? Is it just to pwn the libs? Im really confused, can't make sense of the voting behaviour of the Americans.
>Im really confused,
Clearly, singaporean flag somehow cares about inner American politics, clear confusion.

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If you want to experience an ethnostate, I recommend going to your local pride parade. They're the biggest and most public gatherings of white men I've ever seen.
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kek @ the kike demoralisation thread.
Funny how op neglects to mention how the LGBT movement is jewish to the core and how Israel is the gayest country on earth.
>gay people still oppressed globally
>somehow the struggle is made up

lol stupid brown Berber mutt

>lgbt movement is Jewish
Nice fake news pol meme you brain-rotted, mouth-breathing fucktard LMAO
If anything the fact that pride parades are all white demonstrates that whites are overwhelmingly braindead goyim jew slaves.
>I recommend going to your local pride parade.
You realize they only happen in America.
And in cities trying to be little america?
there's not a pride parade within 100 miles of my location
I recommend you get stabbed in the throat by a nigger.

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The argylls we knew, kids.

America wasn't at war with Russia. It was a space race, not a cold war.

Putin is still our friend and strongest ally.

Fuck off "the" media. Fuck off pedophile Germany. And fuck off you faggot bitches in the EU.
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Fuck you America, you used to be cool. But then you thought communists don't exist. Now you've got gay trans black baby murderers trying to be politicians.

Fucking demofucks.
This song is very fucking gay
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Tell me about your porn preference where you watch guys fucking the girls you like.

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What makes this type of lesbian caricatured as a man? with hair, style of clothing, way of speaking, etc. etc.
why do they do this?
They apparently have a tough attitude that I'm honestly intimidated by. I'm afraid of them.
why does this occur?
You know, when I see women like that, I get sad, I can't explain it, but it's worse when I see fagots. and it seems like they swear they don't want to be men, but why the similar style?
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I think it's more likely mummy issues.
They see there dad as the superior form and prefers to be like them.
Girls with daddy issues act like mum aka slut like all women.
They probably think that dressing Feminine gives men the go ahead to flirt with them. They probably put on this persona to let men know they swing for the other team. I think it's retarded. Just get a lesbo flag tattoo and call it good. No need to turn yourself into a walking joke.
they are essentially a walking joke
And I think it's arrogance, thinking that men will flirt.
See the number of men who can eat them is not low. I think they also want to prove how lesbian they are, just like a retarded child, and to show that they like women there is nothing better than dressing like a man, which literally represents what I like in women.
but of course it's done as a pathetic fake simulation and super forced. abuse is for life
Yes the UK it's mum/mummy not mom/mommy

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my mom isn't a vegan
but veganism isnt healthy retard
Yeah we all know she loves to eat meat ;)
The vegan meme is for white women. It's to make sure that women don't get enough protein, protein deficiency causes a lot of problems, including lethargy but more than that it causes cognitive impairment and serious problems with having children, a pregnant woman should consume a LOT of protein, and it's been shown in studies that the more protein a woman has during pregnancy, the healthier the child is in every metric, more intelligent, attractive, taller, etc.

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Let’s discuss the fesability of creating a large canal through the middle of Australia
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Excellent point.
Also the soil naturally is high in salinity as its ex ocean floor, by introducing water it will actually raise the salinity to the surface. Very bad.
Also the water won’t stay there we need mountain ranges to properly change climates
anglicania would have been kino
That's a pretty retarded way to go about it, the only water that runs through central Australia comes from QLD.
You'd be better off building de-salination plants at the bottom of SA and piping the water north.
tornados are comfy tho
Completely overzealous and misplaced location.
Should start down in SA near Whyalla and continue parallel to the mountains, through Lake Eyre and stop roughly where the south border of NT is.
Would completely shift Goyder's line and vastly increase the arable land thanks to the mountains pushing the rains into the Simpson desert.
Doing that whole run in your picture is completely unrealistic for a single project, but starting from the northwest after the SA canal is dug would be the next step.

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What is wrong with them? Why are they not a regional power?

>Ethnically the same people
>Large piece of land with some oil underneath it
>Religiously united
>Sizeable population (17,6 mil)

Why are they so far behind?
Has penis issues
They are too individually selfish a trubalistic to pull together nationally

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What the absolute fuck is going on?

This is 2 mins from a prison. 1 hour from a beach. Near no public transport and located in a suburb filled with public housing.
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They are super low, check Trapani in Sicily. You can get a shitshack like this for probably €50k. That is actually a good deal if you can live there and make money remotely.
the sims 1 starter house
Thats around 1650 euro per month net, and trust me in Italy thats a good pay...
Sure there is people who earn much more, but there is many other who barely get 1000 euro's per month and in the south of Italy often less than that
if actual leftists were in power they would be buidling commie blocks left and right and everyone would be able to rent a cheap shitty cuckpartment

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>Never masked
>Never tested
>Never vaxxed
>Never installed tiktok
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>never touched by another human
Sorry sweaty, I was molested at 8. I also rape women on a regular basis.
I concur
I'm in Barcelona it's like in Palermo it's infested by diseases..
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never masked
never tested
never vaxxed
never wagecucked
never made a faceberg
never made a plebbit
never been on any other zoomer "app"
never going along with any "lock down"
never going to eat bugs
never going to live in the pod

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i noticed a pattern
everyone who neighbours russia hates these subhumans with all their guts
brown people from the other part of the globe worships them

make of this what you will
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>Every single metric of every country the UK conquered was increased. The people were healthier, happier, richer.
They're richer but not happier. It's debatable whether they are healthier. Although their life-expectancy has certainly increased.
You easterns would still seethle at Germans and Austrians if they were still relevant tho
I don't.
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How do we stop indian hate globally? Pakis are doing a smear campaign on us ruining our reputation worldwide. WE must strike back
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Deportation, then fumigation
You have nukes, throw them on Pakistan, moron


>poo goes in the toilet
>teach basic food safety and hygiene
>educate and reform caste system, regenerate your society/civilization
Stop exporting millions of the over a billion population shithole that breeds shit rats?

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Does anybody here remember the old internet? What was it like?
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That guy is either a kike or on a kike's payroll, period! Fuck Mr. Shekelsucker shabboys goy!

Otherwise agree with your comment!
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Time to join the gay and lesbian chat on AOL
unironically 4chan is the closest thing we have to the good old forums days and being able call people faggots.
I still play it, and record my mp3s on cds.
Nothing has changed for me except for windows 10 updates sending massive propaganda
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help please the internet sucks and i dont know what to do. im dying. help

Finally got to read this after years,
It was great and then dropped the ball around the time he starts talking about Hitler and the Nazi's economic policies and Weltschaaung.

Why, fuck, why..

why the need to whitewash Hitler and paint him as some cuck reluctant hero when who had not planned war when his Kampfgesetz mindset was one of the most based traits
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Hitler did not want war. Certainly not with the West. He was practically forced to war with Poland. USSR is a bit more nuanced as it is both true that he saw a Soviet invasion of Germany as inevitable -- in which Germany would stand no chance in a defensive war -- and that he had expressed on multiple occasions the invaluable-ness of Eastern lands to the German people. Whether that would be protectorates that would be Germanized over time (as was the plan with Cezchia iirc), or outright annexation I'm not certain.
Linge's (his Valet -- also the last man Hitler spoke to https://odysee.com/@Shoddy_Dan:1/HeinzLinge-LastWordsFromHitler:1) recalling of Hitler's conversations in the last days of his life are probably the best and most honest recounting of the events from his perspective. I will post them here
>I now began to listen to, and systematically study, similar ‘confessions’ and explanations. Thus I only made myself familiar with the National Socialist world-view when the founder of the ideology was at the edge of his grave, but at least I heard it from the ‘prophet’ himself. For him, whom I watched read very, very much over my ten years in his company, past and future represented themselves at the beginning of 1945 in the following manner: The great material battles of the First World War had exhausted the political power structures of Europe. This led to a concentration of political power in blocs, in which the growing might of the United States, the Soviet Union and Japan could no longer be ignored. Britain, which together with the Third Reich could have been the dominant world power, lost this opportunity as a result of Churchill’s policies. If at the latest by the spring of 1941 Great Britain had joined with Hitler’s Germany, a strong bloc would have emerged in Europe, under German leadership, in which France and Italy would have been obliged to abandon their interests in north Africa and the Near East and renounce a world foreign policy.
>Britain, freed of power struggles on the continent, would have been able to devote itself to its empire, while the Reich, forced to win living space by conquest but no longer having to fear war on two fronts, would have been able to destroy Bolshevism and ‘secure’ the indispensable territories in the east for the German people. That this could not be realised was Britain’s fault and the people of the island kingdom which – in contrast to Germany – had not been actually forced to fight by anyone, would vegetate and finally starve ‘on their damned island’. After Hitler saw that he could not terminate the war by an invasion of England, he said he had then decided to order the attack on Russia and accept a war on two fronts which until then he had always warned against. As Germany would have no prospect of winning a defensive war to repel a Russian attack, which would certainly have come some day, there had been only one solution – attack them first. That he had given the order for the military preparations on the day when Molotov left for Moscow after talks with Hitler and Ribbentrop, as he expressly emphasised, I judged to be proof of his political far-sightedness.
>Hitler did not want war. Certainly not with the West.
Wrong he didn't expect it as a consequence of a war against Poland, he even said "what now?" to Robbentrop on the 3rd of september 1939.
But he did expect it - in fact he even wanted it, since France's occupation of Alsace-Lorraine and avenging Compiegne was part of the goal. It would be delusional to even assume Britain would not wage war against Germany after Poland, let alone in case of a Franco-German war.

Hitler fully expected the Anglo attack, he just thought he could play Chaimberlain one last time. A mistake, but how could he tell back then. Afterall the ambiguous and fake "appeasement" strategy that was implemented only to buy time for the british military industrial complex to rebuild the armed forces was meant to achieve exactly that: make Hitler oblivious to when and if the British would attack.
It was a gamble. The gamble whether the Western powers would turn a regional war in which Germany is in the right (Danzig) into a suicidal world war, or not. It failed; he was wrong.
As a consequence of the war which was declared on him and their quick subsequent victory, he did annex Alsace-Lorraine. But this was not part of a grand strategy to get it back.
The book is on YouTube
It's worth the watch, you just stop it sometimes

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/pol/ do you think Israel is coming a genocide in Gaza do you think Snopes is correct in their conclusion

Pic related
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Nice try schlomo, but ive actually listened to israeli official
Im just smarter than you
the irony about it is that this is another lie fabricated by palestinians, not by Israel, which continues to reaffirm the illegitimacy of any arabic media. they fabricate claims and use them as talking points.
There were never gad chambers, they had to cremate bodies before it was the stench of rotting flesh.
which falsehood, freak? I pretty much laid down the definition of genocide in my first reply which I knew prior to that while you probably read it first in the google screencap.
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>Israel is coming a genocide in Gaza
op, you illiterate homo phonefag

Give it to me frankly guys

How fucked am I?

Russia is famous for winning wars that should have been impossible to win.
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This is a picture of wounded Russian POWs in a Japanese hospital. In total there were 10462 Russians in Japanese captivity, 530 of them died. There were 4,599,000 Russian soldiers in German captivity, of whom 2,762,438 died.
You realize its way easier to keep 10,000 people than 5,000,000 in a war. And good way to exclude what they did to Europeans of the area it makes sense anyways since russian aren't European
ww2 is a continuation of ww1

during ww1 russian emopire collapsed and became soviet union

german and austrian empires also collapsed and created new states , ottomans atopped to exist

during ww1 loses from germans were minor, only 2,2 mln, 1,7 for austrian and 1,7 for russians

word war was postponed but not won, despite UK and France received the victory. all took pause before round 2

both Axis (germany and vassals) and soviet union (russia and vassals) were not capitalistic during that war, it was fought in terrible conditions

ww1 and ww2 were starded in the worst possible moment for russia, during urbanisation and industrialisation.

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ussr held 3,7 mln axis prisoners of war, only 15% of them died

in addition they released 700k axis pows from inferior axis nations and half a million japanese prisoners after manchurian operation (idiocy)

some smart ass countries like romanians converted to "communism" when axis was losing and saved themselves from destruction

as i have told ussr was in total economic mismanagement , they should have exterminated all who fought against them and repopulated land with own people
practice showed that empire is always based on core, you cant ask inferior conquered peope to fight major war

non core people do not fight, do not do work, do not make valuable goods, do not do r&d, they consume resources instead and can be used only as militia

feudalism and capitalism are two different systems, both socially and economically, you can expect conquered normies to fight for empire

both russian empire and sovier union had multinational and multiethic structure, in addtion to communistic mismanagement

during ww1 austrian empire lost the highest number of POWs because it was the most multinational of all, second was russian empire (because less than 50% were actually russians)

soviet soldiers is a social construct

experiement with conscript armies was started by Napoleon and ended in ww2, ukrainian war shows that such army is completely unmotivated

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The did you have breakfast meme is unironically a retarded meme meant to make midwits feel special for understanding basic things

Wow you're a big smart boy you understood a hypothetical maybe you'll even be able to get out of your sissy cuck cage if you keep it up!
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The point of the question, in the context in which it was originally brought up, was to understand at what IQ people stop being able to understand hypotheticals in the first place. The point of asking it on /pol/ is to demonstrate that the person you are speaking to does not understand what a hypothetical is.

Of course it's an out of context question. There's no value in the actual answer itself except in whether the person listening understands what the question is in the first place.
I thought it was to laugh at niggers?
Long ago and far away, some anon did some research with a bunch of low IQ people. At a low enough level of intelligence, people don't understand hypotheticals. They'd answer questions like "how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today" with "but I did have breakfast today". This turned into a meme, and now people ask the breakfast question rhetorically as a means to point out that the person they are talking to doesn't fucking understand hypotheticals, and therefore cannot engage with the topic they are currently engaging with.

OP is criticizing the value of the question, not understanding that in modern uses it is rhetorical, and that in the context of the original research, it was made to ascertain the limitations of low IQ people.
That is one of its use cases, but it's also used as a general insult.
>i respect niggers

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TDS1193: 34DDD Felonies

Didn't see it in the archive, anyone got this episode?

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